"Your mother's condition is very weak. Is she having trouble sleeping? How about her appetite?" Tara asked.

"My mother couldn't sleep because she always thought about her mistakes," Nico said. "For the past two years, she has been drowning in remorse. She just prayed to atone all her sins, hoping that auntie could find happiness after her suffering. She couldn't sleep and couldn't eat, so her health was getting worse." Nico loved his mother very much. But he felt a dilemma in his heart.


He knew that his mother made a mistake, but this woman was his mother, whom he loved with all his heart. He was frustrated that he couldn't do anything for her.

He hoped that by bringing Anya here, he could free his mother from her guilt.

"Your mother can recover if she wants to take good care of her health. Get plenty of rest, eat nutritious foods and get enough sleep. If she doesn't want to go to the hospital or seek treatment, she will never get better," Tara took the injection from her medicine box and gave it to Maria.

Nico looked at Anya sadly. He wanted to defend his mother and begged Anya to forgive her mother. But he also knew what his family did to Anya was very unfair.

He didn't deserve Anya's forgiveness.

Anya could feel Nico's gaze. "Two years ago, you killed my child and made me suffer so much that I wanted to die. Two years later, you want me to forgive you after telling all this. After I found out that my child's death was in vain, you want me to forgive you?" Anya said in a low voice. Everyone there could feel how sore her heart was when she said that.

Tara came to Anya and stroked her hand, hoping it would give her some support.

"I am an outsider and shouldn't interfere. But I can see all these problems from a neutral side. Two years ago, Anya was the one who was hurt the most. She was not only hurt physically, but her heart was broken as well. If she didn't lose her child, maybe you can apologize after telling all this misunderstanding. But I also can't blame Aunt Indah and Grandpa Bima because they are also victims. I'm sure they also want Anya and Aiden to live happily, have healthy children," Tara said, stroking Anya's back.

"I mean, all of you are too focused on the wrong thing. In this matter, the Atmajaya family and also Anya are the victims. Meanwhile, the main culprit is still missing," Tara continued calmly.

Nico nodded his head. "My grandfather is also investigating the matter, but he can't get any information. We also couldn't tell my uncle and could only take care of it ourselves so the process was very slow,"

"My child had to die because of this. But all of you dare not tell Aiden because you are afraid to die. Tell him all this. Even though he won't forgive you, at least we can find out who did this. Do you intend to let go of the culprit just because you are afraid Aiden will be angry?" Anya said in a cold tone.

Nico lowered his head and could only look at his mother who looked very weak. "Auntie, you don't know how uncle behaved after you left."

"Do you need me to tell him? Do you guys hope that I can reduce his anger?" Anya said.

"That's not what I mean. The Atmajaya family apologized to you and uncle, but my grandfather and mother were also victims. They too were forced to make the tough choice. We don't deserve forgiveness from you, but Uncle… "

Maria woke up and leaned on her son's shoulder. She listened to all this with tears on her face.

"You dared to do that to me, but you didn't dare tell Aiden that his marriage was ruined and his child died in vain. You guys…" Anya didn't know what else to say.

She wanted to leave this place right now. She didn't want to be involved with the Atmajaya family anymore.

She already knew what she wanted to know.

"Anya, Aiden really loves you. He did all this for you. You can hate us, you can blame us. But can you forgive Aiden?" Maria asked in a weak voice.

Anya wiped the tears on her face with the back of her hand. Then, she rose to her feet and looked coldly at Maria. "You think I can forgive Aiden and get back with him again?"


"I will not forgive you. I won't forgive all of you, including Aiden. I will never forgive you unless you can return my child to me," Anya turned and left the room.

Tara immediately got up and chased her.

Anya ran to the front garden of the house, lifted her head and took a deep breath. She felt so depressed that her chest was tight. She had trouble breathing.

Why did they think she could forgive Aiden and get back together with him? Did they think she wouldn't blame Aiden?

Aiden once said, no matter what happened, as long as it was related to them, he would never hide anything from her.

But Aiden hid all of this, thinking that this was the best decision for them.

He chose to divorce her and kill their child.

Meanwhile, Anya could only spend over 700 days and nights hating Aiden. She was really desperate.

Now that Maria had found her biological daughter, should she be happy?

How about her?

She was divorced and she had lost her child. 

How could she start with Aiden all over again?

Did they wish her to get remarried to Aiden, the man who killed her child, and became part of his family again?

No! She couldn't do it.

She's not that great.

Anya couldn't help but think that her heart still belonged to Aiden. But the more she loved him, the more she hated the man. She couldn't forgive Aiden.

"Anya, are you okay?" Tara looked at her worriedly.

Anya shook her head slowly. "After two years, I finally found out the truth. But somehow, instead of feeling relieved, my heart felt even heavier. Even though they were also victims and had to hurt me, that couldn't erase the fact that my child had died in vain. It really hurts. It hurts…"

"Anya, never forgive those who hurt you, including the main culprit. Never just let them go!" Tara said with a stern look.

"Apart from wanting to find out about this problem, I returned to Indonesia to find my biological parents. But apparently, someone has been trying to get in my way since two years ago. I'm worried that there are bad people targeting my parents," Anya whispered.

"Anya, don't you feel similar to Keara? Two years ago, not only Aunt Maria was looking for her child, but also Aunt Indah. Isn't it possible that their blood samples had been swapped and it turned out that Aunt Indah is your mother? Isn't that possible?" Tara asked.

Nico then caught up with them and immediately entered their conversation. "Unfortunately, over the past year, the Pratama Family found that their daughter had died."

"The Pratama family had found their daughter?" Tara was shocked.

"When Aunt Indah ran away with Keara, she was forced to entrust her newborn daughter to her bodyguard. Unfortunately, the bodyguard died and the daughter was found by a wild dog, bitten to death. A passerby tried to save the child, but it was too late," Nico called a servant to look after his mother and followed Tara outside to chase after Anya.

Hearing the story from Nico, Tara and Anya could only be silent.

Tara came to Anya and hugged her arm. "Anya, don't give up. You will definitely meet your family one day,"

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