Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 435 - First Time To Express Love

"Where are you going to run to?" The voice gave Natali chills all over her body.

When she heard this, Natali was very scared!


But her strong desire to survive made her calm down almost immediately. "Brother-in-law, what can I do for you? Why are you here?"

"Who is your brother-in-law? I don't have a sister-in-law with a cunning brain like you," Aiden said coldly.

Natali answered him boldly, "Aiden, I was framed. I really don't know who Dina is,"

"I'm only going to ask you one thing. If you answer honestly, I will consider releasing you," said Aiden. "Who told you about Anya's examination schedule?"

"My sister and I have a bad relationship. How could I know the schedule for her examination? I don't know about it and nobody told me," Natali was very smart. If she admitted that she knew the date of Anya's examination, wouldn't that be the same as admitting that she was the one trying to hurt Anya?

Aiden sneered at the answer. "Actually, you don't need to say it because I already know who told you. What's in that bag?"

"Father's company documents. He asked me to keep it," Natali looked stiff. Her little hands were desperately trying to protect the bag. Aiden only needed to glance at his bodyguard and the bag was already in his hands.

"Let's go," at Aiden's order, the car was moving fast.

"Where are we going? I told you I didn't do anything!" Natali was panicking. She did not expect Aiden to step in to take care of the matter.

The car continued until it reached the outskirts of the city and stopped under a bridge.

Aiden got out of the car first. After that, his bodyguards immediately dragged Natali down. The woman held onto the car's door and refused to get down.

She could hear the sound of the water clearly. Why did Aiden bring her to this place on nights like this?

Did they want to kill her by drowning her under a bridge?

"Get down!" Aiden's bodyguards teamed up to drag Natali out of the car.

"Search all the stuff!" Aiden lit a cigarette and gave order to his bodyguards coldly.

That night, the wind blew hard…

Aiden's guards immediately took off Natali's jacket and took out all the things in her bag. A few moments later, the spare cell phone that Natali was about to destroy was found.

It's too late to throw away the cell phone.

"I will ask one more time. Did you really not do it?" Aiden fiddled with the cellphone with one hand. His voice sounded piercing and very terrible…

"I'm guilty. I didn't mean it. I… I just did it out of a whim. Luckily, I didn't make a big mistake. Please forgive me. Give me a chance, I'll turn myself in to the police," Natali knelt on the ground and begged at Aiden's feet.

Aiden held back the urge in his heart to strangle Natali to death. He turned and returned to the car. After that, the car sped up, disappeared in the middle of the road, and merged with the crowd of cars that were still passing by.

When he returned home, it was already 10 PM. Anya was curled up on the living room sofa holding her knees. She fell asleep soundly.

Seeing his wife at home and safe, Aiden's heart that was filled with murderous feelings immediately melted.

His cold face slowly turned soft. His frozen heart instantly melted in no time.

Aiden immediately picked up Anya and brought her back to the room. Occasionally, his lips touched the top of Anya's head, as if he wanted warmth from his wife's tiny body.

Anya could feel herself swinging. She seemed to see Aiden, but she couldn't open her eyes. She felt very sleepy.

When she woke up, it was already morning ...

"Are you awake?" Aiden's magnetic voice resounded in Anya's ears.

"What time did you come home yesterday?" Anya asked.

"At 10 PM. Why are you waiting for me in the living room? Isn't it cold there? What if you get sick," Aiden hugged Anya's waist, helped her to sit up and leaned back on the bed.

Anya saw that Aiden was already dressed in neat work clothes, making her curl her lips. "Can I go back to work? I can't make perfume, but I can still be a secretary,"

"This afternoon, we will conduct an inspection first. If your condition is fine, you can come to work with me tomorrow, "said Aiden while carrying Anya into the bathroom.

"Can I work?" Anya looked at her husband in surprise.

"When we got married, I promised to let you do whatever you want and I will respect your decision," Aiden kissed the side of Anya's forehead.

Anya could only blink her eyes repeatedly and then held Aiden's shirt tightly. "Thank you, for letting me go back to work."

"I'm sorry for yesterday. You look so nervous that I don't have the heart to tell you about my plan. But I want you to know that I love you and our baby so much. I will never let you two be in danger," said Aiden.

"What did you say?" Anya smiled like a fool after hearing Aiden's words.

"I will never let you two be in danger," Aiden repeated his words.

"Not that, the first," Anya insisted.

"You look so nervous that I don't have the heart to tell you..."

"THAT'S NOT THAT!!!" Anya would really explode if Aiden teased her one more time.

"I love you and our baby so much, you idiot," Aiden kissed Anya's forehead gently.

Anya laughed happily hearing that. This was the first time Aiden had confessed his love in person. All her anger, sadness and disappointment disappeared in an instant.

Anya was angry that Aiden didn't tell her plan and discussed it with her.

She was angry that Aiden scheduled her examination as bait to lure Natali out.

She even misunderstood, thinking that Aiden was using her and their child as bait.

"There's no risk because nothing will happen."

But still, Anya was unhappy that Aiden didn't tell her.

However, when Aiden said that he loved her and their child, Anya's anger evaporated like smoke.

She was really intoxicated. Why was she so easily persuaded like this?

But she was really happy, because Aiden loved her.

Aiden loved her!

"Now, wash your face, brush your teeth and take a shower. After that, we'll have breakfast together," Aiden said softly.

"Husband, I love you very much," Anya said before Aiden came out of the bathroom.

"I know," Aiden replied.

Anya frowned at the answer. She said that she loved him, but Aiden's answer was simply 'I know'.

Shouldn't he have said the same thing? Replying to her with the same love confession?

Twenty minutes later, Anya came downstairs for breakfast.

Hana immediately approached and accompanied her down the stairs for fear of Anya falling or slipping. As she walked, she said, "Anya, Aiden has already gone to the office because of an important meeting. He said he would come home and have lunch with you later,"

Hearing this, Anya felt a little disappointed.

She still missed her husband. But they couldn't even have breakfast together…

Diana had just arrived from outside, walking on her crutches. Lately, she had been visiting the vanilla garden a lot because they would be harvesting soon. Since it had entered the rainy season, they had to pay more attention to their crops.

During breakfast, Anya's cell phone suddenly rang. Tara sent her the news.

Anya immediately opened it and found that it was about a young woman who was raped by a group of men in the suburbs last night.

The woman in the photo looked like a crazy person.

However, from the shape of her face, Anya could recognize Natali with just one look.

[Tara]: 'Anya, take a look at the photo. Is that really Natali?'

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