Chapter 295: The monarch was shocked and ecstatic!

Translator: 549690339

The first Deputy head Examiner from Hanlin Academy was so excited that he almost scared the people around him.

At this moment, the sound of the night watchman came from outside.

“Thump thump thump thump, thump thump!”

One slow and two fast.

“The weather is dry, be careful of the fire!”

It was midnight, and everyone should be asleep.

A few of the examiners frowned. Wasn’t the first place already decided? It was Zhu Hongping.

We don’t believe that the candidate’s policy papers and poems will surpass Zhu Hongping’s.

Even if they were equally matched, everyone would definitely take Zhu Hongping as the first place, because he had been hopeful for several years.

“It’s already midnight, why don’t we look at it tomorrow morning?” the head Examiner frowned.

The first Deputy head Examiner said, ” no, no. You have to see it now. Otherwise, you will regret it.

Everyone cursed silently, but they still went forward.

And this time, the first Deputy examiner didn’t take the initiative to send the paper to the head Examiner.

A few examiners were just about to go to sleep, so they immediately began to read with a provocative look.

Then, he suddenly quivered.

Everyone was no longer sleepy.

It can’t be, right?

How was this possible?

To get all 90 of the questions correct, was he crazy?

The record that Zhu Hongping had just set was broken in just a few hours.

Then, he saw that all 30 of the problems were correct.

Everyone was completely shocked.

Since the start of the scientific examination, has there ever been a case where all the written scripts and mathematical equations were correct?

It really didn’t seem like it.

Was this candidate trying to be unprecedented?

“This is truly unprecedented, and will never be repeated.”

he got both the essay and the mathematical equations right. This is crazy. I’ve never seen or heard of it!

today is really strange. I’ve really broadened my horizons.

When the head Examiner heard this, he couldn’t help but put down his arrogance and walked over.

“However, even if they are correct, they are not of much use. Imperial examinations emphasize policy and poetry.”

The first Deputy head Examiner said,”you guys continue to read his policy papers and poems ..”

The few examiners continued to read.

After reading lunatic Lan’s “on the enfeoffment system,” he immediately held his breath.

They exchanged looks of shock.

And when he read Qiu Yan’s poem, he was already shivering.

When he finished reading the “ode to the ROC,” his scalp was completely numb and his heart was trembling.

His sleepiness had really disappeared without a trace.

The entire place was silent.

It was too scary.

There was actually such an abnormal person in this subject?

It was a novel that had been passed down through the ages.

No wonder the Deputy Chief Examiner said that Zhu Hongping had lost first place.

The head Examiner took Zhu Hongping’s paper and compared it with the other.

It was even more obvious.

Zhu Hongping was at most a good article that only appeared once in a few years.

And this unknown candidate’s paper was a once-in-a-century policy paper. As for poetry, it was even more difficult to talk about it. It was destined to be passed down for generations.

It could even be said that the essay was made by the heavens and was obtained by chance.

The head Examiner couldn’t help but mourn for Zhu Hongping.

The Prime Minister had stopped Zhu Hongping from participating in the Imperial examinations for two years. He had finally endured until he was seventeen years old, and the time was finally right, but he had lost first place.

What a tragedy.

Suddenly, one of the examiners muttered, ” “Who is this candidate? Do you want me to open it and paste the name?”

A few of the examiners were moved.

They were extremely eager to know this candidate’s name.

Let’s see who this freak is. He’s actually this powerful?

But rules were rules.

They had to wait until the last moment before they could open and paste the names. By then, the rankings would have already been decided.

The Imperial court had even discussed that not only would the names of the provincial and general examinations have to be written, but all the papers would also have to be transcribed.

“Could it be that the questions were leaked?” One of the examiners said faintly.

Immediately, a few examiners looked at him with cold eyes.

Do you want to die?

How important was the imperial examination?

If the questions were leaked, all the examiners present would be done for. They would sit down together.

Besides, how could the questions be leaked?

The policy and poetry questions were personally set by the monarch and were completely sealed before the examination, so even the examiners didn’t know about it.

The six examiners had come up with the calligraphy and calculation questions together, but they had never left the examination hall after they had come up with the questions.

Even if he wanted to leak the questions, he had no chance.

It wasn’t that there weren’t cases of fraud in the imperial examination, but they usually involved the higher-ups.

Prime Minister Zhu hongzhu attached great importance to Zhu Hongping’s participation in the imperial examination. He wanted to find the most upright person in the entire imperial court to be the examiner. How could he dare to cheat? was he courting death?

“Of course, we didn’t leak the questions, but this exam paper is too evil. Both the classic and mathematical equations were correct, this is unprecedented. Furthermore, this essay and poem don’t seem like they were written at the last minute.”

“He’s not a mortal, he’s like a banished immortal!”

“Yes, that’s what I meant.”

the key is that we don’t even know who this person is. We’ve never heard of such an abnormal genius among the candidates in the capital.

“And Zhu Hongping is determined to get first place. If we put him in second place, I’m afraid it will cause a great uproar.”

“What do you mean?” the first Deputy head Examiner asked. Was he going to force Zhu Hongping to take first place? If you do that, I will immediately withdraw from this examination and formally resign from my post to His Majesty.”

As soon as he said this, a few examiners criticized him in their hearts.

Damn, what do you mean by that?

You’re making it seem like you’re the only one with a backbone.

“His Majesty is very fond of Zhu Hongping,” one of the examiners said.”He often says that our family has a thousand-mile stallion. If Zhu Hongping loses first place, I’m afraid His Majesty will be alarmed.” So, Yingluo ”

“If you have something to say,” said the head Examiner.

according to the rules, ” the examiner said, ” we still won’t open the papers and paste the names. We’ll jot down two papers and hand them to His Majesty. Then, His Majesty will decide who is better.

As soon as he said this, everyone’s gazes turned into admiration.

Not bad, not bad.

After that, the first Deputy examiner scribbled (copied) lunatic Lan’s paper.

The last Deputy examiner was writing Zhu Hongping’s paper.

After an hour and a half, he had finally finished copying everything.

It was almost two or three in the morning.

The few examiners wailed. At most, they could only sleep for four hours. They had to wake up early the next morning to continue marking the exam papers.

There were still more than 2000 portions.

According to the rules, the entire marking work would last for about three days. On the fourth day, the admission list and the ranking order would be completely determined.

Then, he posted the results.

The military examination would officially begin tomorrow.

Hence, the Enke civil and military examinations would be released at almost the same time.

Because the results of the martial examination were released almost immediately and didn’t need to be changed.

The provincial military examination used to have a subject, which was to test the law of military tactics, but it was canceled after only two sessions.

This was because the official position of a martial arts high scholar was only a Baihu and did not need to learn military tactics.

However, in the military examination, one had to learn The Art of War, and a large proportion of it was to be created. This was because Wujin Shi was a high-level talent who would become a general in the future.

It was about three in the morning when the examiners went to bed. They were still in the examination hall and could not go out.

Lying in bed, these people still couldn’t fall asleep.

Who was this monster? It was too terrifying.

All of a sudden, he appeared and destroyed the number one scholar in the capital, Zhu Hongping.

It was too strange.


The next morning, little eunuch li came to the tribute courtyard again.

He had no choice, the monarch was in a hurry.

“My Lords, have you marked a blank paper?”

“No, I didn’t!”

The main invigilator then said, ” little eunuch li, there are two papers here that are extremely outstanding. If there are no exceptions, they should be the first and second place of this year’s Enke examination. However, we are still undecided on who will be the first and second place. Please, Your Majesty, make your own decision.

Rien frowned slightly. This was not the court examination. Why did the Emperor have to make the decision?

However, he remembered that Zhu Hongping was also taking the test. Did he fail? or did a genius suddenly appear?

After some hesitation, Rhene took the two newly copied exam papers.

“My Lords, are you done with the review?” he asked.

“How can it be so fast? there are still nearly two thousand more,” the head Examiner replied.

“Then why are you all so certain that the first and second place are in these two papers?” Rhene asked.

then we’ve misspoken, ” the head Examiner said. we can’t determine which of these two papers is higher and which is lower. It still has to go through his Majesty’s eyes.

Rhene nodded and took the two test papers into the palace.


In times of adversity, the king, ning yuanxian, could hide a lot of things.

When things were going well, ning yuanxian’s heart would suddenly become shallow. He was not willing to hide anything, and he would immediately get an answer.

He slept late the night before and woke up early today.

He was waiting for an answer, whether lunatic LAN had handed in a blank paper, and whether he had looked down on the sovereign.

He didn’t care about madman LAN. In his heart, this person was like a cat or a dog.

He was more concerned about Shen lang. Would this person slap his face? If you, Shen lang, are of the same mind as me, then you should not embarrass me.

As long as he was sure that lunatic LAN handed in a blank script, he would immediately kill this person and drag Shen lang in to question him.

Shen lang, if you can’t give me a convincing answer, then don’t blame me for being merciless.

At this moment, Rion’s voice came from outside.

“Come in,” “Li ‘en, did you find lunatic Lan’s blank paper at the examination hall?” the monarch asked in a cold voice.

Rhene walked in and said, ” No. It’s just that the examiner found two very outstanding test papers and determined that the first and second place were among them. At the moment, it was impossible to determine who was higher and who was lower. So, he asked Your Majesty to make the decision.

“I’m not free.” “This isn’t the court examination, what are they doing?” ning yuanxian said coldly. And you want me to set the first place.”

“Yes.” Rhene took the two papers and was about to leave.

However, the monarch quickly thought of a possibility.

Did Zhu Hongping fail?

I’ve never heard of it. The Queen said that her nephew did a good job this time.

“Bring it up,”

Rhene quickly handed over the two test papers.

The monarch picked up the first test paper and took a look.

He only took a quick glance at the scripts and calculation questions in front of him and went straight to the policy papers and poems.

Even though it had been re-written, ning yuanxian could still tell at a glance that it was Zhu Hongping’s essay.

Zhu Hongping called him uncle, so the monarch was very fond of him and treated him like his own child, so he was very familiar with his writing style.

After reading the policy paper and the poem ...

The monarch was overjoyed.

Zhu Hongping really did a good job.

This policy paper and these two poems were more than enough to participate in the court examination.

In particular,”on the division of enfeoffment and establishment system,” it was exactly the same as ning yuanxian’s idea.

Good child, good child.

It’s really well written, really well written.

It seemed that the first place was in the bag.

What were these examiners doing? didn’t they even have this bit of responsibility?

Just because Zhu Hongping is the Queen’s nephew and Minister Zhu’s grandson, you don’t dare to give her first place?

Was he going to suppress him just because he was of noble birth?

Next, ning yuanxian picked up another test paper.

He had only been watching for less than two minutes.

He was stunned.

Both the scroll and the calculation were correct?

All 120 questions correct?

Was he still human? Was this a pervert?

Then, he read the policy paper on enfeoffment and organizational system. Suddenly, the monarch’s body trembled and he sat up straight.

Good, good, good!

These words were practically written into ning yuanxian’s heart.

The key was to use the words of the Saints to find the highest sacred reason for the new policies.

This policy was no longer profound, it was a great vision and strategic planning.

It could even replace the previous new policy edict and announce it to the world.

Everything that ning yuanxian could think of was in this policy paper.

Even content that ning yuanxian did not expect was included in the policy paper.

In comparison, Zhu Hongping’s policy paper was still immature.

The monarch’s eyes became hot as he looked at the following poems of autumn geese and ode to the ROC.

This was not only written in his heart, but it was also written in his soul.

It was as if his soul had a string, and these two poems were crazily strumming this string of his soul, making him tremble and his hair stand on end.

The person who wrote this poem is simply my best friend.

Soul soulmate.

In this world, it was hard to find a good friend!

The monarch was immersed in a special feeling and could not extricate himself.

No wonder these examiners had sent the papers over. They already had the answer, but they didn’t dare to set Zhu Hongping as second, so they threw the difficult question to ning yuanxian.

And ning yuanxian already had an answer in his heart.

First place, the absolute first place.

Even if Zhu Hongping was his favorite child, he could only be second.

The author of the second paper simply didn’t seem to be a mortal.

“Whose paper is this?” “Since when did such a heaven-shaking and earth-shattering talent appear in our capital?” asked ning yuanxian.

“According to the rules, you can’t open the paper and paste your name on it before you finish marking it,” Rhene said.

Ning yuanxian was extremely bewildered.

That was impossible. None of the candidates in the capital had ever heard of such a genius.

If there were, they would have long stood out.

Immediately after, ning yuanxian shivered.

Could it be Yingluo?

No way, it definitely couldn’t be.

Ning yuanxian’s heart was filled with shock and anticipation.

go, go to the ning government and bring in the person called crazy LAN Zhizhi. I have something to ask him.

Even though he had repeated this name several times, ning yuanxian still could not remember this person’s name. Who would want to remember the name of an ordinary person?


Rhene left in a hurry.


Half an hour later.

Lunatic LAN appeared in the palace, his legs trembling.

Then, he knelt on the ground. your, your humble servant greets Your Majesty.

Then, he seemed to have collapsed on the ground and couldn’t get up.

This person just loves acting. You, a scumbag who dared to commit blasphemy in the Enke examination hall, are still trembling in fear?

The king took a look and immediately made a judgment on this person.

He was in his thirties, handsome, experienced, bold, hypocritical, and pretentious.

Compared to the Pauper and tramps, it was considered exquisite.

However, the monarch still kept his distance. Even if lunatic LAN was no longer a beggar, in ning yuanxian’s eyes, once a beggar, he would always be a beggar. He was not willing to get close to him, touch him, or breathe the same air as him.

This kind of behavior was similar to some of his third brother’s higher race thoughts.

“Let him take a look.”

Eunuch rien immediately handed over a copied exam paper to lunatic LAN.

“Is this your exam paper?” ning yuanxian asked.

“Yes, it’s mine,” madman LAN kowtowed.

The king and Rhene were both stunned.

Yingluo is really your test paper.

Everyone thought you handed in a blank paper, but you actually got everything right, and you even wrote an immortal policy paper and poetry?

Are you trying to shock the world with a single brilliant feat?

The king should have been overjoyed, because the biggest winner of madman Lan’s amazing feat was him, ning yuanxian.

These days, there were censors scolding him every day, and thousands of examinees even besieged the Ministry of Rites. Although he didn’t say it, countless people laughed at the Emperor, saying that he was ridiculous for letting eleven beggars participate in the Enke exam.

Now that lunatic LAN had done so well, it was time for ning yuanxian to show off his might, representing his keen eye for talent.

He should be overjoyed and extremely excited.

However, for some reason, the monarch was not excited. In fact, he felt very uncomfortable.

However, he could not find the reason for his discomfort.

He quickly understood.

Just you, lunatic LAN, are you worthy of writing such a policy paper and such a poem? are you worthy of being my confidant?

Yes, yes, yes!

It was for this reason.

That was why this person was so difficult to serve and so mean.

If you can’t resonate with someone he doesn’t like, you’re not worthy.

It was like a pregnant woman who was abandoned by a man. A certain bootlicker was willing to take over, but the woman said, ” You’re not suitable for his position.

The monarch’s face turned cold. LAN Zhizhi, tell me the truth. Did you cheat in the Enke examination? ”

Little eunuch li waved his hand, and everyone around him immediately retreated.

Madman LAN sighed in his heart.

The monarch was exactly as he had imagined.

Other than the person he liked, everyone else was worse than a pig or a dog. Of course, that included him, lunatic LAN.

“Lunatic LAN,” the monarch said coldly,”if you dare to lie, I’ll cut you into a thousand pieces.”

“Your Majesty, I didn’t commit any fraud,” madman LAN kowtowed. But in truth, I did cheat.”

“Tell me the truth,” the monarch raised his eyebrows.

Lunatic LAN trembled and said, ” this ‘on the hierarchy system’,’ poem of autumn geese’, and ‘ode to the ROC’ were all written by young master Shen lang. He asked me to memorize them. I only copied them during the examination.

As soon as he said this.

The monarch was ecstatic.


As expected, as expected!

As expected, it was this little evil creature.

In this world, only he is worthy of being my confidant.

As expected, only he can write it into my heart, and only he can touch my soul.

It’s because we’re equally arrogant, equally smart, and equally exquisite.

You, lunatic LAN, are also worthy?

No one else was worthy.

It was indeed written by Shen lang.

All the discomfort in the excited monarch’s heart disappeared completely. He then poured himself a cup of tea and drank it happily.

Lunatic LAN and eunuch rien felt very helpless.

After a long while, the monarch remembered an important matter.

“Why was Shen lang able to write this policy paper and these poems in advance? Did he leak the question?” The monarch asked.

“Young master Shen has prepared more than 1000 policy papers and 3000 poems,” lunatic LAN replied.

The king, ning yuanxian, was dumbfounded.

Over a thousand policy papers and three thousand poems?

This, this high yield was like a sow? Shen lang, this little rascal, was so powerful?

Madman LAN said, ” of course, the other policy papers and poems are not as outstanding. But the questions that young master Shen thinks will be tested on are very well written. Furthermore, words are the thoughts of the heart. Young master Shen is a god-like person, so he probably doesn’t need much thought. As long as he thinks about it, the essay will come out naturally.

This was lunatic Lan’s true thoughts. He really felt that these policy papers and poems were written by Shen lang alone.

Ning yuanxian shouted,”Shen lang, this evil creature, how dare you bet on the questions?” Looking for death, looking for death, looking for death!”

Your Majesty, your acting skills are terrible.

Can you not smile when you say that you deserve to die?

Then, ning yuanxian thought of another key question.

Lunatic LAN only had a month’s time. Could he have memorized all 1000-plus policy papers?

Moreover, he had gotten all the problems correct.

“You’ve memorized the Four Books and Five Classics, as well as the dozen books from the mingsuan section?” The monarch asked.

Madman LAN nodded.

“Have you memorized all 1000-odd policy papers in a month?” the monarch asked.

Madman LAN nodded again.

The monarch’s scalp went numb. Was there really a genius in this world who had a photographic memory?

“Li en, find him a book, give him the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, and let him memorize 5000 words.”

Little eunuch li immediately went to find a book and handed it to lunatic LAN, then lit an incense stick.

After a quarter of an hour, the short incense stick burned out.

Little eunuch li took the book back from lunatic LAN and asked him to recite the first 5000 words.

The result!

Lunatic LAN recited it all out without missing a word.

Rhene was amazed.

The monarch was amazed.

What a talent!


However, Shen lang was even more impressive. This lunatic LAN had been wandering around for so many years, but no one had noticed that he was a talent. In the end, Shen lang had discovered it with a single glance.

A Bo Le without a thousand li horse was still very impressive.

But without Bo Le’s thousand li horse, he was nothing.

Next, the monarch faced a difficult problem.

What should he do about Enke’s ranking in the theory examination?

To put Zhu Hongping in first place?

However, madman Lan’s policy papers and poems were so outstanding that anyone with a discerning eye could tell that his essays were even more outstanding.

Making lunatic LAN number one?

That would definitely cause a huge uproar.

The main point was that lunatic Lan’s policy paper and poem were copied. The original author was Shen lang.

If he didn’t have real talent, he would be exposed even if he got first place. By then, not only would it be embarrassing, but it would also turn into a scandal.

Immediately, the monarch also felt that it was very difficult to handle.

“Lanyou, how’s your own policy paper and poetry?” Ning yuanxian asked.

it’s alright, ” lunatic LAN said. Your Majesty can set the questions at the last minute. I’ll be present to answer them.

Ning yuanxian nodded. He was a question-setting maniac and loved to show off.

In just a few moments, he had come up with a proposal and a poem topic.

on friends ” was a policy thesis.

There were two lines in the Book of Songs, ” seven moons “. fire flows in the seventh moon, clothes are given in the ninth Moon. these two lines were used to make a poem and a piece of Fu.

“Give him a table, brush, ink, paper, and inkstone.”

Madman LAN sat in front of the table and immediately started writing without much thought.

In less than an hour, he had written a policy paper of more than 1000 words, a poem, and a ode.

They were all his own works. Even though he had the relevant policy papers and poems in his head, madman LAN did not copy them. He knew what the monarch wanted.

It was outstanding enough, but not too outstanding.

Little eunuch li handed the essay and the poem to ning yuanxian.

The monarch hesitated for a moment. He did not want to touch lunatic Lan’s things, nor did he want to have any indirect contact with him.

however, shen lang had his eyes on him. even if he was a beggar, he was still a rare talent.

Forget it, forget it, I’ve only touched a little bit of poetry and articles. At worst, I’ll just wash my hands desperately later.

The monarch glanced through the policy paper and then read the poem.

Then, he was amazed again.

He read it carefully for the second time.

It was actually written very well. Of course, there was still a gap between his standard and Shen Lang’s, and it was a huge gap.

However, the sentences were beautiful, and the use of metaphors was accurate. It could be considered a first-class essay, but it lacked a little soul.

It was like a kind of stacking.

However, there were many such articles in the imperial examination, and most of the scholars wrote such articles.

However, madman Lan’s talent still made the monarch look at him in a new light.

To be able to reach this level in just a month’s time, he was definitely a genius.

With lunatic Lan’s standard, there shouldn’t be any problem for her to pass the Enke high school exam.

However, if one wanted to get into the top three, they would need a lot of luck.

In other words, madman Lan’s talent could still stand up to scrutiny, at least he didn’t have to worry about being exposed.

If it were any other King, in order to not take any risks, they would definitely place lunatic LAN in second place.

However, ning yuanxian was different. He liked to pursue perfection in everything.

Furthermore, in his mind, Shen lang was the one who was taking the Enke examination, and lunatic LAN was just a puppet.

He was not willing to let Shen lang come in second.

He gritted his teeth.

The first place is yours!

If it causes a great uproar, then so be it. What do I have to fear?

The monarch waved his hand and said,”LAN Zhi, you can go back.”

!! shall take my leave!”Madman LAN kowtowed.

After he left, the monarch did not hide it anymore.

She paced around the study room excitedly.

He was already fantasizing about how shocked the world would be when the rankings were made public.

The censors and the shameless examinees who had been scolding him every day would be slapped in the face.

Just thinking about this scene made him feel good and satisfied!

“Li en, go to the examination hall and tell them that I know what happened. Also, tell them that the imperial examination is fair and just. Whoever gets first place will be first. It doesn’t matter who the candidate is. The results will be determined by essays and poems.”

The meaning of these words was already very clear.

“Yes!” Rhene bowed.

The monarch said, ” this matter must be kept a secret. Before the list is made public, not a single word can be leaked. Even the Zhu family can not know about it. Sending Warriors of the black water tower to guard the tribute yard must not allow the slightest bit of information to be leaked.

Rhene was speechless.

His master’s bad taste was too strong.

All of this was for the moment when the rankings were made public.

This time, His Majesty was going to team up with Shen lang to give the world a huge slap in the face.


After Rion left.

The monarch could not help but fall into a fantasy.

Shen lang created a miracle in the enkewen test.

What about the military examination?

Could Shen lang create a miracle?

Even though it sounded unbelievable.

After all, lunatic LAN was educated and had a photographic memory. He could even memorize the policy papers and poems that Shen lang wrote.

However, there were ten semi-disabled beggars participating in the military examination. It was harder than ascending to heaven to create a miracle.

Practicing martial arts took ten years, and it was not something that could be completed in a day.

But for some reason, the king’s heart was still filled with infinite anticipation.

What if Shen lang could also create miracles in the military selectee?

Then this face-smacking would be earth-shattering.

Then, as the Emperor, he would also have a good eye for talent, and his reputation would rise.

Li Sun, send someone to keep an eye on the martial examination venue tomorrow. There can’t be any cheating or injustice.

“Yes!” The head eunuch Li Xun bowed.

Of course!

King ning yuanxian’s hope was shattered like a soap bubble after only 15 minutes.

The ten beggars under Shen lang who participated in the military selectee had returned to the capital.

They were still tied to horses, wailing like ghosts and howling like wolves.

In other words, a whole month had passed, and they had not even learned how to ride a horse.

What’s the point of this martial arts examination?

Instantly, Shen lang became the laughing stock of the capital again.

The news of lunatic LAN handing in a blank paper had just spread.

Now, these ten beggars had come out to embarrass themselves again.

Ning yuanxian was so angry that his face turned pale. He wanted to drag Shen lang in and question him again.

But his heart was filled with hope.

Perhaps, Shen lang was acting again.

Perhaps this little rascal could really create a miracle tomorrow?

This damn thing was so cunning.


The next day!

The Enke military examination had officially begun!


[ Note: If you send the first chapter, try to finish the of the martial examination! ] I’m begging for your support, I’m begging for your monthly votes, I thank everyone!

It’s my wife’s birthday today. Happy Birthday, Baby!

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