"Sabrina, what's wrong?" Arka asked when he heard Sabrina's slightly panicked voice.

"Tell me where you are now," Sabrina asked impatiently. She didn't have time to answer his question.

Arka then gave the address of his apartment. He put on his clothes and went downstairs to wait for Sabrina's arrival.

Twenty minutes later, Sabrina arrived in front of Arka's apartment building.

The dim street lights made the shadow of Arka, who was waiting by the roadside, look very long. Sabrina then ran towards him quickly. It felt like she really wanted to trample on Arka's shadow, because she didn't have the heart to step on the real one.

"Did I do something wrong?" Arka looked at Sabrina with a look of surprise and amusement.

"Let's go up. We're talking inside!" Sabrina said in a cold voice.

"Aren't you afraid, together with me in the enclosed space?" Arka said deliberately.

Sabrina glared at him. "You don't dare take me upstairs? Did you hide women in your house?"

"Never had a woman come to my apartment," said Arka.

"Show me the way," Sabrina said seriously.

Arka found it very cute when Sabrina was angry. Then he took her hand. When Sabrina tried to let go, Arka still held her tightly.

Unable to let go, Sabrina could only surrender and let Arka lead her.

"Why are you angry?" Arka asked.

"I met Winata earlier. He told me something I didn't know," Sabrina said on purpose.

She just wanted to know how long Arka wanted to hide the truth from her.

The expression on Arka's face immediately changed. Winata is his assistant. Of course, as his assistant, he knew everything about Anna.

Why did Winata suddenly tell Sabrina that he has a relationship with Anna?

"I can explain. It's not what you think," said Arka quickly.

"I came to hear your explanation. If I hadn't found out about this, were you going to keep looking for excuses so I wouldn't know the truth? Aren't we friends?" Sabrina said angrily.

Their elevator stopped on the floor where Arka was staying. He took Sabrina's hand as he got out and immediately entered his apartment.

This was Sabrina's first time visiting Arka's residence. He is a very simple person so the decorations in his apartment are pretty much minimalist and elegant.

"Sit down. What do you want to drink?" Arka asked.

"Just plain water," Sabrina felt a little dizzy. Earlier, the drink she ordered at the café when she was with Winata contained quite a lot of alcohol.

Today is a tiring day for her after meeting Aksa. And all the problems these last few days made her feel very tired. Therefore, she ordered the alcoholic drink earlier.

She slumped, looking as if completely out of energy.

Since then, Arka has been thinking about how to explain everything to Sabrina so that he doesn't notice something weird about the girl. Now, he could see that Sabrina's face was slightly blushing.

"How much alcohol did you drink?" He asked, stroking Sabrina's cheek.

"Not that much. I've just been on my mind a lot lately. I just need a little water to drink. After that, I will listen to your explanation,"

Arka fetched water for her and also a box of milk from his refrigerator. "Would you like to try drinking milk? It can neutralize alcohol."

"I don't like milk," Sabrina frowned.

"Drink it. If you get drunk and fall asleep, you won't be able to hear my explanation," Arka put his arm around Sabrina's shoulder, letting her lean in his arms. After that, he helped her to drink a few sips of milk.

Sabrina drank it with a frown on her face. She does like various foods, but she doesn't like milk. "You did it on purpose," She said irritably.

Arka looked at Sabrina and felt that the woman was really adorable. "Are you feeling better?"

"No. I'm hot right now," She said, pouting.

Arka helped Sabrina to unload her bag and then lowered the temperature of the air conditioner in the room. After a while, Sabrina finally stopped blabbing and calmed down again.

"Speak. I'll hear you," Sabrina leaned weakly in Arka's arms. "What's your relationship with Anna?"

"What did Winata say to you?" Arka looked at her.

"Even now, you still don't want to tell me the truth. Winata has told me everything. You are the one who helped Anna to become famous. What other reason can you say?" Sabrina suddenly straightened up so that the top of her head collided with Arka's chin.

"Ahhh! My head!" Sabrina cried in pain.

"You hit my chin," Arka stroked Sabrina's head gently, ignoring his chin which was also throbbing.

"You deserve it. I've asked many times, but you keep dodging. You said that the woman you were with wasn't Anna. Why did you lie to me?" Sabrina glared at him angrily.

Arka chuckled and stroked her cheek gently. "Why do you think I did that?"

"You're afraid I'll get mad at you and ignore you when I find out what happened to you and Anna. Can't you believe me? If you had believed me a little, you would have told me so that neither of us would have suffered this much." Sabrina stood up and pushed Arka to lie on his stomach.

Arka didn't understand what Sabrina was going to do. "Sabrina, what are you doing?"

"Don't move. Lie down!" Sabrina ordered.

Arka obeyed her words and lay down on the sofa in a prone position. Sabrina opened the photo on her cellphone and compared the back of Arka's head.

"Turn around a bit," Sabrina said while tilting Arka's head to get the right position.

"Sabrina, what exactly are you doing?" Arka let Sabrina do whatever she wanted, but he kept asking in a confused tone.

Sabrina looked at the man's neck and suddenly her eyes widened. This angle…

As soon as Arka tried to lift his head, Sabrina pressed him and held him on the sofa again. 

She looked at her phone and increased the light on the screen, then suddenly laughed.

Arka was really confused. He didn't understand why Sabrina was doing this to him and why the woman was suddenly laughing.

"Sabrina, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Don't scare me," Arka tried to peek at Sabrina's phone but the girl immediately hid it.

Sabrina tried to calm herself down and said, "Brother, I'm giving you a chance to confess. Tell me about your relationship with Anna."

Arka is a smart man. He has a very strong instinct and careful thinking.

Sabrina suddenly lost control of herself, got angry and then laughed after looking at her phone. Now, she asked about his relationship with Anna.

Sabrina had also met Winata before. That means, she already knows everything.

Arka could only take a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Sabrina, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I mistook Anna for you back then."

"You know my attitude. You think that if I found out that you had a relationship with Anna, I would just leave you? In order to keep hiding, you are even willing to be threatened by Anna. Did she tell you that she would tell me everything if you didn't help her become famous? Did she threaten you that you would lose me?" Sabrina asked with a bland smile.

Arka nodded. He raised his head and looked at Sabrina intently. "Sabrina, I really love you. Please don't leave me."

"There are two reasons why I rejected you. First, you have no control over yourself. Two, you were threatened, but you still didn't tell me. Don't you believe me?" Sabrina asked coldly.

"I… I just love you so much and I'm afraid of losing you," Arka tried to explain with a great pain in his eyes. "I really didn't intend to have anything to do with her. That night, I drank too much that I didn't notice. I thought it was you."

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