"All of this because my aunt and uncle are fighting. We both have bad luck. Auntie gave you the pear juice you don't like. In the office, uncle kept yelling at everyone so no one dared to come into his room," Nico took a deep breath. Things were really scary at the office today. He really wanted to go home!

"How about you and I just go on vacation?" Tara said.


"Do you think my uncle will let me go?" Nico grumbled.

"Then what should we do? Tell your uncle that Anya doesn't want to be treated like his daughter. She wants to be considered equal, like husband and wife. Anya felt disappointed that Aiden did not respect and rely on her. Hurry up and tell your uncle!"

Tara felt Aiden didn't consider all these matters carefully and ignored Anya's feelings.

"How dare I advise him like that," Nico really didn't want to be bullied by his uncle.

"Then what can we do? Let them solve their own problems?"

"Don't worry, my uncle can fix his relationship by himself," Nico said calmly.

"I hope so," Tara could only sigh and hope that Anya and Aiden would make up soon.

At night, Anya suddenly got a call from the police. "Miss Anya, your sister, Natali Tedjasukmana, does not admit that she told Nurse Dina to abort your pregnancy. The doctor in the room also said that they didn't mean to harm you. They just want to do a regular check. Due to a lack of evidence, we can't hold her back for now."

"I don't understand anything about this matter. Please just call Aiden. And Natali really wanted to harm me. Please help me to gather evidence and demand justice from her," Anya said calmly.

She didn't understand why Aiden asked the police to call her and say that Natali had been released from prison.

Was this Aiden's way of warning her that things weren't safe yet?

Natali wasn't stupid. She knew the police were watching her. How could she dare to harm Anya again?

Anya didn't understand Aiden's intentions and was too lazy to think about it. Aiden's brain was too complex to understand. She could only wait for the man to come back and explain everything to her.

But Aiden still hadn't come back until dinner.

After Natali was released and returned to the Mahendra Family's house, Rian and Irena were cold to her.

Raka came back at dinner time and he went straight to Natali. "Natali, come with me. I want to talk with you,"

Natali felt a little panic, but she followed Raka and went into his room.

As soon as he entered the room, Raka immediately closed the door. He grabbed Natali's wrist tightly and the anger he felt made his grip tighter. "Did you do it?"

Natali immediately winced in pain. "Raka, I've always been at home. I just went to visit my father at the hospital. I didn't do anything. You have to believe me. It's a slander and I've been framed!"

"Do you think I still can trust you?" Raka threw Natali's hand. "If you really bribed the nurse and doctor to harm Anya, I would cancel our engagement,"

After saying that, Raka immediately came out and slammed the door.

Irena's voice came from outside. "Raka, where are you going? It's late! You haven't eaten either…"

Natali fell to the ground. She cried behind the door. Her tears flowed like a leaky pipe and couldn't be stopped.

She knew that Raka did not love her and was forced to marry her.

But Natali really loved him. She tried hard to ingratiate herself with Irena and befriended the annoying Raisa just to be with him.

All that she did because she loved Raka. But Anya had destroyed everything.

Anya made her dirty like this.

Although Raka did not immediately cancel their engagement after the incident, Natali knew that the man was disgusted by her and felt that she was dirty. That's why Raka wanted to stay away from her.

All because of Anya! Anya had caused her to suffer!

Natali was crying until her tears dried. And then, she realized that her spare phone was still not removed. She immediately took a shower and changed clothes. After that, she said goodbye and said that she wanted to visit her father in the hospital.

The Mahendra family's driver then drove her to the hospital.

She bought a fruit basket and a small bouquet for her father and then she went straight to her father's room.

"Dad, I came to visit you," Natali pretended to be calm and cheerful as usual.

"You still dare to come to see me. Is it true that you wanted to kill the baby in your sister's womb?" Deny said angrily.

"Dad, I don't know where you heard the news from. But I didn't do it," Natali put down the things she was carrying and went straight to the bathroom.

She opened the lid of the toilet and took out her spare cell phone which she hid behind the toilet's door.

After the police took Natali to the police station for interrogation, they also searched Deny's room, Mona's residence and Natali's room in the Mahendra Family's house. But they couldn't find the cellphone Natali used to contact Dina.

Natali was really worried that this phone would be found.

Now, when she saw that her cellphone was still safe, her heart immediately calmed down. She survived!

After getting the cellphone, Natali didn't turn it on. She wanted to take the cell phone away from the hospital and destroy it without a trace.

When she came out of the bathroom, Deny glared at her. "Natali, tell me the truth. Did you do it?"

"No, dad! If I did, would I still be here now? I must have been caught by the police," Natali took a fruit knife and peeled an apple for her father. Her voice sounded a little choked. "Father, Raka doesn't trust me anymore. He wants to cancel his engagement to me. Now you don't believe me either. I'm really sad,"

"Natali, listen to daddy. Now it's all up to you. I can't save you. Get away from this place!" Deny handed the bag filled with documents to his daughter. "These are assets under my name that have been frozen because our company went bankrupt. This is my foreign bank account. The money there is enough for you to survive the rest of your life,"

"Dad..." Natali's eyes heated up. She couldn't hold back her tears.

"Aiden will never forgive you. Now the police don't have enough evidence, but Aiden won't just let you go," Deny said quietly.

"Father, do you suspect me too? Do you also think that I hurt Anya?" Natali looked at her father with wet eyes.

"Do you think I didn't know you? You are my daughter. I'm the one who knows you the best,"  Deny replied sadly. "Raka doesn't love you. Get out of here right now,"

"What about your surgery? If I go, what about your condition?" Natali started crying, regretting all her actions.

But she couldn't blame anyone. She could only blame herself for being too blinded by hatred until Keara finally managed to take advantage of her.

If she'd thought calmly, none of this would have happened.

"I'm fine. As long as you are fine, I will be at peace. Go with my assistant, he will take you to the Mahendra Family's house to get your passport. After that, go to the airport," Deny insisted.

"Father, take care of yourself. After I arrive, I'll call you. You have to visit me and get your surgery done abroad," Natali immediately hugged her father's body tightly.

Deny could only pat her back gently. "Now go,"

Natali wiped her tears and immediately changed clothes. She wore a hat and wore a mask to cover her face before descending into the underground parking lot.

There, she saw Deny's car parked and the people inside immediately opened the door as soon as they saw her.

As soon as Natali got inside, she realized who the person was. It was too late for her to get out of the car...

A cold voice rang out.

"Where are you going to run?"

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