Chapter 734 - Paranoid

In the next few days, Iris had Dom reduce her workload so that she could stay at home and take care of Jin Liwei. Not that he needed a lot of taking care of. His injuries hurt a lot like a son of a bitch especially in the first few days but his meds helped manage the pain intensity to a tolerable level. Except for being careful in his movements so as not to aggravate his injuries, he was still fully capable of living his normal life.

The only problem was that Iris had become quite paranoid about his safety ever since his accident. Perhaps it was the fear of losing him or hormonal changes due to her pregnancy or maybe a combination of both but she had become much moreclingy to him.

She watched over him like a hawk and followed him around wherever he went. It was similar to how Jin Liwei acted when she got injured in the bomb incident. Unlike him, however, she was acting too unreasonable that even Jin Liwei who loved her more than the world couldn’t allow her to do everything she wanted.

It came to a point that he had to secretly rally her friends to dissuade her from making him wear a helmet and bulletproof vest every second of the day inside their own home.

The girl squad visited them at the mansion late afternoon weekend. Even Meimei who was always busy working on her popular webtoon came and almost turned to ashes from being exposed to the sunlight for the first time in a long while.

They congregated in the living room of Iris and Jin Liwei’s suite because she didn’t want him tiring himself from walking too far to the other areas in the mansion where they usually entertained guests. When Chen Fei and Meimei heard that Iris wanted to make Jin Liwei wear a helmet and bulletproof vest inside their home, they laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt.

"My God, Xiulan! This is the first time I laughed this hard ever since you started working me like a dog for Orchidia Beauty, you bitch." Chen Fei doubled over on her seat and continued laughing loudly.

It was the same for Meimei who looked like a zombie, only her laughter sounded like a last dying wheeze that couldn’t get out of her throat. "Sorry, Xiulan. I know I shouldn’t be laughing but I can’t help it because you’re being so funny!"

Iris refused to look at them but it was clear in her expression that she was sulking. Seeing her like this, Jin Liwei became unhappy as well. If he knew that these two would laugh at his baby girl so much, he wouldn’t have invited them over.

Dom walked over and pinched both Meimei and Chen Fei, even adding a twist until they stopped laughing and began howling in pain instead.

"Ouch! Dom, you bitch. You wanna fight?!"

"Twin bro, stop!"

"Hmph!" Dom let them go but not before glaring and curling his lips at them. "If you two weren’t my friends, my gorgeous self would’ve already kicked your mean asses out of here with my new steel-toed, high-heeled boots!"

Compared to the two laughing women, Long Jinjing was more compassionate. She threw a pointed look at the two. "Please stop laughing, especially you, Xiao Fei. Brother-in-Law Liwei got hurt in an accident just a few days ago, so of course Little Sister Xiulan will feel extra worried right now."

"That’s right!" Dom chimed in. "Boss even fainted when she saw sir boss in the hospital!"

The three women all looked shocked upon hearing this. Chen Fei and Meimei both lost any desire to continue laughing and finally began to behave. They turned their contrite expressions at Iris but unfortunately, she still refused to even look at the two of them. [This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l . c o m (remove spaces). If you’re not reading this chapter on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It’s very discouraging to see thieves profitting from my hard work. Please read this novel on W e b n o v e l. Thank you! -Arria Cross]

"Little Sister, you fainted?" Long Jinjing asked, her tone full of worry. "How are you feeling now?"

"I’m fine," Iris said but didn’t offer any additional explanation.

Although they were her friends, she didn’t want to tell anyone outside their household that she was pregnant just yet. She and Jin Liwei already talked about it and decided that they would only announce her pregnancy to their relatives and friends after she reached her second trimester when the babies had become stable inside her womb. Everyone in their household knew, of course, including Dom and Jiang Ying Yue but they were deeply loyal to her and Jin Liwei and wouldn’t blab about her pregnancy to others without consent.

Based on Dom’s suspicious actions of avoiding their gazes and diverting the conversation to another topic, Meimei, Long Jinjing and Chen Fei could feel that something important must have happened. However, the three could only stifle their curiosity for now and wait until Iris was ready to tell them.

They couldn’t make themselves ask her right now because of Jin Liwei’s heavy, glacial look of warning. It felt like if they upset Iris today, he would forget that they were her friends and then torture them in cold blood.

What the heck was this? They thought that it was Iris who was acting unreasonably paranoid and overprotective of Jin Liwei because he got hurt in an accident. It was the reason why they came over to help dissuade her from forcing her ridiculous safety ideas on her fiancé.

But the scene playing in front of their eyes showed a different story. It seemed like Jin Liwei was the one who had become many times more protective of Iris than he already was before. It was making them more curious about what really happened.

Their conversation was interrupted when Jiang Ying Yue finally arrived to join them. She couldn’t come earlier because Little Jun was apparently having a tantrum and she had to calm her son first.

"What happened?" Iris asked after hearing about her godson. It was very rare for the child to throw tantrums.

Jiang Ying Yue looked like she had a headache. "He wants his dada."

Everyone froze. Iris squeezed Jin Liwei’s hand hard as she battled the suddenly raging emotions inside her.

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