"Sir, Mr Nico is doing a live broadcast. It looks like he is having dinner at Mrs Diana's house. He said he would show the beautiful women who had dinner with him today," Harris said carefully. "Did he mean ..."

As soon as he heard Harris' words, Aiden took over the cellphone and saw comments from people who appeared on the screen.


Even though Anya's face was not recorded, Aiden could immediately recognize it when Anya passed the camera.

"Don't these people have anything else to do?" Aiden said coldly.

He was annoyed by the comments from men who wanted to see Anya's face. How dare they want to see Anya's face!

"Mr. Nico usually broadcasts live late at night," Harris said.

Nadine was also curious as she heard about that. She also wanted to see her brother's live broadcast. She had not dared to see him all this time for fear of being discovered.

"Uncle, can I see it?" Nadine looked and saw various kinds of food on the screen. She swallowed, "I'm so hungry!"

"Do you still dare to say you're hungry?" Aiden looked at his niece with annoyance. He was already very annoyed with Nico's live broadcast. And now, there was another niece he had to take care of.

Just taking care of Nico was tiring. But now it felt like there were two Nicos.

Nadine immediately returned to her chair obediently. She was a sinner, she had no right to eat!

The live broadcast continued. The food was placed on the table, Nico returned to his cellphone. "I'll show you our food tonight."

Then a comment just came in. "Where is the beautiful woman? I don't want to see food, I want to see the beautiful woman in jeans!"

Nico turned and looked behind him. Today Tara was wearing a sweater and skirt, while Anya was wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

'Men are indeed wolves on the lookout for prey. They can tell a beautiful woman without looking at her face,' Nico muttered to himself.

Indeed, he would have dinner with beautiful women today.

Despite their age, Diana and Esther were beautiful and influential figures in the perfume industry. Anya was not only beautiful, but also talented enough to win international perfume competitions. Tara was also a beautiful, independent and successful woman. In just two years, she was able to establish five branches of dental clinics on her own.

Who wouldn't want to know these four women?

How could Nico show their faces to these hungry wolves?

"I'll just show you the food! There's plenty of roasts to desserts," Nico said, pointing his camera towards the dining table and pointing out the food one by one.

But all viewers of his live broadcast refused. They were more attracted to beautiful women whom Nico would have dinner with. The dishes Nico showed were the same as theirs.

Nico laughed as he moved his camera slowly, highlighting the white shoes Anya was wearing. After that, the camera slowly rose and recorded Anya's long legs wrapped in long jeans.

At the same time, he suddenly got a message from his uncle. The content of the message could be seen from the notification that appeared from the top of his cell phone's screen.

Aiden: "If you dare to show her face in your live broadcast, you will pay the price."

Nico's hands immediately trembled with fear from Aiden's threat. His other hand immediately reached over to cover the camera. But unfortunately, when his hands were shaken, Anya's lips and nose were caught on camera.

"Beautiful body, long neck, sharp chin..."

"Her nose is sharp and her lips are very beautiful..."

"That woman must be very beautiful..."

Although there were some people who praised Anya, there were also those who insulted her.

"Her eyes can't be seen. Maybe she's ugly."

"Her hair is also not visible. Maybe that woman is bald!"

Nico was annoyed by these comments. His aunt was very beautiful! How dare these people insult his aunt!

His uncle said he just couldn't show her face right? That meant he just needed to avoid her face!

"You guys are so jealous. This woman is very beautiful and her hair is very pretty!" Nico waited until Anya turned around to do something and he immediately showed her long beautiful hair towards the camera.

"Wow, her long hair is so beautiful."

"Her legs are also very long."

"Even though she only wears a t-shirt, she is very beautiful."

"Show her face!"

"We need her face!"

The viewers demanded that Nico show Anya's face in the live broadcast. But how could he do it? His uncle would kill him right now!

"I will end this live broadcast. Before ending it, I'll make it rain champagne!" Nico asked his bodyguard to bring out three bottles of champagne. He stood in the middle while one of his bodyguards opened a bottle of champagne and sprayed its expensive contents on Nico's body.

"You're crazy," Tara grumbled when she saw Nico.

Anya chuckled. "Leave him alone. Let Nico have fun."

Finally, after the live broadcast ended, Hana immediately brought him a clean towel so that Nico could dry his hair. Then, he changed his clothes and asked the maid to soak his current clothes so they wouldn't spoil.

Anya went into the house to get a blanket and gave it to Nico so he wouldn't get cold. "Has anyone seen your broadcast?"

"Of course. I'm very famous on social media. Some people even offered me to endorse their products. They offered 50 million once in an endorsement. Do you not want to do a live broadcast like me?"

"Are you crazy? 50 million per endorse?" Tara was shocked to hear that. As a dentist, she didn't know how many times she had to fix people's teeth to get that much money.

Meanwhile, Nico only needed to upload 1 endorsement post to get it.

"I need money. Many problems have befallen my family in the last two years. I can't continue to depend on my mother or grandfather. So I have to find a way to earn my own money."

"How can you not have money? You get a large salary and bonus from the Atmajaya Group, don't you?" Tara looked at him suspiciously.

"I do get a year-end bonus, but the bonus always goes directly to my mother's savings. She said the savings were for my wife later and my mother was afraid I would spend them," Nico pursed his lips. "I do look like the son of a rich person. But I can also earn money myself."

"It's easy for you to get money," Tara whispered softly.

"Unscrewing a champagne bottle is quite dangerous. If the person who opened it was inexperienced, the lid could hit Nico and injure him. Plus, he had to get wet from three bottles of champagne. The amount of money he spent to attract people's attention was not insignificant," Anya said.

"The other two champagne actually weren't actually full," Nico laughed as he said it. "I'm smart, right?"

His cheerfulness and toughness touched Diana and Esther as well.

Diana and Esther knew that Anya wanted to bring Tara and Nico back so they decided to help her.

Indeed, only Nico could complement Tara and vice versa.

They were created for each other.

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