At night, around 10 pm, rain poured down the city heavily. Deny's cell phone kept ringing, waking Anya from her sleep.

She picked up the cell phone from the table and saw Mona's name.


Anya was silent for a while and then said to her father, "Dad, Mrs. Mona called you."

"Why is she calling me so late?" Deny was still in pain and in a very bad mood. The doctor said that he had to be patient and get plenty of rest so that he could endure the pain.

Right now, he really felt irritated and didn't want to answer Mona's call.

"Maybe there is something urgent that she has to call you at this hour," Anya answered her father's cell phone.

Without waiting for an answer from the other side of the phone, Mona's trembling voice was immediately heard. "Husband, help me. I've killed someone!"

Anya was silent for a moment and immediately gave her cellphone to Deny. "Father, Mrs. Mona said she killed someone."

Deny immediately took over the cellphone. "Who did you kill?"

"Husband, please help me. I did it accidentally!" Mona was crying and couldn't explain her situation at the moment.

Deny impatiently replied, "You are the one who killed them. What do you want from me? You better just die!" He immediately hung up the phone without waiting for an answer from Mona.

Mona had no other choice but to call Deny back. Anya saw Mona's name appear on her father's cellphone screen again.

Anya was worried, she was afraid that Mona would really listen to Deny's words and commit suicide so she finally picked up the phone.

"Husband, I really didn't mean it! I gave him the watch that Raka gave me but he was still not satisfied either. When I was sleeping, he stole all my jewelry and also choked my neck, forcing me to tell him the password for Raka's ATM card. If I didn't kill him, he would've choked me to death!" Mona cried bitterly.

"Where are you now? I will send someone to help you," Anya said as she walked out of Deny's room.

"Anya, are you really going to help me?" Mona couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I'm pregnant now. It'll be good for my child in the future if I help those in need. Tell me your address," Anya said.

Mona immediately gave the address. Anya then told Aiden's bodyguard who had followed her to go to Mona's house.

"Anya, hurry up and get someone here. I am very scared!" Mona was so scared that her voice trembled.

Mona kept on talking, but Anya didn't listen to her. She covered the microphone with her hand and said to Aiden's bodyguard, "Call the police and give them the address."

Aiden's bodyguard nodded and immediately called the police and ambulance.

"Anya, can you hear me?" Mona was worried because she couldn't hear Anya's voice.

"The person I've ordered has left. He will arrive in ten minutes. There's no need to be afraid. Everything will be fine," after that, Anya asked, "What did you use to injure that person? How is the situation now?"

"A small knife. Before going to sleep, we always ate fruit on the bed so that the knife was left on the nightstand. His entire body was covered with blood. I don't dare to see it. Anya, help me. What should I do?" Mona hated Anya a lot. But in times of need like this, she didn't care about her pride anymore. She even forgot her hatred for Anya.

She really needed help!

"Don't panic. As long as the stabbing wound is not deep, he will not die. You will be fine too," Anya said.

"I don't know if he's dead or not. He's lying on the floor in our room and now I'm in the living room," Mona continued to cry in panic.

"Wait for my guard to come. You also have to be careful, in case that person gets up and tries to hurt you again."

"Anya, I never thought you cared about me," Mona felt confused. But since Anya was accompanying her and trying to calm her down, she was not as scared as before.

"My father just finished surgery and is in pain. He doesn't really want you to die," Anya said.

When she was helpless, they were the first people Mona looked for. If Anya didn't help her and Mona really committed suicide, guilt would continue to haunt Anya and Deny for the rest of their life.

Anya realized that so she couldn't ignore Mona.

No matter how much hatred she felt for Mona, she would try to help Mona at this time.

"Anya, someone came and knocked on the door. Is that your messenger?" Mona ran and approached the door excitedly. But she heard the voice of the police instead.

From across the phone, Anya could also hear the police's voice.

"Open the door and turn yourself on that cop. Don't hide anything. If you confess, the punishment will be light. The cop can determine whether you are intentionally injuring him or trying to protect yourself. As long as you do it accidentally, you still have a chance," Anya said calmly.

"You jerk! You did it on purpose. You called the police on purpose to arrest me!" Mona shouted angrily.

"This is your chance. Instead of living in hiding, it's better to confess to the police. You can't run away. Hurry up and open the door!" Anya said.

At that very moment, Mona's scream could be heard from the other end of the line, followed by an angry male voice. "You whore! How dare you try to kill me!"

When she heard a man's voice, Anya could immediately guess who it was. She immediately shouted. "Quickly open the door!"

"Ah! Please help!" The noise from the phone as well as Mona's screams made the police immediately break down the door.

Mona's cell phone fell on the floor. Even though the call was still on the line, Anya could no longer clearly hear what was going on there.

Anya held her father's cell phone tightly and came back into the room. Deny looked at Anya nervously. "Anya, how is it?"

"I don't know. The police have arrived, but Mrs. Mona won't open the door. The man she stabbed seems to have woken up and I don't know what happened to her," Anya's face turned pale. "Father, did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. They are the guilty ones," Deny said, trying to calm Anya down. "Give the cell phone to me."

Anya gave the cell phone to Deny. She kept the call connected until a policeman found and took it.

Deny explained his relationship with Mona and the police immediately explained the situation.

After hanging up the phone, Deny smiled. "Anya, you are doing the right thing. They are all fine,"

Anya breathed a sigh of relief at Deny's words. "That's great. Luckily nothing bad happened."

"Mona stabbed the man in the stomach, but it didn't injure any important organs. He was immediately sent to the hospital. When the police came inside, they saw the man was crawling out of the room covered in blood while Mona was trembling with fear," Deny explained what happened to Anya. 

"Mona had no intention of harming that man and that man didn't die. Everything is alright. Why do you want to help her after what she did to you?"

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