Chapter 160. Chocolate is the best (4) Actually, Marquis Carret proposed it to his wife first.

In order to appeal Arel's chocolate to nobles, it is necessary to create a place where they can taste it properly.

As naturally as possible.

The best way to do that is for a nobleman to get his hands on the chocolate and present it at a social gathering.

Arel judged that and had spoken to Marquis Karet in advance.

However, all nobles already knew that Marquis Karet and Arel had a connection.

He cleverly conceded chocolate and deliberately tried his hand to make a nobleman who had no ties show off.

Nadalli's wife, who did not know that fact, was just pure joy.

In addition, new works are continuously released, so it will become a big trend to release Arell's chocolate at least next year, at least until the year after that.

“Thanks to you, I was able to brag, Mrs. Carrett.”

“That’s good.”

It wasn't that the Karet family didn't benefit at all.

By giving small favors in this way, you can maintain close relationships with other nobles.

Especially in an aristocratic society where personal connections are important, these small debts will be of great help later on.

That's why nobles, not only the head of the family, but also the noble wives have no choice but to pay attention to such a trivial party.

When the two aristocratic wives were talking in a friendly atmosphere.

A woman wearing a dress she had never seen before interrupted their conversation.

She is a young woman with light blonde hair.

“If it's not rude, may I ask how you got that famous chocolate?”

She approached casually and cautiously asked Mrs. Nadalli a question.

“oh? you are?”

When Mrs. Carret wondered about the identity of the woman she had never seen before, she bowed her head with a sorry smile.

“sorry. I should have said hello to Mrs. Carrett first.”

“Uh... which family?”

Mrs. Carrett was perplexed because she had no memory of which family she belonged to.

What bothered me about that was that, when I first saw her, I felt that her eyes were different from those of noble families.

If I have to compare it, it feels like I crave something more than others.

Noticing Mrs. Carret's concern, she politely bowed her head.

“no. not noble. A merchant.”


Why would a merchant set foot in a social church?

However, seeing that Mrs. Nadali does not express dislike, it is clear that she is definitely a guest who has been invited to this place.

Some of the other aristocratic ladies also seemed to recognize this woman.

“oh? Geothal?”

“I thought you weren’t coming?”


Upon hearing the name, Mrs. Karet finally noticed and opened her mouth slightly.

“Certainly Geotal Firm...

Recently, there is a grand meeting that has caught the attention of nobles with imported goods brought in from across the continent from the Kingdom of Ernesia.

It must be the name of that company.

being called by that name.

“no way?”

“yes. My name is Senil Geotal and I am the owner of Geotal Trading.”

She greeted them politely.

It is hard to believe that he is a mediocre merchant, so he is accustomed to proper etiquette.

“I never thought the owner of Geotal Firm would be a woman...

Mrs. Caret was quite surprised.

It was the first time I had ever seen the owner of the Grand Prize Meeting being a woman.

“Yes, although few people know this.”

Counting her reaction, Geothal responded with a bitter laugh.

Even though he said it lightly, there is no doubt that it must have been a considerable amount of hardship.

However, this is not a place to tell the story of the merchant's hardships.

Mrs. Carrett was curious about her, but did not bother to ask further.

“Geotal, by the way, are there any good products today?”

“I thought you might be curious, so I brought a few things. Would you like to see it?”

Then, the aristocratic wives' eyes shone as if they had waited.


Most of the aristocrats here seem to be patrons of the products she sells herself.

Is that why you invited her yourself?

That's what it is.... It means that it is also a meeting that buys the same product.

Come to think of it, some of the products brought in from across the continent were quite popular among nobles.

Apparently, she was doing business like this with the help of a few nobles.

Even more so, if they were invited to a tea party like this, I wondered if it would be a fairly close relationship.

“Would you like to see Mrs. Caret?”

“Yes… then.”

Mrs. Carret also took a look at the products she brought out.

Strangely shaped cups and bowls said to have been brought in from across the continent, and carpets with patterns never seen before.

She showed several products.

It was certainly as strange as it was brought from a distant continent.

“By the way, Geothal? Didn't you want to ask me something about chocolate?”

When Mrs. Nadalli asked as if she had remembered it again, Geotal laughed and brought up the matter again.

“yes. I want to talk a little with Arnil Corporation. However, it was not easy to get in touch. Would it be all right if I could ask for an introduction to Mrs. Nadal?”

“I really want to, but Mrs. Nadali expressed her disapproval.

That's right... It's all thanks to Mrs. Carrett's connections that she got the chocolate.

However, if she asked to be introduced to Mrs. Karet here, she wouldn't be able to talk about it easily because it would damage her pride.

“Well, he's busy too, so I can't help it. Forget what you just said. Oh, instead, I brought a new product today, so I'll show you that.”

after the tea party.

Senil Geotal, who had been waiting for the noble wives to leave one after another until the last one had left, was able to get into his carriage only when it was the last turn.

“Phew… it was boring.”

Kicking off her stern attitude from just before, she leaned back in her chair and let out a deep sigh.

“You worked hard.”

A man riding in the same carriage bowed his head and encouraged her for her hard work.

It must be because she knows how hard it is for her to fit in with the boring chatter of aristocratic wives.

“Don’t talk. How hard is it to please each and every one of them by selling only a few products?”

“Still, I can't help it. It's difficult to advance into their territory if you don't cater to the nobles.”

“know. I know.”

So just be patient and stick with it.

Mrs. Nadalli is truly a foolish aristocrat.

I only like extravagance, but with a little courtesy, anyone can easily approach me.

“I would have liked to have a good talk with the hostess of the Karet family, but

“Hmm? Was it difficult?”

“They didn’t seem to have much interest in the product itself… Well, it’s only natural to be wary of the words of a merchant you’ve never seen before.”

To be precise, he wanted to establish a connection with the bank president, the Marquis Karet, but Mrs. Caret did not want to talk to her easily throughout the tea party, perhaps sensing this.

“I didn't expect it to go so well.”

She waved her hands as if she had no regrets, then leaned back against the chair as if sagging.

It was something else she cared about.


“Are you talking about Arnil’s new product?”

“Mrs. Nadali served them for refreshments.”

“Oh... I heard it's hard to find.”

“It is. It seems that she also got it by accident. They didn’t specifically connect me to the owner of the store.”

“I guess so.”

As long as I knew who the actual owner of the store was, I thought there was nothing strange about it.

“That chocolate. After all, do you have any answers?”

However, even if you are not the top, you can send a letter to those who are operating externally as an upper house owner.

But he shook his head.

“They didn’t seem to have any intention of making a deal.”

“Umm…. Is this unexpected?”

Geotal pursed his lips.

“Are you not thinking of producing more?”

I already knew what the raw material of the chocolate was because Arel Ernesia had disclosed it from the beginning.

cacao fruit.

Especially since it was them who sold the fruit, there was no way they didn't know.

“I never thought that fruit... would be such a deadly treasure.”

“Shall we punish the plate merchant?”

“do not do that. In the end, it's my fault that I didn't know. And... if you're like me, can you think that the fruit will be used like that?”

“It’s a crowd.”

He said it was simply impossible to cut.

“yes? I'm too lazy.”

It's not just a question of ideas.

technology. funds. manpower.

Isn't it an invention that can't even be tried if either one is lacking?

So, as soon as Geotal Company knew what the raw material was, it immediately contacted Arel's Company.

They said they could provide a stable supply of cacao.

‘I thought I'd definitely get into trouble with production problems.'

Apparently, they must have the facilities to produce a certain number of fruits on their own.

‘Is there a place in this land to grow it?'

It was a surprise to her, who knew what kind of land the fruit grew on.

I was not familiar with plants, but I had a common sense that it would be difficult to grow the fruit unless the climate was similar to that place.

‘Well, I heard that Pahilia has a magic tool that can control the temperature...

I know because I sent a proxy to the last city building banquet, not her.

I never thought I would be able to create the environment enough to grow that tricky fruit.

I was genuinely surprised by that.

It is a technology that they cannot even imitate.

“Still, it’s clear that it can’t be mass-produced.”

Arell's shop in his estate.

And seeing that it was only sold to nobles in small quantities, there was no doubt.

Yet, for some reason, they do not want to join hands with them.

“Obviously, mass production would benefit greatly.... It

is not a dream to sell chocolate to foreign countries if we join hands with them.

If that happens, I'm sure I'll sit on a huge cushion of money.

Yet they were not caught.


Is it because there is no trust? Or is there another reason?

However, there was not enough grounds to guess either way, so that was a concern.

“In the first place, you don't even know what kind of person Arele Ernesia is...

He must be meddling in state management.

The problem is that I can't understand his way of thinking.

At least if you're chasing money, there's no reason to turn down a big deal...

....Since she doesn't know that Arel developed chocolate just for herself to eat and enjoy, it's a policy that's completely incomprehensible.

“It's not that I'm not greedy for money.”

Clearly, looking back on the way Arel did business in the past, it was an area that a merchant could fully notice that it was only for his own benefit.

The business skills of the trading house under the jurisdiction of Arell.

Ernesia Bank, which was recently established there.

It was clear that everything was for his own benefit.

Then, wouldn't this business also try to open a bigger game?

Naturally, he expected that and offered a deal, but he didn't hold his hand.

“I don't understand...

Maybe Arel is looking at something farther than he is, unlike himself.

“...The best thing would be if we could make that chocolate most uptodate novels are published on free(w)ebnov(e)l.𝒄𝒐𝙢

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