"But I also don't want to marry Raisa. I like a soft and sweet woman like Auntie!" Nico whined to Aiden.

Aiden stopped walking and turned to Nico when he heard his nephew's answer. He narrowed his eyes, his gaze was dangerous.


"What did you say?" Asked Aiden in a low voice. His voice sounded cold, making Nico's hair stand on end.

"Uncle! You're blindly jealous too. I'm just saying I like women like aunts, the kind of woman who is gentle and obedient. I didn't say I liked her!" Nico immediately explained frantically. He spoke wrong and he would die.

"You don't like Anya?" Aiden felt even more displeased. He frowned as he looked at Nico. His nephew did not like the wife he chose.

Nico could feel his head spinning. Why was everything he did wrong?

If he said he liked his aunt, his uncle would get jealous and kill him. If he said he didn't like his aunt, his uncle would get mad at him. How could he survive this deadly trap? Should he play dead?

"I like her as my aunt." Nico replied. He racked his brains to come up with an intelligent answer.

One of Aiden's eyebrows rose. Looked like Nico had learned from experience so that now he could answer Aiden's questions correctly.

"Your aunt has a sister who can be introduced to you. Didn't you say you needed a girlfriend as soon as possible?" Aiden said casually. He walked back to the main door of the Atmajaya Group company.

"Uncle, don't frame me. Aunt's only sister is Natali Tedjasukmana." Replied Nico. What's the difference between Raisa and Natali? Why should he be caught between those two creepy women?

This city was ruled by four major families. First was the Atmajaya Family with the greatest strength and power. After that, the Mahendra Family and the Pratama Family have an equal position. The Tedjasukmana family was indeed in last place, but they were still included in the influential family in this city.

"The Atmajaya family will benefit a lot if you marry one of them. If you have to choose between Raisa and Natali, go for Natali. At least you will get some land with a strategic location as a dowry from the Tedjasukmana Family. After all, they also didn't have the money to develop the land. So, they must hand over the land to our families." Aiden lectured him seriously. He talked about marriage as if it was a business matter.

Nico shook his head. According to him, there was no best choice between the two options. Both Raisa and Natali were just as bad in Nico's eyes, "Raisa and Natali are friends. People who are close will tend to have similar traits. I don't want to marry either of them." Nico said gloomily. He and Aiden walked out of the company to their car.

Aiden was silent for a moment, then he thought about Nico's words to match Raisa with Ivan.

"Ivan must not marry Raisa or Natali. He must not be allowed to gain power in this city. When he comes back, we have to watch him. After your grandfather's birthday celebration is over, I will try to send him back overseas." Aiden said with a serious look.

"Uncle, why do we have to do this?" Nico felt sad. He couldn't bear to see his happy family become like this.

"Don't be a coward. Maybe you do have a good relationship with Ivan, but what about his mother? Don't you think about what the fate of the Atmajaya Family will be if Ivan marries into an influential family? His mother will definitely run rampant."

Before getting into his car, Aiden looked at his company again. He looked up and looked at the highest floor, the floor where Anya was. His wife was there, waiting for him in his office. He really wanted to come back and accompany her.

"Uncle, don't look back again. Our client is waiting." Nico insisted and tried to push Aiden to get into the car.

In Aiden's office, Anya was looking out the window, looking at the view of the entire city that laid before her in awe. It was getting late into the afternoon, the color of the sky turned crimson red.

"Madame, what would you like to have for dinner tonight?" Harris asked as he approached Anya.

"Just order what Aiden likes." Anya replied, still looking out the window.

Harris nodded after hearing Anya's answer.

Anya hesitated for a moment, but in the end, she decided to turn around and face Harris, "Did you see Raisa earlier?"

"Mr. Aiden asked Miss Raisa to come to the office. But it was unexpected that Miss Raisa would even meet you below." Harris replied with a flat expression.

Anya felt worried. Aiden asked Raisa to come to his office. Was this because Raka came to her at work this morning?

"Did Aiden say why he called Raisa?" Anya continued, trying to stay calm while digging information from Harris.

"Master didn't say anything." Harris replied. His expression was still the same so that Anya could not guess what he was thinking.

"Hmm… I understand. Just continue your work! There's no need to worry about me." Anya felt very suspicious. But if Harris didn't want to say it, she wouldn't be able to get any answers.

After Harris left, Anya was left alone in the room. She stared at Aiden's chair. The chair looked big and handsome, just like the person it belonged to.

Anya sat in that chair, the one usually occupied by Aiden. However, it didn't feel right if she used it. Her body was too small to sit on such a large chair and she felt she had no right to sit there.

As she was about to stand up, she accidentally dropped a folder containing documents from the table. Anya immediately panicked and hurriedly tidied up all the scattered documents.

'What if this is Aiden's important work document?'

However, just as she was about to take it, her hand stopped moving.

'Aren't these bank records? Why is there my name on the document?'

Anya's hand was shaking when she saw all this. Aiden was investigating her matters.

Anya took the document and looked inside. The document contained her banking records three years ago. When she looked at the contents of another folder, Anya found a copy of the check that was issued by Raka's mother. In addition, there was also a detailed note regarding the check which was finally cashed by Raisa.

Anya's eyes widened when she saw Raisa's name. Three years ago, Raka's mother gave her a check so that she would leave Raka. However, the check ended at Raisa. How was it possible?

With the information in her hands and Raisa's sudden appearance in front of Aiden's office, Anya immediately realized…

Aiden was investigating the money that Raka's mother gave her and found that the money was disbursed by Raisa. After that, all of a sudden, Raisa appeared at Aiden's company.

All of this was not a coincidence…

Actually, Anya also did not quite understand this incident. She was also very surprised to see Raisa's name listed as the person who cashed the check.

All this time, Raka had always thought that Anya was the one who received the money from his family to part with him. Raisa also thought the same thing.

Nobody knew what really happened. The only person who understood it was Raisa. It might be better for Anya to ask Raisa directly, rather than let Aiden intervene.

If it happened that way, Anya didn't know what would happen to Raisa next.

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