Chapter 230. Situation in each country (7) 十 It's just passing spirits (1)

“Didn't you ask Arel to stop that?”

“Um... I'm going to have to block it.”

It's not desirable for me to see the empire fall like that.

Above all, for the sake of the cozy world I draw, I can't let it break like that.

And imagining the saintess smiling triumphantly made me annoyed.

“What is it that you ask me about this even after I proposed it? Pena, do you really mind if I leave it to you?”



“If you don't, you and your brother... you might act properly with the emperor.”

If I stop it, I can put an end to that fucking situation.

But what about Pena's position?

It is for the sake of one's own country, but it is like bowing one's head to a person from a foreign country.

Will Pena's status in the Empire ever improve?

No matter how good your intentions are, you might not be able to escape being treated as a traitor.

Sadly, reality doesn't recognize even the best of intentions.

“are you okay. I know that much.”

Pena answered without hesitation.

It seems that he was prepared.

“And anyway, my older brother… didn’t think so well of me from the beginning anyway. To put it bluntly, even when he was sent as a hostage, he had a rather cool face.”

“That’s too bad.”

Their family situation... I don't know.

It seemed like he knew that Pena hadn't been treated well within the Empire.

“And now that I think about it, I don’t think it would be bad to take this opportunity to feed my brother properly. huh!

I think that will be fine too!”

I know there is a personal build up.

Well, even from my point of view, that kind of person can't come to his senses unless he really suffers properly.

....Actually, I'm not really crazy right now.

“good. So, I decided to do it as planned!”

I say I'm fine too

The fact check is over, so now I can do my own thing.

“Even if it’s a decision… Specifically, what are you going to do, Arel?”

Come to think of it, I haven't told Pena the details of the plan yet.

“First of all, we have to prevent that treaty from being signed.”

It wasn't long until the date of the meeting where the Empire and the Holy Nation signed a treaty.

First of all, I doubted if the date was correct, so I discussed this with my oldest brother and checked it by unraveling the spy.

The date will be correct.

“Whatever you do, you have to stop it. If a treaty is really signed, then it will be too late.”

The moment you sign, no matter what you say after that, you can't stop a large number of slaves from crossing over to the Holy Land.

“I know that… but how are you going to interfere?”

Pena got up from her seat and leaned forward slightly towards me.

“Now, Arel, don’t only know you, teach me. Or… is it because you don’t trust me?”

I guess you think you're doubting yourself.

Is it natural?

Even if she asked me for help first, it would make sense to cover it up and doubt it.

“It’s not like that, uhm, I was a little worried if I had to let Pena know this in advance so that I could do it right.”

“If that’s the case, don’t worry.”

Pena confidently opened her chest and declared it.

“Arel, because I'm expecting that you won't direct mediocre things.”

What's the point of saying that in front of me?

You seem to think I'm going to suggest something out of the ordinary.

“So, I'm prepared to accept it in any way.”

“Hmm, be prepared… Really?”

Do you?

When I laughed suspiciously, Pena's mouth twitched slightly.

what? as promised.

“Are you really determined?”

“Still, going too far... I wonder what it would be like...

Really, this young lady.

Are you afraid even if you are determined?

What kind of guy am I recognized in his head?

“don't worry. I won't cover the means and methods, but I won't do anything that I can't do by wearing a human mask like anyone else. Just...

“?????? but?”

“Instead, you have to suffer a little.”

You may use yourself however you like.

I was moved by Pena's declaration and decided to use it without hesitation.

The way you thought of it.

The question is whether this princess will obey me.

“Be prepared.”

“Is that a risk to your life? ....Doesn't it matter?”

Contrary to what I said, it seems that I am afraid of hesitating a little.

“don't worry. never do that.”

Even so, I tend to respect human life.

Unless it's an enemy, I don't use methods that cause harm to my life or body.

“It's just that Pena and you are struggling a little with your body.”


Creepingly, Pena took a step back.

“What are you trying to do?”

“ah? no big deal? Just a little hard work?”

“ What are you really trying to do?”

When I smile instead of answering, he starts to get really scared.

“Oh, and I'll apologize in advance. It's not intentional, but it might be a little embarrassing... maybe.”

So don't apologize in advance.

sorry for once

“Don't apologize! That makes you even more anxious!”

But if you see that they don't tell you not to do it, you're determined.

....Let's stop kidding and teach.

It's true that you have to use him anyway.

So now you need to teach them how to plan properly.

“good. Open your ears and listen.”


“For sabotaging the signing of the treaty... and our enemy! The order for how to mess around with Saint Nelvenia...

“Huh? huh?”

Pena listened to my plan with a really steady attitude.

Even if it looks like this, the two of us are precious bodies recognized in our respective countries.

To think that such people would put their heads together like this and discuss a plan to properly send one person to the goal.

What a world.

My ancestors will be really happy.

I only taught Pena what the picture I was drawing was.

“…I plan on doing something like this.”

Hearing the plan for the future, she rolls her eyes for a moment and smiles like a flower.

It seems quite absurd.

“Arel, don’t you hear a lot of people around you saying that you have a bad personality?”

“Such Pena, don’t you hear people say that you are secretly timid?”

We openly question each other.

Both of them were at a loss for words with painful expressions on their faces, as if they had been stabbed by invisible spears.

It seems there are a lot of corners where we guess each other.

Just kidding aside.

“You understand what you need to do more than anything else?”

“I understand… Yes, I understand…?”

Why is he nodding his head, but he's getting slower and slower.

“Couldn’t it be that I might be ashamed of what you said, Arell… Is what I’m thinking right now?”

“I think you will be right.”

Pena clutched her head and groaned.

It was clear that after all of this was over, he had a clear understanding of what his position would be.

“Is it really best to do that?”

“If you don’t like it, quit now. Even if the empire perishes anyway, it won't be difficult for Pena and you to find a way to live, right?”

At first, it was said as a joke, but it was a plan that was conceived only in consideration of sufficiently humane methods.

Complaints are not tolerated.

“There are two big things I promise, right? One is to stop the Empire from fooling around.”

And before that, there's something I promised.

“Correcting the unfair perception of spiritism.”

It is sincere that I want to achieve both of them.

“This is the best way to achieve both.”

“know. I know...

She seemed to agree when I said it seriously.

I wouldn't object to the method taught.

It's just a little embarrassing.

“Now that it has happened, do what I tell you to do.”

I instructed Pena to do something.

“From now on, we will start practicing spiritism.”

I've been teaching elemental magic so hard, so now it's really cool to use it even a little bit.

sword and training.

both are fine

So the last thing to check now is magic?

Because flowers of war are magic.

“…That’s how it came to be. Can you get us new wands, catalysts, and other things for our wizards?”

I am an elemental sage who just passes through Helmin, the lord of the mage tower, through communication.


Brother, are you carrying something good

? From the looks of it, you must be a merchant who earns quite a bit.”


he sighed.

that's good

It was only furs, crops, and a few other items.

It's nice to have a shop, but you can't make a living with it.

Taking advantage of his experience as a peddler, he was occasionally pulling a wagon loaded with goods to and from Ernesia Kingdom.

This time, he was on his way back to Fahilia after making a deal with the territory in the southern provinces and loading goods.

By the way... what happened to this?


He sighed once more.

As a merchant, it wasn't just once or twice that he went through various troubles while walking around.

The tyranny of the evil company trying to strike the price.

There are many things, such as worrying that the product will be damaged due to bad weather.

The most embarrassing thing is the situation right now.

Are the people blocking the roadside sincere? Rude bastards who seem far from diligence.

They are menacing Den Linell's wagon with their weapons in tatters.

It seemed to be a band of thieves active in the area.

At most, he hired an escort, but he was killed by an arrow from the first attack.

He held the dagger in his bosom and tried to negotiate with those who blocked his path with as much tension as possible.

“I will pay the toll tax.”

Thieves do not indiscriminately kill and steal.

If you do, you will be subjugated quickly.

That's why some bandits somehow avoided the eyes of the soldiers, blocked the road, and robbed their wallets in the name of toll.

....If you look at that wallet, it's all the property you have.

Still, it's better than having all the goods taken away.

So Den Linell tried to negotiate.

It wasn't really the first time he encountered a bandit.

Sometimes they were defeated with the help of the escorts, and other times, like this time, they got away with a moderate amount of money in the name of a toll tax.

But this time, it looks like you're out of luck.

No, it's funny to talk about luck at the point of encountering a thief in the first place.

“Hey toll tax. It's not even funny.”

The Muraebae, who seemed to be the captain, spat.

The other bandits who followed him also laughed.

It seems that negotiations have broken down.

“If you kill them indiscriminately, they will become the lord’s top priority for subjugation.”

“Anyway, at the point of doing this, you're the subject of subjugation, aren't you? Wouldn’t it be better to kill them all and hide them than to just let them go?”

uh? I heard and saw it.

No, this is not the time to agree!

Den Linell shuddered with embarrassment.

Apparently, those thieves are serious.

It seems that they insisted on robbing them thoroughly and leaving no witnesses in case they were caught stealing it clumsily.

“I'll give you my luggage. Please save my life.”

It is enough to make up for lost losses by earning them back.

In the days when he was a peddler, there would have been no difference between losing all his luggage and dying anyway, but now he has a decent store.

After settling in the city there, he also had a lover.

The opponent is a clerk working at a store that sells chocolate products owned by Arnil Firm.

Because of this burden, I have become too many lingering lingering bodies in the world to risk my life.

As long as you have a life attached to it, anything is possible.

However, it seems that the thief has no intention of accepting even such a request.

“It's annoying when you report it when you arrive in the city. Don't resent me.”

I want to kill you, but do not resent me.

What a bad joke.

Den Linel pulled out the dagger halfway in his bosom.

chills down the spine

Jim gives up.

I'd have to resist somehow and run away even close to the city.

Updated from fr𝒆ewebnov𝒆l.(c)om

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