Anya immediately tidied up the document and returned it to its place, as if nothing had happened. She left Aiden's desk, afraid that the other things would fall apart.

Her feet walked towards Aiden's room which was on one side of the room and headed straight for the bathroom. She wanted to take a warm shower first to make herself fresher. She just came home from work and her body must be sweating.


Warm water soaked Anya's whole body, washing away all her fatigue. She felt very refreshed. Wrapped in a bath towel, she walked out to Aiden's closet and realized that there were no women's clothes there at all. She also didn't want to wear her clothes earlier. The clothes were dirty from sweat while working.

She decided to take one of Aiden's shirts, the white one. When she saw it, Anya remembered that she had never seen Aiden wearing light colored clothes. Her husband would definitely look very handsome when wearing light colored clothes. Maybe next time she could pick out a dress for Aiden.

Anya wore Aiden's white shirt. Her small body was wrapped in that oversized dress. The shirt covered her thighs and sunk her arms.

After that, she immediately cleaned her working clothes and hung them up so they could dry quickly.

Once out of the bathroom, Anya saw the big bed and suddenly felt sleepy. She laid down on the bed, felt the softness of the material and gave a wide yawn.

There were a lot of things that happened on her first day of work, leaving her exhausted. Less than five minutes she laid down, her eyes were closed and she was fast asleep.

At seven in the evening, Aiden's car stopped in front of the entrance to his company. Seeing his master's car coming, Harris rushed over to him.

"What's Anya doing right now?" Asked Aiden as soon as he got out of the car.

"Looks like madam is asleep." When Harris entered Aiden's office, he did not see Anya anywhere so he guessed Anya must be in Aiden's bedroom. He didn't dare to knock on the door or even check on Anya's situation without Aiden's permission.

Aiden immediately got on the elevator and headed to his room. He did not care about documents or work and hurried to the bedroom connected to his study.

He opened his bedroom door slowly and saw a tiny body lying on his bed. The body didn't even move when he opened the door. Anya was fast asleep.

Aiden's eyes brushed against Anya's body wrapped in his shirt. He stood still in the doorway, as if frozen and unable to move.

When Harris entered Aiden's room, Aiden immediately covered the door with his body, not letting Harris look inside at all.

"Don't let anyone bother me until I get out." Said Aiden in a deep voice.

Harris initially wanted to say that dinner was ready. However, hearing his Master's order, he immediately bowed and walked out.

Aiden was going abroad tonight. So, Harris also hoped his Master could spend some time alone with his wife and relax.

Only Aiden and Anya were in the room. Aiden entered his room and closed the door. He sat on the edge of the bed looking at his wife's face.

Anya could feel her bed swaying a little so she opened her eyes. She was still sleepy so when she saw someone sitting by her bedside, she jolted in shock.

As soon as she realized that it was Aiden who was beside her, Anya smiled and stretched out her hand, "You're back."

Aiden welcomed her hand and hugged Anya's waist, pulling her tiny body into his lap.

Anya's hands switched, hugging Aiden's neck. She still felt a little dizzy from falling asleep. Her sleeping position was a little uncomfortable so she woke up with a slightly heavy head, "It's all because of your comfortable bed, so I fell asleep." She muttered. Her eyes were still sleepy.

She buried her face in Aiden's neck and closed her eyes.

Aiden looked at the woman in his arms with eyes filled with passion. Seeing Anya wearing his oversized shirt made her look very seductive. Which man didn't like seeing his woman in his clothes?

"I'm hungry." Said Aiden. His voice was a little hoarse as he said it.

"Hmm… I've asked Harris to order food. I told him to order your favorite food." Said Anya innocently.

Aiden inclined his head and whispered in Anya's ear, "I want to eat you," He said in a low voice.

Anya felt her body shudder when she heard this.

Before she had time to understand what Aiden was saying, Aiden had already lifted Anya's body from his lap, laid her on the bed and trapped her with his big body.

Anya's heart was beating very fast. She did not know what to do. She had just woken up and was still half conscious, but a moment later she was already in this position.

"Aiden ..." Anya's voice was trembling, "We haven't eaten and you have to go to the airport."

"The flight was delayed for two hours. I still have time." Aiden said calmly. He brought his face closer to Anya. His cold lips touched Anya's neck, making Anya writhe on the bed.

Anya wasn't ready for all this! What should she do?

She swallowed hard and said, "The food will be cold. What if the food doesn't taste good?"

Aiden continued to kiss Anya's neck, leaving kiss after kiss, saying, "Hmm… I can eat you. You were much tastier than dinner."

Anya's eyes widened. The kisses that Aiden left on her neck made her passion rise from within her heart. But she wasn't ready for this!

She had already made love to Aiden once, but she was unconscious at that time. If she was really conscious like this, what should she do?

Anya's heart was beating like crazy. Her brain seemed to be working at full speed so she felt a little dizzy.

'What should I do? What can I do?'

"Anya… I'll be going tonight…" Aiden's butterfly kisses continued to descend and fall farther, reaching her collarbone. One of his hands moved to the button of her shirt and opened it easily. He unbuttoned the shirt one by one, slowly as if he were opening a gift.

Anya's hand tried to stop Aiden, but her brain told her to let it go. Why were they all so conflicted?

"Aiden ... Can't you wait after coming home?"

"I want you now." Aiden didn't want to wait and he couldn't wait anymore.

This morning, he let Anya go because she had to go to work. But now, he didn't want to wait anymore.

Aiden's lips moved, crushing Anya's lips ferociously. Anya seemed to be immersed in the kiss and the passion that came from her. Her hand that was trying to stop Aiden was frozen in place and instead grabbed Aiden's sleeve as if she didn't want to lose her husband's warmth.

Sigh after sigh, growl after growl. Their kiss was getting hotter, while Aiden's hands were still working to continue unbuttoning the shirt Anya was wearing. This time, Aiden was at advantage as he was very familiar with his own clothes. It didn't take long for him to open the prize before him.

His hands moved, traced the shape of Anya's beautiful body and stopped at one of her breasts. His lips continued to love Anya with passion as if he wanted to make her forget everything, wanted to make her think only of him.

At first, his hands squeezed Anya's breasts slowly. However, over time, he added strength, making Anya continue to moan in pleasure. Her moan was like music to Aiden's ears. Anya closed her eyes, as if she was immersed in passion and couldn't get up again.

Meanwhile, Aiden opened his eyes. He witnessed the beautiful scene before him.

Anya's long black hair hung on the pillow. The color contrasts sharply with Anya's mouth-white skin. Her eyes were closed, and her lips continued to follow her movements. Her cheeks flushed slightly and her body continued to writhe under Aiden's body.

Aiden's big white shirt could indeed cover Anya's long legs. But due to their continuous movement on the bed, the shirt lifted off, exposing Anya's slender and beautiful legs.

Aiden didn't want to go…

He didn't want all of this to end…

If only he could stop time…

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