Chapter 296: The martial examination ends, and the genius is dazzling!

Translator: 549690339

A genius was a genius.

After a month of training, lunatic Lan’s ten genius brothers could now ride their horses as if they were on flat ground.

However, he was still tied up on a horse and brought into the capital, becoming the laughingstock of countless people.

Of course, this was not bitter Joy’s idea. It was Shen Lang’s decision.

This was why this person was really cheap.

In order to slap his face, he would do anything.

The next morning.

Ning Zheng had prepared three carriages and let the ten geniuses of the LAN family sit in them as they headed to the examination hall.

Ku Huanhuan did not show up, and Ning Zheng personally led the team.

There were a total of 3000 people who participated in the Enke literary test and 3000 people who participated in the Enke combat test.

This world paid equal attention to both civil and martial arts.

However, the number of people who were admitted to the military selectee was even fewer. The National Examination area only accepted 70 people at most.

It was almost one in 45, which was even more terrifying than the Civil examination.

There was no other way. After all, the military of Yue country was limited and could not accommodate so many officers.

Poor scholars, rich martial artists, there was nothing more correct about this.

Those who could participate in the military selectee were either from rich or powerful families, or they were very talented and could enter the martial arts school for free.

Shen Lang’s brother also claimed to be a martial arts practitioner, but he was just hanging out with a gang. He had been practicing for more than ten years but still had no achievements.

Similarly, they had to rush to the examination hall before the sky brightened.

The martial examination venue was in the tianyue hunting ground outside the city.

The martial artists participating in the military selectee left the city one after another. Those from wealthy families rode horses, while those from good families could only ride martial arts carriages.

It was exactly the same situation as when lunatic LAN went to the examination hall that day.

After seeing Ning Zheng’s carriage, the martial artists who were rushing to the examination hall all spurned him and avoided him like a snake or Scorpion.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

what bad luck! I can’t believe I’m taking the exam with a bunch of disabled beggars.

since when did our Yue country’s military selectee become a beggar? if this continues, our country will no longer be a country.

all of this is because of Shen lang. He should be punished by the heavens.

It was a pity that this time, Ning Zheng had personally brought people to the examination hall. Otherwise, it would be wonderful to beat these ten disabled beggars to death while it was dark.

Those scholars from before were all trash. They said they would beat lunatic LAN to death, but in the end, they were scared out of their wits by the dozens of women and did not dare to come forward.

Martial arts practitioners were much more mobile than scholars, which was why Ning Zheng personally escorted the LAN family to the examination hall ten days later. Otherwise, this group of people would really do anything.

Although Ning Zheng was despised by the king, he was still a Prince. With him around, this group of martial artists would not dare to attack.


After about two hours, they finally arrived at the martial examination grounds, the Tian Yue hunting grounds.

This hunting ground was huge, it was a few tens of thousands of mu.

Not only was this the Wang clan’s hunting ground, but it was also a training ground. It was even one of the main camps of the capital’s Garrison, with more than 10000 soldiers stationed there at all times.

When Ning Zheng brought the ten brothers of the LAN family to the outside of The Hunting Ground, most of the candidates were already there.

Several thousand pairs of eyes stared at Ning Zheng and the carriages, full of malice.

He probably wanted to see ten disabled beggars get off the carriage.

The military examination required warhorses, so they could prepare their own. But if they didn’t have warhorses, they could also use the horses from the hunting grounds.

The ten brothers of the LAN family had all brought their own warhorses, and just in case, they had even brought fifteen. However, he didn’t ride a horse, but chose to take a carriage.

Everyone couldn’t help but remember that when these ten people returned to the capital yesterday, they were directly tied to the back of their horses.


Wu lie raised his hand, and the convoy stopped.

The doors of the carriages opened.

Everyone’s eyes were wide open as they waited for the ten beggars to climb down from the carriage with difficulty.


The person who walked out was actually a tall and straight man.

Where was the disability?

Every one of them was very tall, more than half a head taller than an ordinary person.

When they landed from the carriages, they were all strong and powerful, with slim waists and ape backs.

After landing, he was as straight as a javelin.

Each one of them was a Dragon among men!

What was going on?

Didn’t Shen lang recruit ten semi-disabled beggars?

“Lord examiner, someone is cheating! Someone is taking the exam in your place!” Someone shouted.

Immediately after, many people followed suit.

That’s right, Shen lang must have found someone to take the test for him.

The main examiner of this year’s military examination was the assistant Minister of the Ministry of War. He was considered a civil official and also a military general, talented in both civil and military affairs.

Hearing the cheers of the crowd, he could not help but frown.

“Identity check!”

With a single command, ten clerks came forward to verify the identity.

Despite Ning Zheng’s arrival, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of War had no intention of coming forward to greet him. What was there to befriend with a useless Prince? moreover, as the chief Examiner, he should maintain absolute restraint and indifference.

The ten secretaries first compared the portraits.

This made things difficult. The LAN family’s brothers ‘bloodline had been activated, and their faces had changed greatly.

However, the paintings in this world were all very realistic. They were not realistic at all.

But it didn’t matter, he could still verify the fingerprints.

All the candidates ‘information had a three-fingered fingerprint, and each person’s fingerprint was different. This could not be faked.

It took ten days for Madam LAN to put her fingerprint on the paper again.

The ten documents were carefully compared.

In the end, they found that it was completely correct, and their identities matched.

What the hell, the ten people before clearly didn’t look like this. All of them had flat noses and crooked mouths, their bodies were twisted, and their sides were uneven.

The ten secretaries didn’t dare to make the decision and went to report to the main examiner.

“Are you sure there’s no mistake with the fingerprint?”

“No mistake!”

“Are you sure they look different?”

“The facial features are still the same, and the outline is still there, but it seems to have grown.”

The assistant Minister of the Ministry of War looked to the side and saw little eunuch li.

“You don’t have to worry about me, master examiner. We’re just here to watch the fun,” Rhene said.

Who the hell would believe you?

Big Li and little li did not leave his side.

This sentence had already spread throughout the capital.

Of course, it was not to say that these two people did not leave the king’s side, but that they were the most trusted by the king. They did not leave the palace or the king’s side.

“These ten have passed the identity verification.” The assistant Minister of War nodded.

LAN one, LAN two, all the way to LAN ten.

When the crowd heard the names of these ten people, they immediately burst into laughter.

Damn it, what kind of stupid name was that? It’s just like the name of a cat or a dog. Is he really not worthy of being a human?

However, it was amazing to be favored by the king. These ten people were originally beggars with no household registration, no travel Pass, no identity. They were not even qualified to stay in the inn. Now, they were directly martial arts supervisors.

And in this instant, all of them were actually acting like they were human.

But so what? a beggar was a beggar.

At most, he would only be practicing martial arts for a month. He probably wouldn’t even be able to learn the horse stance.

Can you ride a horse?

He’s here to participate in the military selectee?

Yesterday, you were all tied up on horses when you returned to the country.

A few days ago, madman LAN, Enke Wen, was sleeping.

Now, it’s your turn to seek death and be embarrassed.

When the exam is over, all eleven of you will have your heads rolling on the ground.


After verifying their identities, the 3000 candidates entered the examination hall!

Because the weight of the selectee in this world was much greater than that of ancient China, there were more rules.

The names had to be written on the papers of the written examination.

In the martial examination, after every candidate entered the examination hall, the order would be completely messed up.

Everyone received a gown with a number on it.

Everyone was given a mask and had to wear it from the moment they entered the exam hall.

He covered his face and his name.

After entering the examination hall, everyone’s identity was only determined by the number on their clothes.

Neither of them knew each other’s identity, and the examiners didn’t know who the candidates were either.

This was also to put an end to cheating in the military examinations.

The scores of each subject were also recorded after the serial number.

When the exam was over, the scores would be calculated, and the number and name would be compared before the final admission was carried out.


The entire martial examination would take four days.

The first day was the weightlifting exam.

The thirteen examiners were seated in a row on the high ground.

The 3,000 candidates were divided into 100 groups.

Each group had thirty people.

The weightlifting exam was divided into two parts.

In the first part, everyone had to lift a stone weight of five hundred and thirty Jin for about five seconds.

Of course, there was no concept of seconds in this world.

In the second part, each person had to carry 300 pounds of weight and run 100 meters within the specified time. This time, converted to Earth time, was about 45 seconds.

Wasn’t it very abnormal and terrifying?

There were only a few people in the modern world who could complete these two events. Even a World Weightlifting champion might not be able to do it.

This was the martial Dao of the battlefield.

His strength was first, his archery was second, and his riding was third.

What moves, what swordsmanship, these were all secondary.


A Gong sounded.

The thirty examinees in the first group entered their respective positions while wearing masks.


The second gong sounded.

The thirty candidates bent down and grabbed the stone lock.


The third Gong sounded.

The 30 examinees lifted the 250-kilogram rock weights.

“Ah, Yingluo.”

A loud shout.

They were all raised above his head.

Next, he had to hold on for about five seconds. He could only put it down when the fourth Gong sounded.

Seconds really felt like years.

ah! Ah! Ah! suddenly, a miserable cry rang out.

One of the candidates couldn’t hold on any longer, and the stone locket directly smashed down.

Then, like a chain reaction, one candidate after another screamed.

One after another, he failed.

There was even an examinee whose right leg was directly smashed by the stone locket. He immediately became a bloody mess and let out a shrill cry.

How painful must this be?

It was too tragic! It was simply unbearable to look at.

This was the military examination. Not to mention getting injured, even people dying would happen more than once or twice.

There was even one time when a huge mistake occurred during the riding and shooting of the horse during the military examination, and three examinees died at once.


LAN San and Lan Wu were both placed in the first group.

They held the stone locket high and didn’t move at all, looking calm and relaxed.

The examiners saw this clearly and nodded, drawing a circle behind the two’s numbers.

This meant that the two of them were especially outstanding.


Five seconds later, the gong finally sounded again.

The first group of examinees put down the stone locket one after another.

Some of them felt as if their nightmare had ended. They threw the stone chains to the ground and gasped for breath.

As for LAN San and Lan Wu, they still placed the stone locket on the ground casually and stood straight.

The 13 examiners nodded in satisfaction again and drew a circle behind the two candidates ‘numbers.

The first group’s exam ended.

Out of the thirty candidates, ten were eliminated.

To these ten people, the martial examination had already ended.

Weightlifting was the foundation of martial arts. Those who couldn’t lift it or couldn’t hold it for long would be eliminated.

Even if they managed to lift it up, even if they managed to hold on for five seconds, if their posture was not graceful, their legs were trembling, and their arms were shaking, they could be eliminated immediately.

This would depend on whether the examiners were ruthless or not. As long as more than half of the examiners crossed out the numbers, then you could get lost.

Each group’s exam only lasted about a minute from the beginning to the end.

After the first group ended, the second group of examinees immediately went up the stage. They did not stop at all and were in an orderly manner!

Just four hours later!

The first section of the martial examination, weightlifting, ended.

Out of 3000 people, 1000 were eliminated. One-third of the examinees shed tears in the examination hall and left in dejection.

After that, the examination hall would rest for an hour, and the examiners and candidates would eat.

In the afternoon, the second half of the weightlifting exam officially began.

There were twenty people in each group, so there were a hundred groups in total.


The first Gong sounded.

The candidate bent down and grabbed two stone weights, weighing three hundred Jin in total.

The second gong sounded, and the candidate lifted the three hundred Jin stone weight onto his left and right shoulders. His movements had to be accurate, only on his shoulders, not on his back.


The third Gong sounded.

The candidates carried 300 pounds of weight and began to set off along the track. Their destination was the hill 100 meters away.

The first 50 meters were flat ground, and the last 50 meters were upslope.

Of course, this world didn’t have the concept of meters. Using steps as the unit of measurement, 100 meters was about 150 steps.

A small hourglass was used as a tool of time.

It took forty-five seconds for the sand to completely leak out.

Once the time was up and the gong sounded again, it meant the time was over.

At this time, if the candidate didn’t arrive at the destination and put down the stone locket, it would mean that he had failed the test and would directly leave the venue.

Hence, this martial examination was much crueler than the literary examination.

As the first group of examinees, after LAN San and Lan Wu lifted the three hundred Jin stone weights, they rushed out like wild dogs that had been unleashed.

It was extremely fast.

The thirteen examiners were shocked.

Who were these two candidates?

How could he be so strong?

Carrying the 300 Jin stone weight was actually faster than normal bare-handed people carrying nothing.

Moreover, his posture was not indecent at all, and he did not show any signs of being lecherous.

He really has the style of a famous general. I wonder which noble family he is from.

Amazing, amazing!

The key was that the two of them were very fast on flat ground, but their speed when going uphill was still amazing.

In just a short moment, LAN San and Lan Wu had left the others far behind.

The two of them didn’t stop and sprinted from beginning to end. They rushed directly to their destination and gently put down the stone locket.

At this moment, there was still more than half of the time left.

The stipulated time was forty-five seconds, and the two of them had only used about fifteen seconds at most.

The thirteen examiners drew a circle on the two candidates ‘numbers and wrote 15.

Even though they didn’t have the concept of seconds and used the breath as a unit of time, fifteen breaths was about fifteen seconds. This result was simply incredible.

Soon, the forty-five seconds were up.

“Clang clang clang!”

The gong sounded.

It meant that the time was up and the exam was over!

At this moment, there was still half of the people who had not reached the finish line.

But at this time, you absolutely can not throw the stone locket on the way, or you will be blacklisted and affect your qualification for the next martial examination.

She gritted her teeth and held back her tears as she carried the stone locket to the finish line, put it down, and left in tears.

The second half of the weightlifting exam was longer, lasting four hours.

The first day of the exam officially ended.

Out of the 3000 candidates, 2000 were eliminated, leaving only 1000 to take the exam the next day.

In the evening.

The eyes of these defeated examinees turned red. They left the Tian Yue hunting ground and walked to a place where there was no one before they started wailing.

Especially some of the older examinees, they even cried until they collapsed on the ground, unable to get up.

The Civil examination was different from the martial examination.

It was not a problem to pass the literary examination until the age of 50, but if one failed the martial examination after the age of 38, they would be disqualified.

If it was an individual’s martial Dao, then one would only reach the peak in their forties or fifties.

However, martial arts on the battlefield tested one’s strength and endurance, and one’s strength would decline in their thirties.

The rule was that no one was accepted when they were 38 years old. In fact, during the real examination, those above 35 basically lost their chance and the examiner would not accept them.

Practicing martial arts was a path of no return.

Once they failed the military examinations, they would lose the opportunity to be an official forever.

He had lost the chance to stand out forever.

How could they not cry?

How could he not be in despair?


The next day, the second round of the Enke military examination began!

Today’s test was archery, which was divided into two parts.

The upper half was for fixed targets.

The second half was shooting live targets.

There were only 1000 people taking the exam today. They were divided into 50 groups with 20 people in each group.

LAN San and Lan Wu were still in the first group.

“Dang!” The first Gong sounded.

The first group of twenty candidates nocked their arrows.

“Dang!” The second gong sounded.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

The twenty people began to shoot arrows.

Following that, the gong sounded continuously.

“Clang clang clang clang clang clang!”

Once per second, it would ring 60 times in total.

In just one minute.

In this one minute, all the candidates had to finish shooting ten arrows.

Every fixed target would have the candidate’s corresponding number. After the exam, the number of arrows on the target would be counted.

One point for hitting the target, two points for hitting the big circle, and four points for hitting the small circle.

This scoring method was different from the modern Olympic Games, but it was scientific enough.

Those who scored less than 20 points would be eliminated.

The targets had numbers, but the arrows didn’t. If you hit someone else’s target, then sorry, it would be counted into their score. (Mathew Emmons, I’m talking about you)

In addition, the final score was not only based on the hit rate, but also the strength of the arrow. If you were strong enough to shoot through the target, you wouldn’t get any points, but the examiner would draw circles on your number.

On the other hand, if you were weak and couldn’t shoot through the film, oh no, you couldn’t shoot through the target and only slightly nailed it, then even if your hit rate was high enough, you could still be eliminated and have your points deducted.

Hence, the more impressive candidates would choose a stronger bow.

For example, the ten geniuses of the LAN clan had all chosen a strong bow of one and a half stones.

After the gong sounded.

LAN San and Lan Wu drew their bows and shot wildly!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The speed was extremely fast.

A powerful bloodline was awesome.

Ordinary shooters relied on muscle memory, while geniuses relied on mental power.

The time limit was 60 seconds.

However, just 30 seconds later.

LAN San and Lan Wu had all shot 10 arrows.

Then, there was no need to see the result.

The distance of a hundred steps was a piece of cake for the ten geniuses of the LAN clan. During their usual training, they would usually take a hundred and fifty steps.

All ten arrows hit the bullseye.

Every single arrow pierced through the target.

These 13 examiners were all experts. Although LAN San and Lan Wu’s specific scores had not been presented yet, they had already drawn a circle behind their numbers in advance.

These two people were simply too outstanding.

From yesterday to now, he had been completely at ease.

In modern terms, it was as stable as a dog.

Two hours later!

The first half of the second day’s shooting competition had ended!

The results were also announced immediately. Anyone who scored less than 20 points would be eliminated.

Even if they had a full 20 points, those who had their scores crossed out would be eliminated.

Out of 1000 people, only 520 remained. Another half of them had been eliminated.



The second half of the archery test.

A moving target!

The so-called moving target didn’t refer to shooting a living object.

Instead, he asked the soldiers to hide in the trenches and move back and forth in a certain range. Then, he suddenly raised the target and sank it back down three or four seconds later. After a while, he suddenly raised the target again.

The shooter had no idea where the target would appear.

It completely lacked time to aim and needed to adapt to the situation, judge in the shortest amount of time, aim in the shortest amount of time, and then shoot.

This time, they were divided into fifty-two groups, with ten people in each group.

LAN San and Lan Wu, who were under Shen lang, were in the first group.

“Dang!” The first Gong sounded.

The ten candidates nocked their arrows and focused on the target.

The soldiers in the trenches could raise the target at any time.

Suddenly, the first target was raised.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Instantly, two arrows were shot out, both hitting the bullseye.

LAN San was instantly stunned.

That’s my target! The man on the left, what are you shooting?

The candidate on his left immediately burst into tears.

F * ck me, f * ck me!

Each of them had ten arrows, so one arrow used meant one less arrow.

When the soldier who raised the target for LAN San saw the two arrows on his own target, he was instantly stunned. The legendary situation had actually happened to him?

I was actually shot by two people at the same time?

He hid in the trenches and immediately went against LAN San.

I definitely won’t let you hit me. I’m going to take the devil’s steps, and the target I raise must be erratic.

I’ll definitely make you miss the target, miss the target, miss the target!

The result!

This soldier was already very, very desperate.

He was completely racking his brain, thinking about how to raise the target, how to change the direction, and how to control the time.


As soon as he raised the target, a crisp sound would immediately be heard.

An arrow hit the bullseye of his target directly, and it was so powerful that it pierced through the target.

If the arrow hit his body, it would have gone through him.

The first arrow, second arrow, third arrow, and fourth Arrow all hit the bullseye. It was too awesome!

By the tenth arrow.

The soldier used the last bit of time to raise the target at the corner of the edge.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang!”

An instant later, two more arrows hit the target.

F * ck, what’s going on!

You guys cheated on purpose, right?

Each person only had ten arrows, but my target actually had twelve arrows?

It’s not just two of you shooting at me, but three of you?

This is too much!

After that, the brother on LAN san’s right also cried.

I, I’m f * cked!

A moment later, the target that belonged to this man was raised, but he had no arrows in his hands.

Of course, there was no arrow in his heart.

Seeing this scene, all the examiners couldn’t help but laugh.

This happy scene still appeared, and it appeared twice for the same person.

Hence, the thirteen examiners drew another circle behind LAN san’s number.


Two hours later!

The second half of the archery test was over.

This time, those who did not score ten points would be eliminated.

Out of 520 people, 320 people were eliminated, leaving only 200 people.

Why were some people so coincidental to actually make up a whole number?

No, it was not a coincidence.

In fact, there were a total of 206 candidates who scored more than 10 points in The Walking shooting test.

The examiners felt that the change was not good, so they erased it.

The angle of your arrow was a little off. Eliminated.

Your shot was too shallow. Eliminated.

After two days of examinations, only two hundred candidates remained from the original three thousand.

By the way, I have some good news.

According to the usual practice, about half of them would be eliminated in tomorrow’s horse archery.

In other words, there would only be a maximum of 100 people who could enter the last day of the exam.

It was the last day of the saber test!


The third day of the military examination began!

Today, it was riding and shooting. There were five people in a group, so there were 40 groups in total.

There was a track for this exam, which was about 300 meters long and 10 meters wide.

The track was uneven and crooked.

Every group of candidates had to finish the road on horseback within the stipulated time.

On the way, 50 rabbits would appear on both sides of the track, and each person would have 20 arrows.

These rabbits would appear randomly, at any time, and anywhere.

Once it appeared, the examinees would immediately shoot it to death on their warhorses.

Rabbits did not have numbers, but each candidate’s arrow had a number.

After the exam, he would pick up the Dead Rabbit and check the arrow number on it.

Of course, what if two people killed a rabbit at the same time?

The rabbit would belong to whoever hit the head.

What if both arrows hit the rabbit’s head? Then, it would depend on whose arrow was closer to the rabbit’s eyes.

Of course, there were people monitoring the entire process.

If two people aimed at the same rabbit and shot at the same time, it would not be considered a foul.

However, if the first person had already killed the rabbit and the rabbit was no longer moving, and you shot another arrow, then you would be directly crossed out of the competition.

Then how long would the riding and shooting examination take?

The gong sounded ninety times, which was a minute and a half.

In this one and a half minute, you have to ride a horse for 300 meters and kill rabbits.

Once the time was up, if you didn’t reach your destination, no matter how many rabbits you killed, you would be considered to have failed the test.

LAN San and Lan Wu were in the first group again.


The first Gong sounded.

The first group of five candidates galloped out on their horses.

Rabbits were released from both sides of the road.

LAN San and Lan Wu drew their bows and nocked their arrows on their horses.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

He shot arrows and galloped.

The two of them didn’t slow down their horses to kill the rabbit, nor did they stop.

However, he did not delay his shooting because of the gallop.

To these bloodline geniuses, time seemed to be slow.

The same second felt as long as two or three seconds for others to them.

The two of them were riding the thousand li horses that the heavenly Dao Union had bought.

The two of them had just started, but they were already far ahead of the others.

LAN San was in charge of killing the rabbits on the left, while Lan Wu was in charge of killing the rabbits on the right.

The other three people in the group were far behind.

They discovered in horror.

F * ck, all the rabbits have been killed. You two are too much.

Hurry up and catch up to them.

However, it was difficult to aim and ride a horse at the same time!

Who were these two people in front?

This was simply abnormal!

The warhorse ran really fast, and it was so accurate.

However, LAN San and Lan Wu had something to say.

What was a genius?

We use the time we use to kill rabbits to kill rats.

The gong only sounded fifty times.

LAN San and Lan Wu had at least arrived at the main point and handed over their bows and arrows.

The two of them were trembling.

It was over, it was over.

Each of them shot twenty arrows, and LAN San killed sixteen rabbits.

LAN killed 15 of them.

Of course, according to the rules of riding and shooting, if there were more than 10, it would be a full score.

But for the thousand-man commander, not killing twenty was a failure.

After returning, he would definitely be killed by him.

Ku Huan would definitely scold them until they were bruised, and then physical punishment. He would definitely make them regret living in this world.

we’re finished, we’re finished. He’s going to kill us.

“Third brother, what should we do? We’ll be killed!”

LAN San and Lan Wu kept hitting their heads in regret.

When the few examiners saw this, they were instantly shocked.

With such good results, they still had to punish themselves. These two people had too high expectations of themselves.

Sure enough, you’re a pillar of our Yue country. Draw a circle, draw a circle!


Eight hours later!

The third Day of the Horse riding and archery test had officially ended!

According to the rules, those who did not manage to kill five rabbits within the stipulated time were all eliminated.

As a result, of the two hundred candidates, only eighty remained.

Sixty percent of the candidates were eliminated.

This number was very surprising. In previous years, out of 200 people, 100 people would make it to the last day of the exam.

This time, there were only 80 people?

Soon, the examiners realized.

This was because more than a dozen abnormal monsters had appeared. These people were too strong, and each of them killed an average of fifteen rabbits.

They had snatched away all the rabbits of the examinees in the same group, causing some of the examinees who could have passed to be eliminated.

It was really too tragic.

It was a great misfortune to take the exam together with a genius.

This time, there were more than a dozen of them.

It was simply tragic!

At night, more than a hundred candidates left the exam hall with red eyes and cursing.

f * ck, there’s a freak in our group who runs fast on a horse and kills rabbits quickly. He killed 17 rabbits by himself. I followed behind and didn’t even touch the rabbit’s fur. Otherwise, how could I have been eliminated!

brother, you’re quite lucky. We have two abnormal people in our team!

“The Enke military selection this time is too perverted! It’s a huge scam!”

by the way, where are the ten beggars under the scumbag Shen lang? ”

he’ll definitely get lost on the first day. Why mention him? ”

wait for a good show. Shen lang has a bet with a few hundred ruffians. If he loses, everyone will spit on him.

“Did that idiot Shen lang get spat on? That’s so satisfying, I must go and see it. This is the only good news.”

“Is it possible that those few hundred ruffians ate five kilograms of sh * t?” someone asked.

“How’s that possible?” everyone around him said in disdain. Haven’t you heard? Lunatic LAN had slept on the exam field for three days and handed in a blank paper. There are so many geniuses in the military examination this time. These ten beggars have only been practicing martial arts for a month. They don’t even know how to ride a horse. How could they pass? they should have been kicked out long ago.”

therefore, Shen lang is definitely going to lose. Many ruffians have been spitting on Shen Lang’s face since tonight. They are waiting to spit on his face when the results are released tomorrow.


The fourth day!

Today was the last day of the military examination, saber!

The Tang Dynasty martial arts examination tested the horse spear. The horse passed through a narrow path. There were wooden puppets on the left and right sides with wooden boards above their heads.

The candidate galloped past on his horse, trying to use his spear to Pierce the wooden board above the puppet’s head.

The wooden board fell, but the puppet could not fall!

This was already extremely difficult. It had extremely high requirements for strength and accuracy.

However, the saber of Yue country’s imperial examination was even more abnormal!

The candidates rode their horses across the 300-meter track.

There would be 20 mud balls hurtling towards you.

Sometimes one, sometimes two.

Of course, there would not be more than two.

The exam candidates couldn’t be hit by the mud balls, and while they were flying, they had to use their sabers to hit the mud balls.

This not only tested speed and vision, but also judgment and accuracy.

We won’t be splitting up this time.

One by one, the candidates took turns!

LAN San was the first to go up, and Lan Wu was the second.

LAN San squeezed his horse’s belly and quickly galloped out.

Immediately, a mud ball shot over from the left.

LAN san’s saber slashed out.

Instantly, the mud ball was shattered in the air.

Immediately after, the second and third Wuwu appeared.

One minute later!

Lan’s third examination had ended!

He wasn’t hit by a single mud ball, but he only managed to hit 11.

According to the rules!

If one was hit by more than three mud balls, they would be directly eliminated.

If there were less than three mud balls in the house, they would be directly eliminated.

Lan Wu was the second to go up.

It also took only one minute to complete the exam.

He was also not hit by a single mud ball, but he only managed to hit nine mud balls.

The thirteen examiners had already completely memorized the serial numbers of these geniuses.

He drew a circle behind their numbers without hesitation. However, LAN San and Lan Wu were wailing in their hearts. They would definitely be beaten to death by bitter joy if they performed so badly this time!

Six hours later!

The fourth day of the exam ended.

On the last day of the saber examination, 30 out of 80 were eliminated.

Only 50 people were left!

The Enke military examination had officially ended!

Out of 3000 candidates, only 50 passed.

This was the lowest record in history.

It wasn’t because this batch of candidates was too weak, but because there were too many geniuses and freaks!

The next step was to rank and release the results. The civil and military examinations were released at the same time!

It was simply the focus of everyone’s attention and anticipation!


[ note: more than 16000 today. I have to go out to do business tomorrow, so I can only bring my computer with me to write. I hope I won’t lose sleep tonight and cry! ] Everyone, please support me! Please give me your monthly votes!

Thank you, brother dark, and the others for the 10000-Yuan tip.

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