"Anya, by the time you listen to this tape, I might have already died. I am too old and weak to raise your brother. It's true, I didn't try my hardest to find you back then, let you get lost out there and hurt you. I'm guilty of loving Keara more than you. But this time, I want to make up for it all. I want to give it all to you. You just need to give your little brother some food and let him grow up safely. Anya, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be a good father to you. But I believe you will be a good sister to your brother."

Anya cried when she heard Galih's words. "I do not want to. I don't want your wealth. I just want you to live. Dad please, don't die. I don't need anything. I just need you!"


Aiden hugged Anya and tried to calm her down. She tried to rebel and cried out loud but the man comforted her, "Anya, calm down. Don't be like this," he said while holding his wife's body.

"Aiden, I don't have a father anymore. I lost him. Even though he loved Keara more than me, I know he actually loved me too. I know it! He designed Iris Perfume Academy according to my wishes and tastes. He was also looking forward to the birth of our daughter. He asked me to tell him when our daughter was born. Then, how can I tell him now?" Anya gripped Aiden's arm tightly and cried until her voice was hoarse.

"If your father sees you like this, he must be sad. You have to take care of your health and don't let him worry about you," Indah also tried to calm her down.

"Mother, I…" Anya gasped, and then felt an excruciating pain in her stomach. "My belly... Aiden, my belly hurts…" 

That day, too shocked by the bad news she received, Anya gave birth to her daughter early.

That night, Pratama Group announced that Galih Pratama had died in a car accident, along with a woman who accompanied him.

The next morning, the Atmajaya Group announced good news. Anya has given birth to a pair of twins, a girl and a boy.

When Bima heard the news, he immediately called Aiden. "Twins? Isn't it supposed to be a daughter? A girl?"

"Jessica is dead. I'm worried that Eka will take her child. That's why I'm forced to announce it this way," Aiden said over the phone.

"The child that Anya gave birth to, is it a girl or a boy?" Bhima asked.

"A girl. A daughter as beautiful as Anya," Aiden replied.

"In that case, good. Anya is very beautiful indeed," Bima nodded with satisfaction and said, "Tell the hospital to make sure there is no leak of information. Jessica is dead, Eka will definitely cause trouble. Take good care of Anya and I'll take care of Eka's problem."

"Thank you, Dad," Aiden said.

"You just need to take care of Anya. Comfort her, don't let her be sad. After giving birth, a woman is very prone to depression. I'm afraid she'll get sick again." Bima really loves his daughter-in-law and is very worried about her.

"Don't worry. I'll accompany her," Aiden said.

"I will invite Tirta to have tea with me and explain all this to him. You also tell Nico and Nadine so that they don't jump into this problem," said Bima.

"They know what they have to do," Aiden replied.

When Anya was in the hospital, Indah and Diana took turns taking care of her. Nadine wasn't due for a baby yet, but when she heard that Anya had delivered her baby prematurely, she went straight to the hospital and was treated there early.

In the same hospital, Nadine can accompany Anya every day.

However, no matter what everyone did, Anya didn't want to speak.

Before Aiden announced that she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, and brought Jessica's child to be raised with their daughter, Aiden had already discussed this matter with Anya first and she agreed. But after that, she suddenly stopped talking.

Nobody knew what happened to her. Everyone was very worried about her.

One week later, Anya was discharged from the hospital exactly one week after Galih's death. After being discharged from the hospital, she went to the house where Galih lived. In the garden of the house, she saw a swing for children.

The swing made Anya shed tears.

Galih brought Indah to live in this place so that the two of them could live closer to her.

At that time, he really wanted to be a good father and make up for their 20 years of separation by giving love to his daughter.

But once they found out that Keara wasn't dead and changed her face into Agnes, their happy days were over.

"Father, I forgive you. I won't be mad at you. Please come back to me," Anya cried sadly while leaning on the swing.

She didn't care if her feet were dirty from kneeling on the ground. She could only pour out all her sadness and regret after losing her father.

Indah also wiped her tears seeing her daughter. Aiden waited until Anya was exhausted after crying and took her home.

Indah took care of the funeral for Galih by herself. Even though they were divorced, she would not stand by and leave Galih unattended, without a family who could take him to his eternal resting place.

Anya had just given birth so she wasn't strong enough to attend the funeral. But then she heard that Eka was causing trouble at the cemetery.

Finally, Bima had to step in and talk to him. However, Eka asked him for 1 billion instead.

Anya was very angry. She didn't want to give Eka a penny, let alone 1 billion.

Jessica deserved all of this. Anya heard from the guards that it was Jessica who forced him to go out because she wanted to eat  that night. And since it was too late, Galih finally agreed to accompany her.

And after that, the accident happened.

Anya asked for a video recording from Indah when Jessica had an affair with Galih's assistant at the Pratama Family's home. With this, does Eka still have no shame in asking the Pratama Family for money?

When Bima got the tape, he didn't even see it but immediately showed it to Eka.

"Honey, I will register my marriage with Galih tomorrow. From now on, the Pratama Group will be ours."

"You must be suffering, Jessica. I will treat you well."

"I did suffer a lot. You know he is old and wrinkled. After marrying him, I will sleep with him. I'm really nauseous and want to throw up…"

"I'll always be with you…"

"YOU….! How dare you do this in my house! Have you guys gone mad?"

"Eka, Jessica cheated on Galih with his trusted assistant. Now the assistant is in prison. If you don't believe me, you can find him. The child in Jessica's womb was most likely his," said Bima.

"Impossible! If the child in Jessica's womb belonged to the assistant, why did Galih want to take care of her?" Eka didn't believe it.

Bima then slowly cleared his throat. "After all, Jessica was Galih's assistant and was known as his lover. The assistant was in prison and Galih couldn't leave the pregnant woman alone. If that child was his son, why did he leave an inheritance letter and give all his property to Anya?"

Eka's face turned pale as he couldn't argue with Bima's words.

"I know Jessica's death is a huge blow to you. And no one can return from death. Do you want to keep arguing about this and create a new scandal about your deceased daughter? You better get out of my life! We can't give you 1 billion. Let Anya give you 100 million and forget all this trouble. Remember, Galih also died in this accident. You can't demand 1 billion from Pratama Group," Bima tried to persuade him.

"100 million? I only have Jessica and my daughter is dead now. Is her life that cheap for you?" Eka hit the table angrily and was about to leave.

"300 million, no more. You know for yourself what Jessica did. The father of her child isn't known. Wouldn't it be better if the child wasn't around? Pratama Group will give you 100 million and I will add 200 million. After that, I hope you won't bother my daughter-in-law again," Bima said coldly.

"500 million," Eka kept trying to bargain.

Bima sneered when he heard it. Turns out that this is Eka's real color. He made his dead daughter a bargaining chip.

Before his family went bankrupt, Eka spoiled Jessica very much. But after his family had nothing, he let Jessica sell herself so he could earn some money.

He didn't mind even though his daughter had to be a cheap woman in order to earn a lot of money.

This time, Jessica was involved with Galih. But he did not expect that his daughter's relationship with Galih would cost her her life.

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