"What's my fault? Why do you want to scold me so badly?" Galih asked as he entered with food in his hands.

Indah's gaze was fixed on the door and Anya immediately understood what her mother meant. She walked towards the door and told her bodyguards not to let anyone disturb them.


Aiden always told his bodyguards to follow and look after Anya wherever she went because the man was so worried about her.

After the door was closed, Indah told Galih about Agnes.

"Galih, don't tell me you can't see that Agnes likes Aiden. I don't mind if you want to take care of your family, but you also have to think about your own daughter. How can you help your daughter's rival? Do you prefer her over us?" Indah snapped angrily.

"Anya, what's wrong with your mother? What's with this problem?" Galih looked at Anya.

"Father, mom's health is not very good. I feel that it is best for you not to let strangers stay at home," Anya was also on her mother's side.

"Agnes is also your sister. She is a member of the Pratama Family, not a stranger." There was displeasure in Galih's tone as he said, "Her parents died and no one is taking care of her anymore. She just returned to her normal life. Can't you be a little compassionate?"

When she heard what her father said, Anya felt angry. "Dad, didn't I tell you already? Agnes hates me. When I chatted with mom, she looked at me hatefully. Why do you love her like this? Is she actually your daughter, not your niece like you said?" She said with a furious look.

Indah coughed softly and rebuked her daughter. "Anya, why are you talking to your father like that?"

"I'm not guilty. Agnes is at fault here. We've been nice to her, but she secretly hates me and instigates your assistant. Who knows what her plan is? What if she plotted against us? Do you have to wait for something to happen before you realize it?"

After struggling with her depression, Anya was pretty much enlightened about life. All this time, she had been too patient, harboring all her frustrations in her heart that it caused her severe depression.

She wanted to live a free life like Natali, without the need to be afraid to express her feelings. She really longed for such a life.

Now Anya learned that if she had something in her heart, it was better for her to say it.

"Anya, your cousin's parents are dead. It is difficult for her to live abroad by herself. She finally succeeded, but because of just one mistake, she lost her entire life as well as her money. She has to restart everything so we should help her," said Galih.

"But dad, she hates me! You have helped her, but she is not grateful. She is jealous of your own daughter and even hates me!" Anya looked at her father in disappointment. "Do you think that Agnes is more worthy than I am?"

Galih looked embarrassed when he looked at his daughter.

Anya was his daughter, but he prefered and defended Agnes over her. He had lost Anya for 20 years and owed a lot to his daughter.

"Anya, you are more important than anything in my heart. But your cousin doesn't have anyone and your father can't just ignore her," said Galih.

Anya looked at her mother and finally said, "I know..."

Indah tried to comfort her daughter who looked sad. "Don't think about it. Agnes has experienced many problems in her life and of course it changes her. Weren't you sick like this after being hurt and frustrated?"

Galih took a deep breath. He understood what Indah was saying. "I'm going to talk to Agnes. If she has a mental illness, I'll find a doctor for her."

Anya didn't say anything. She knew her father would solve everything.

But now, there was nothing she could do about her cousin. Agnes would stay with her father and mother, unless she knew her place and moved away from there.

Anya accompanied Indah in the hospital until she finished lunch. After that, she left her parents and went home to accompany her children.

Her two sons were getting bigger. They became more active and naughty.

Like most children in general, they were naturally closer to their mother. Even though Anya had left Arka and Aksa for several months, the twins laughed happily when they saw their mother back.

Aksa reacted quickly. He grabbed the edge of his bed and tried to get up.

Anya was shocked when she saw her son. "Honey, don't ..." she said worriedly.

"Yesterday, Aksa was able to stand up and this morning Arka also learned to stand up. They use the edge of the bed as their support so they can stand upright," said the babysitter.

"Aaaa..." Aksa looked full of enthusiasm. He grabbed the edge of the bed with one hand and extended his other hand towards Anya.

Earlier when she was in the hospital, the conversation she had with her father and mother made her feel a little depressed. Her heart ached after hearing her father defend Agnes.

But after seeing her two sons, all of her sadness immediately disappeared without a trace.

Anya stretched out her hand and clasped Aksa's little hand. She shook it as if she was shaking hands with a little one.

Arka saw her mother holding his brother's hand. His gaze was fixed on Aksa, as if he was studying what his brother was doing. He also used one of his hands to hold on to the edge of the bed and stretched out his hand towards Anya.

"Arka, do you also want to join hands with us, dear?" Anya stretched out her other hand and shook Arka's hand.

Arka and Aksa looked at each other and then laughed together.

As they were born prematurely, the twins were much weaker than average children. It took them longer to sit and stand on their own than a normal kid would. But as the time went by, they got stronger and grew normally.

"Madame, these young masters are able to stand up and their legs are strong enough. But their waists are still a little weak, so they can't stand on their own, they have to help them with a handrail," said the babysitter.

Anya chuckled. "Don't worry, they just need time. They will also grow up healthy and strong."

Arka and Aksa thought that Anya was talking to them so they immediately tried to answer their mother, letting out some vague chatter that no one could understand.

Anya laughed seeing her two sons.

Throughout the day, Anya spent her time accompanying Arka and Aksa.

Two babysitters in charge of guarding Arka and Aksa were seen holding toys, trying to attract the twins' attention so that they learned to stand up.

Arka moved fast and steady, while Aksa was slower, but used various means to achieve his goal. Aksa even rolled around quickly to catch up with his brother. But in the end, he arrived later than Arka.

Anya looked at her two sons with an amused expression. She felt that Arka's character was more similar to Aiden. 

Calm, fast and decisive, and quiet.

Meanwhile, Aksa was more talkative than his brother. Anya felt that maybe Aksa was a combination of her and Aiden's characters.

Anya felt very comforted to see her two sons competing with each other. They crawled quickly, rolled around and scrambled for toys.

Anya didn't even notice that her cell phone was ringing. Or rather, she chose to ignore it.

After a while, she finally took her cellphone and looked at it. It turned out that it was a notification from her social media that showed Agnes wanted to follow her and added her ID as her chatting friend.

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