Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 340: The Thoughtless Younger Brother (Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 340: The Thoughtless Younger Brother (Bonus Chapter)

Originally, Franz only used the pretext of colonial expansion to camouflage military preparations to intervene in the American Civil War. However, since the American Civil War did not require intervention, Austrias new round of colonial expansion happened first.

First, in Africa, despite the seemingly limited manpower of three infantry divisions, when invested in overseas colonization, they could easily sweep through numerous native tribes.

Opening up the map, one could see that from West Africa to the Congo region, the colonies had already been connected.

In the south, Austrias colonial influence has expanded along the rivers into Zambia; in the east, it has infiltrated into Uganda and Kenya.

In the Middle East, Austria used the Sinai Peninsula as a springboard, extending its tentacles deep into the Arabian Peninsula. They had already tricked multiple tribes into signing land purchase treaties, with Austrian colonial outposts appearing in the Persian Gulf.

All thats left is for the Suez Canal to open, and these areas will fall into Austrias hands.

In Central America, Austria mainly focused on infiltration rather than immediately waging wars of annihilation against nations. By settling the immigrants they had lured from the United States, no country could avoid Austrian control.

Take Nicaragua, for example, where the Germans constitute four-fifths of the white population, becoming the largest ethnic group in the area. With Austrian troops stationed there, the government had no choice but to be pro-Austrian.

The New Holy Roman Empire had even added a Lanfang Autonomous Province, and Franz did not mind adding a few more. Peaceful assimilation is also a good way of expansion.

Of course, this is only effective in sparsely populated areas like Central America. After all, the total white population there is only a few hundred thousand, spread across five or six countries.

Even if they are not incorporated into the imperial system, they can become pro-Austrian nations. For regions that are difficult to rule from the mainland, direct annexation may not always be beneficial, and a loose alliance is also acceptable.

As for Southeast Asia, Franz is not sure how many islands the Austrian colonial government occupies, but its definitely in the thousands. Multiple island nations are under Austrian control, proving the extent of their influence.

Expansion in Southeast Asia had stopped for now, leaving it to Prussia and the German Federal Empire to perform next.

The German Federal Empire had been shamelessly galloping around and grabbing land in Malaysia, so it seemed George I had managed to placate the British government.

The Kingdom of Prussia, on the other hand, has chosen to confront the Indochinese Peninsula head-on, for a simple reason: the peninsula is fertile and offers ample expansion opportunities.

While Sumatra is also promising, it pales in comparison to the size of the Indochinese Peninsula, and much of it is already under Dutch control.

On the European continent, Prussia could bully the Dutch, but in Southeast Asia, this situation was reversed. Prussias fledgling navy had no confidence at all.

Opening up the world map and carefully looking it over, Franz was surprised to find that this world was about to be completely divided up.

This was not a good thing, as it meant future conflicts between nations would frequently occur. Especially for emerging empires that would inevitably challenge the world order to seize living space.

However, Franz soon dismissed this idea. Under the current circumstances, it was too difficult for a new emerging empire to appear on the European continent.

With Russia, France, and Austria in a state of equilibrium, theres simply no room for a fourth pole to rise. Even second-tier power like Spain is mired in internal contradictions, and moreover, as an old empire, it still retains a substantial legacy from its past.

As for Prussia, they are even more constrained. Forced to turn to overseas colonization to resolve their industrial raw material and market needs, establishing the Second German Empire would require a miracle.

Another potential contender, the Kingdom of Sardinia, has unfortunately met an untimely demise. Forget about unifying the Italian region; they themselves had become nourishment for the French.

Schnnbrunn Palace

Franz was spending time with his children. To this day, he was already a father of three.

Although only seven years old, as the Crown Prince, Frederick had no opportunity to be lazy. Every day, there was endless homework and knowledge to learn.

Seeming to have been dealt a blow, the dejected Frederick walked up to Franz and asked, Father, why is it that only I have to study, while you and the others dont?

Franz patiently explained, Its simple. Ive already completed these lessons and learned this knowledge, so I dont need to study anymore.

Your younger brothers are still too young. You see, William cant even speak clearly yet, so how can he study? When they grow up a bit more, they will study together with you.

Frederick complained, But my lessons are also too many. Ive been outside and seen many other children only have three subjects.

Thats right, in Austria, compulsory education includes only three subjects: German, Mathematics, and History. Other subjects are optional.

German and History come with some extras; German includes patriotic education, while History naturally follows the Greater Germany version, proving from the source that all ethnic groups in Austria are branches of the Germanic peoples.

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Whether ordinary people believe it or not, the nobility certainly does. Their ancestors mostly came from the region of Germany, and thus, they represent all the ethnic groups in Austria.

History cannot be verified, and the cultural circle is still endlessly debating. Franz did not intervene. In any case, after two generations of assimilation education, it would be impossible to undo it afterward.

If it was proven the textbooks were wrong, it didnt matter. Too much time would have passed, and materials being passed down could understandably have errors.

The government would then neither confirm nor deny it, letting historians in their field argue it out slowly. In any case, it would just become an academic issue.

They could discuss it behind closed doors since the masses wouldnt care about these things anyway. Without a unified answer being formed, the textbooks would not be revised.

Franz explained, Thats just the basic education provided by the state. Those who have the means must study more subjects.

This world is cruel, Frederick. The amount of knowledge you acquire also determines your position in society.

As the heir to the empire, you were born standing at the very top of the world, so you must be the most outstanding and naturally have to learn more. This is the ability you must possess. I went through the same path.

Happy education? Being born into the royal family is innately at odds with happiness.

Cultivating interests and hobbies? Better not even dream about it. The Crown Princes occupation is simply to be the emperor, with no need to consider employment at all.

This is the most enviable yet most difficult occupation.

As long as the emperor trained rigorously according to the process, perhaps it wouldnt produce geniuses, but it also wouldnt cultivate fools.

Franz did not need a genius heir, because geniuses tend to have eccentricities ill-suited for the emperors role.

As the heir to the empire, it is enough as long as he can maintain the normal operation of the empire, has a basic level of knowledge, and cannot be easily deceived.

As for governing the nation, isnt there still the cabinet?

The margin for error in a great empire is very high. As long as the emperor doesnt mess around, even if the cabinet officials, who climbed the ranks step by step based on their achievements, are not very capable of governing the country, they wont provoke public outrage.

Besides, if the cabinet does not perform well, it can always be replaced. As emperor, one only needs to throw out the officials responsible when something goes wrong, letting them take the blame.

In summary, as long as the emperor does not rashly interfere, things will not go too badly. At the same time, putting some pressure on the officials and occasionally catching and executing a few corrupt ones as a warning would make for a good emperor.

Seeing Fredericks dejected look, Franz just smiled faintly without saying more.

A maid hurriedly ran over and said, Your Majesty, the Archduchess requests your presence.

Franz recognized this person. She was the most favored maid of Archduchess Sophie.

Elena, whats the matter? Why the rush?

Elena ran over in a hurry, a bit out of breath, and stuttered, Archduke Maximilian was preparing to go to Mexico to become emperor, but he faced strong opposition from the Archduchess. There was a fierce argument. You should go and see!

Franz instantly felt a headache coming on. He couldnt help but feel frustrated with his thoughtless younger brother.

Franz had already had someone pass the materials on Mexico to Maximilian, with the intention of making him back down from the idea. But now, it seemed he had still made the same choice as history.

Without further ado, as a responsible elder brother, Franz hurried to the scene.

From afar, he could already hear Archduchess Sophies roaring voice. It seemed Maximilian had angered her greatly. As a member of the imperial family, Sophie still knew the basics of international affairs, and even with her amateur political vision, she could judge this to be a huge pitfall.

Upon seeing Franz enter, Archduchess Sophie ceased her tirade and softened her tone then said, Franz, enlighten your dear brother about the situation in Mexico. This fool actually wants to become emperor there.

Franz consoled her, Alright, Mother, leave this fool to me. You should calm down first.

Seeing Maximilian looking dejected, Franz knew he was feeling very aggrieved. Maximilian, who had always had things go his way, naturally developed a sense of arrogance. Just like now when he wanted to take on a hellish challenge.

Maximilian, who exactly is it thats sending you to Mexico to become emperor? Dont tell me you dont even have supporters, Franz asked.

Maximilian replied, Its the Mexican constitutionalists, and Napoleon III promised to support my ascension.

Clearly, Maximilian wasnt completely clueless. In theory, with the support of both France and Austria, plus the strength of the Mexican constitutionalists, securing the throne wouldnt be too difficult for him.

Franz sternly demanded, He who desires to wear the crown must bear its weight! Maximilian, what makes you think you can secure the Mexican throne? Present your governing policies to convince me, and prove your ability.

The House of Habsburg will not put an ignorant fool on the throne. Otherwise, one day if that fool ends up on the guillotine, we would lose face just by relation.

Stung by the provocation, Maximilian immediately replied, Just wait and see, Ill prove it to you!

Franz did not continue his taunts. The pit had already been dug. There has never been a perfect governing plan in this world. No matter what kind of plan Maximilian presented, Franz could pick out flaws in it.

If he could not even deceive an idealist, how could Franz have achieved the revitalization of Austria?

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