"I know that Agnes is Anya's cousin. So I have to explain to the Pratama Family what really happened to Agnes three years ago," Rudi said while frowning. "I feel like everyone misunderstood me. I don't know where to start explaining it."

Jonathan also frowned and asked, "Do you need my help? Everyone knows Rudi as a playboy. But the Peter I know is a good guy and won't do anything bad. What really happened to you and Agnes?"


Rudi felt a little indecisive when Jonathan asked about his relationship with Agnes. He knew that woman very well.

"Agnes had been my best friend for many years, but she was not my lover. Can you understand me when I say it? I also feel sorry for her death. But Agnes wasn't the only one who liked me and if they died because they couldn't get my love, would it all be my fault?" Rudi felt helpless. "I didn't think that all this would happen to her."

Jonathan has known Rudi for a long time and he knows what he likes. The man has always been surrounded by women but what happened to Agnes was completely unexpected.

"Rudi, I know you didn't like Agnes and didn't want to have anything to do with her. I just want to know what really happened," Jonathan said calmly.

"Agnes had a mental illness. I didn't like her as a woman and only thought of her as a friend. I feel sorry for her too. But sympathy and love are two different things. I told her frankly that it was impossible for me and her to be together. I think I've said it very clearly. But I didn't think she would go to such extremes that she became addicted to plastic surgery," Rudi closed his eyes painfully.

"Plastic surgery? I heard she died because it failed?" Jonathan asked.

"If you see what her face looked like, you'll get goosebumps," Come to think of it, Rudi felt bad.

"Like who?" Jonathan was surprised. "Did she try to change her face to resemble Anya?"

Rudy nodded. "She looked exactly like Anya. But at that time, Anya was so thin. Agnes finally managed to change her face and got Anya's face. But when she met Anya, she saw Anya's body shape was different from her. Therefore she couldn't accept the fact that she was still different from Anya."

Jonathan felt the hairs on his neck stand on end at the thought of it. If Agnes appeared in front of him with Anya's face, he would also be very surprised and frightened.

"Why did she want to look like Anya? Do you like Anya?" Jonathan asked.

"I once told her that I met an Indonesian girl in France. She is a parfumeur and her face is very beautiful. Agnes asked me if I fell in love with that girl. Do you remember when I moved to France and lived with you and Alisa?" Rudi asked.

Jonathan nodded.

"I really liked Anya. When I lived with you, I got closer to her. But after that, I knew that someone was secretly protecting her. At that time, I still didn't know who that person was," Rudi said with a smile. "Now that I know, that person is Aiden."

"You said you had a fight with your family and went broke back then. Then why exactly were you living with me?" Jonathan asked.

"Agnes sent someone to investigate Anya. I was worried that she would do something to Anya but it turned out that I was too worried for no reason. Agnes just wanted to observe Anya for plastic surgery. She wanted me to love her, but the more she did, the more scared I became. Do you know how terrible it is to have someone obsessed over you?"

Rudi covered his face in pain, not wanting to remember those days.

Jonathan feels sorry for him. He loves his freedom and doesn't want to be tied down. But Agnes tried to control Rudi. To make him fall in love with her, Agnes did not even hesitate to do plastic surgery and change her face to that of a woman whom Rudi likes.

"Did Agnes contact you before she died?" Jenny suddenly appeared behind them.

Rudi was so shocked that he fell to the floor. Then, he rose to his feet and said, "When did you come? Why didn't I hear the slightest sound?"

"You have not answered my question. Did Agnes contact you before she died?" Jenny asked again.

"Yes. When I heard the surgery failed, I visited her, but she wouldn't see me. I heard from her doctor that her face was permanently damaged and could not be repaired. Some time after that, she died. She left a message to her agency saying that no one should see her face, especially me."

Rudi took a deep breath, "All this time, I believed that she was gone. But suddenly, I got news that she returned to Indonesia and was hit by an explosion."

"No," said Jenny.

"No? What do you mean?" Rudi was confused.

"The real Agnes is dead. Someone used her identity. It's not someone you know and it's none of your business," Jenny looked at Rudi and said, "I don't think you're that handsome. Why is Agnes so crazy about you?" She frowned.

For the first time in his life, someone called him ugly. Although he could not match Aiden, that didn't mean he was that ugly.

"Jenny, it seems you can't see clearly at night. Are you sure I'm not handsome? I'm really handsome. If I appear in front of the media, I will instantly become a superstar!" said Rudi.

The tone sounded very familiar to Jenny's ears. Rudi really is a copy of her older brother, Nico!

Jenny snorted, "Uncle Jonathan is much more handsome than you!"

"Jonathan? How could he… Hmm… I seem to know something!" Rudi raised his eyebrows and looked at Jonathan. "Jonathan, you…"

Jonathan threw his fist at Rudi but the man dodged him immediately. They both hit each other and laugh.

Jenny was astonished to see him. She didn't think that Jonathan could be this cheerful too.

She thought that only Nico could joke so childishly. But it turns out that Jonathan could do it too, just with certain people.

Apparently, Jonathan and Rudi seemed so close.

"Uncle Jonathan, hit him! Give him a hard one!" Jenny said.

"Jenny, if you do, believe it or not, I will go to your family's house tomorrow," Rudi threatened.

Jenny felt even more angry and shouted, "Uncle, don't just hit him. Kill him! I'll help you bury his body later!"

"Don't be that cruel! I am just kidding. Don't! Don't hit my face!" Jonathan continued to chase Rudi and beat him.

Rudi didn't really hit Jonathan, neither did Jonathan. They were just joking and making Jenny happy.

"But I'm serious, Jenny is an innocent girl. If you don't like her, don't play with her. Don't let her become a victim of a loveless marriage," Jonathan said.

Rudy smiled. "You still want to say you don't like her?"

"Should I hit you for real?" Jonathan squeezed Rudi's neck with his arm. "Do you dare to ramble again?"

"Your phone is ringing! Answer it quickly!" Rudi said, distracting Jonathan.

Jonathan removed his hand from Rudi's neck and saw that Anya had called him. He immediately picked up the call.

"Brother, I saw Rudi's photo on the internet. His face is very similar to that Peter guy we know in France. Have you met him? Are they the same person?" Anya's voice came from the other end of the phone.

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