Chapter 231. (2) Unlike skilled soldiers, the thieves' swordsmanship is only about swinging roughly.

Even a mediocre merchant with no knowledge in martial arts would be able to escape if he resisted with all his might.

He tried to cheer himself up by recalling the story of a colleague who ran away from a thief in an old bar.

“Stop thinking about running away.”

The leader of the bandits smirked and raised his sword.

A faint blue light floated around the sword.



to come


Apparently, that thief seemed to be someone who had experience with swordsmanship.

He doesn't look as skilled as the knights.

Still, it was not something a single merchant could shake off.

“If you remain calm, I will send you to the other world painlessly.”

Is there a guy who stays still like that?

I had no choice but to risk my luck and decided to run away.

And as a result, luck seemed to be on his side.

“That’s it!”

A girl's cry was heard from somewhere.

And at the same time, a fireball that flew from somewhere blocked the thief who was about to attack Den Linel.

“Kuh! What is it?!”

Everyone, including the thief and Den Linel, turned their heads toward the direction the fireball had come from.

There was a girl with a certain red lizard.

However, I guessed that it was a girl because of her physique and voice.

Because he was wearing a very large robe, his detailed appearance was not visible.

And behind her, a woman slightly taller than her stands still, holding a cane and wearing a similarly cover-up garment.

“Keck! What are you doing!!”

The thief, realizing that it was them who had just thrown the fireball, threatened them.

It seemed that the murderous intent had changed from Den Linel to those girls.

It seemed as if he had an intuition that he was an existence that could not be ignored given the fireball he just threw.


The girl standing in the front is about to say something.


“There is no name to teach a group of evil-doing thieves... uh!”


Everyone had similar thoughts.

It's not even fair.

It's not that I'm scared.

“From now on… I will take you…

What was it?”

“…This is it.”

A woman standing behind carefully handed something to the girl who was evasive.

A note with something written on it.

“…Please say this.”

“Yes? Referee? It's your referee. Ah, anyway, I will judge you so that you pay for your sins...”

However, I got the feeling that strangely twisting my body and shaking my head was somehow embarrassing.

“Make sure you pay for your sins! It would be good to reflect in the flames of this my spirit.”

The hem of the robe fluttered in the wind as he stretched out his arms in an exaggerated gesture, but it still felt strangely trembling, so something was subtle.

The face is also red.

Rather, isn't the person who shouted it just now feeling ashamed?

“What are you trying to do now?”

What kind of joke is that?

The leader of the bandits frowned in displeasure.

I felt like I was being treated like a fool.

“I don’t know what year you are doing. You look like a wizard!! It seems like you’re excited to use some magic on the fodder, right?”

The leader of the thieves looked at the two girls' outfits and looked at them with ease.

If so, he must be a wizard who doesn't even have the talent to stay in the Mage Tower.

They must be deliberately trying to scare away the bandits and get a reward from that peddler.

In the first place, famous wizards are busy becoming the exclusives of lords and nobles, and do not get involved in such private affairs.

The only ones who can defeat the thieves are incompetent wizards who are looking for a small amount of money.

That's why he judged the ability of the girls who hindered him to be insignificant.

And the number is more this way. Most of all, he had just opened his eyes to an aura a while ago.

It's easy to fall into omnipotence with just a little power or the acquisition of it.

It is a common mistake made by humans.

“I’ll cut down some insignificant sparks!”

Shouting confidently, he tried to deal with the pesky intruders first.

“First, I’ll take off that ragged robe and check that handsome face!”

If you like it enough, you can sell it.

He had killed a Circle 1 mage who had intervened without knowing the subject before, so he rushed forward with great vigour.

“joy! Take it and judge for yourself whether it is insignificant or not.”

When the leader of the thieves attacks, the girl holds out her hand to respond.

Then the red lizard at his feet spews a fireball.

what kind of magic is that? never seen it

But I thought it didn't matter.

It's because you can cut it with an auror anyway.

So he confidently swung his sword!


“This… what is this!!!!!!!!!!

The leader of the thieves was shocked to see the blade completely melted away.

Whoa! hot hot?!

I was in a daze and got burned by the wind that heated up even the handle.

“Wasn't he just a mere wizard?”

I thought he was a nameless wizard, so I looked down on him.

It was then that I noticed that something strange was going on.

something is out of the ordinary

“What are you watching! Kill those bitches right now!”

Reluctantly, he ordered his men in waiting to attack at once.

I don't know what kind of magic they use, but it should be done with a large number of people and arrows.

That, too, was a foolish judgment.

Just now, the girl muttered something again.

Are you trying to shoot fireballs like before?

He was quick to dodge.

It must be the flames of that strange lizard.

Its range isn't that wide, so avoiding it won't be difficult.

He didn't care if his subordinates were swept away.


He should have resented his own stupidity.


In the blink of an eye, the number of lizards is increasing.

Even if you simply count by eye, dozens.

Lizards of the same type as the red lizard earlier were lined up side by side with their small mouths open.

It reminded me of a well-aligned army.

And a torrent of red flames filling the eyes.

It was the last sight his men saw, including the leader of the thieves.

Ooh my


Hiding in the carriage, Den Linel exclaimed a mixture of surprise and admiration.

To be honest, I don't even know what happened to him.

The flames spewed out by dozens of lizards handled by that unknown girl swept the front as if it were literally turning into a sea of fire.

Truly a flood of fire.

It was only natural that the bandits would evaporate without leaving any ashes, swept away by the heat.

“But is that magic?”

Den Linell was puzzled.

It was slightly different from the magic he had seen so far.

There is no wand, and the wizards he sees do not tame such strange creatures.

It was the first time I had ever seen such a powerful flame there.

Even if it was magic, it was like a dream come true for him, who had never seen anything other than fireworks demonstrated by a 2nd class wizard at best.

“No way… is it okay?”

Seeing the thieves completely evaporated, he felt cold in a different way.

The heat makes the air thick, but on the contrary, the area around the heart seems to get cold.

It's nice to have help, but who are they?

As the thief leader said earlier, were they the ones who intervened for the sake of reward?

Or is it another thief who has stepped in to target Jim?

For the time being, I thought about the reward they would ask for, so I put silver coins and copper coins in my pocket separately.

Just in case, I put a little more than the market price.

First of all, I thought it would be better to give generously.

Isn't it better than being taken away by thieves at least?

It's cheap enough even if you consider it the price of life.

More than anything, I was afraid of that power a little while ago.


Hesitating any longer and fearing to offend them, he took a sack of money and got out of the carriage.

“Thank you sorcerers. Thank you for saving my life. This is small, but my sincerity... is... but...


However, Den Linell was speechless and stopped just as he was about to hold out his pocket full of money.

For some reason, instead of coming this way, the girl with the unidentified lizard only slightly bowed her head towards herself.

It is a gesture that seems to want to say as if no example is needed.

Then, as the woman standing behind cast a spell, the two figures disappeared.

“…What do you mean?”

He blinked blankly and murmured.

Could it be that he really only appeared to help?

“Didn't I have to accept the case of Princess Pena?”

“Dia is true! You can't get something like that, can you?”

After teleporting to a place slightly away from the spot where the merchant was attacked a while ago, the girls moderately inspected the situation.

Unlike Pena, who judges with the naked eye, Dia, who even uses detection magic to examine the situation, glanced at Princess Pena indifferently.

And finally, I ask the girl who is shaking as if she is nervous.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay.”

Pena took a long breath and answered.

She had acted resolutely and pretended to be fine until just now, but in reality she was also quite nervous.

Even if it's a thief, it's a real battle to use spiritual magic against humans.

Of course, Dia took that into consideration and was watching from behind.

It was also after he had received a firm command from Arel in advance, saying, ‘If it's not dangerous, don't interfere.'

All of these were exercises to use Princess Pena's spirit art in real combat.

for some purpose

“...Anyway, the line I had to say earlier was more embarrassing. Can't we just deal with it...?”

Pena smiled bitterly when she looked at the paper she had read at the time.

It was a brief script ordered by Arell to draw attention on purpose when dealing with bandits.

“Really... will it work like this?”

Allel's instructions weren't just to fight against the bandits and defeat them.

Pena quietly closed her eyes and recalled the conversation she had with Arell before leaving the castle.

“First of all, you have to change your perception of the Elementalist little by little.”

Arell handed Pena a piece of paper with some ‘scripts' written on it, giving instructions on what to do.


“Yes, in the first place, the people’s basic perception of spiritists is quite poor.”

Arel sighed and briefly explained the public perception of elementals.

“The bad perception of spiritism isn’t necessarily because of Seongguk.”

The Seongguk's excessive suppression of heresy was also a factor, but the Elemental Spirits also caused considerable damage several times in the process of resisting them.

The spiritists of the past naturally rebelled against the excessive oppression.

The result was only excessive fighting.

The problem is that even third parties have suffered damage.

Incidents such as spiritists who had nowhere to go plundered other places in order to survive.

“Representatively, the blood spirits… Well, there have been incidents worthy of notoriety in various ways.”

Maybe someone was aiming for it.

As a result, only the notoriety of the Marshal spread.

As a result, this dogma about spiritism in the Holy Land gained support, and spiritism gradually declined.

It's such a yard, so there's no way the perception of the Spirit Commander is good.

Arel grumbled, citing cases from the past.

“Of course, they couldn't help it because they were treated badly because of the suppression of heresy, but that can't be justified.”

Arel shook his head, saying that it was a tragedy caused by malice and national selfishness.

The goal someone intentionally made is not easily filled.

“Then…what should I do?”

“First of all, we should appeal to the fact that Spiritual Art, like magic, is not fundamentally a harmful technique.”


Pena got up with determination.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fre𝒆webnove(l).𝐜𝐨𝗺

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