The Branch Head of the Undead Clan didn't even have a single trace of blood in his body. He was still a human but his body appeared to have decayed already. He didn't even have eyes, only empty eye sockets.

Despite having no eyes, it still appeared as if he was able to see through everything, including the secrets of heaven and earth!

"What brought you here?" The Undead Clan Branch Head's calm yet ancient-sounding voice was heard in the hall as soon as the Branch Head of the Blood Clan sat down.

"I need to go back to the Capital. I have some information that we need to directly convey to the Monarch," the burly dark haired man responded. "Time is of the essence. So I hope you won't waste our time."

"Even though you're the Branch Head of the Great Blood Clan, you still need to tell us the reason if you want us to send you to the Capital directly. These are the rules set by the Capital and our ancestors after the discussion between the three clans," the lifeless man responded.

The dark haired man frowned, subtly glancing at the stranger that he brought with him. Since the rules were set in place, he had no intention of breaking them.

"It's something that concerns the Entire Capital, and the Undead Clan even more than us." After a long time, he responded calmly. No one noticed that even though he was calm, he was also somewhat anxious deep inside.

He was strong, but he wasn't as strong as the ones in the Capital. The information he received was too dangerous. If possible, he wanted to go back to the capital.

Not only could he convey this important information and get the rewards, but he could also stay much safer in the place, compared to staying in the outer layer with such great dangers looming over his head.

Hearing the intriguing words, the lifeless man raised his head. Even though he didn't respond directly, it was clear that he was pondering over the meaning of those words. Something that concerned them? Now he wanted to know more about it.

"Speak." The lifeless man nodded.

"So you still remember what happened about a thousand years ago?"the Dark Haired man asked. The younger generation might've forgotten the terror of that time, but the ones from the older generation like them still remembered.

Even though Gabriel had underplayed what he did in the past in the Nether Realm before Alion and Jia, only the ones from the Nether Realm knew just what kind of terror that period of time had brought to them!

They had used all the forces of the Three Great Clans and the other minor clans to kill Karyk. They thought that Karyk was going to die easily. Unfortunately, the reality proved to be much different.

Not only did Karyk not die, but he inflicted so many losses over the three great clans! At the moment, the Nether Realm didn't hate anyone more than Karyk! In fact, they hated Karyk more than they hated the people from the Upper Realm.

"Who can forget? That reaper appeared in the Nether Realm," the lifeless man responded. "But what about that? Isn't he already dead?"

After Karyk had escaped the Nether Realm, the Nether Emperor had sent some people outside to find out more about Karyk. However, the information they received after that put them at ease. They came to know that Karyk was already dead. He was killed by the Warriors of the Upper Realm.

Since Karyk was already dead for them, the Nether Realm also didn't do anything more.

The old man just didn't understand why the Branch Head of the Blood Clan would suddenly talk about that period of time out of nowhere.

"He's not dead." The dark haired man sighed, hiding the terror in his eyes. He had seen what Gabriel was capable of with his own eyes after all. He was still a kid at that time, so that gruesome scenery affected him a lot. He could still remember that day, as if it was just like yesterday!

That was the day where the entire Nether Realm came to a halt! In fact, if the Nether Emperor and the leaders of the three great clans hadn't personally arrived to stop Karyk, he believed the entire Nether Realm would've been wiped out!

The Nether Emperor was no less than the Overlord of the Upper Realm. However, despite him personally taking action, Gabriel still managed to escape. That was the only time the Nether Emperor had failed to kill a person right before his eyes!

That was also the first time the Nether Emperor had suffered such a loss!

The current generation in the Nether Realm had no idea about that period of time. All mentions of that time were erased from the books. There was no mention of Karyk anywhere. Only the older generation still remembered that!

The three great clans personally made sure that no one would write about that battle, completely erasing it from the history of the Nether Realm!

"He's not dead?!" The lifeless man also couldn't remain calm. He subconsciously stood up in shock. "That's impossible! He was killed by the Upper Realm! How could he still be alive?"

"I don't want to believe it either. Do you think I want to see that Demon again?" The Dark Haired man sighed.

Most of the time, the man was arrogant and confident in his own abilities. He was the Branch Head of the Great Blood Clan after all, even if it was in the Branch in the Outer Region. However, it was the first time he had shown such expressions.

"Tell him what you saw." He gestured for the man who was escorted by them to speak.

The man took a deep breath. It was his first time being face to face with higher ups of the three great clans.

He didn't dare to hide anything and told them how he saw Gabriel passing through the outer region leisurely.

He also talked about having seen Gabriel in the past, about a thousand years ago to convince them that he couldn't be mistaken about this! The person he saw was the same as the one about a thousand years ago!. Even their auras, the expressions and the clothes were similar.

"This..." The lifeless man was also stunned for words. He didn't have time to doubt the words of the man. If it was true, they had to inform the capital right away! Or they couldn't afford the consequences.

"I'll go to the Capital with you as well! We also need to inform the clan!" The lifeless man stated.

"No worries. The more the merrier." An amused voice echoed in the hallway.

What was strange was that the two branch heads hadn't spoken.

"Who dares speak when two elders are talking?!" The dark haired Branch Head of the Blood Clan roared arrogantly. He turned to the source of the voice.

However, as soon as he turned around, his face turned as white as a thin sheet of paper!


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