Chapter 733 - Scary Mommy

Jin Liwei released a relieved breath after hearing the investigation results. Thank goodness that the accident wasn’t premeditated to specifically harm him. He didn’t want to stress his pregnant woman anymore than she already was right now. As soon as the relief came, however, it was replaced by cold-heartedness.

"What does Daddy want to do next? Meow~" Ketchup purred, eager to jump into action.

He thought carefully for a few moments. His emotional conversation with his baby girl just before she fell asleep played constantly inside his mind. She had been tearful, almost hysterical, while telling him that he couldn’t allow himself to be placed in a harmful situation ever again. He couldn’t die and leave her to be a widow and their children orphans so soon. She and their children—their entire family—should always be his number one priority. And that also meant ensuring his own safety at all times.

There was no denying that ever since he fell crazily in love with his baby girl and they got together, his own personality had mellowed quite a lot. He wasn’t as ruthless as before compared to when he was still single. The people close to him certainly noticed the change and so did his colleagues and employees at Jin Corporation. He wasn’t against this change in him because he had never felt so alive as he did right now with the woman he loved.

But after everything that happened today, he realized that allowing himself to mellow too much wasn’t a good thing. Some of his old ruthlessness was still needed in his life especially in protecting his beloved family and himself. [This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l . c o m (remove spaces). If you’re not reading this chapter on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It’s very discouraging to see thieves profitting from my hard work. Please read this novel on W e b n o v e l. Thank you! -Arria Cross]

If this was before his eye-opening conversation with his baby girl, he probably would just issue a reprimand to the ones at fault in the accident at the construction site, perhaps retrain them in security protocols for a few weeks, and then send them to work in other smaller construction projects for less pay for a set period of time. This was the type of merciful punishment the new and mellower Jin Liwei who was so in love with his fiancée would have given.

But now?

No way.

He decided that he needed to be thoroughly merciless in this case. After all, if he wasn’t so lucky and the pipes cracked his head instead of just bruising his back, he would have died and those workers would be charged with murder. Then his pregnant woman would become a widow before they even tied the knot in marriage and his human children would become orphans before they were even born. His heart froze as these thoughts appeared in his mind.

With a hard expression, he finally gave instructions to Ketchup on what to do next. "Use my name to inform the project managers to fire the foreman and the other worker. Give the two their final pay according to their work contracts. As for the ones who transported the pipes when the foreman was absent, their pay would also be deducted by 30%. In addition, I want everyone working in that construction project to undergo a mandatory safety protocol course again including the leaders and the medical personnel. Nobody is exempt. If someone misses even a day of training, fire that person immediately. There are many capable people to replace them."

This punishment had enough balance of mercy and ruthlessness. He didn’t need to be inhumane but neither would he be too lenient.

"Aye aye, Daddy! Ketchup is on it! Meow~"

"Now that I think about it, inform my fellow executives to make everyone working in all Jin Corporation construction projects domestically and abroad to undergo a more intensive course in safety protocols. Accidents like this must not happen again."

"Okie dokie, Daddy! Ketchup will do as instructed. Meow~"

"Good. That’s all, Ketchup."

"Okay—oh wait, Daddy! Meow! Ketchup still has something to say!"

Jin Liwei raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"When Mommy was on her way to see Daddy in the hospital earlier today, she was really mad, like fuming mad! Ketchup hasn’t finished investigating that time so we didn’t know yet who were the real culprits in Daddy’s accident. The cute and mighty Ketchup felt a little scared of Mommy because she was crying so hard and being furious at the same time. Ketchup had never seen such a scary expression on Mommy’s face before. Wuwuwu! So scary! And then Mommy said that when she finds out who hurt Daddy, she would personally beat them all up and send them straight to hell. This is what Ketchup wanted to tell Daddy. Good night, Daddy! Sweet dreams! Mwah mwah tsup tsup! Meow~"

Ketchup left before he could reply. He didn’t call her back to let her work on her assigned tasks. If he allowed her to think even for a second that he was available to idly chat, then she would immediately run her mouth and never stop gossiping about all kinds of things, most of them he didn’t care about. The cat AI was an expert in finding entertainment both in the real world and in cyberspace, a trait largely inherited from Dominic. Good thing that she had become much more obedient and less reckless after her mother rebooted her. If not, then he and his baby girl would really have their hands full, especially now that they were expecting an addition of twins to their family in a few months.

Thinking about what Ketchup said, he believed all of it. He looked at his sleeping baby girl’s face beside him. She looked very peaceful, like a beautiful, gentle angel right now. But he had no doubt that she raged like an avenging demoness while on her way to see him at the hospital earlier today. She would have looked scary but still very beautiful.

He caressed her hair, careful not to wake her up. "Don’t stress yourself out about the accident anymore. Leave everything for your husband to handle. Just focus on taking care of yourself and our babies inside you. Good night. I love you so much."

His eyes closed and he followed her to sleep.

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