Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 939 - Not Intending To Help Her

"Anna, why did you lie to me?" Arka asked seriously.

Anna felt her heart beat so fast that it almost jumped out of her chest. Did Arka already know that the woman three years ago was not her, but Sabrina?

"Is there a misunderstanding? What did I lie to you about?" Anna asked carefully.

"Three years ago, that woman was not you. I remember it now," Arka's voice sounded very cold, making Anna feel very depressed.

Arka finally remembered it?

"You… You were drunk at the time and mistook me for Sabrina. I've explained it to you, but you won't listen to me. I know this is hard to accept. But that night, I was also a victim. Don't worry. I won't tell Sabrina. I will keep this a secret," Anna said nervously.

"Anna, you still don't want to tell me the truth?" Arka roared loudly.

"No matter how many times you ask, my answer remains the same. The woman of that night was me!" Anna said firmly.

Arka threw away his cell phone and covered his face with great anger.

Anna is too cunning. It is difficult to get information from her. Apparently, the only way was to find Sabrina and ask in detail about the night. Maybe, there's a clue he can get.

What Aksa said was true. They are twins and have very similar faces and bodies.

Sabrina was convinced that the man who was with her that night was Aksa, but it was still possible that the man was Arka.

That night, Sabrina was drunk. How could she be so sure when she was drunk?

Sabrina really hoped that the man three years ago was Arka.

It's the same with Arka, who can only hope that Anna is lying to him.

He hoped that the woman who slept with him three years ago was Sabrina.

That night, Sabrina went for a walk alone to find inspiration. Just when she was about to go home, she accidentally met Arka's assistant, Winata.

"Hey," Sabrina greeted him with a smile.

Winata was also very surprised when she met Sabrina. "Miss, are you shopping here too?"

"I'm here for inspiration," Sabrina replied.

Winata looked at his watch. "If you're not busy and not in a hurry, would you like to chat with me for a while?"

Sabrina was surprised, not thinking Winata wanted to ask her to talk. She wasn't that close to Winata so the request surprised her a bit. But she was also curious about what Winata was going to talk to her.

Every time Sabrina went to the Atmajaya Group office, Winata always greeted her so warmly that she felt uncomfortable refusing his request.

"Alright, let's go to a café," Sabrina pointed to a nearby café.

Winata nodded and followed her.

There, they order drinks as well as snacks. Thanks to that, the awkwardness between them is slightly reduced.

"Miss, Mr. Arka really likes you. Mr. Aksa and Mr. Mason are also the same. But what about you?" Winata suddenly asked.

"Do you also consider me someone who likes to toy with people's feelings? Who hangs their hearts at the same time?" Sabrina replied half jokingly.

Winata was stunned for a moment and immediately said, "That's not what I meant. I just feel jealous of you because you are loved by three amazing men."

"We grew up together, that's why we are still confused about friendship and love," Sabrina smiled.

"I know that you are very concerned about the three of them. But you're closest to Mr. Arka," said Winata.

Sabrina didn't deny it. "What do you think I should do?"

"If you like him, it's better to spend more time with him. You've gone abroad for several years. I'm worried that you don't know he's close to your best friend, Miss Anna," said Winata.

Sabrina frowned. "Brother Arka and Anna?"

Winata held his glass tightly and pretended to stay calm. "If he's asked to choose between you or Miss Anna, I hope he will pick you. I don't really like Miss Anna. How could she deserve Mr. Arka?"

"Do you also like him?" Sabrina suddenly asked.

Winata's eyes widened. Then, after a while, he finally said, "I have been his assistant for four years, but our closeness cannot be compared to that of you who grew up with him. If I lose to you, I will accept it. But why should Miss Anna?"

Sabrina raised her glass and took a sip.

"You told me this because you felt Anna was unworthy of Brother Arka and you wanted me to beat her. But Brother Arka is not close to Anna. Looks like you misunderstood something."

"No, I didn't misunderstand anything. Mr. Arka and Miss Anna were together three years ago. The reason why she became famous in such a short time is because of Mr. Arka helped her from behind. Everyone out there knows that someone is helping Anna to her current success, but no one knows who. That person is Mr. Arka," Winata said with great emotion.

"What are you talking about?" Sabrina's hands trembled. The glass she was holding slipped from her hand and the contents spilled.

The corners of Winata's lips showed a smile full of conspiracy and cunning. He knew that Arka liked Sabrina. From the man's eyes alone, it's as clear as crystal that he wanted to be with her.

Before Arka and Sabrina could be together, Winata deliberately told Sabrina about Arka and Anna's relationship. He was convinced that Sabrina, who was arrogant and had high self-esteem, would not be able to accept that the man who loved her and her best friend betrayed her.

That way, Sabrina will definitely reject Arka. Meanwhile, about Anna…

Actually, Winata doesn't care about Anna. She is just a stupid woman with bad acting skills, no talent, not even pretty face. Arka would not like a woman like her.

Winata just needs to get rid of Sabrina. That way, sooner or later, Arka will be his. If he manages to get rid of Sabrina, he will be the only person Arka trusts.

Winata took the tissue that was on the table and cleaned up the spilled drink.

After Sabrina heard about the relationship between Arka and Anna, she was really taken aback. She could only gape like a fool.

Her head was buzzing because so many thoughts were raging in her mind.

Arka is the person behind Anna. That means, he is the man who was with her three years ago…

"Winata, I'm sorry. I have to talk to Brother Arka right now, "Sabrina stood up in panic and took out her wallet.

"Let me pay for it. Next time, you can invite me to eat," Winata said quickly.

"Thank you for telling me," Sabrina said gratefully.

Winata felt confused. Why did Sabrina even thank him?

'Is this daughter of the Mahendra Family really innocent, or maybe stupid?' Winata thought. But he pretended to stay nice and nodded. "Alright, Miss. If you're in a hurry, I won't stop you. Next time we can talk again!"

Sabrina knew that Winata liked Arka, judging from his attitude. But she did not know that Winata deliberately wanted to divide them. She doesn't know that Winata told Arka and Anna's relationship not to help her, but to keep them separated.

But since Winata was malicious and wanted to destroy Sabrina and Arka's relationship, now Sabrina knew the truth.

She immediately ran from the place, calling Arka.

"Sabrina, you finally called me," Arka's low voice came from across the phone.

"Where are you now? I want to meet you," Sabrina stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

Hearing her slightly panicked voice, Arka asked cautiously, "Sabrina, what's wrong?"

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