Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 341: Rebellious Mentality

Chapter 341: Rebellious Mentality

Does Maximilian have the capability?

The answer is: Yes!

As long as there is no congenital deficiency, a person raised by the royal family undoubtedly has abilities that far exceed most ordinary people.

However, abilities are often accompanied by arrogance, and this arrogance needs to be tempered. Only after restraining its sharp edges can one truly unleash their potential.

Maximilian simply hadnt encountered any setbacks. Under Archduchess Sophies pampering, the first half of his life was smooth sailing, which bred his idealistic tendencies.

Idealism is a monarchs greatest enemy. Once tainted by it, the best outcome is to become a rubber stamp (figurehead). For a worse example, refer to Maximilian in history.

Franz sneered, saying, Is this the plan you prepared? My foolish brother, have you lost your mind?

With your governance plan, do you think Mexico isnt chaotic enough? Are you planning to set it ablaze, bathe it in blood, and then send yourself to the guillotine as emperor?

Franz wasnt just spouting nonsense. Maximilians plan was indeed unreliable, with its core governing philosophy being liberalism.

Can liberalism be implemented in any country? Even in Austria, Franz dares not touch liberalism. In fact, no monarchy in the world would dare implement such liberalism.

Maximilian said unhappily, My brother, what gives you the right to say my plan will not work?

Instead of directly answering, Franz asked, Good, youve learned to question things, thats progress. Unfortunately, its still far from enough.

Since you have a plan to govern Mexico, tell me, what is Mexicos primary social contradiction? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Also, whats the distribution of resources in Mexico, and which regions are suitable for developing which industries?

It was Maximilians turn to be dumbfounded. Such affairs were loosely handled by appointed bureaucrats in each country, leaving the rest of the people typically uninformed.

Being in faraway Vienna, Maximilian naturally couldnt have such detailed information. What Franz had provided him was only the basic domestic situation, and even the Mexican government hadnt conducted detailed statistics.

But in Franzs view, these fundamental aspects were essential for an emperor to grasp; otherwise, how could they formulate development plans?

For example, if you wanted to develop heavy industry and planned to build a steel mill, being ignorant of everything could lead officials to randomly choose a location. And then only to find later that the raw materials were thousands of miles away.

After hesitating for a moment, Maximiliano responded with a furrowed brow, Mexicos primary social contradiction is the conflict between reformists and conservatives, mixed with conflicts between republicans and constitutionalists.

As long as the political system issues are handled properly, these conflicts can be resolved. The subsequent questions are too tricky; I refuse to answer them.

Franz rubbed his forehead and said helplessly, It seems, my foolish little brother, youve truly been misled.

Systems exist because of people, and the perpetually problematic aspect is always the people, not the system. As long as you solve the issue of people, these issues cease to be issues.

There is no right or wrong in the face of interests. As a qualified emperor, you dont need to distinguish them so clearly.

You just need to understand who are your own people, who are the neutrals, and who are the enemies.

Your own people can be delegated power, neutrals can be persuaded, and enemies just need to be eliminated. Its as simple as that.

The fundamental social conflict in Mexico is interests, conflicts of interest between various classes, and conflicts of interest between different ethnic groups.

Only by thoroughly untangling the web of interests and resolving the root problems can other contradictions be easily resolved. If you cant solve the problems, then solve the people creating the problems.

This is just the basic condition for securing the throne. Ultimately, it depends on the countrys development. At the very least, you must ensure that the people have enough to eat.

After saying so much, do you still think my questions are unimportant?

This is a lesson in political manipulation, the dark art of imperial power. Before this, Franz hadnt taught Maximilian, and no one in the House of Habsburg could have taught him either.

After listening to Franzs words, Maximilian was completely stunned. He never expected Franz to speak such words, overturning his worldview.

According to Franzs implication, to secure the throne of Mexico, the first thing to do is not to ease conflicts but to stimulate them instead, to use a civil war to resolve the people causing the problems.

Recalling the rebellion of 1848, the Austrian government used this opportunity to permanently solve the Hungarian problem, and incidentally resolved domestic social conflicts, introducing labor protection laws and abolishing serfdom.

Maximilian instantly understood many things, and the more he understood, the harder it was to accept. His elder brother who was hailed as the greatest monarch of the House of Habsburg in the past century actually did so many things secretly.

What rendered his objections ineffective was Franzs success. As a successful ruler, he should not be criticized. From 1848 until now, Austrias comprehensive national strength has more than doubled.

The country has become stronger, and the lives of the people have improved. Every industry has achieved significant development.

The shaken Maximilian didnt know Franz had already left. His mind was still filled with the echoes of Franzs words, wavering between affirmation and denial.

Seeing her husbands distracted state, Princess Charlotte asked with concern, Whats wrong, Maximilian? Are you feeling unwell?

Awakening from his daze, Maximilian sighed and said, Charlotte, do you think Im not suitable to be an emperor?

Princess Charlotte was taken aback. She had aspirations to become an empress! She had put in a lot of effort to persuade Maximilian to accept the position of Emperor of Mexico. Yet, in just a short time, he had become like this.

Princess Charlotte didnt think being an emperor was particularly difficult. Just look at Franz. On average, he only worked three to four hours a day, spending most of his time reading, keeping up with the news, drinking tea, and taking care of the children, and Austria was still developing very well.

Why would you say that? You should believe in yourself, youre the best!

Maximilian shook his head and said, No, maybe I really am not cut out to be an emperor. I dont even know the basic elements of being one.

Princess Charlotte tried to reassure him, What happened to make you so dejected? The Maximilian I know isnt like this. A little setback and youre beaten down already?

Maximilian calmed himself down and said, Just now, I went to see my brother with my future development plan for Mexico, hoping to gain his support.

Charlotte asked uncertainly, He didnt agree to you becoming Emperor of Mexico?

Its worth noting that the relationship between Franz and his brothers was very good. Normally, if Maximilian wanted to be an emperor, Franz would definitely support him.

Thats also one of the reasons they dare to take on the mess that is Mexico. After all, Austrias influence extends deep into Central America. With just one telegram, Austrian troops could come over to provide them with military support.

Maximilian shook his head and said, No, he didnt. He just told me some basic knowledge about being an emperor, which was quite shocking to me.

Maximilian didnt divulge the specifics. He still wanted to save face and didnt want his wife to know about these upsetting things.

Hearing this news, Princess Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Emperor Franz didnt oppose it, the opposition from other members of the House of Habsburg was irrelevant.

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The only support they needed in Mexico was from the Austrian troops stationed in Central America, which just required Franzs approval.

Dont worry, there have been so many successful emperors throughout history, and each achieved success in different ways. Some of Cousin Franzs experiences may not be suitable for you, and thats normal.

As long as you govern diligently and love your people, I believe things will get better! Princess Charlotte continued to encourage him.

Maximilian said with a bitter smile, But the facts are staring me in the face, he has indeed succeeded. Austria was revitalized under his leadership, and the glory of the Habsburg dynasty was restored by him.

And all of this happened in just over a decade. Everyone gave him very high praise, and you could hear people shouting Emperor Franz in the streets and alleys.

As for governing diligently and loving the people, the latter two words might have some connection to Franz, but I cant quite associate the former two words with him.

If there was an election for the least diligent monarch in Europe, Franz would undoubtedly make the top three, along with perhaps Queen Victoria.

Thats awkward because Britain operates under a constitutional monarchy, where the monarchs powers are restricted. Queen Victoria didnt involve herself much in politics, which is understandable.

But Franz is different. Whether as Emperor of Austria or Holy Roman Emperor, he ruled over monarchies. Despite being cloaked in the guise of constitutional monarchy, the emperors power remains supreme.

Because political parties were too weak, this form of constitutional monarchy actually granted stronger imperial powers than most absolute monarchies.

In any case, Franz had succeeded. Austrias influence radiated to every civilized corner of the world, and the Habsburg flag was planted across the four oceans and seven continents.

From now on, the two words governing diligently are probably going to be crossed out on the list of royal virtues. At least in the Habsburg dynasty, everyone only cared about success. Who cared if the emperor was diligent or not?

In fact, this was just Franzs self-awareness. If he really had to manage everything, working himself ragged, he would only end up with a mess on his hands.

Instead, it was better to manage only the top hundred or so officials of the government and let them govern the country.

This principle is simple to state but difficult to implement. It took Franz a few years to forge this team of bureaucrats before finally finding the right balance.

Princess Charlotte said sternly, Maximilian, this is jealousy. Thats not a good quality. Jealousy will make one lose their way.

Maximilian vented, Youre right, I admit there is that element. From childhood until now, Ive always lived in Franzs shadow. He is simply too outstanding.

His academic achievements had always left me feeling hopeless, except for marksmanship, which was an exception. Just when I thought I could finally breathe easy when his grades dropped, he started acting as regent and then became emperor.

Everyone knows the rest; Austria before his reign was just a European power, and now its a world power.

If he wanted to, he could follow the example of the British and declare that on Austrian soil, the sun never sets.

You have no idea how much pressure Ive felt having such an outstanding older brother. From childhood to now, Ive had to imitate him and learn from him.

But now, I find that the gap between us hasnt narrowed; instead, its widened even further.

I really wish he could be mediocre in some aspect, just to help me regain a bit of confidence!

Princess Charlotte, who knew her husband very well, understood that Maximilian speaking these words meant he was feeling better. She teased, At least your marksmanship is better than his.

It seems thats the only thing I can be confident about now, Maximilian said in resignation.

Charlotte broke into a radiant smile and asked, Then would you like the opportunity to challenge yourself?

Maximilian replied without hesitation, Of course, Ill prove myself in my own way, and show that Im not inferior to him!

Princess Charlotte joked, Really? Maximilian, are you that confident?

Maximilian confidently replied, Of course! Well, there might be a slight gap, but definitely not much. Please believe me!

Clearly, the royal education was not wasted. At the very least, efforts had been made to cultivate self-confidence, allowing one to regain it in the shortest time possible.

This was also due to cultural traditions; the majority of Europeans tend to have an overabundance of confidence. In such cases, while it can indeed unleash potential, it also makes one prone to foolish actions.

As a result, all of Franzs efforts went to waste, as Maximilian remained determined to venture into the massive pit that was Mexico, and nothing could stop him.

Upon receiving this news, Franz didnt know what to do.

Forcibly preventing him would likely ruin their brotherhood. Watching him go to his doom was also something Franz couldnt bear to do.

As for cleaning up after him, Franz made it clear he wasnt a nanny. Moreover, being so far away from Mexico, he couldnt really manage things even if he wanted to.

In a final effort, Franz urged, You need to think this through, Maximilian. Mexico isnt a good place, and if becoming an emperor was that easy, it wouldnt have easily fallen into your lap.

From what I know, many members of the Bonaparte family coveted the position, but Napoleon III blocked them all. He didnt even have the confidence to put his own brother in power.

Now, I can tell you definitively, the Austrian government wont invest heavily in supporting you because they wont see a return on investment.

Maximilian replied confidently, The Bonaparte family is indeed interested in the Mexican throne, but they lack legitimacy. The Mexican constitutionalists dont support them at all. Brother, please trust me, your investment wont be in vain. I will become a great emperor just like you.

Franz said sternly, Enough. As your elder brother, let me give you one final piece of advice: between nations, there are only interests, do not mix in personal feelings.

Dont expect much help from me. Austria wont support Mexico; it doesnt align with our interests.

As for the support you seek, Im sorry, but all I can offer is moral encouragement at best, maybe verbal support.

With little confidence in Maximilian, Franz wasnt willing to allocate resources to fill that bottomless pit. The chances of recovering the investment were too low.

Since Austria has troops stationed in Central America, the Mexicans probably wouldnt dare to harm this unlucky brother. If push comes to shove, Austria could even send troops to rescue him.

Although Maximilian wasnt sure what Franz was thinking, he felt a chill in his heart. It was clear that Franzs decision indicated no confidence in him.

With collective opposition from family members and opposition from his brother who was Emperor, it meant that besides bearing the name of the Habsburgs, he would struggle to gain support from any family forces.

An emperor with family support and one without were entirely different concepts.

Given the strength of the Habsburgs, if they were to fully support him, Maximilian could become emperor with the backing of a military force and support from Austrias forces in the Americas.

With those resources, he could have easily overwhelmed domestic opposition without being beholden to the French. Unfortunately, none of that was available, so he still had to rely on the French.

It was pointless to say anything now; the Habsburgs had already concluded that he would fail and wouldnt invest heavily in him. Even his mother, who loved him dearly, didnt support him this time.

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