Chapter 161. Chocolate is the best (5) Not only the Geotal Company, but also other merchants and nobles secretly tried to reproduce chocolate in various ways.

But, sure enough, there has never been a successful example.

I can somehow guess the big frame of how it was produced.

However, it is impossible to keep up with the detailed technology that makes it possible.

Well, she also half expected to fail, so she doesn't have much regret.

I heard that Arell Ernesia is a genius.

They didn't think that people who belonged to a general category like themselves could easily imitate them.

“What should I do?”

“First, keep asking. If possible, try throwing conditions that would attract them first. Don't spare it unless it's an excessive condition.”

I couldn't give up just because I was rejected once.

To her, Arel's chocolate business seemed attractive to her.

Obviously, if you join hands with him, you will benefit greatly.

Even if it's not chocolate right now, even after that, he will definitely put something more out into the world.

She was looking forward to it.

Originally entering the kingdom of Ernesia and setting up a business in his city first was to keep an eye on him.

‘For that, I have to somehow bring him in.'

It was his intention to do anything, whether it was to offer good terms for a deal or to fawn to please Arell personally.

If you can use it, you can fully consider yourself as a transaction target.

Fortunately, he is a boy in his prime.

He also thinks of himself as a bad person.

“Are you thinking of trying to seduce me?”

Despite the secretary's half sarcastic tone, she just smiled boldly.

“If you need.”

It was half a joke.

He wouldn't be the one to do such a vulgar thing.

He's not just a nerd, he's a royalty, and he's a rumored genius.

That's why she said it half-jokingly.

“Are you still asking?”

“Yes, beyond the persistent realm, now I feel desperate. I don’t think a love letter would be more heartbreaking than this.”

Uncle Lichen said as if he was a little fed up.

It seems that the transaction request of Geotal Corporation is continuing.

It looks like he wants to do business with us.

He seemed impatient to negotiate on all sorts of good terms.

There is no tree that cannot be felled by taking ten shots.

Aren't you mistaken that if you keep pushing, you'll get over it?

“Well... it's not that I don't understand. It means that there are people out there who have eyes and ears to estimate how much profit we will gain if we monopolize the sale of chocolate to other countries.

“Arel-nim, will you continue to refuse?”

First of all, I had set the policy to unconditionally refuse, so no matter what condition they threw, we didn't show any interest.

But until now, they haven't given up and keep requesting...

“There was also a request from the owner of Geotal Trading Company to see him in person.”

“Are you over there? to your uncle? Or to me?”

My uncle looked at me blankly.

That's right, do you want to talk to me?

It's crazy.

Well, since you already noticed that negotiating with me is the only way, is it natural?

“What would you like?”

“There, the upper house owner must be... a pretty young woman, right?”

I've heard rumors.

It is not well known to the public, but it is known among nobles that the head of the household is a young woman.

This is because she is running a business of rare items targeting aristocratic wives.

It seems to have been quite popular.

‘What should I do?'

It wasn't that I was worried because the owner of the store there was a young woman.

Recently, he was a merchant with a good reputation among nobles, so I wondered if it would be good to meet him at least once.

If you are truly talented as rumored...

“Umm... what should I do?”

Realizing that I was seriously considering it, my uncle was quietly waiting for my decision.

ok i wrote it

“Since we are free, it would be okay to talk over tea at least once.”

I'm bored at the same time.

“Then I'll try to reply like that.”

If you want to talk one-sidedly, come visit us on this date.

As soon as I sent a reply like that, Geotal Firm gave an answer that I would definitely visit you.

And on the day of the appointment with the upper house owner, the upper house owner himself came to visit.

“…Are you the owner of Geotal Firm?”

“It's called Senil Geotal.”

According to rumors, a beautiful young woman politely greeted me.

‘Certainly enough to appeal to noble wives.'

From first impressions, I could guess how she made aristocratic wives open their wallets.

Certainly, a young and cultured woman could more easily win the sympathy of aristocratic wives and loosen their purse strings than the crude and ignorant-looking merchants.

As I was evaluating her first impression, Senil Geothal was secretly looking at me.

Since she is also a merchant, she is trying to figure out how to treat me based on her first impression.

Well, it's about giving that much attention, so let's look at it.

“first of all.”

I gestured to the servant and ordered him to bring me something.

And what the servant brought was a box containing quite a few envelopes.

I dumped the letters in the box onto the table.

“You asked very earnestly.

It’s to the point that my uncle is tired of it.”

“I am truly sorry if you were offended.”

She was not taken aback and bowed her head in apology.

“I'm also a trader, so... I couldn't stay still with the number of good pays in front of me.”

“....okay? Well, I don't mean to get angry with that, so raise your head.”

First of all, I played a joke to see the reaction.... You're not as embarrassed as you think.

done. talk or something

“Let’s get to the point.”


“What? Is there anything you want to say?”

“no. I'm just a little surprised because Arel is the first person who doesn't seem curious to see me.”

“'s okay. I'm not stupid enough to be surprised or look at it from a different perspective just because a woman is in charge of Sanghoeju. Or do I look like that?”


I guess he must have had some trouble.

I don't know what to say, but the neighboring countries, including the Kingdom of Ernesia, tend to look down on women when they do business.

Perhaps it is because of such recognition that the identity of the superintendent is not known except for some nobles.

“Anyway, it's your situation, I don't know. right?”

But I'm not interested in such trivial things.

“Geotal Corporation seems to be very interested in the chocolates I put out.”

“Yes, I will be honest. We want to make a good deal because we are genuinely coveting the benefits of Arel-nim’s products.” “

It's purely for

profit .

“So you want to supply cocoa beans to us?”

“Yes, because we can deliver fruits of the quantity and quality that will not disappoint Arel.”

“Wouldn’t it be easy to bring it in across the sea?”

“We have a know-how passed down from generation to generation. Even if pirates or some kind of monsters attack, I have the confidence to safely deliver the goods.”

It's not just a bluff, but I feel the confidence that I sincerely take pride in doing so.

“Hmm… I already heard about your company’s reputation.”


Senil was delighted.

Hey, are you too hasty?

“But isn’t that and the reason why I have to hold hands with you two separate things?”

His face, which had brightened so much, was frozen.

“What is that…?”

“It’s good to have a big business. It is also very desirable to sell to other countries.

It will definitely make a lot of money.”

I know how much profit will come out because I have already calculated it once.

However, sometimes this happens when you run for the sake of profit.

In the case of running out and being unable to rectify it.

that's called responsibility.

“You are the only ones who can supply the ingredients needed to open the game...

I deliberately put a slightly unpleasant smile on my lips.

“Doesn't that mean you're going to put a leash on our company?”

to make a big business.

yes it is good

But the problem is that this guy is the only one who can import raw materials.

What if later they change their minds and don't supply cacao?

What if they make an excuse and charge more even though the order is delayed?

Even if the technology is here, isn't it a situation that can be imagined enough if they have the raw materials in their hands.

And there is one common sense that you must remember.

The point is that humans inevitably betray when it comes to money.

“...Never means that way...

”Even if there is no intention, it can happen as a result.”

And there's no way the intention isn't there.

I know best, no one else, that merchants want to hang an invisible chain around their opponent's neck at the slightest opportunity.

That much...don't lie that you can't see it.”

“If you didn’t even think about that, you wouldn’t have been able to do business until now, right?”

Right now, they are supplying fruit at almost bargain prices, but they will definitely raise the price of fruit later, no matter what excuse they make.

And we will either choose to close the business or buy the fruit even if we have to pay the price.

Of course it's not that easy.

But it's sure to be difficult.

who would let it be like that

“Stop the nonsense.”

I quietly warned.

“The ulterior motive is obvious at the point where you cling so earnestly.”

Well, if it's now, I'll just end it by saying something like this.

“...Then, does Arel-sama have any plans to expand the chocolate business?”

“well? how is it?”

At least, I'm not so thoughtless that I want to expand it by force.

The reason I called her here in the first place was to clearly convey my intentions.

And to warn you not to think nonsense.

I glared at her, who was silent for a moment.

yes how will it come out?

It is for this moment that I want to meet and talk with her in person.

Where can I look?'

I carefully observed Senil's reaction.

I used all my abilities to detect every change in her breathing muscles in detail.

And I tried to make a decision by looking at her essence itself.

‘...This guy?'

Watching her, I narrowed my eyes.

Finally, she let out a small sigh.

“...We currently have no way to convince Arell-nim.”

The decision she made was, first of all, the option of stepping down.

It means that it would be wiser to withdraw than to act hastily, since it will not work even if you threaten me.

“You give up easily. Didn't you come up with some way to convince me?”

“I don't know the subject that much. But... I want to ask you one thing.”

“Does not matter. say.”

“Isn’t Arel’s current decision still valid?”

She looked me straight in the eyes and asked.

“ won't work.”

I decided to answer truthfully. Because I don't lie.

“If you come up with a good alternative, I might give it to you… yes, as long as you can do it.”

“...I'll keep that in mind.”

She obediently replied that she would bring an alternative one day.

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