"What is more cruel than telling me that I am a member of the Atmajaya Family?" Anya asked with tears on her face.

"I found my sister a few months ago. You are most likely not blood related to the Atmajaya Family. My mom isn't your parent," Nico said.


"Oh my God!" Tara felt her head buzz. "Does that mean, Anya's child died in vain? Were the three DNA test results wrong?"

"Maybe the DNA test results were wrong. Or maybe someone is preventing auntie from finding her biological parents. I just assumed that aunt's family background was not that simple," Nico said.

Anya looked at Maria. "So, I'm not your daughter?"

"My mother only has one daughter. I took my sister overseas and ran a DNA test with me. The result couldn't be wrong. So, auntie's DNA test results were most likely wrong," Nico said firmly.

Anya was silent hearing that.

After that, laughter rang out from her mouth. The laughter seemed to mock just how ridiculous her life was. "So, the DNA test results were all wrong? And because of that, you killed my child…"

"Anya, I'm sorry. I don't know how to make up for my sin. Don't blame Aiden. He didn't want to part with you either. He loved you so much. Even if your love went against the norm, Aiden actually intended to take you out of the country. We forced him to release you and hand over your child," Maria said, crying.

"That Christmas, in that house, when you put the medicine in my mouth, was Aiden also involved?" Anya took a deep breath and then asked calmly.

Maria shook her head. "Aiden didn't know. He continued to refuse to accept reality and wanted to spend Christmas with you. Father and I were restless. If you were more than three months pregnant, the abortion would clearly damage your body. At that point, Aiden locked us in our house. Until Christmas arrived, he let his bodyguards go because that day he would accompany and look after you alone. I had time to see you guys coming home hand in hand in the rain. My heart really hurt…"

Anya felt cold all over her body. That day, before Aiden left, Maria had already followed them quietly.

"The plan was, father called Aiden and got him away from you. You and I had a good relationship so we know you would welcome me into your house, even though I came uninvited that day. I brought five bodyguards and ordered them to wear chef clothes to trick Aiden's bodyguard at the door," Maria said, reminiscing about the day she couldn't forget.

Anya's tears continued to flow as she said, "How could such a smart Aiden be tricked so easily? I can't believe it. I can't believe he was fooled by all of this. Maybe he just pretended to be stupid and let you all kill my child!"

"Aiden really loves you to the point that he didn't realize that he had been tricked that day. Dad told him that we found a small photo of Nana and there was a birthmark on her chest. We asked him to come over to the house to check if you have the same birthmark," Maria felt more and more guilty.

Seeing that his mother could not continue the story, Nico then said, "Grandpa said that my mom came out to enlarge and print the photo. After a while, my uncle realized something was wrong. He hurried back, but he still didn't have time to save you. Losing a child may be very painful for you, auntie. But my uncle lost two people, the child and also you. He even had to swallow all the bitterness itself without being able to tell you the real reason. He would rather make you hate him and blame him so you could forget him and start a new life."

Anya's knees felt so weak that she sat on the floor. It was as if a heavy rock pressed against her chest and suffocated her.

For the past two years, she hated Aiden so much because he was very mean to her. Anya swore to herself that she would never forgive Aiden for killing their child.

She thought Aiden didn't want the child because the man didn't trust her.

But now, Nico told her that Aiden loved her and loved their child. He tried various ways to keep the two of them by his side, but fate kept hurting him.

How could Aiden endure his pain when he saw the three DNA test results?

He didn't say anything to her. He kept it all alone.

"Does... Does Aiden know that you've found your real sister?" Anya asked in a trembling voice.

"He doesn't know. We dare not tell him. We can't say that we've found the real Nana after killing the child in your womb. After that incident, uncle returned to being as cruel as before. If he finds out, maybe he will kill us all. Auntie, uncle is also a victim, just like you. He did all this because he loves you and the suffering he feels is no less than what you feel," Nico said angrily.

Never once did Anya doubt Aiden's love for her.

Aiden really wanted children and he loved the baby in her womb, even when they hadn't been born. Anya knew him very well.

At that time, Tara said that maybe Aiden was having a hard time and couldn't tell her.

Two years later, Anya finally found out the truth. But she felt it was better if she didn't know.

It would be better if she didn't know all this ... 

It was better if she remained in the dark like before...

"You have made me suffer. You guys also make Aiden suffer. Why are you always hurting him?" Anya shouted in frustration.

Aiden really loved her and couldn't let her go, but his family forced him to leave Anya.

Anya couldn't imagine how much pain Aiden felt at that time. He carried all these burdens alone.

In the past, when he was kidnapped, the Atmajaya family refused to pay the ransom, which left him blind and paralyzed.

After he found his happiness, he was forced to kill the child he so wanted and forced to let go of the woman he loved. How could he live happily after that?

Why did Aiden have to endure all this suffering in his life?

"Anya, this is all my family's fault. Whatever you want, I'll do it for you," Maria cried.

"You have found your daughter. But what about my child? Can you return them to me?" Anya sobbed as she said it. "I don't want anything. I just want my child to come back to me…"

Tara cried as she hugged her best friend who was sitting on the floor. For the past two years, Anya had tried so hard to forget about this heartbreaking incident that she didn't take good care of her health. Tara knew that Anya would find it difficult to have another child in the future.

"Anya, I'm sorry. Please forgive me!" Maria could not hold back her emotions until finally she passed out.

"Mom!" Nico shouted frantically.

Tara immediately went to Maria and checked her condition.

Seeing Maria's hand, Tara felt very sad. In the past, Maria was a well-known painter, a talented one who produced various masterpieces with her golden hands.

But now, it was just an old woman's hand that looked like it was only all skin and bone.

Anya could only stay where she was, looking at Maria with mixed feelings.

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