Keara told Natali that the child Lisa was carrying didn't belong to Nico. As she really loved her baby, Lisa looked for the best doctor in town and made an appointment with Doctor Norah.

But Lisa's family bribed a nurse and told her to abort Lisa's baby in the ultrasound room.


Lisa suspected it and could no longer trust her family. She finally canceled her schedule and she didn't want to do it because she wanted to protect the child in her womb.

Keara only told her about that, but Natalli was the one who got interested and went to investigate the nurse who was willing to be bribed to abort someone.

And in the end, she found her. The nurse's name was Dina.

She gave 200 million rupiah to Dina and 100 million rupiah for a doctor who wanted to abort Anya's child.

Now, as she sat in the police car, Natali's brain started to come to his senses. She just understood that Keara deliberately used her.

Keara wanted to kill using someone else's hands, to keep herself clean.

She knew Natali hated Anya to death so she deliberately told her the date of her examination and also told Lisa what had been done by the Srijaya Family. This caused Natali to wish, could she do the same with Anya?

Natali carried out this plan so rashly that the police could find her easily.

Even if she used a spare cell phone, if they managed to find it, it'd be really over for her!

She needed to get rid of the spare phone as soon as possible!

In her heart, Natali could only hope that Raka would hurry to save her.

After Natali was taken by the police, Irena immediately phoned Raka in panic. From his mother's story, Raka told his subordinates to immediately investigate what really happened.

It didn't take long for him to find out that Natali bribed the hospital nurse and asked the doctor to abort Anya's baby.

Luckily, Aiden arrived just in time to prevent that from happening. Under pressure from Aiden and the hospital, the nurse finally admitted that Natali had paid her.

"Natali..." Raka hit his desk hard, not caring even if his hand turned red.

"Sir, what's the problem?" Raka's assistant immediately entered the room when he heard the sound of the table pounding.

"What will happen if I cancel my engagement to Natali right now?" Raka asked seriously.

"The Tedjasukmana company is bankrupt. Canceling the engagement to Miss Natali now is a good decision," said the assistant.

"I mean against public opinion," Raka replied.

"If Miss Natali makes an unforgivable mistake, you don't have to worry about the bad impact on public opinion when you cancel your engagement with her," the assistant replied.

"Is bribing someone to harm others included?" Raka asked.

"Who did she harm? Miss Anya?" Raka's assistant was also a smart person. He knew that the sisters from the Tedjasukmana Family had a bad relationship and that Natali had always been jealous of her sister.

"Should I save her?" Raka asked doubtfully.

"Sir, I suggest you don't save Miss Natali. If it's true that she intended to harm Miss Anya and Mr Aiden has the proof with him, you will not be able to save her. There's no point in offending the Atmajaya Family for Miss Natali's sake. I'm sure Mr. Rian will agree with my opinion. This is the perfect opportunity to cancel your engagement with her. Don't let you miss this opportunity," said the assistant.

"But Natali is my fiancée. No matter what her mistake is, I have to..."

"Sir, you aren't obliged to take care of her all the time. It's true that Miss Natali is your fiancée, but that woman didn't think of anything and tried to harm others over and over again. If you continue to help her, it is the same as helping her doing evil. She's managed to escape punishment many times and continues to try to make others suffer in their lives,"

"Come out. I want to calm down," as soon as his assistant came out, Raka immediately called Anya.

Anya just had a fight with Aiden. After returning home, she immediately shut herself in the room and ignored everyone.

When her cellphone rang, Anya thought it was Aiden who called her. Who would have thought that it was Raka.

"Raka, why did you call me?" Anya asked in a low voice.

"Anya, are you okay? I called you because I wanted to tell you about Natali."

"If you call me so that I will forgive Natali, you better not say anything," Anya's voice immediately sounded cold when Natali's name was mentioned.

"Anya, I'm sorry. My foolishness has hurt you. What my assistant just said made me realize. Natali has a bad heart and is trying to hurt you. But I even helped her and protected her. If Natali was caught by the police and in prison before this, she wouldn't be able to harm you again. Anya, I'm really sorry," Raka said regretfully.

When she heard Raka's words, Anya's heart immediately softened. "This is not your fault,"

"Natali does not know when to stop. I won't help her anymore. I just want to tell you that I will cancel my engagement to her and will not protect her anymore," said Raka.

"That is none of my business. You don't have to tell me. I'm so tired today, Raka. If you don't have anything to talk about anymore, I want to rest," said Anya. Without waiting for Raka's answer, she immediately ended the call.

Her heart was really messed up right now.

She felt that Aiden didn't love her and her baby, so he used them both as bait.

Her heart was really sad and she didn't want to interfere in other people's business, especially with Natali and Raka's matters.

At ten in the morning, Tara came to Anya's house. When Hana saw her arrival, she looked as if she saw a hero.

"Doctor Tara, Anya locked herself in the room. She doesn't want to talk to anyone and doesn't want to eat either," Hana said stressfully.

In contrast to her depressed look, Diana looked much calmer. "Tara, you are also a woman. You have to understand why Anya is angry. Don't persuade her to forgive Aiden and also don't tell her to understand Aiden's actions. Persuade Anya to eat so she won't starve,"

"Fine, Auntie. Don't worry, I understand," Tara headed straight upstairs.

Before she knocked on the door, Anya had already opened the door to her room. "Have you come to be a peacemaker?" She grumbled.

"No. I came to eat," Tara laughed. "How did you know I came?"

"I sat by the window. Your car has been repaired?" Anya felt very jealous when she saw Tara come in her car.

Previously, Aiden said that Anya could drive for her. But until now, the man hadn't made his words come true.

When she became pregnant, her condition got worse.

Anya couldn't work, couldn't drive, couldn't do this, that…

She couldn't do anything.

"My car is damaged beyond repair. I planned to save and buy a new car, but Nico bought me the same car as my old car," Tara said irritably. 

"Boys. They will never understand what we want. We'd better just tell them straight away, or they'll never understand."

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