"I live at Diana's house now. She and I had promised that we would better ourselves there and take care of each other. But don't worry, I will visit you and won't let the servants ignore you," Indah replied. "If you don't mind, we'll do everything according to my plan."

"It's up to you," Galih said calmly.


"Regarding our divorce, I have reduced the demands. I don't want half of your wealth, nor the Pratama Group. My conditions are still the same, I still want the land and the three buildings I've requested before. When I grow old, I will live off the rent of the building and live a carefree life," after saying this, she took the divorce papers out of her bag. "If you don't mind, you just need to sign it."

"Indah, can we not divorce? I…"

"When you were healthy, you had an affair with Jessica, and you did it openly before my eyes. Now, Jessica betrayed you and doesn't want you anymore. You need someone to take care of you, that's why you don't want to divorce me. Do you think that is not outrageous?" Indah looked at him coldly. "Galih, for 20 years of being married to you, I've never felt happy. I'm tired of losing my only daughter. Now, I just want to be by my daughter's side. Let me go. It's best if we part."

"Indah, I made a mistake. I didn't mean to betray you. But you are also cruel for making me barren like this. After experiencing life and death, I don't want to think about the past anymore. I know that I was wrong and I just want to make amends for my future. Can you give me one more chance?" Galih said sincerely.

Indah laughed. "There is no need for anything to be fixed between us. It's true I have a drug that can make you infertile. Actually, the medicine was my sister's gift to ensure that Keara would be the sole heir of the Pratama Family. But I didn't. I'm afraid karma will come back for me for my actions. I'm afraid that doing evil deeds will keep me from finding my daughter. Indeed, there is such a medicine, but I did not give it to you…"

Galih was silent for a moment when he heard it.

So, what Indah said before was a lie? She just wanted to expose Jessica's rotten behavior by using the lie, revealing that she had an affair and trying to take all of Galih's property.

And that she never did anything to hurt him at all?

"Indah, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry," unconsciously, Galih's eyes turned red.

"If you didn't do it with Jessica, maybe I'd give you a second chance. But you've really let me down this time. I don't want to be humiliated like before. We'd better split up. Even though we have separated, you are still Anya's father. I'll leave the paper here," Indah got up and left.

Galih stayed in the hospital for a week to make sure he was okay. After that, he was allowed to go home.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Aiden and Indah went to the hospital to pick him up.

Galih still lives in the house that Aiden and Anya gave him. Indah also visits him every day.

When Arka and Aksa are off from school, they also visit their grandfather on weekends.

But Anya never showed up once…

Finally, it was Galih who took the initiative to meet her.

"Anya, your father is coming," Hana opened the door for Galih and went upstairs to tell her about his arrival.

As soon as she found out that her father was coming, Anya made no attempt to avoid him and went straight down to meet him.

"How are you?" Anya asked.

Galih saw his daughter's belly getting bigger. His face looked a little surprised, thinking about the child in Jessica's womb.

She is pregnant before Anya and soon, she will give birth.

"Anya, I came to visit you today. Besides, I want to tell you that I will be returning to the Pratama Family home," said Galih.

"If you're not comfortable living in that house, I won't stop you. But before you go, settle your divorce with mom," Anya urged.

Indah had given the divorce papers to Galih for a long time, but the man never signed it.

"Anya, we are father and daughter. Do you want to see me divorce your mother?" Galih asked.

"If you divorce my mother, no one will stop you if you want to remarry," Anya said calmly.

Galih was silent when he heard that. "Are you still mad at me?"

"You said I was a disaster. All this time, I kept thinking about everything that happened to this family. There was a lot going on in the Pratama Family and all of them were related to me. If I were given one chance to undo everything, I'd still be looking for my mother. But it's better if I don't have a father like you and an older sister like Keara," Anya said frankly.

Galih's face froze. He slowly raised his head and took a deep breath. "I know everything is my fault. I couldn't educate Keara well. When someone makes a mistake, they subconsciously try to pass the responsibility onto someone else. That way, their heart will feel much calmer. But you did nothing and are innocent. I shouldn't blame you. Anya, I'm really sorry."

"We are father and daughter. Blood is much thicker than water. If you need help from me, you can look for me," Anya said calmly.

Galih nodded, "I know you are a good girl. You still often visit Deny even when he is not your real father. How could you ignore me then? If your mother insists on getting a divorce, I'll agree."

Anya looked at Galih in surprise. "Do you really agree?"

"I've disappointed her," Galih gave the divorce papers to Anya. "I've signed it. You can give it to your mother."

"Okay," Anyaanswered.

"I will return to the Pratama Family home this afternoon. Jessica is about to give birth. I hope you don't blame me," said Galih.

"Is the child in her womb really yours?" Anya still doubts it.

"Jessica did make a lot of mistakes, but the child was innocent. I've done a DNA test with the child in her womb and the child is really mine. You will have a younger brother," said Galih shyly.

"I know you want a boy. I'm so glad you finally got a son. But I suggest you don't marry Jessica after your divorce from mom. She is not a good woman," Anya said.

"I'll talk to her. After the child is born, I will give her some money," said Galih.

"It's good that you still understand. If there's anything else I can do to help you, just say so. Take care of your health," Anya said awkwardly. Her love for her father is not as much as her love for her mother.

Anya is willing to do anything for her mother who loves her with all her heart.

But to this father in front of her? Anya knew that this man was her real father, but that was where their relationship ended.

"You also take care of your health. When your child is born, don't forget to tell me," Galih said gently.

Perhaps, it's too late to regret everything he did now. But he still had the time to try to fix them one by one.

Galih moved back to the Pratama Family's house and agreed to divorce Indah. With the help of a lawyer, Indah completed all the divorce processes. Now she doesn't have to take care of the Pratama Family matters anymore.

She has become a free woman.

Indah Srijaya…

However, the good times didn't last long. Less than a month after Galih returned to his own home, bad news suddenly came.

Galih and Jessica had an accident on their way home.

In order to protect Jessica and the child in her womb, Galih shielded them and died on the spot before he could get any help.

Jessica was bleeding profusely and her child had to be born prematurely. The ambulance came but she died on the way to the hospital.

Galih's lawyer immediately contacted Anya and gave her a letter of inheritance. He gave all the wealth he had to her.

"Why?" Anya said while crying.

"This is the recording that Mr. Galih left before he died," the lawyer said as he played the tape.

"Anya, by the time you listen to this tape, I might have already died. I am too old and weak to raise your brother. It's true, I didn't try my hardest to find you back then, let you get lost out there and hurt you. I'm guilty of loving Keara more than you. But this time, I want to make up for it all. I want to give it all to you. You just need to give your little brother some food and let him grow up safely. Anya, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be a good father to you. But I believe you will be a good sister to your brother."

Anya cried when she heard Galih's words. "I do not want to. I don't want your wealth. I just want you to live. Dad please, don't die. I don't need anything. I just need you!"

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