Chapter 392: The Zhong family’s crushing defeat! Doomsday has arrived!

Translator: 549690339

(Congratulations, brother Tao 1224, for becoming the new leader of this book. I’m lost and Keke can ko the next two chapters every day.)

In fact, Prince Lian had not returned to the Yan capital. Instead, he had appeared in Zhenxi city.

“Zhongyao, every word I’m about to say is very important.”

“First, you’re not fighting this battle for ning Qi, nor are you trying to take over a city.”

“This battle is for your Zhong family.”

“You only have one goal in this battle, which is to completely annihilate the first and second Nirvana armies.”

Prince Lian’s words were very serious.

“This is not just my will, but the will of the entire Empire.”

“Do you understand what I mean?”

“Please enlighten me, Your Highness,” Zhong Yao said.

“Alright then, I’ll be more direct. The first and second Nirvana Army are armies that were transformed by Shen Lang’s bloodline. They should not exist in this world and should be completely wiped out, do you understand?”

Zhong Yao’s eyes narrowed.

This sentence had a deeper meaning.

“Not only the first and second Nirvana armies, but all the remaining members of Jiang Li’s bloodline must be wiped out as well.” Prince Lian said. Including kutou Huan, LAN Bao, tu da, tu er, the ten LAN brothers, and everyone else, they will all be completely erased from this world.”

There was too much information in this sentence.

What happened?

In the past ten years, the Empire had been more lenient with the special bloodlines of Jiang Li’s remnants.

More than 20 years ago, after Jiang Li’s sudden death, the people with special bloodlines he trained became war refugees and spread to the whole world.

The Zhuo family adopted bitter joy.

The Zhong family adopted LAN Bao.

King Chu had adopted the tu brothers.

These people with special bloodlines were originally in a relatively secretive state. However, after the Zhuo family was exterminated, the leader of sky-Sea Pavilion openly accepted them as his in-name disciples.

Then, the dynasty’s attitude in this aspect was suddenly relaxed.

Not only did he agree, but he also agreed with the world’s wealthy families to take in Jiang Li.

That was why the identity of this group of people with special bloodlines was constantly revealed, and Shen lang dared to create miracles with the ten brothers of the LAN family.

And now, Prince Lian of the Empire said that he wanted to completely erase all traces of these people’s existence.

What was the meaning of this? Why did such a change happen?

“I repeat, the first and second Nirvana Army should not exist in this world, so you must destroy this Army at all costs, there are only four thousand people.”

“No matter how many soldiers are killed or injured, whether it’s 30000 or 50000, we have to kill all of these 4000 people.”

Xue Che’s orders are pretty much the same. Annihilate the Jin family, especially all of their naval fleets. Leave no ships behind and completely seal off all routes in the eastern sea.

“I hope you can understand the weight of this.”

“Are you really not going to pay any price?” Zhong Yao looked at Prince Lian and asked.

“How much rations, military provisions, and weapons have you received in the past few months?” Prince Lian asked.


In the last battle with King Chu, the Zhongyao Army had almost emptied all their resources.

And these few months had been filled in all at once, making him more generous than ever.

Countless resources poured into the Zhong family’s warehouse without any conditions.

“I’ll repeat myself again,” Prince Lian said.”You’re not fighting this battle for ning Qi. I’ll tell you one more thing, as long as you complete this goal! The Zhongshi family will establish their own country.”

When he heard this, Zhong Yao almost trembled.

Even in his dreams, he wanted the Zhong family to be independent.

This sense of urgency was no less than su Nan’s.

However, the reality had forced the Zhong family to rely on the State of Yue, as the Zhong family and Chu State had been mortal enemies for generations.

The powerful Chu State was like a huge mountain in front of the Zhong clan.

Therefore, even though Zhong Yao clearly viewed ning yuanxian as an enemy, he still had to pledge his loyalty to the king of Yue and even obey most of his decrees.

Previously, he had tried to break away from the Yue country and form a marriage alliance with Prince Wu of the Imperial country. In the end, it was ruined by Shen lang.

To establish their own country!

For this goal, the Zhong family was willing to pay the price of generations.

However, Prince Lian of the Empire had directly given this condition.

you have already captured most of the northern part of Tianxi province. Only the ancient Orchid City is left. “As long as you exterminate the first and second Nirvana Army, the entire northern part of Tianxi province will belong to your Zhong family,” Prince Lian said.

first, it will be conferred as the Tianxi Duchy. Nominally, it is a vassal state of the Yue country, but in fact, it has already become its own country.

“You, Zhongyao, are no longer Yue country’s Zhenxi Marquis. You are the monarch of Tianxi Duchy.”

in the future, the king of Yue will be your nominal monarch, but you will only have one true Monarch, and that is His Majesty the Emperor.

For a moment, Zhong Yao felt like he couldn’t breathe.

The blood in his body was almost boiling up.

The monarch!

What a fascinating term.

It was said that Kings and nobles were better than others.

However, there were countless clans in the world, but how many of them could become the king of a country?

“This is the Empire’s promise to you. How about it?” Prince Lian said.

“I will do my best and spare no effort until I die,” Zhong Yao said, trembling.

“Remember, destroy the first and second Nirvana Army at all costs!” Prince Lian ordered. This Army should not have appeared in this world. Furthermore, Shen lang is not in this Army. This is a rare opportunity for you.”


The ancient Orchid City was very small. Strictly speaking, it was not even a city, but a Castle.

It only occupied a few hundred acres of land, and its back was against a tall mountain.

Mulan had led the first and second Nirvana Army to guard this place for more than a few months.

In the past few months.

The first and second Nirvana Army had been preparing for battle.

Before the king of Yue announced the Zhong family’s rebellion, it was a peaceful period. All kinds of resources were flowing into Gulan city.

Now, in the castle’s basement, countless resources were piled up like a mountain.

Be it food or weapons, they would last for a few months.


Four days later!

The 40 thousand strong Army of Zhong ‘e arrived at the foot of Gulan city.

They immediately surrounded the small castle, making it impenetrable.

Zhong ‘e had made ample preparations for this battle.

They had brought countless siege weapons.

Dozens of giant trebuchets were lined up.

Dozens of giant crossbows were lined up.

With an order.

All the catapults and giant crossbows were fired.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The entire Castle began to shake, and the earth and mountains shook.

This crazy bombardment seemed to be endless.

Half an hour passed.

Two hours passed.

An hour and a half!

More than a few thousand huge rocks smashed onto the ancient Orchid City.

The ancient city was instantly riddled with holes.

Throughout the entire process, the Nirvana Army in the city did not counterattack at all, giving people the feeling that they were completely asleep.

Under such an astonishing bombardment, it seemed that any Army’s will would collapse.

“Attack the city and kill all of Shen Lang’s Nirvana Army!”

Zhong Yao gave the order.

The Zhong family’s Army surged toward the ancient Orchid City like a tidal wave.

“Kill, kill, kill bi an!”

Four hundred meters, three hundred meters, two hundred meters ...

And then,

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

A magnificent rain of arrows appeared once again. The first and second Nirvana Army soldiers shot arrows wildly.

That’s right, the first Nirvana Army has also started shooting arrows.

In the past few months, they had not done anything else but practice archery.

However, they were too focused. Once they practiced the mo sword, it would be difficult for them to reach the peak in other skills.

Therefore, their archery skills were not as good as the second Nirvana Army, but they were already very strong.

At the very least, drawing a two-stone bow was no problem at all.

At the very least, shooting dozens of arrows in a row was no problem at all.

More than four thousand sharpshooters were shooting arrows crazily from above.

The one-sided massacre was happening once again.

The accuracy of the Nirvana Army’s archery could not be described with words.

The Zhong family was well-equipped, and with the support of countless resources, they were equipped with a large number of iron armors.

However, they were still unable to withstand the rain of arrows from the Nirvana Army, and countless casualties were suffered.

Seeing such a shocking number of casualties ...

Zhong ‘e finally understood why King Chu had been defeated so miserably.

The archery skills of this Nirvana Army was absolutely terrifying.

That’s right, such an Army should not even exist in this world.

“Great shield formation, great shield formation!”

Zhong Yao gave the order.

The tortoise-like shield formation appeared once again.

Through this large shield formation, Zhong ‘E’s Army finally reached the bottom of Gulan city’s wall.

He then began to climb the city wall.

On the city walls, countless boulders, logs, and oil poured down.

The Zhong clan’s Army suffered heavy casualties once again.

Just six hours later.

The first day of the siege had ended.

Because it had to end.

The Nirvana Army was too strong.

The morale of the 40000-strong ziang-e Army began to fall after suffering more than 5000 casualties.

If they didn’t call the alarm to withdraw, their morale would collapse.


The next day!

The Zerg Army attacked Gulan city once again.

They failed again and suffered more than four thousand casualties.

On the third day.

The zhonger Army attacked the city again.

They still failed, with more than four thousand casualties.

At this point, out of the 40000 troops under his control, the casualties had exceeded 13000, a full one-third.

The morale of the Army was low, and they could not continue to attack the city.


While Zhong Yao was furious, he was extremely shocked.

Was the Nirvana Army this strong?

An Army of 40000 against 4000, and they lost so badly?

Prince Lian was right. Such an Army should not exist in the world.

What should he do next?

Continue to increase the number of troops in ancient Orchid City?

There was no need to worry about the East. Ning Zheng did not have any soldiers. The less than 20000 troops he had were not even enough to defend the country.

The only worry was that in the South, the Allied forces of Zhang Ji and the Qiang Kingdom might pass through the White Night pass and head north to attack the Zhong family’s territory.

As mentioned before, Tianxi province was separated from the South and North by a large mountain range, which was almost impossible to cross.

Well, except for the Nirvana Army, no other Army could cross it.

At the very least, it was impossible for the Army of the Qiang Kingdom to cross over. The only way was through White Night pass.

And white Night pass was built in the middle of the mountains, it was definitely easy to defend and hard to attack.

He could even hold out against ten thousand enemies.

Since White Night pass was built, it had never been broken through.

Previously, White Night pass had been guarded by Zheng tuo. Now that the Zhong family was planning a rebellion, they would naturally occupy White Night pass at the first opportunity.

The entire White Night pass had a total of 10000 guards.

Zhong Yao knew that Shen lang had a magical item that could burn through the iron gate and break through the city gate.

The King of Chu was captured in this way.

In order to prevent the same thing from happening again, the Zhong family had modified all the city gates.

There were three layers of city gates.

Not only was there wood, but there was also iron, and there was also a giant stone door.

In this way, even if you had the means of an immortal, you wouldn’t be able to break it.

At present, White Night pass was still as stable as a mountain, without any signs of being broken through.

In fact, Zhang Ji and the Qiang Army were nowhere to be seen!

Zhong Yao had another worry.

That was the Pingnan pass of Chu State.

Of course, the Chu State would not send out its Army to attack the Zhong family in this battle.

The King of Chu had suffered heavy losses this time and did not even have time to recuperate. Even if he had some secret agreement with Ning Zheng, he could not really send troops to help.

However, Zhong Yao was worried that the King of Chu would open Pingnan pass and allow the Army of the Qiang Kingdom to go north, enter Tianxi province through the Chu Kingdom.

Regarding this, the Imperial Lian Prince had already sent a secret envoy to warn King Chu.

He believed that this young king Chu would not dare to take such a risk.

This way, the South, West, and East would not be in danger.

Furthermore, Bian Xiao’s Army in the North did not seem to have any intention of heading south.

This surprised Zhong Yao.

What did Shen lang mean?

He could have surrounded the Zhong clan’s Army from the East, South, and North.

But he did not do so.

Could it be that he was going to hand the entire battlefield to Jin Mulan’s 4000 Nirvana Army?

Isn’t Yingying a little too crazy?

Shen lang, you’re too arrogant.

Our Zhong family’s Army is also an elite army that has been through hundreds of battles. Even if we have forty thousand new soldiers, there are still sixty thousand elite veterans.

He was definitely strong.

You want to rely on just 4000 to annihilate my 100000 strong Army?

That would really be a fool’s dream!


What was Shen lang thinking?

Did he really want to fight Zhong Yao’s 100000-strong Army with only 4000 Nirvana soldiers?



It was just that crazy.

It was simply appalling!


After confirming that there were no enemies in Pingnan pass and white Night pass, Zhong Yao once again sent more troops to the battlefield of Gulan city.

An additional 30000 troops!

At this point, the number of soldiers attacking the ancient Orchid City had reached a shocking 60000.

Immediately, the Zhong clan Army’s morale soared once more!

Zhong ‘e gave the order to attack the city again!

He wouldn’t give up until he achieved his goal.

The 50 thousand troops attacked the city in an endless stream.

The result:

They suffered another crushing defeat.

Fifty thousand men attacked the city, and nearly ten thousand were killed or injured.

An unprecedented loss made them feel pain in their hearts.

The Nirvana Army’s strength made people gasp in amazement.

The first Nirvana Army is invincible in close combat, while the second Nirvana Army is invincible in defending cities.

As long as there were enough arrows, the Nirvana Army would not be defeated!


Following this, Zhong ‘e used all his methods.

Digging a tunnel!

This was a very stupid method because excavating a tunnel required too much work.

However, this was also a move that made it difficult for the defenders to defend against.

Thousands of people were mobilized, and it took several days and nights.

The tunnel was finally about to be dug, leading directly to the ancient Orchid City.

Zhong ‘e was overjoyed and sent the most elite Zhong family Warriors to attack the ancient Orchid City through the tunnel.

The result:

With great difficulty, they walked along the tunnel and walked on. When they reached the exit of the ancient Orchid City, they suddenly found that the exit was sealed.

And then,

Countless smoking things were thrown down.

Poison gas bomb!

The so-called poison gas bomb did not have much destructive power.

However, in the enclosed environment of the tunnel, the destructive power was simply amazing.

The Zhong family’s elite soldiers who were trapped in the tunnel were tortured as if they were in hell.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Then, there was a series of low rumbling sounds.

The tunnel that had been excavated with great difficulty collapsed.

The elite warriors of the Zhong family were buried underground.

After hearing this, zhonger almost vomited blood.

The tactic of digging a tunnel had failed completely.


Next, he would use fire to attack!

Yin Yuan Association had transported an uncountable amount of fish oil, which was piled up like a mountain.

From 400 meters away, they would use the trebuchets to throw the barrels.

How much fish oil was there in total?

It was over five thousand barrels, weighing over a hundred thousand Jin.

It was enough to burn a few hundred acres of old orchid City to ashes.

In order to completely destroy the Nirvana Army, the hidden faction had given everything they had.

“Drink, drink, drink, drink Yingluo!”

A few hundred people were pushing five super-large trebuchets.

These super-large trebuchets could throw things weighing dozens of kilograms four to five hundred meters away.

He had no choice.

This was the only safe distance.

The power of the Nirvana Army’s arrow rain was too great. It was not safe to be within three hundred meters.

However, these trebuchets were too large and required more than 100 people to push one.

It took a few hours.

The five giant trebuchets were all in position.

Next, it was the city-burning fire.

Zhong ‘e was filled with hatred and anticipation.

It had been a great humiliation. Tens of thousands of soldiers had attacked a mere Castle, but not only had they failed to take it down, but the casualties had also exceeded 23000.

An Army like the Nirvana Army should not have appeared in this world.

No matter how strong you are, you can’t stop the flames.

I’ll burn all of you to ashes.


The five giant trebuchets were ready.

Each trebuchet carried three barrels of fish oil.

In the next few days, this hundred thousand plus fish oil would be poured into the ancient Orchid City.

He had to burn this Castle to ruins and burn everyone inside to death.

“Prepare to fire!”

“Wait for the scorching flames to roast you.”

“Wait for your destruction!”

And then!

At this moment, the unparalleled beauty Jin Mulan appeared.

She stood on top of the city wall and drew an unprecedented bow.

He aimed at the countless barrels of fish oil.

The alligator was shocked.

These barrels of fish oil were seven hundred meters away from the city wall.

There was simply no bow or arrow that could hit him.

Even an Archer like Jin Mulan, no matter how strong the bow was, couldn’t hit her.

This was because it had already exceeded the limits of the bow.

Jin Mulan, your posture is very beautiful.

But it was destined to be futile.

Even Immortals could not shoot from a distance of a thousand steps.


Mulan suddenly shot out an arrow.

The giant arrow drew a beautiful arc in the air.

Then ...

Could Mulan’s arrows reach beyond 700 meters?

It was impossible!

The kinetic energy provided by the bow and arrow had a limit.


The arrow had just flown two hundred meters.

Suddenly, he was startled.

The Arrow’s butt started to burn.

Then, it began to accelerate.

F * ck me.

What the hell was this?

An arrow that could spit fire?

A distance of seven hundred meters was originally impossible.

But now ...

The speed of the fire-breathing rocket increased, and it actually flew above the barrels of fish oil.

But so what?

At such a distance, the accuracy of an arrow was completely metaphysical.

It was impossible to hit the target.

This was also true.


The rocket exploded in the air.


It was clearly daytime.

However, it burst out with an extremely dazzling light.

Then, countless sparks fell.

It was too beautiful.

Thousands of sparks flew everywhere.

What kind of sparks were these?

It was the thermite again.

The temperature reached 2500 degrees Celsius.

The arrows couldn’t hit, but the aluminite sparks were like raindrops. They would definitely hit.

“Protect the fish oil, protect the fish oil!”

Zhong ‘e shouted.

However, it was all in vain.

Countless aluminite sparks fell on the barrel of fish oil.

The high temperature of 2500 degrees easily ignited the wooden barrel.

And then,

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

There was an earth-shattering explosion.

There were continuous explosions.

Countless fireballs burst out on the ground.

Nearly two hundred thousand catties of fish oil exploded.

In that instant, the light almost covered the sun.

The thousands of Zhong family soldiers were all torn into pieces.

The entire ground was shaking violently.

Upon seeing this scene!

Zhong ‘e was completely shocked.

Because he felt that he was closer, he instantly felt a powerful shock wave hit him, as if he was hammered in the chest.

Then, his entire body flew out.

At the same time, the countless soldiers around him were blown away and fell to the ground like wheat in the wind.


After Zhong ‘e landed, he stood firmly.

However, he could feel that much of his eyebrows and hair had been burnt.

A sky full of flames!

It was as if the entire earth was burning.

Countless Zhong family soldiers were burned to a crisp.

There were even more people rolling on the ground and screaming.

This place no longer looked like a battlefield. It was like the 18 levels of hell.

The entire ground was still burning. Wasn’t this like a boundless pot of oil?


Zhong ‘e let out shrill cries.


Was such a small castle so difficult to defeat?

There were twenty-three thousand casualties just now, so how many people had died in this fire?

It’s only four thousand Nirvana soldiers.

Prince Lian was right. This Army should not have appeared in this world.

They should be completely erased!


After a few hours!

The casualty statistics were out.

More than 3000 people were burned or killed, and more than 7000 were injured.

Another 10,000 casualties!

In other words, the Zhong family’s Army had already suffered more than 33000 casualties since the start of the war.

A third of the 100000-strong Army had been lost!

Of course, he still had 40000 troops, which was ten times the size of the Nirvana Army.

But today, the shocking flames had shocked all the troops.

The remaining 40 thousand troops had lost all will to fight and their morale was on the verge of collapse.

The ground was filled with wounded and burnt corpses.

It looked too terrifying!

This battle was really over.

“Retreat!” The Zerg painfully ordered the Army to retreat twenty li.

They surrounded but did not attack!

At this point, the first stage of the battle to attack ancient Orchid City had completely failed!


Zhong ‘e returned to Zhenxi city.

The atmosphere in the Western Garrison Marquis ‘residence was extremely heavy.

He didn’t expect the battle to be so miserable. Even with the addition of the new recruits, the Zhong clan only had 100000 troops.

A third of it was gone in an instant.

The key was that Shen Lang’s Nirvana Army had very few casualties.

“The Nirvana Army should have used up all their arrows, right?”

“During this battle, they shot at least two million arrows.”

“Even if we have sufficient resources, we can’t possibly prepare a few million arrows.”

“Zhongyao, I’ve said that we must destroy this Nirvana Army at all costs. They shouldn’t have appeared in this world,” Prince Lian said slowly.

Seal off all traces of the ancient civilization in the world.

“Once the Nirvana Army is destroyed, your Zhong family will be able to establish a country.”

“Your Highness, I also want to do it at all costs,” Zhong Yao said. However, in the current situation, it would be difficult even if I were to bet my entire Army. You’re right, the Nirvana Army shouldn’t exist in this world. They’re too strong.”

“The key is morale,” Zhong ‘e said.”Once our casualties exceed twenty to thirty percent, morale will collapse. Therefore, no matter how many troops we have, it’s of no use.”

“Prince Lian, I wonder if there’s any way to instantly boost the morale and combat power of our Army. For example, the so-called Golden Dragon blood that Shen lang used before?”

Prince Lian’s eyes narrowed at this.

What was the meaning of this?

I’ve said it before, the Nirvana Army should not exist in this world.

The Empire wants to completely erase the traces of the ancient civilization in this world, and you still want to use these things?

Using poison to attack poison?

Your Highness, ” Zhong Yao said, ” the so-called Golden Dragon blood’s improvement on the human body is short-lived. Once the effects fade, there will be no more effects. This does not go against the will of the Empire.

Prince Lian of the imperial family closed his eyes.

The current situation was just as Zhong Yao had said. It was already very difficult to destroy the Nirvana Army and take down the ancient Orchid City by normal means.

Indeed, the Nirvana Army’s arrows might have been exhausted.

But what if there were more?

The morale of the Zhong family’s Army was already extremely low, and they couldn’t afford to fight.

Once he used a medicine similar to the Golden Dragon blood, he could almost turn the situation around in an instant.

“I’ll give you an answer tomorrow!”


The next day, Prince Lian of the Empire left.

He was replaced by the emissaries from stupa mountain.

A few dozen scholars from stupa mountain appeared in Zhong Yao’s West Garrison Marquis mansion.

He brought dozens of boxes of things.

Perhaps Prince Lian of the Empire had already prepared these things, but he was unwilling to bear the responsibility, so he left today.

This meant that whatever happened in the future would have nothing to do with him.

“Is this Golden Dragon blood?”

“This is a Nirvana elixir!” “There’s no such thing as Golden Dragon blood in this world,” the scholar from stupa mountain replied.

“How does it compare to Shen Lang’s Golden Dragon blood?” Zhong Yao asked.

“Seventy percent.” The scholar from stupa mountain said.


That’s enough, that’s enough.

At that time, the 10000 city guards were useless. After consuming the Golden Dragon blood that Shen lang had diluted a few times, their combat ability instantly increased and they almost defeated the powerful sand primitive Warriors.

“How many?” Zhong Yao asked.

“15000 copies!”

It was enough!

A moment later, a new recruit of the Zhong family came to do an experiment. He had taken the Nirvana elixir from stupa mountain.

Instantly, his eyes turned red.


He roared!

One had to know that he was a recruit who was so scared that he peed his pants.

“Release the Tiger!”

Zhong Yao gave the order.

A huge Tiger was released and it pounced towards the recruit.

If it was before, this new recruit would have peed and defecated.

And now, Yingluo

He suddenly roared and rolled on the ground.

His speed was extremely fast, and he dodged the Tiger’s attack.

Then, he rushed to the Tiger’s stomach and slashed.


The Tiger’s internal organs were all flowing out.

“Shua shua shua”

But before the Tiger died, it scratched the recruit’s back.

The blood was so deep that the bones could be seen.

“Hahaha, cool, cool!”

The new recruit seemed to feel no pain as he continued to shout excitedly.

When he felt blood on his back, he grabbed it and licked his own blood.

Everyone was completely stunned.

This Nirvana elixir was actually this strong?

He had made a useless recruit become so brave.

Not only did his courage, strength, and speed increase, but his reaction speed and perception had also been greatly improved.

His combat strength had increased by more than a few times.


The new recruit was still laughing.

As he laughed, he died!

He died from excessive blood loss.

Because no one stopped his bleeding, but even when he died, he still laughed heartily.

This potion was just like the Golden dragon’s blood. It made people feel no fear.

“Good, good, good Yingluo”

Zhong Yao was overjoyed. This Nirvana elixir could be given to 15000 people.

It was equivalent to having 15000 heaven-defying Warriors who did not fear death.

This way, there was no need to worry that the ancient Orchid City would not fall.

Why worry about the Nirvana Army not being destroyed?

They would definitely exterminate the Nirvana Army, exterminate them!


In the next twenty hours.

15,000 soldiers of the Zhong family had taken the Nirvana potion from stupa mountain.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was filled with gallantry and killing intent.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he was fearless.

Everyone’s strength, speed, agility, perception, and courage had all received a huge boost!

Zhong Yao ordered.

These fifteen thousand new fierce warrior troops entered the ancient Orchid City battlefield at the fastest speed.

At this point!

The number of Zhong clan’s troops surrounding the ancient Orchid City had once again reached fifty-two thousand.

Of the Zhong family’s 100000-strong Army, 10000 were still at White Night pass. The number of troops left to guard the West City of the old nest town was less than 10000.

He was really trying his best to destroy the Nirvana Army at all costs.

To be an independent country.

How could Zhong Yao resist this temptation?

After these 15000 modified Zhong clan warriors arrived at Gulan city, they sought battle like crazy demons.

Kill, kill, kill!

Exterminate the Nirvana Army, exterminate them!

Shen lang, it’s the end of your Nirvana Army.


Within the ancient Orchid City!

The morale of the Nirvana Army was still high, but they were running out of arrows. There were less than three hundred thousand arrows left.

Under the crazy shooting of the Nirvana Army, these arrows were not enough to fight a battle.

They could have gone outside the city to collect arrows, but the cunning zhonger had ordered all the arrows on the ground to be taken away.

The arrows that could not be pulled away were all destroyed, so the Nirvana Army could only retrieve a limited number of arrows.

And now, the Zhong family had invested another 15000 modified Warriors. They were extremely brave.

Then, 52,000 enemy soldiers attacked the city.

If the Nirvana Army didn’t have enough arrows, wouldn’t they die?


Jin Mulan’s tight smile finally relaxed.

As expected, her husband was right again.

After the Zhong family had suffered several major losses, they finally could not help but ask stupa mountain for help. They finally could not help but use potions similar to the Golden Dragon blood.

The most stunning and terrifying scene was about to happen.

Shen lang was prepared.

In fact, Shen lang treated this scene as the key to the final battle.

What about the research on the Golden Dragon blood?

Who could surpass Shen lang?

Do you all know that there is only a thin line between a warrior and a madman?

The potions from stupa mountain can turn your Zhong family’s Warriors into brave and invincible Warriors.

On the other hand, Shen lang could turn them into crazy beasts and make them lose their minds. They would not be able to differentiate between friend and foe and would become killing machines.

What would the Nirvana Army do when the transformed beasts couldn’t kill them?

Of course, they’ll slaughter your own troops.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Zhong family, your doomsday has arrived.


[ note: more than 16000 today! ] My Lords, please give me your monthly votes and help me hold my breath. I’ll bow to you!

Thank you for the 10000 Yuan tip.

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