
Multiple figures crashed on the ground, leaving heavy craters wherever they fell. Two of those even fell on some houses, bringing the house crashing down.

Gabriel expected the little girl to keep the Holy Lords engaged for some time, but even he didn't expect the little girl to end the battle so fast. It hadn't even been ten seconds since she was attacked and all the Holy Lords were already lying on the ground.

Even Gabriel was amazed at the little girl's strength. Her attack was so fast that he couldn't see it clearly. Now he finally understood why Alion was telling him that this little girl was troublesome!

'Good. The more troublesome she is, the easier it will be for Alion.'

Even after all this, Gabriel still didn't interfere in the battle. If anything, he went to the Holy Lord of Summoning who had fallen closest to her.

The Holy Lord of Summoning had summoned quite a few of her beasts, yet all of them were destroyed in an instant. A trace of blood could be seen on her lips.

"Are you alright?" Gabriel jumped inside the crater and reached out his hand to help Avilia up.

"Do I look alright?" Avilia grabbed Gabriel's hands and stood up before wiping the blood off her lips. "Just who is that little girl? Just what exactly are you planning today?"

"Would you believe me if I tell you that I don't know her and that I have nothing to do with her arrival today?"

"Only an idiot would believe you." Avilia rubbed her aching shoulder.

Gabriel moved closer to Avilia and whispered in her ears. "All I can tell you is that the little girl isn't a child. She's much older than she looks. Moreover, she's most probably also a Demigod, and a strong one at that."

"Even if you summon your strongest beasts, you might not be able to slow her down. So just step back from this battle and pretend to be injured," he further reminded the young lady while wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

Avilia had already realized how troublesome that little girl was. Even though she hadn't Summoned her strongest beasts to face the little girl, she didn't expect them to succeed either.

Moreover, since Gabriel seemed to know about the situation, she decided to listen to him.

She leaned on him for support, pretending to be extremely weak.

Avilia was a Summoner and she was known to be weak when it came to her physique. She relied on her beasts to fight after all, so it was easy for her to fool others by pretending to be hurt that easily.

Gabriel carried Avilia out of the crater and away from the battlefield.


Seeing the Holy Lords beaten so swiftly, even the Temple of Time Envoys were stunned. By now, it was clear to them that the little girl was a Demigod level being! They couldn't take her lightly! For them, she was much more dangerous than Alion and they couldn't allow her to attack her from behind.

"Litvia, come with me to hold that little girl back!" The Temple of Time envoys left only the Holy Lord of Flames behind temporarily to delay Alion while going to stop the little girl themselves.

"I dealt with a few insects and more came!" The little girl yawned lazily. "Then so be it. If you stop me from dealing with my matters, then I'll just have to deal with you first."

Unlike the Holy Lords who underestimated the girls and were injured right away, the Temple of Time Envoys didn't take her lightly after seeing her skills!

They both held the gems that were around their chest and pulled those little red gems out.

The small gems turned into the purest form of energy, before condensing into the form of a blood red Sword.

The sword was unique and had an hourglass carved on the hilt. However, that hourglass appeared to be alive as if time was passing slowly inside the sword.

"They really aren't taking her lightly," Avilia muttered, looking at the two blood red swords.

"Do you know those swords?" Gabriel asked, finding those swords to be somewhat extraordinary.

"I've read about them," Avilia answered. "The red crystals that all the envoys carry are said to be the lifeline of the Temple of Time. These crystals are what provide them with the strength that they display."

"Each member of the Temple of Time has one such crystal and the size of these crystals show the level of their strength. However, that's not the only use of those crystals. These crystals can even transform into weapons for them."

" These swords are quite extraordinary. If I were to estimate, the Sword made by the leader of the Temple of Time should be on the same level as a Holy Grimoire... Categorized as a disaster level item!"

"The swords of these envoys are a little weaker, but they still can't be underestimated. If even a small cut is left behind on the body of an ordinary person by these swords, your body ages by at least ten years. The stronger the person, the more life they lose!"

The more Avilia explained, the more Gabriel was stunned. An ordinary human had a lifespan of less than a hundred years. That meant even if a person received just ten scratches from this sword and no life threatening wound, they were still going to die!

What was worse was that the effect was even stronger for stronger beings!

"This sword... Isn't it too strong then?" Gabriel frowned. Even for Demigod level beings, the sword could easily kill them after a few light cuts?

"Of course these swords are strong. How else do you think the Temple of Time became such a fierce existence that even the Churches were hesitant to stand against them?" Avilia smiled wryly.

She was still in Gabriel's embrace, avoiding the battle while explaining. "What's more is that it's really hard to avoid the sword. Not only does that sword increase the strength of the user by around ten times, but it also increases their speed, which makes it almost impossible to avoid their attacks!"

Gabriel looked at the two swords in amazement. This kind of sword appeared to be even stronger than Ulien's sword that he used. However he still couldn't understand one thing. "Why didn't they use this sword when fighting Alion before?"

'If the sword was that strong, it made sense for them to use it more often. In their eyes, Alion was weak. If they wanted to deal with the little girl, they should've thought about using that Sword to take out Alion first.'

Gabriel had a feeling that there were more secrets behind the sword than the Temple of Time showed before the world.

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