After dinner, Tara wanted to stay with Anya, but Nico immediately asked her to come home.

"You are insensitive. It has been two years since my aunt returned to Indonesia. She must have missed her mother. Don't bother them," Nico took Tara home from the house by force.


Tara could only surrender. She also missed Anya, but she knew that her friend had a lot to talk to her mother about.

Hana told the servants to clean the garden and Anya helped them with it. Meanwhile, Diana and Esther were chatting and drinking tea in the living room.

Around nine in the evening, Hana had finished tidying up and brought all the servants back to Aiden's house. Anya immediately went upstairs to take a shower.

By the time she finished showering and went downstairs, Esther was home. Only she and her mother were at home.

Diana called out to her with a smile. "Anya, come here."

Anya approached her mother, jumping like a child. In front of her mother, she was forever a child.

Diana laughed at how spoiled her daughter was. She took a towel around Anya's neck and helped her dry her hair.

"Mother, don't you want to live abroad?" Anya suddenly asked when her mother was busy drying her hair.

"I'm used to living in Indonesia and taking care of this garden. I don't want to leave," Diana said calmly. "You are an adult and have a life of your own. There's no need to think about me. If you wanna go, just go. You can occasionally come back to Indonesia," her hands were still busy drying Anya's hair while she gave her answer in a very calm voice.

"No matter where I am, I will always visit you," Anya hugged her mother's arm and leaned her head there.

Diana would be forever her mother. It didn't matter if they weren't blood related, Anya could feel her mother's sincere love for her. And she intended to return the favor to her mother being a filial daughter for the rest of her life.

"Anya, have you ever thought about getting back together with Aiden? Two years ago, he was forced to part with you. If he finds out you are not his niece, he will want to come back to you," Diana asked.

Anya was silent for a moment and then smiled tipsively. "I'm working on my career. I don't want to talk about feelings. Two years ago, I tried, but failed and I don't want to do it again."

Diana took a deep breath at her daughter's answer. "For the past two years, I've always blamed Aiden. Even though I met Hana a lot, I always avoided him. When I took back all my money for the house in the Atmajaya Group housing project, Aiden still left the house empty until now. As he said, the backyard of the house leads directly to our vanilla garden,"

Anya could only be silent when she heard her mother's story. She didn't understand why her mother said all this.

"Mother, what do you really want to say?" Anya raised her head and looked at her mother.

Diana put down the towel she was holding and took a comb. While combing Anya's hair she said, "I just wanted to say that it's not easy to find a man who really loves you. I don't want you to miss a chance to be with a guy like him,"

Anya shook her head. "Mother, love is not enough. There are too many problems between me and Aiden," after that, Anya continued with a smile, "I don't want to get married again. Let me accompany you all my life."

Diana hit her daughter's head affectionately, hoping Anya could forget the ridiculous idea. "I'm not such a selfish mother. I don't want you to put your happiness aside for my sake. Aiden loves you more than you can imagine."

"I know it mom, but I'm not ready," Anya replied. Then, she thought for a moment about the problem that occurred two years ago. Keara once told about Aiden's kidnapping issue and until now, Anya didn't know the truth. "Mom, I want to ask you something."

"What? Just ask, I will tell you everything," Diana said calmly.

"Keara once told me that you mistook Aiden for Ivan and ordered someone to kidnap him. Is that true?"

Diana looked at Anya in confusion. "No! How could Keara say that?"

"But when I asked Raka to investigate, the result was the same. Imel kidnapped me and forced you to give up the perfume formula you made. At that time, Aiden came to discuss the issue of evicting the park with you then you mistook him for Ivan and kidnapped him back. I don't know whether Keara is lying or there is an error in Raka's investigation," Anya's eyes were fixed on her mother. "Mother, can you tell me the true story?"

Diana nodded and took her daughter's hand. Then, she told everything in a stern, without the slightest lie in her eyes. "It's true that Imel kidnapped you at that time. I can't give her that formula, so I can only find another way to save you. When I saw Aiden, I really mistook him for Ivan. But I remember him as Ivan who grew up with you. He who always takes care of you and protects you. At that time, the Atmajaya Group wanted my garden. I intended to sell them the garden and ask him to help save you. Because I only have you in this world. Nothing is more important than my daughter."

Anya's heart was touched when she heard her mother's answer. Her mother was even willing to give up the garden she loved so much for her sake. "Then, who kidnapped Aiden?"

"I didn't kidnap him. I'm just asking for his help to save you. That day, I asked him to meet up at the park. But that day, I accidentally ate stale and poisoned food so our neighbors sent me to the hospital. I also didn't know who kidnapped Aiden," Diana told all the truth.

Tears stream down Anya's face. She embraced her mother with great relief. "I know you won't do anything bad. Even if you mistake Aiden for Ivan, I know you'll never hurt him."

Diana hugged her daughter and stroked Anya's long hair gently. "Ivan is a good boy. No matter what his mother had done in the past, he didn't do anything wrong. I wouldn't kidnap him just because I hate his mother. Initially, I planned to meet him and ask him for help. I didn't know that the one I was going to meet was Aiden,"

Diana thought for a moment and then continued, "It meant, Aiden had known of us for a long time. He also knew that I didn't kidnap him. Otherwise, how could he possibly want to marry you and help me like this?" She patted Anya on the back and comforted her daughter.

Anya nodded her head.

Among all her mother's stories, there was one thing that caught her attention and blocked her mind. "Mother, did Imel kidnap me before? Why didn't I remember it?" Anya asked curiously.

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