The lifeless man felt a chill run down his spine. His entire body could be seen clearly trembling as soon as he saw the person who had just spoken.

His first instinct was to leave everyone behind and just run.

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he didn't think twice. He turned around and dashed away, finding the closest exit. Even if it was Karyk, he had faith that his people could delay him until he left.

No matter what, now that Karyk was personally here, he couldn't stay behind! Unlike the ignorant lich who was fooled by the people from the outer layer, he knew just what kind of terror this man was, much better!

The Branch Head of the Blood Clan had his face twist in regret as he saw the lifeless man run away. He didn't waste any time either.

"Kill that bastard!" He exclaimed before he also dashed away. Now that he had personally seen Karyk, he didn't need any other witness either. He left his men behind to delay Karyk, along with the witness that he brought.

At the same time, he chased after the lifeless man! He knew that the lifeless man must've had a way to go to the Capital. He didn't think twice before following his only hope.

The dark haired man chased after the lifeless man, only to find the lifeless man standing still in the middle of the hallway, as if he was frozen.

He could even see the lifeless man's fists tremble slightly. For an undead like him, it was hard to imagine what could scare that man so much. The dark haired man thought of something and his face darkened.

He looked behind, only to freeze in place. There was not a single sound of fight behind him. Instead, the sight was completely gruesome. The entire hall was painted red, including the walls!

He didn't even hear a single scream before all of them were killed.

Moreover, Gabriel was missing! He finally understood why the lifeless man stopped in the middle of the hallway.

The dark haired man slowly stepped back, not daring to make a single noise.

"I came all the way to meet you, and you're not even willing to meet me?" Gabriel's calm yet composed voice echoed in the entire hallway, making the dark haired man stop where he stood.

"And here I thought, I was a good guest the last time I came here."

The Lifeless man stood before Gabriel. Even though he didn't have eyes, he could still see his surroundings. On Gabriel's face, there was a devilish grin that he hadn't shown when he was before Jia and Alion. It was as if Gabriel was a completely different person when he was hunting!

Everyone before him was nothing more than a prey who had no right to negotiate with him. He was the only existence that could stand above all!

The lifeless man didn't have any misconception about his strength. He knew that he was no more than a tiny ant before Gabriel, who called kill without any break, even when he was in the Nether Capital!

"L-lord, I won't dare." The lifeless man's voice could be heard trembling. Even though Gabriel didn't use anything special to suppress the Branch Head of the Undead Clan, just his presence alone was enough of a deterrent for them!

Even a thousand years of peace wasn't enough to wipe out the fear that he had carved deep in the hearts of all the beings of the Nether Realm! Let alone the Nether Realm, Gabriel was someone who even went to the Upper Realm and managed to come back alive even after killing so many people there! That was enough to show just how far his strength had progressed!

The Blood Clan was the overlord of the Nether Realm. The Branch Head of the Blood Clan had arrogance deeply ingrained in his bones. However, before Gabriel, even he didn't dare to make a single noise now.

He still remembered how he just commanded his men to kill Gabriel. His face was shifting between red and blue in regret. He knew that his men couldn't kill him.

However, he still said that since he wanted them to delay him with their lives! Who knew it was going to be completely useless! They couldn't even delay him for a single second!

The dark haired man really wished that he had a way to inform the Lord of the Blood Clan! Only the main forces of the Capital could stand against the demon before him. Unfortunately, there was no way to inform them! The path was blocked by Gabriel!

"What do you want? Why have you returned again?" The Dark Haired man clenched his fist, struggling to calm his heart.

If the arrogant youngsters of the Blood Clan would've seen him like this, it was unclear just what kind of reaction they would've shown. However, only the dark haired man knew how he managed to gather his courage to speak.

Gabriel raised his right hand. A strange pressure acted that seemingly grabbed the dark haired man. The mystical force pulled the dark haired man closer, releasing him when the man was right next to the lifeless man.

Now that the dark haired man was right next to the lifeless man, he was able to see Gabriel more clearly. He didn't know why, but Gabriel looked even younger than the last time he saw him.

If it wasn't for the identical aura, skills and personality, he would've wondered if the man standing behind him was really the same demon who came here thousand years ago or not.

"Why did I come here?" Gabriel repeated the question with an intrigued smile on his face. His devilish smile was enough to send a chill down the sounds of two branch heads. However, they didn't dare interrupt the young man before them.

Gabriel further continued, as he answered. "Let's just say that I was getting bored outside and thought about having some fun in the Nether Realm."

Hearing his answer, the two Branch Heads could feel their lips twitch. He was bored so he came here to kill? Just what kind of a reason was this?

-n0ve1、com They weren't stupid enough to believe Gabriel's every word. They even thought that he was here to take revenge for what happened about a thousand years ago.

"Anyway, I need a little lift. I wonder if you can be kind enough to take me to my destination?" Gabriel further asked, revealing the reason he came to this place.

The dark haired man remained silent, wondering if Gabriel wanted to go to the Capital. In that case, it was the start of a true nightmare since no one knew about his presence here yet!

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