"Why do you want to help her after what she did to you?"

"I really don't like Mrs. Mona and her new lover, but that doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to them," Anya said with a smile. "Even if I hate Mrs. Mona, I have no right to punish her. It's our duty to help others, especially when someone's life in danger,"


"How do you know that man is not dead?" Deny asked.

"With Ms. Mona's age and her current condition, it would be impossible for her to kill a grown man with a small knife. So I thought the man had just passed out. I tried to calm Mrs. Mona and asked for her address, after that I reported it to the police," Anya said. "I'm doing all this to help Mrs. Mona. If she ran away and the man died, she would be a fugitive charged for murder,"

"You're right. SHe should be grateful to you," Deny looked at Anya happily. "My daughter is very kind."

Anya smiled but said nothing in return. She couldn't forget when Mona scolded her or beat her in the past. The memory remained on her mind.

Today was Christmas Eve. She just didn't want anyone to suffer on this beautiful day.

"Dad, it's going to be 12 pm soon. Christmas eve is almost here," Anya said with a smile. "Before you and mom got divorced, you always prepared a present for me every Christmas. But after the divorce, you didn't care about me anymore, you're just like the father I used to know."

"I'm sorry, Anya. At that time, I really wanted a son and you…" Deny took a deep breath.

"I understand. Everything has passed," Anya didn't want to think about the past. She had forgotten everything.

"Anya, open the cupboard. There's something for you," Deny said. "Take it as a Christmas gift to you and also as an apology from me,"

Anya opened the cupboard that Deny pointed to and saw a brown envelope filled with documents. She took out its contents and immediately returned it after just glancing at it.

"I can't take the money. It's yours. Even though the surgery was successful, you still have to go through a period of recovery. You needed money for hospital fees and medicine. Not to mention the cost for everyday life. Natali also needs money for her recovery," Anya said.

"I've given enough to Natali. Don't blame me for giving Natali more. I know you are independent and can support yourself. Meanwhile, Natali can only depend on me for the rest of her life," Deny said.

"Father, I appreciate your sincerity, but I don't want to accept the money," Anya returned the envelope to the cupboard. "I didn't accompany you to the hospital because I wanted your money. If I need money, it's easier for me to ask Aiden,"

"Anya, I..."

"It's twelve o'clock. Merry Christmas, Dad." Anya smiled, interrupting whatever Deny wanted to say.

"Merry Christmas," Deny replied.

"It's late already. Get some rest!" Anya said good night and went back to lying on the sofa. Actually, there was a bed for the family staying in the room, but Anya preferred to sleep on the sofa.

Anya laid down without saying anything, looking out the window where the rain was pouring more and more heavily on the ground.

Her mind drifted, imagining the man she missed.

Did Aiden come home today? Did Aiden feel lonely when she's not home?

Or was he more comfortable with Anya not being home?

Anya had no idea...


At this time, Aiden was sitting on the family room's couch. He looked at the door of his house.

He didn't know what he was waiting for. He knew Anya was staying at the hospital tonight, but somehow he didn't want to go back to his room. His gaze was constantly fixed on the door of his house which was tightly closed.

"Sir, the rain is getting heavier. I made hot tea for you," Hana said, placing a cup of tea on the table. "Every day, Anya sits in the same place as you, looking at the door and daydreaming."

Aiden's heart ached to hear that. "Didn't you tell her I wasn't coming home?"

"I told her, but Anya still insisted on sitting here and waiting for you until late at night, before returning to her room," Hana said with a sad expression. "Sir, your wife really loves you. Why did you have to separate?"

"Mrs. Hana, it's already late. Get some rest," Aiden refused to answer Hana's question and immediately changed the subject.

After Hana left him, Aiden remained sitting in his place thinking about Anya.

Anya sat at the same place as him. Waiting for him, like he was waiting for her this time. 

He really missed Anya. This longing felt as if it could take his life soon!

Waiting for Anya that night made time seem to run slower. After this, Aiden had to spend his days waiting for Anya without being able to get her back.

Because Anya would disappear from his life soon.


The next morning, the rain stopped. But a puddle of water remained on the road. The leaves were still wet with raindrops.

Early in the morning, Hana called Anya to ask when she would be coming home.

"Mrs. Hana, did Aiden come home last night?" Anya asked.

"Yes," Hana replied in a low voice.

The smile on Anya's face froze. Aiden came home last night.

Anya had been waiting for Aiden to return to their house for a long time but that man didn't come. After she left home to accompany her father, Aiden decided to go home.

It turned out that way. As long as Anya was not there, Aiden would come home…

When Anya was daydreaming, her cell phone suddenly rang. She got a short message from Aiden.

Aiden: "Come down."

Anya saw the one word printed on the screen and could not help but blush on her face.

"Anya, what's wrong?" Deny was worried seeing Anya's mood swings.

"Father, Aiden came to pick me up. I have to go home," Anya said happily.

"Go home and rest. Thank you for accompanying me yesterday," Deny said with a smile.

After saying goodbye, Anya immediately rushed out. So excited, Anya even trotted down the stairs, making Aiden's bodyguard who was following her worried a little.

Being home alone last night made Aiden feel very lonely. He really missed his little wife.

He really missed Anya to the point of going crazy!

Last night, the rain was so heavy that several areas were flooded. The car driven by Aiden's bodyguard was a sedan, so Aiden was worried that Anya could not go home.

Finally, Aiden used his other car to pick up Anya.

Anya was standing in front of the hospital door, looking at the cars lined up in the parking lot.

Where's Aiden?

She still remembered that their marriage would end before the new year. Today might be their first and last Christmas.

"There, madam," Aiden's bodyguard found Aiden's car. He led Anya towards the car carefully, worried that his madame would slip because of the puddle.

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