Time is ticking fast, but Jonathan still can't find Jenny. He became more and more worried.

He was afraid that something had happened to her. What if Jenny met a bad person?


There seems to be no other way. Jonathan had to call Anya.

Anya had just read a story to her two sons. Now Arka and Aksa are fast asleep. As she returns to her room, she gets a call from Jonathan.

"Brother, why are you calling at night? What's wrong?" Anya asked.

"Did Jenny call you? She came to my office earlier. I think I pissed her off. After coming home from my office, she wouldn't answer my call. Do you know where she usually goes?" Jonathan asked.

"Try going to her friend's bar, the Blurry Night. Lately, she often met with Tiara there. Maybe Jenny went to see her," said Anya.

"Fine. I'll call you later," Jonathan ended the call and headed straight for the bar that Anya said.

Blurry Night is a pretty famous bar in the city. There, many men and women are looking for one night love. Jonathan doesn't know if Jenny went there for that purpose or just because Tiara went there.

Jonathan rushes to the bar and finds that Jenny's car is actually in the parking lot.

She really came here.

As soon as Jonathan entered the bar, she immediately frowned at the sound of very loud music.

Tiara immediately got a report from her employees that Jonathan came there.

She smiled proudly and patted Jenny on the shoulder. "Jenny, Uncle Jonathan is coming to get you."

Jenny lifted her slightly dizzy head and looked around her. "Where? Where?" But she couldn't see Jonathan at all. She used her hands to support her wobbly head.

Tiara whispered in Jenny's ear and said, "He just came through the front door. How about I ask someone to attack you so that Uncle Jonathan will save you and become your hero?"

"No need. He will misunderstand me," Jenny waved her hand and chased everyone around her.

After everyone left, she leaned her head on the table and closed her eyes.

Jonathan finally made his way through the crowd and found Jenny at a table. He saw several empty bottles and only one glass on the table.

"Jenny, did you drink all this?" Jonathan asked worriedly.

"Uncle Jonathan, come have a drink with me. Drinking can forget all your troubles!" Jenny raised her glass at Jonathan and forced him to drink.

The wine was very strong. Jonathan immediately frowned when he tasted the wine in his mouth. "How much did you drink to get drunk like this? Let's go home. Let me take you."

"Why do you want to take me home? Wouldn't it be better if you took me to the hotel?" Jenny tried to push him with all her might but her hands were too weak.

Jonathan shook his head helplessly. "Your family will definitely be worried seeing you like this."

"Are you worried too?" Jenny's face was red from all the alcohol she had drunk. Nobody could've guessed that she was such a heavy drinker. But the wine she drank tonight was too much. Although not as much as Jonathan imagined.

Tiara deliberately put so many empty bottles there and cleaned other people's empty glasses to make it seem so.

"Jenny, let's go home!" Jonathan tried to pick her up and take her out of there. But Jenny fought back and grabbed him by the collar. "Jonathan, I really want to hit you!"

The man narrowed his eyes. "Are you that angry?"

Jenny brought his hand to her chest. When Jonathan wanted to pull it, Jenny held him tightly. "My heart really hurts. It hurts so much…"'

"It's fine if you want to drink. But not this much." Jonathan took his hand and put his arm around her to help her get up from her seat.

Jenny pushed him as hard as she could. "You and I don't have any relationship. Don't come near me. What if my future husband saw it? You don't want to marry me anyway."

When he saw Jenny insisting on not getting up from her place, Jonathan felt like laughing and crying. "Jenny, listen to me. Go home first. I'll give you an answer after you wake up tomorrow."

"Now! Do you want to marry me or not?" Jenny wrapped her arms around Jonathan's neck and pressed herself against him, forcing the man to answer right away.

Jonathan looked at her. Did she drink this much that she forced him to give his answer now?

It wasn't that Jonathan didn't want to. But the Atmajaya Family is against this relationship.

If she had been sober, Jenny would never have done something like this. She always expresses her feelings honestly, but never forces Jonathan to reciprocate her feelings.

Everyone around knew that Jenny liked him. But Jonathan never said anything about this matter.

"Jenny, if I answer now, you won't remember when you wake up tomorrow," Jonathan said patiently and led her out of there.

Jenny looked at Jonathan's face while still hugging the man's neck. "Uncle, how can you be this handsome?"

Jonathan just smiled. He put his arm around Jenny and helped her to the parking lot. He found her car's key in her bag and took her home in the car.

After getting into the car, Jenny continued to cry.

Jonathan then decides to let Anya know. "I've found Jenny. She went to a friend's bar. I'll take her home now."

"What's wrong, brother?" Anya anxiously asked.

"Jenny asked me if I wanted to marry her," Jonathan said in a low voice.

"Then? What do you think? Two years have passed. If you don't like Jenny, tell her clearly. Don't let her wait," said Anya.

"Her grandfather called me and asked me to stay away from him. The Atmajaya family seems to like Rudi. He and Jenny are compatible too. I…"

"I don't care about my father's opinion or the Atmajaya Family's opinion. I'm just asking you, do you like Jenny or not?" Anya asked.

"I…. I like her," Jonathan replied

"If you like her, how can you keep hurting her? Jenny just wants to be happy. The Atmajaya family is already rich enough and there is no need to sacrifice Jenny just to enrich this family. If you really like her, don't just give up," Anya said. "If you like Jenny, go after her!"

"But your mother advised me not to have anything to do with Jenny. If I have a relationship with her, I'm afraid our relationship will affect you too," Jonathan said, sharing his concern.

"Brother, you worry too much about unimportant things. Will the Atmajaya Family kick me just because you have a relationship with Jenny? Won't Aiden love me just because you like his niece? You are you, I am me. We each have our own lives. Just do what you want. Don't let other people control your life," Anya said before hanging up the phone.

Aiden had just come out of the bathroom. He looked at his little wife with a smile. "I heard it."

"He likes Jenny, but dad keeps asking him to stay away from her. My mother also asked him not to have anything to do with Jenny," Anya sighed in annoyance. "Brother Jonathan and Jenny love each other. Why can't they be together?"

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