Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 775 - What Happened Three Years Ago

"There is no need to be ashamed. I love her cooking. I'm sure she will be happy too," Rudi turned and looked at Diana.

Even though Diana had prepared herself, she didn't expect Rudi to be this relaxed. It could be said that Rudi's nature was quite disrespectful to her. But in any case, Diana tried to treat him politely.


"If you like it, I can wrap it for you," Diana thought that Rudi was a guest besides being a CEO of a big company. So she tried to be as polite as possible.

"Don't wrap too much. I can come here often," Rudi said, then he heard Alisa scream, "Uncle Peter!"

Rudi looked back and saw Alisa enter the room. The bodyguard then saw Jonathan and Alisa's arrival, and immediately opened the door for them.

"Ah! Little Alisa! You've grown!" Rudi immediately put down his spoon and fork. He squatted on the floor and opened his arms for the girl, preparing to receive Alisa in his arms.

Alisa ran and threw herself into Rudi's arms. "Uncle Peter, Alisa misses you so much!"

"I missed you too baby girl," Rudi carried Alisa and said, "You are getting heavier!"

Jenny gaped at the sight before her. Why are they so familiar?

"You two... Know each other?" Jenny looked at them in surprise.

"Sis Jenny, this is Uncle Peter. He is great at basketball, ice skating and shooting. Uncle Peter is handsome and can do anything!" Alisa said happily.

Jenny laughed blandly at that. Alisa did tell her about 'The handsome and can-do-anything Uncle Peter' once. She described him as if he was as great as a Greek god.

But who would have thought that Uncle Peter and Rudi were the same person?

Rudi then looked at Jonathan who was following Alisa, carrying a package of fried chicken and burgers in his hand. "Jonathan, you're here too!".

Jonathan's face looked so cold. He put down the food he had brought and said to Jenny, "Alisa hasn't finished dinner yet. Please watch over her for a while. I'll talk to Rudi."

Jenny nodded happily. It would be better if Jonathan could get Rudi out of here.

Jonathan and Rudi then headed to the garden to talk. Only Jenny and Alisa were left in the dining room, while Diana was still in the kitchen and packing some food.

"Alisa, how do you know Rudi?" Jenny asked curiously.

"Do you mean Uncle Peter? I knew him when I lived in France. Mama knows Uncle Peter too! We often played together," said Alisa.

"My aunt knows Rudi too?" Jenny was surprised to hear that. How many times had she been surprised today? Why didn't she know anything?

When Diana heard this, she immediately came out of the kitchen and joined in the conversation. "Anya also knows Rudi?" 

Recently, Anya had warned her about Rudi and the way she talked made her sound like she didn't know him.

"Yes, Mama and Uncle Peter also took pictures together. I've seen it before," Alisa said with a serious face.

"I'm too old, maybe I've gone senile. Do you remember where the photo is?" Diana asked.

"Photo on Alisa's birthday," the little girl replied.

Jenny took Alisa's hand and went upstairs to look for the photo.

In the garden, Jonathan and Rudi were sitting on a bench chatting.

"I saw you at Ivan's wedding before. If you hadn't greeted me, I'd never have recognized you," Jonathan turned to him. "I thought we were good friends."

Rudi reached out to pat Jonathan on the shoulder and said, "We are really good friends. But for some reason, I hid my identity."

Jonathan's mind then drifted back to the past. Because of Fany, he couldn't return to his family for a while.

The man then took a deep breath. "I also hid my identity at that time. But that's because I thought I would never be able to go home," Jonathan said calmly.

"If you had another chance, would you rather go home or live with Alisa's mother?" Rudi asked.

Jonathan didn't answer and he couldn't.

"Is it too hard to choose?" Rudi asked again.

"I'll take her home with me," Jonathan said.

Rudi suddenly laughed. "Your father would not agree."

"Don't talk about me. We'd better talk about you. Anya doesn't know your real identity either. If he finds out that Peter and Rudi are the same person, she will feel disappointed and confused," Jonathan looked at Rudi curiously.

Rudy laughed. "I want to meet you. But I know Anya is getting married. I thought I would come to her wedding and surprise her. Who would've known that she wasn't present at her own wedding."

Rudi did not appear before them, but after returning to Indonesia, he had done many things.

He worked closely with Jessica. Even though the Hermawan Family had gone bankrupt, their friendship was still there and some people still respected them.

Jessica and Rudi had a close relationship. People even said that Rudi gained a land thanks to his relationship with Jessica.

"But the surprise will be too much. This is really unexpected," Jonathan said with a smile.

Rudi also smiled. "Your real identity is much more surprising. You not only took over Srijaya Group, you are also Indah Pratama's nephew. The most interesting thing is that Anya is your cousin. Fate is really strange."

"I'm just an illegitimate child, so I'm not close to my aunt. But since I'm close to Anya, auntie is kind to me. I have gained a lot after coming home. You could say, Anya is a person who helped me a lot. Srijaya Group was able to develop thanks to the assistance from Atmajaya Group and Pratama Group. If you meet them, I hope you will help and cooperate with them," Jonathan said, showing that he was a grateful person.

He knew that Diana and Indah were very good to him because he and Anya were close friends when they were in France.

"The most important person to you is Alisa. Anya wants to be friends with you, but actually she only loves Alisa," Rudi teased.

When Jonathan heard Rudi say it, he laughed. "That's right, it was Alisa who made us close."

"In France, Alisa really liked being with Anya. I didn't think you two were of the same family. Perhaps blood relations also play a role here." When Rudi finished saying it, he seemed to remember something. "I heard Agnes returned to Indonesia. Is that true?"

Jonathan's face changed slightly. The case that sent Galih straight to jail was closed. Many people thought that the man was arrested for tax evasion, not because he saved Keara and turned her into Agnes.

People out there only knew that Agnes was injured, not knowing that the person being hospitalized was actually Keara in disguise.

"The matter is a little complicated. Why are you asking? Do you still love Anges?" Jonathan didn't say anything.

After all, Galih was his uncle. Indah had always been nice to him, so Jonathan didn't want to reveal the Pratama Family's secret either.

"I know that Agnes is Anya's cousin. So, I have to explain to the Pratama Family what really happened to Agnes three years ago," Rudi said while frowning. "I feel like everyone misunderstood me. I don't know where to start explaining it."

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