"Two years ago, you said you liked me and that you would always be Uncle Jonathan to me. Now, do you still want to make it happen?" Jenny blinked as she looked directly at Jonathan.

"I will always be your Uncle Jonathan. You will always be in my heart. I'll never forget you," after Jonathan said it, his cell phone rang. The call came from school.


When he picked the call, Jonathan received the news that Alisa had chickenpox and needed to be sent to the hospital.

"What's wrong with Alisa?" Jenny asked anxiously.

"I need to get to the hospital," Jonathan said, turning and about to leave.

Jenny stood where she was, transfixed and speechless. What did Jonathan really say?

Jenny asked him if he wanted her to still think of him as Uncle Jonathan, but the answer Jonathan gave was that he would always be her uncle.

Jenny already has two uncles and she doesn't need any more.

'Jonathan, can I not be your partner?' Jenny thought.

After that day, Jenny did not see Jonathan again.

She tried to reach him and text him, but Jonathan didn't pick up her calls and didn't reply to any of her messages. Jenny felt that the man was avoiding her again.

Jenny thought this matter should be closed soon. She didn't want to feel hung up like this.

She goes to Jonathan's house and finds out that the man doesn't live there, but in an apartment close to his office.

Jenny knows that Jonathan doesn't keep women in his house, but she doesn't know about his apartment. When she went there and found out that Jonathan lived alone, she was very relieved.

Finally, Jenny decided to go to Srijaya Group to meet Jonathan in person.

"Jenny, it's getting late. Why did you come here?" Jonathan works late into the night and is very surprised to see Jenny come into his office.

How did this girl get in without an ID card?

Jonathan knows that all the servants in his house know Jenny and now the security guard at his apartment knows her too. But he didn't expect that the people in his office were also on Jenny's side.

Jenny held up the lunch box in her hand. "Don't you see what I brought? You must be starving from working so late at night."

"You are right. I'm a little hungry," Jonathan smiled at her. "I'm touched, you purposely came to send me food at this time of night."

Sometimes, Jonathan feels jealous of Jenny. How could she love someone so sincerely and without expecting something in return?

Jonathan didn't know how he should repay Jenny's kindness. He felt he still didn't deserve to be the one standing beside her.

If he refused, Jenny would definitely feel sad. And Jonathan couldn't bear to see it.

After all, Jenny occupies a special place in his heart. Therefore, he couldn't be cruel to her either.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Jenny asked.

"I'm not avoiding you. A few days ago, Alisa was sick so I've got a lot of work piling up. I've never avoided you," Jonathan said.

"I have no appetite and I've been losing weight. But if I can eat with you like this, I'll come every day." Jenny smiled and placed the lunch box she brought on the table.

Jonathan helped her to open some of the boxes and the delicious aroma of the food immediately wafted.

The food didn't look too pretty, but Jonathan didn't mind. He could see that the food that Jenny brought was not bought from outside.

Looks like Jenny cooked it herself.

"Try this one. Is it good?" Jenny looked at him expectantly.

Jonathan took his spoon and fork, then put the food into his mouth one by one. Inadvertently, he felt that there was a shard of eggshell in the dish, but the man didn't say it.

He ate it and complimented her, "Delicious. Where did you buy it?"

Getting a compliment from Jonathan made Jenny blush and said shyly, "I cooked it myself."

"I didn't know you were good at cooking," Jonathan said. Even if the food in front of him is burnt, he will still eat it voraciously and praise Jenny's effort.

But it's true, Jenny's cooking skills aren't that bad.

Jenny smiled happily. "I'm also good at cooking. Have you ever considered marrying me?"

Jonathan's hands stopped moving for a moment, but he didn't answer Jenny's question. He immediately changed the subject. "Thank you for cooking and bringing food for me. Let me take you home."

Jenny clenched her fists. Her nose felt a little sore from holding back the sadness in her heart.

During this time, she never stopped loving Jonathan. For the past two years, she had immersed herself in her studies for fear that she would miss Jonathan when she had nothing to do.

Loving someone is really weird.

Jonathan was the one who comforted her, accompanied her and supported her when she was feeling down before. It was him who made her fall to her knees in front of him.

In Jenny's eyes, Jonathan looks radiant and even more charming than the stars in the sky.

But right now, her heart that loved Jonathan so much was broken.

Love is really weird. It is not something that can be thought logically.

Even though many years have passed, it seems Jonathan doesn't really have feelings for her. His heart was hard as a rock. And no matter how hard Jenny tried to move it, the rock stood firmly in its place.

Jonathan turned towards his office, walked over to his desk and grabbed his car's key. Meanwhile, Jenny cleared the lunch box she brought with her head down.

Unintentionally, her tears fell and wet the table.

She took a deep breath and blinked her eyes repeatedly to wipe the tears away.

When Jonathan comes out of his room, he finds that Jenny is no longer there.

The elevator in front of his office had already descended to the lower floor.

Jonathan rushed down the stairs to catch up to Jenny, but when he arrived at the lobby, Jenny had been gone.

The security guard said that the girl had left.

Jonathan felt anxious when he found out. He immediately called Jenny, but the call was not picked up.

He ran to the parking lot and saw that Jenny's car wasn't there.

As Jonathan returns to his office, he passes a trash can and an item catches his eye. It was a lunch bag, with a cute bear on it.

It was the bag Jenny used to carry their lunch box. When Jonathan picked it up, he realized that all the lunch boxes that Jenny had brought were still inside.

From the bear bag and lunch boxes that Jenny threw in the trash, Jonathan knew that the girl must have brokenhearted.

Why did she ask if he wanted to marry her?

Too bad, she would never find out the truth.

Of course he wanted to marry her! He really wanted to.

But Jonathan couldn't answer her directly. He could only ignore the question.

He knew that his decision made Jenny sad and angry.

She went abroad for Jonathan and came home for him. However, as soon as Jenny returned to Indonesia, Bima called him and asked him to stay away from Jenny.

Jonathan is the illegitimate child of his family, a child born out of marriage. And he also has a kid.

Srijaya Group has grown very rapidly over the last two years. But when compared to Atmajaya Group, the company is still nothing.

The Atmajaya family doesn't want Jenny to marry a man like Jonathan and he understands it. That's why Jonathan decided to avoid Jenny.

He said he would forever be Uncle Jonathan to her and he could only remain that way to Jenny. The Atmajaya family doesn't want her to have a relationship with him.

But he didn't want to make Jenny sad.

And now, Jenny went home alone with a sad heart. How could Jonathan have calmed down?

He tried to contact Jenny again, but the girl would not answer him.

Not all women can do what Jenny did. She paid no heed to her pride and ventured to approach Jonathan. She strengthened her resolve even though she was repeatedly rejected.

Jonathan was really worried. It was unsettling to know that Jenny was still out there alone, on a night like this.

He circled the city and looked for Jenny in all the bars that were still open, but he still couldn't find her.

Jonathan then called Diana, but Diana said that Jenny went to see him instead. Maybe Jenny was late because of the traffic jam.

Jonathan didn't dare tell Diana that they had actually met and had dinner together but then Jenny went home alone feeling sad and angry.

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