"Galih just doesn't believe me. Does he think I will hurt his niece? He even considers Agnes to be more valuable than his wife and child. He received a call from Agnes earlier and immediately left us. See how he treats her?" Indah said in a low voice.

"Maybe something happened to Agnes. She has just returned to Indonesia, so she needs a lot of help. Don't you have me? Don't be angry, Mom. If you keep getting angry, you will get older than your actual age," Anya teased Indah as she hugged her arm spoiledly.


"Indeed, my girl is much better than my husband," Indah said with a smile.

Anya leaned on Indah's shoulder and said, "Mother, I know you don't trust Agnes so you decided to stay. For your safety, I asked Aiden to arrange a bodyguard for you."

"Good. I really need someone beside me," Indah took a deep breath. "I can't stay calm with Agnes around,"

At that time, Anya's cell phone suddenly rang. Aiden texted her.

After reading the contents, Anya's face immediately changed. She quickly gave the cellphone to her mother.

Indah received it and after reading the whole content, she said, "Don't worry. I already have a plan."

"Mother, what if you stay with us?" Anya asked anxiously.

"If I go, she will get what she wants." Indah returned the cell phone to Anya and stroked her hand gently. "If your father's attitude is really weird, I'll leave him," she added, winking her eyes.

"Is it true?" Anya laughed seeing her mother joking.

"Of course," Indah replied. Then, the two of them laughed together.

When Agnes came to the hospital with a bouquet of flowers, she saw Indah and Anya chatting and laughing from a distance. Her eyes looked gloomy when she saw the sight.

Her hand that was holding the flower involuntarily tightened. Seeing Indah's hand holding Anya warmly and lovingly, various feelings mixed up in her eyes.

But she immediately covered it and walked towards them.

"Auntie, are the results out yet?" Agnes gave the bouquet with a smile.

Anya got up and smiled. "Agnes? My mother and I are still waiting for the results. It should be out soon."

While they were talking, an intern came out of the room carrying Indah's results with a serious face saying, "Ma'am, you have to undergo a follow-up examination. I'm afraid you have tuberculosis."

"Tuberculosis? My mom just coughs. How could it be tuberculosis? Are the results not wrong?" Anya asked.

Hearing it, Indah became anxious. "How about we go through the follow-up examination first? If it really is tuberculosis, I want to be treated immediately."

"Good. Come with me for a follow-up check. Sometimes, pneumonia can also be misdiagnosed as tuberculosis," said the intern before personally escorting Indah to carry out a follow-up examination and consult a senior doctor for better understanding of Indah's current situation.

Anya looked panicked. She bit her thumb nails as she tried to calm her feelings.

"Anya, what's wrong with you?" Agnes patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. Even if the treatment for tuberculosis is quite difficult, my aunt is still very young. She will be fine."

"My mother had a liver transplant one year ago. Her health is not good enough and she regularly takes medication. If she has tuberculosis and has to take more medicine, I am afraid that it will harm her liver again. Hopefully this is only pneumonia," Anya closed her eyes and prayed.

A few moments later, Indah came back out of the examination room. The doctor who accompanied her looked much calmer.

"Don't worry. Mrs. Indah only had pneumonia, not tuberculosis. We recommend that she stay at the hospital today," said the doctor.

Anya's face immediately looked relieved. "Thank you, doctor!"

Agnes stepped forward and took Indah's hand, smiling. Meanwhile, Anya brought Indah's stuff before heading to the inpatient room.

At the same time, Indah's assistant suddenly came. "How are the results of the examination, Madame?" The assistant asked, looking worried.

"Pneumonia. I have to stay in the hospital," Indah answered.

After entering the inpatient room, Agnes asked for a vase from a nurse so that she could move the flowers she brought to it.

Anya sat on the edge of the bed and peeled some pears for her mother. "Mother, eat this. Don't let your stomach be empty. Pears can make your cough a little less."

"You are indeed your dear mother's child. I wasn't aware and thought it was just a normal cough. If you hadn't forced me to have it checked, I wouldn't have known that I have pneumonia," Indah said with a smile.

"Don't underestimate it next time. If there is a little discomfort, go to the doctor immediately," said Anya.

"It feels like you are the mother and I am the daughter, huh?" Indah laughed and turned to look at Agnes. She saw the blatant hatred in Agnes' eyes.

The smile on Indah's face instantly froze. Even though Agnes immediately covered her cold gaze with a smile, Indah had already seen it.

"Anya, auntie is very lucky to have a very sweet child like you," Agnes said with a smile.

Indah didn't say anything back. When she heard Anya and Agnes talking, her thoughts kept coming back to the girl's cold gaze earlier.

She didn't know what made Agnes hate her like that. Did she do something that offended her?

Over the years, Galih had always taken care of his niece as if Agnes was his own.

Agnes wasn't even Galih's direct niece, she's the daughter of his cousin. That meant, their family relationship was not that close.

Indah kept thinking about what mistakes she had done that made Agnes look at her hatefully.

When Anya and Agnes talked, Indah pretended to be tired and closed her eyes. In fact, her brain was actually spinning, still looking for a plausible reason why Agnes looked at her like that.

After Agnes returned to Indonesia, Galih always took care of her, helped her to build her dance school and even allowed her to live in their house.

When Galih decided all of that, Indah did not oppose it at all. Plus, she was also very polite towards Agnes.

Could it be that Agnes hated Anya instead of her?

Indah opened her eyes and saw Anya and Agnes sitting on the sofa near the window, drinking tea together.

Was it possible that Agnes hated Anya because she liked Aiden, while Aiden only loved Anya?

However, if that was the case, it meant that something was wrong with Agnes' brain. She shouldn't have wanted another woman's husband and hated her for being his wife.

Indah felt unhappy when she thought about it.

Galih had been very kind to Agnes, but Agnes hated their daughter.

What did this mean?

When Galih came later, Indah would scold him all out. Was his niece more important than his own daughter and wife?

Galih helped the wolf in sheep's clothing sharpen its claws and fangs to prey on his own daughter. As a mother, Indah couldn't accept this and would protect Anya at all cost.

Agnes sat in the room for a moment. When she saw Indah sleeping, she got up and left.

After Anya escorted her out of the room, she returned to the edge of her mother's bed and patted Indah's hand gently. "Don't pretend anymore. Agnes is gone."

"You really..." Indah laughed when Anya could easily spot her lie.

"Why are you suddenly acting cold like that? It's not like you," Anya took a pillow and placed it behind Indah so that she could sit up straighter. She saw the IV bottle hanging above, it was almost empty.

Indah told Anya about how Agnes saw them earlier. She said angrily, "When your father arrives, I'll scold him badly."

"What did I do wrong? Why do you want to scold me so badly?" Galih entered the room carrying the food when Indah said she wanted to scold him.

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