Chapter 393: The entire Army was annihilated! Zhong Yao was in despair!

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On the battlefield of ancient Orchid City, everyone was in a frenzy.

“Kill, kill, kill bi an!”

The 15,000 modified Zhong clan warriors were about to explode.

He couldn’t suppress his desire to kill at all.

It was as if there was an extremely powerful force that was about to burst out of his body.

This stance was exactly the same as the city guards back then, perhaps even more ferocious.

Stupa mountain’s Nirvana elixir was even more powerful. It stimulated the bestial nature in the human body.

Back then, Shen lang and bitter joy were exhausted trying to suppress the 10000-odd city guards.

And now, even Zhong ‘e couldn’t suppress these 15000 soldiers.

He still had 37000 people under his command, and he still couldn’t suppress them.

The war had not started yet, but the two armies of the Zhong clan had already fought dozens of times, and more than a few hundred people had been killed.

The modified Zhong clan’s berserk Army was too powerful.

Now that they had suppressed it for a few days, the desire to kill in their hearts had accumulated to the extreme.

If they did not start the battle, this Army would almost self-destruct, and even their eyes would be completely red.


The 15,000 soldiers beat their chests with their sabers as they roared like beasts.

Moreover, they were not willing to wear armor. In this cold winter, they even wanted to be bare-chested.

Under Zhong ‘E’s order, each of them held a shield.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!”

The modified Berserker Army started to use their sabers to hit their shields again.

charge in! Zhong ‘e shouted. kill all the Nirvana Warriors inside!

“Kill to your heart’s content!”



With Zhong Yao’s order, the 15000 berserk Army soldiers charged forward like a tide.

At that moment, it was as if ten thousand beasts were galloping at an incredible speed.

Go, go, go to Suan ni

There was only one thought in the minds of every member of the Zhong clan’s berserk Army-charge in and kill everyone inside.

At the same time!

The Nirvana Army on the city wall began to draw their bows and arrows.

“Shoot, shoot, shoot!”

The rain of arrows rained down again.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

The incomparably sharp arrow rain fiercely smashed into the Zhong family’s berserk Army.

By right, there should have been heavy casualties by now, as the Berserker Army did not like to wear armor, so their defense was very weak.

However, after taking the Nirvana elixir from stupa mountain, their senses and agility had been greatly improved.

Just as the arrows were about to penetrate their bodies, they raised their shields and blocked most of the arrows.

The casualties were small.

This Nirvana elixir was really awesome.

No wonder the Empire of Yan wanted to seal off all traces of the ancient civilization.

This kind of thing could make the Army extremely powerful in a very short time.

“Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!”

The Nirvana Army’s second and third wave of arrows rained down.

But it was still useless.

It was still blocked by the Zhong family’s Berserker Army’s shield.

Although the shields in their hands were not big, they were covered with iron and were unusually strong.

The Nirvana Army’s powerful arrow rain was ineffective.

Seeing this, Zhong ‘e heaved a long sigh of relief.

He was finally going to win.

The stupa mountain’s Nirvana elixir was indeed powerful.

It was indeed the right decision for the Zhong family to stand on the Empire’s side.

This battle was definitely won.

Once the Nirvana Army was completely destroyed, the Zhong family would be able to establish their own country.

This moment was already within reach.

“Kill, kill, kill bi an!”

15,000 Zhong clan’s Berserker Army soldiers charged to the foot of the city wall.

After that, they had to start climbing up the siege ladder.

The 37,000 Zhong clan’s troops were stunned when they saw this.

Was there such a huge difference between people?

Previously, it was so difficult for us to reach the city wall, and we were simply covered in corpses. Almost every step forward required the sacrifice of many lives. In just half a month, more than 30000 people had died under the city wall.

And now, these 15000 soldiers of the Berserker Legion had easily passed through the death zone of the Nirvana Army’s arrow rain.

He had reached the city wall so easily.


Mulan took a look.

The Zhong clan’s berserk Army was already crowded enough at this time.

The time had come!

“Change the arrows!”

With an order.

More than four thousand Nirvana soldiers began to change into special arrows.

There was a special bottle attached to the arrow.

“Let, let, let Yingluo go.”

The Nirvana Army fired again.

The rain of arrows rained down again.

The Zhong clan’s Berserker Army below the city wall raised their shields again to block the incoming arrows.


After these arrows hit the shield or the ground, the bottles on the arrow shafts suddenly exploded.

And then,

A huge amount of smoke suddenly exploded.

There was a strange fragrance in the air.

This fragrance was similar to the dark fragrance of King Chu’s murder.

But it wasn’t completely true.

Within a short period of time.

The Nirvana Army shot out tens of thousands of arrows.

There was a strange drug that Shen lang had concocted on the arrows, and each arrow only had about two grams of it.

What was this potion?

The composition was rather complicated.

60% of the poison was from various snakes, 30% was from the plants of the sand primitive tribe, and the remaining 10% was the medicine that Shen lang had concocted using various techniques.

Although the ingredients were all poisonous, it was not poisonous after being made into a medicine.

It was more like an extremely manic stimulant.

This was like printing the trend of third brother using Cobra poison.

The venom of a Cobra could make people enter a very strange mental state. Therefore, one gram of Cobra poison was worth 150 dollars.

In comparison, this was the real manic stimulant.

Shen lang came up with it by accident. His original intention was to increase the Golden Dragon blood’s medicinal effects.

In the end, he found that it didn’t work at all. After the two potions were mixed together, the experimental animals immediately fell into a very terrifying state.

Back then, Shen lang used a relatively docile mouse as an experiment. In the end, it went berserk and bit all of its kind in the cage to death. Then, it wanted to rush out of the cage crazily and smashed itself into a pile of meat.

At that point, Shen lang sealed the medicine.

He didn’t expect it to be of great use today.

Initially, Shen lang could not get so much snake venom.

However, after going to the sand primitive tribe, he had all kinds of snake venom.

It wouldn’t be a problem to weigh tens or even hundreds of catties.


The entire area below the city wall was filled with a mesmerizing fragrance.

So fragrant, so fragrant ah Yingluo

The Zhongshi family’s Army suddenly stopped climbing the city wall.

He began to desperately sniff the fragrance.

This was because the fragrance had put them in a wonderful state of mind.

After consuming the stupa mountain’s Nirvana elixir, their strength, agility, perception, and mental strength had all increased by many times.

His entire consciousness was also on the verge of collapse, and he was only a fine line away from going crazy.

And now!

After inhaling this strange fragrance, he felt that he was in a bad mood.

It was like adding oil to the fire.

The effect of the Nirvana agent in his body burst out like a raging fire.

Zhong ‘e felt something was wrong.

Because even he felt a little hot and excited after smelling the fragrance.

“Don’t smell, don’t smell!”

“Hold your breath, hold your breath!”

The Zerg roared!

However, it was too late.

The eyes of the 15000 transformed Zhong clan’s Berserker Army soldiers had turned blood-red, and their skin had also turned Scarlet.

His breathing was extremely rapid, and his pupils were a little scattered.

His mind, which was already on the verge of collapse, instantly collapsed.

“Aooo, aooo!”

Their hearts were roaring, and there was only one word in their minds.

Slaughter, bite.

Kill, kill, kill!

However, they still did not move. Instead, they continued to greedily smell the fragrance in the air.

It was a wonderful feeling.

There was still a portion of the Berserker Army that continued to climb up the city walls.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless logs rolled down from the city wall.

The zhongs ‘berserk Army that was climbing the city wall was completely smashed down.

It seemed that the medicine was not enough. There were still some people who continued to attack the city.

Mulan gave another order.

The rain of arrows rained down once more.

Countless berserk potions exploded again.

The fragrance in the air was even stronger.

Finally ...

The Zhongshi’s berserk Army, which was already filled with beastly nature, had completely lost their minds.

Soon, they were about to kill each other.

Just like Shen Lang’s previous experiment, the rat killed all of its own kind in the cage and then smashed itself into a pile of meat.

The eyes of these 10000 plus people were bloodshot. His breathing became more and more rapid, and his gaze became more and more frenzied.

It looked like the so-called zombie virus on the news on earth. Some of them went berserk after taking in the bath salt and went to bite their companions.

The battlefield fell into a strange silence.

It was like the 15 minutes of silence before a bomb exploded.

A single match was enough to set off a raging fire.

Seeing this, Zhong ‘E’s scalp went numb.

How did this happen? How did this happen?

“What are you guys doing? Hurry up and attack the city, attack the city!”

They had completely lost their minds and could no longer do something as advanced as attacking a city.

All that was left was the instinct to kill.

“Supervision team, drive them away from attacking the city, drive them away from attacking the city,” Zhong ‘e ordered.

Under Zhong ‘E’s order, the 3000 cavalrymen quickly rushed to the city wall.

“Quickly attack the city, you guys attack the city!”

The 3,000 soldiers were all wearing the best armor and riding on warhorses, so they were less afraid of the Berserker Army.

He took out his whip and drove the Berserker Army away from the city.

“Attack the city!”

“Hurry, hurry up!”

“Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa!”

Countless whips were madly whipped on the bodies of the berserk Army.

However, they still did not move.

From his posture, it seemed like he enjoyed the feeling of being whipped? It was just like a line from a movie. I didn’t feel any pain at all. Instead, I felt a little comfortable.

The 3,000 soldiers of the Zhongshi family were completely bewildered when they saw this.

What was going on? What the hell was this aroma? After we sniffed it, we only felt excited and hot, as if we were drunk. We didn’t have such a big reaction.

These 10,000-plus Berserker Army soldiers didn’t move at all. In fact, most of them had their eyes closed.

The leader of the supervision team was Zhong E’s son, Zhong Ji. He was young and full of vigor, and he was completely enraged by the scene before him.

He immediately pulled out his saber and shouted, ” “Attack the city immediately, or we’ll kill without mercy, without mercy!”

This was the tradition of the supervision team. They had to maintain order on the battlefield. Without the sound of the gold horn to withdraw the troops, anyone who dared to retreat would be killed mercilessly.

“What are you guys doing? Attack the city immediately!”

The 10,000 berserk Army soldiers ignored the smell and remained motionless, desperately sniffing the strange fragrance in the air. The desire to kill was building up in his heart.

“Kill, kill!” Zhong Ji gave the order.

The supervising team raised their swords and chopped off dozens of heads.

“Don’t kill him, don’t kill him!” The monster was shocked and shouted.

But it was too late.

The whole situation was like a burning match falling into a mountain of kerosene.

It suddenly exploded.

Many of the Berserker Army soldiers who had their eyes closed suddenly opened them.

His gaze was like that of a wild beast!


Then, these 10000-odd beast Army pounced towards the 3000 supervising troops.

The leader of the supervision team, Zhong Ji, was shocked, but he still wanted to control the situation.

“What are you guys doing? Was he rebelling? Are you rebelling?”

all of you, return to the battlefield. Otherwise, we’ll kill you without mercy.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

The supervision team used the back of the blade to slash down.

“Ahoho ahoho”

Then, an extremely terrifying scene appeared.

The Berserker Army was like a wild beast, leaping up from the ground and pouncing on the Knights of the supervision team.

Then, they would use all means to kill.

Cut with a knife, tear with hands, and bite with teeth.

The terrifying internecine killing had finally erupted.

supervision team, retreat! Retreat!

Zhong ‘e shouted and ordered.

Zhong Ji’s heart trembled as he led the 3000 cavalrymen to retreat.

And then,

The 10,000 Berserker Army soldiers who had lost their minds chased after him.

Their speed was too shocking.

Although the supervising troops were riding their horses, they were unable to increase their speed and were caught up by them.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!”

This group of Berserkers had forgotten their knife skills and everything else. They were only left with their killing instinct.

They would directly pounce on the cavalrymen and madly tear and kill them.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!”

Countless war horses trampled over them, breaking their bones.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Zhong Ji’s supervision team sped up crazily.

father, retreat, retreat! This Berserker Army has gone crazy and is completely out of control.

“Quickly run!”

After losing half of their forces, the three thousand cavalry soldiers finally managed to accelerate and shake off the berserk Army.

Zhong ‘e rode on his horse and looked at the berserk Army that was surging in.

Each of their gazes was filled with the desire to kill.

His body instantly turned cold.

“Army retreat, retreat!”


As soon as he gave the order, the 30000 Zhong family troops immediately turned around and fled for their lives, no longer caring about attacking the ancient Orchid City.


They can’t run.

The cavalrymen could escape with their warhorses.

However, the speed of the infantrymen could not compare to the modified Berserker Army.

Looking down from the sky.

It was really like a herd of beasts chasing a crowd.

The entire plain was filled with black shadows.

The speed of the Berserker Army was too fast.

The Zhong family’s 30000 strong Army was easily caught up.

And then,

It was a one-sided massacre.

The desire to kill that had been accumulating for two days and two nights finally erupted.

Even if he had lost his mind.

But the 10,000-odd Zhongshi berserk Army soldiers were also having a good time.

A mad slaughter.

Kill to your heart’s content.

He would kill a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

Heads rolled everywhere.

It was like a pack of wolves charging into a flock of sheep.

The ground within a dozen miles was covered in blood.

There were corpses everywhere.


The Nirvana Army of the ancient Orchid City watched this scene in silence.

Mulan’s body trembled slightly.

This scene was too shocking.

Should this be considered self-immolation for those who play with fire?

In fact, the fragrant medicine that her husband had given her was very magical, but it was not fatal.

Mulan also smelled it and felt very excited. She felt a little hot and wanted to find her scumbag husband and eat him up.

Everyone in the Nirvana Army was wearing a special mask, so they didn’t breathe in the medicine.

However, when a normal person sniffed this strange fragrance, they would at most fall into a state of excitement like they were drunk. They would not turn into beasts.

What was truly terrifying was the stupa mountain’s Nirvana elixir. It was like a house full of firewood that could be ignited with a single spark. The real culprit was not the spark, but the firewood in the house.

Secret weapons were powerful, but if a person was not strong or smart enough to use a powerful and mysterious weapon, it was likely that they would destroy themselves.


Zhong ‘e led the most direct line of Knights of the clan to rush up a small hill and then looked down at the entire battlefield.

It was extremely tragic!

More than 30000 ordinary soldiers of the Zhong clan were slaughtered like a herd of sheep.

Less and less, less and less.

The entire Army would be annihilated very soon.

On the other hand, the berserk Army was getting more and more frenzied.

After killing all the normal people in their field of vision, they actually started killing each other.

The ground was covered in blood and corpses. It was a terrible sight.

Zhong ‘e felt that his body had lost all its temperature as he became numb.

The extreme pain numbed him.

Why was it like this?

Shen lang would be fine if he used the Golden Dragon blood to modify the city guards.

Why would something happen to our Zhong clan when we used the Nirvana elixir to modify our Army?

How many casualties would there be this time?

Thirty thousand?

Forty thousand?

Fifty thousand?

The 100,000 strong Army that our Zhong family has painstakingly built up is going to die?

This was a complete annihilation.

Shen lang, you’re crazy.

We thought you would set up an ambush from all sides.

We thought that you would advance from Pingnan pass, White Night pass, and we thought that you would let Bian Xiao’s Army go south.

I didn’t expect that you would really hand the entire battlefield to Jin Mulan and the Nirvana Army.

You’re really going to use 4000 to fight against my 100000 strong Army?

You already knew that we would ask stupa mountain for help.

You’ve been waiting for this moment.

You’ve been preparing for our troops to kill each other for a long time.

If they fought steadily, the Zhong family’s Army of 100000 would have won.

Even if they did not attack, they could still win after half a year.

But the power of the ancient civilization was really tempting.

If you, Shen lang, can’t resist the temptation, then the Zhong family can’t either.

In the end, you, Shen lang, used a big victory, but my Zhong clan was destroyed.

At that moment, Zhong ‘e could almost see Shen Lang’s sinister smile in hell.

Shen lang, you’re so vicious, you’re so vicious.

“Marshal, bad news, bad news.”

some of our troops fled toward the Western Garrison city, but those crazy beasts also headed toward the city.

Zhong ‘e was greatly shocked!

He took a closer look, and sure enough, the berserk beast Army that had lost all their strength was like a pack of wolves that had smelled blood, and they instinctively rushed toward the Western Garrison city.

This ... This was terrible.

Zhenxi city was the Zhong family’s base, and there were less than ten thousand soldiers guarding the city.

Shen lang, you despicable beast, not only do you want to use these beasts to kill my Army, but you also want to use them to attack the city?


Within Zhenxi city!

Zhong Yao could not hide his excitement.

He was waiting for the news of victory.

They would definitely win this battle. The stupa mountain’s Nirvana elixir was too powerful.

The 15,000 soldiers of the Berserker Army were simply too strong, and were more than enough to wipe out the Nirvana Army.

And once the Nirvana Army was destroyed, this battle would be over.

The Zhong family would then defend their current territory and wait for the development of the situation, as well as the conferment of the Empire’s title.

Tianxi Duchy!

I, Zhongyao, am about to become the king of a country.

This is the dream of our Zhong family for generations, and it’s finally going to come true.

However, at this moment!

A series of hurried footsteps came from outside.

What was going on?

Why were their footsteps so flustered?

“My Lord, bad news, bad news.”

I don’t know what Shen lang did, but he made our Berserker Army lose their minds and go crazy. They started killing our own army.

“Lord Zhong ‘E’s thirty-seven thousand soldiers were almost wiped out,”

“The 10000 soldiers of the berserk Army have started to kill each other again. Now, less than half of them are left, and they’re charging toward our Western Garrison city.”

“Our 50000 strong main force was almost completely annihilated.”

Zhong Yao was completely dumbfounded.

How similar was this feeling to ning Qi’s?

It was as if a bolt of lightning had struck, and his soul was about to be scattered.

The battle of ancient Orchid City was completely lost?

And he lost in such a way?

Of the Zhong family’s Army of nearly 100000, more than 80000 had died.

This, was this extreme joy turning into sorrow?

Just now, I was still fantasizing about sitting on the throne of the Tianxi Duchy and creating the peak of the Zhong family for hundreds of years.

Now, Xuanji

He actually fell directly into hell?

Zhong Yao felt his vision turn black and he felt dizzy.

Then, he staggered and fell back into his chair.

“My Lord, those wild beasts are madly charging toward the city. What should we do next?”

After a long while, Zhong Yao said with a trembling voice, ” “Close down Zhenxi city!”


A day and a half later!

The remaining four to five thousand soldiers of the Berserker’s Army had finally reached the gates of the city.

At this moment, the city gate was tightly shut.

However, they had already woken up. In fact, they had already woken up yesterday.

He had some memories of what he had done, but he wasn’t too sure.

His entire being sank into an incomparable emptiness and confusion, as well as boundless frustration.

This was the same feeling as when the Golden Dragon blood of the city guards had worn off.

They had rushed back to Zhenxi city because they wanted to go home.

“Open the city gates and let us in!” The Berserker Army warrior shouted.

we can’t open the city gate. These people are wild beasts. They kill whoever they see. Zhong Ji shouted.

“Lord Zhong ‘e, please open the city gates. We’ve returned to normal.”

“Don’t open the city gate, don’t open it!” The guards on the city wall shouted.

What happened the day before yesterday was too terrifying. This group of wild beasts had actually slaughtered more than thirty thousand of their brothers.

And it was the most brutal way.

Of the 37000 people, less than 3000 had made it back to the city. To them, everything that had happened was like a nightmare.

“Marshal, we’ve returned to normal.”

we still have great strength, agility, and speed. We can fight for you.

This group of people was telling the truth.

Although half of the medicinal effect had faded, there was still a small part left.

Their strength and speed were still much stronger than usual. The only thing that was low was their morale, dejection, and gloominess.

Zhong ‘e looked carefully at the eyes of the Berserkers. They were still bloodshot and looked extremely ferocious.

“Brother, what should we do?”

“Order them to leave the Western Garrison city and return to the battlefield at the ancient Orchid City to destroy the Nirvana Army,” Zhong Yao said.

“The Lord has ordered all of you to return to the battlefield at the ancient Orchid City and kill all of Shen Lang’s Nirvana soldiers,” Zhong ‘e shouted from the city wall.

However, after the effects of the drug wore off, the berserk Army was filled with boundless frustration.

In a few days and nights, they had traveled 400 miles back and forth, slaughtering tens of thousands of people.

He was mentally exhausted and wanted to find a place to lie down. He didn’t want to care about anything.

It was the same for the city guards after the effects of the drug wore off. Although they still had combat power, they were extremely dispirited. It was Ning Zheng’s spirit of self-sacrifice that reignited their morale.

Now, Zhong Yao actually wanted them to return to fight the Nirvana Army?

commander, we just want to lie down and not move. We don’t want to fight.

we can open the city gates, ” Zhong Yao said. but have them put down all their weapons.

“We can let you in, but you have to put down all your weapons,” Zian yelled.

A leader of the Berserker Army Warriors said, ” “Lord Zhong ‘e, you want us to disarm and enter the city to kill us all, right?”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

There was no solution to the current situation.

If a dog had once bitten a person to death, what would be its end?

It would definitely be killed, regardless of whether it had already regained its calm.

No one knew if it would go crazy again and bite again.

The Berserker Army had slaughtered so many Zhong family’s troops, and the consequences were irreversible.

According to any military law, they had to be executed.

Zhong ‘e said, ” there’s no such thing. I know that all of this is not your intention. All of this is Shen Lang’s scheme. Put down your weapons and I’ll let you in to calm down and let time wash away all this.”

it seems like the situation is irreversible, ” the berserk Army leader said. brothers, let’s go. We’ll find a city to stay in.

After that, these four to five thousand Berserker Army soldiers were about to leave and find another place to stay.

let’s go and seek refuge with Shen lang and the monarch!

There were only a few berserk Army Warriors who said this.

However, Zhong Yao’s eyes still narrowed when he heard this.

“Do it!”

As he gave the order.

Tens of thousands of arrows were shot from the top of the city wall.

The Zhong clan’s Berserker Army fell to the ground one after another.

Immediately after, two cavalry units charged out and pincered the four to five thousand Berserker Army soldiers.

“They want to kill us? They want to kill us.”

The Zhong clan’s berserk Army shouted.

“Let’s fight it out with them, let’s fight it out with them.”

“We’ll fight our way into the city! We want to go home! We want to go home!”

Then, the berserk Army picked up their weapons and charged back.

He took out the rope hook that he had used to attack the city and climbed the city wall with all his might.

A strange siege battle broke out.

The Zhong family’s Army had once again fallen into a state of internal strife.


Two hours later!

The bloody battle was over.

The four to five thousand Zhong clan’s Berserker Army soldiers were all dead.

His tragic fate was completely ended.

However, their counterattacks before they died were also shocking.

Of the Zhong clan’s 13000 strong Army, 3000 of them had been killed.

This was because the effect of the Nirvana elixir in their bodies had not completely worn off, so their strength and agility were still far better than their normal bodies.

They were originally in a state of extreme depression and dejection. However, the attack launched by the Zhong family’s Army had infuriated them, and once again, the ferocity in their hearts was aroused.

Therefore, even though they were attacked from both the inside and the outside by an Army that was three times their size, they still managed to burst out with an astonishing combat power, causing great casualties to the Zhong family.

So far, the Zhong family had less than 10000 soldiers guarding the city.


Zhong Yao stood on the city wall.

Would Shen Lang’s Nirvana Army come to attack the city?

“I don’t think so. The King of Chu used 300000 troops to attack Zhenxi city, but they still haven’t taken it down after more than a month. Shen lang dared to attack the city with 4000 people? Are you crazy?” Zhonger said.

however, Shen lang used 10000 troops to attack the Chu royal capital.

“The Chu royal capital fell because the city gates were burned through. The city gates of our Zhenxi city have been completely modified. There’s a layer of wood, a layer of steel, and a layer of boulders. How can they be burned through?”

although we only have 9000 soldiers, they are the most elite warriors of the family, which is equivalent to 20000 to 30000 elite soldiers.

“Shen lang treasures the Nirvana Army very much. Once he uses the Nirvana Army to attack the city, how many casualties will there be? Furthermore, the Nirvana Army doesn’t have many arrows left.”

therefore, I am sure that Shen lang will not use the Nirvana Army to attack the city. He will definitely use the Qiang Army.

“So we still have time to ask for help from the Empire.”

However, at this moment!

A black shadow appeared in the North.

Everyone in the Zhong family was shocked.

Shen lang was really crazy. He actually used 4000 Nirvana soldiers to attack the city.

There were not many arrows left, and there were no siege weapons. They actually came to attack such a sturdy city like Zhenxi city?

Our city gate has been modified. We won’t give you another chance.


Half an hour later!

Jin Mulan led more than four thousand Nirvana soldiers to the city.

Zhong Yao, Zhong E, and the others were completely enraged.

Shen lang, you’re too arrogant.

4,000 people attacking the city?

Very good, very good!

I’d like to see how many people you’ll have to sacrifice to take down my city.

This wasn’t just a battle of life and death, it was a battle of honor.

And at this moment.

A giant man in steel armor rushed out from the Nirvana Army again.


He rushed straight for the city gate.

The Zhong clan members sneered in their hearts.

Do you still want to use the same method you used in the Chu royal capital to break through the city gates?

It was completely a daydream.

The West Gate of the town had been completely renovated. It had three floors. That terrifying thing of yours can no longer be burned through.

However, they didn’t know that this time, foolish had not only used Thermit to break through the city gate, but also explosives!

If they could not take down Zhenxi city in half a day, Shen lang would be F * cked by Zhongshi!


[ note: destroy the Zhong family in the ! ] my benefactors, please help me on the monthly votes list. Don’t make me powerless!

Thank you, 6688, for your 10000 Yuan tip from Wuxi. I’m Xiaolong, broken water.

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