Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 460 - 460 - What Should I Do?

"Assistant Chang, now my life is meaningless," said Jean, with trembling lips and uncontrollable tears.

 "Jean, you can't say that," said Chang Yuan, trying to be wise in responding to Jean's words.

 "Tell me who did it?" Chang Yuan slightly raised his voice when he said that.

 Jean shook her head slowly. Even though she didn't want this, she didn't want to hurt Park Soo Hyun.

 "You don't need to know who did it," Jean said as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"Jean, I know that you love him but you shouldn't act stupidly by sitting around and not holding him accountable," Chang Yuan said with a heavy sigh.

 "He doesn't know because he won't even notice." Tears rolled down Jean's cheeks again. It hurt from the pit of the heart to the heart as Park Soo Hyun only remembered her as Soo Yin. The man didn't see her as Jean at all.

 "What do you mean? Anyway, you have to hold him accountable. I'll accompany you to talk about it tomorrow." Chang Yuan was able to confirm that today Park Soo Hyun would not go to work.

 "He only saw me as Soo Yin and I was also the one who was at fault for entering that room." Jean thought that if she didn't deliver the drinks she might still be fine right now. It was all too late and turned to mush. It was impossible to go back to how it was.

 Finally Chang Yuan dared to stretch out his hand and rubbed Jean's back to give her a sense of calm. Didn't want to say more about what happened to the girl.

 Chang Yuan immediately drove his car to Jean's house. It wasn't long before they arrived.

 "Jean, if you need a friend or help I will be there for you," said Chang Yuan.

 "Thank you, Assistant Chang." Jean nodded her head then immediately got out of the car without turning her face back.

 The pain in her sensitive area seemed to no longer be felt because her heart was much more painful when she felt an invisible wound. No bleeding wounds were more painful.


Griffin Bar.

 Park Soo Hyun blocked his eyes from the dazzling sunlight. Which was hitting his eyes when they were about to open. He was still sleeping in a prone position until he was slowly turning his body while stretching his arms.

 "Ugh, Soo Yin?" Park Soo Hyun was shocked to remember what he had done last night.

 His eyes looked around for someone's whereabouts but there was no one there. There were only torn clothes lying on the floor.

 Park Soo Hyun accidentally noticed that there were bloodstains on the white sheets. Until it looked very clear and Park Soo Hyun can already guess what happened last night. He then rubbed his face up to his hair.

 He wasn't sure if the girl from last night was Soo Yin because it was so impenetrable. After all, it was impossible for Soo Yin to come to the bar after what happened yesterday afternoon.

 "Who is that girl?" muttered Park Soo Hyun. He couldn't remember who the girl was because last night he only saw her as Soo Yin.

 Park Soo Hyun then looked for his clothes and didn't find it, there were only pants at the end of the bed. He wanted to get out immediately to find out who the girl he had been tainted last night was.

After putting on his pants, Park Soo Hyun searched every corner for clothes but couldn't find them at all. Then he crouched down to pick up the clothes lying on the floor. It was a barmaid uniform. It meant that the one who accompanied him last night was one of the barmaids.

 Park Soo Hyun then left the room without paying attention to his shirtless body, showing off his perfect body muscles.

 A male barista frowned at Park Soo Hyun who came over.

 "Can I see the CCTV footage?" said Park Soo Hyun who was already starting to feel anxious. Can't wait to find out who that girl was.

 "For what, sir?" Barista asked with a probing look because he felt very strange, suddenly there were visitors who asked about it.

 Park Soo Hyun reached into his wallet and pulled out a few bills. Then handed it over to the barista as money to keep his mouth shut so he wouldn't ask too many questions.

 The barista understood then accepted it and escorted Park Soo Hyun to the CCTV room.

Park Soo Hyun's eyes immediately went wide perfectly when he saw who came to his room last night.

 "Jean?" he muttered with a flabbergasted face then massaged his temples.

 After seeing repeatedly that only Jean entered his room for the last time, Park Soo Hyun immediately left the Griffin Bar.

 "What should I do?" Park Soo Hyun said in disbelief.

 Park Soo Hyun finally decided to go home first before looking for Jean's whereabouts.


 UN Village.

 Dae Hyun can't wait to teach Park Soo Hyun a lesson. In the morning, he decided to go home without going to the hotel first. For him it was useless to go to work but his mind was not calm because he was holding back anger.

 "Park Soo Hyun, come out. Where are you? There's no need to be a coward," shouted Dae Hyun as he stepped in by stomping his feet hard enough. But as much as possible, he held himself from swearing.

"Dae Hyun, what's wrong? Why did you come screaming like this?" said Mrs. Park, who was confused because when her son came home, he immediately became angry uncertainty.

 "Mother, where is Park Soo Hyun? Let me cut off his head," said Dae Hyun with boiling blood because he had been trying to hold back his anger since last night.

 "Calm down, tell me what really happened? Park Soo Hyun hasn't come home yet. Wasn't he working overtime at the hotel due to a lot of work last night?" said Mrs. Park with a frown. Since the afternoon, Park Soo Hyun said that he would not go home because he had so much work to do.

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