"Huh?" The more the little girl heard, the more confused she became. Since when did they become friends? Why would she help him fight these people? Heck, did he even need her help to deal with these people?

For a moment, she even wondered if she was still asleep and dreaming. She turned to Gabriel. "Pinch me."


​ "I told you to pinch me. I want to know if I'm still sleeping," the little girl said. Even though her strength was said to be quite high, her voice was like she was really a little child.

Gabriel was slightly amused by her reaction. The girl was much older than him, and around the same age as Alion according to Alion, but despite that, she still appeared somewhat naive, asking to be pinched to test if she was in a dream.

Gabriel did as he was asked, using his left hand. He placed his hand on the little girl's cheeks and pinched with a little force.

"Oww!" The girl ribbed her cheeks. "This doesn't seem like a dream. Then did he really go crazy or something?"

Unfortunately, while she was still trying to understand the situation, the scene above was quite different. The little girl was a stranger to the Holy Lord and the Temple of Time. However, they knew that the girl was strong... Probably even stronger than Alion.

Since that was the case, just a few sentences from Alion managed to create some concerns in their heart about the girl actually working with him. None of them wanted to be attacked from the back by the girl, especially since the girl just came while Alion was still exhausted.

The Temple of Time wanted to take down the person who entered the garden of legacy. The envoys didn't want to let Alion escape. However, they couldn't leave the little girl to attack them either.

"We will capture the man. You hold back the little girl," Ozen told the Holy Lords, splitting their work. "After we finish capturing him, we'll join you against that girl."

Usually, Ozen and Litvia didn't need any help. They were sure that they could catch Alion. However, the equation had changed with the arrival of the little girl who even they couldn't see through.

The Holy Lords wanted to catch Alion as well, but they also knew being attacked from behind was the worst situation they could be in.

"You deal with her. I'll be here to take down that man," the Holy Lord of Flames agreed to stay behind to fight Alion while sending the other Holy Lords down to down against the little girl.

It didn't take long for the plan to be finalized. Even though the Holy Lords and the Temple of Time hadn't worked together before, but in this situation, they decided to do it since there was just too much at stake.

Just as it was planned, the two Envoys and the Holy Lord of Flame stayed behind to deal with Alion as soon as possible. At the same time, the other Holy Lords came back and landed before the little girl.

Gabriel had already expected what was going to happen next. He sneakily stepped back, creating more distance. He didn't want to be a part of any battle. All he wanted was to make the situation even more chaotic for the two sides so that Alion could have time to escape.

The little girl was still wondering when she became Alion's friend. She still hadn't realized that Alion had lied to her to use her against his enemies. In fact, the girl even roamed through her memories, trying to remember all her meetings with Alion to see if she forgot something which could give Alion the impression that they were friends.

Unfortunately, she couldn't find anything.

"Young lady, please drop your weapon. If possible, we don't want to fight you. Just cooperate with us and surrender!" Holy Holy Priestess of Lightning said, bringing the little girl out of her daze.

The little girl looked back at the Holy Lords. However, she didn't feel anything worth worrying about. If anything, she completely ignored her and started flying up, dragging her heavy sword behind her.

The little girl was flying straight to Alion. She first wanted to beat him up and then ask him when they became friends in the first place.

Unfortunately, just as she rose in the sky, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, falling straight on the little girl.

In the eyes of the Holy Lords, the reason the little girl was flying high in the sky was because she wanted to help Alion. Somehow, this made them completely believe Alion's words.

No matter what, they couldn't let her get close to Alion.

None of the two sides realized that the person who really instigated them was lazily standing in the back, with the support of a wall as if he was watching a show.

The lightning bolt was cast by the Holy Priestess of Lightning. It was strong enough to burn anything in its path. However, despite the bright bolt of lightning, the little girl wasn't scared.

She just raised her heavy Sword, creating a slash.

A bright red arc of light came from her sword, breaking apart the lightning bolt as if it was child's play. Even after destroying the lightning bolt, the arc of red light didn't stop.

The attack flew straight to the sky. For a moment, it appeared as if the entire sky was split in two, thanks to the little girl's random attack. Spatial cracks developed everywhere, telling the strength of a seemingly random attack.

In the back, even Gabriel was slightly taken aback. When Alion said that the girl was on the same level as him, he didn't expect her strength to be this high!

'One Sword to split the sky? Just who is this girl?' Gabriel frowned.

What surprised him even more was Alion! According to Alion, he was at least as strong as this little girl. Gabriel already expected him to be quite strong but only now did he realize that he had still underestimated him quite a lot.

'Is this the strength of a Demigod? In that case, just how strong would a god be?' Gabriel frowned, looking at the back of his right hand.

He understood one thing. It was that he needed more strength! Strength to be able to face all his enemies. He couldn't rely on Karyk's army of undead for everything either! He needed something tangible! He needed to become strong on his own as well.

While Gabriel came to a realization, the battle in the sky had intensified. The little girl was successfully infuriated!

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