"Natali gave them 100 million rupiahs to make you miscarry during the examination," Aiden hugged his wife's body tightly as he tried to calm his emotions.

Anya could feel her head buzzing.


Make her miscarry?

"How do you know Natali's plan?" Anya asked. Aiden didn't answer, making Anya even more confused.

Suddenly, Anya remembered that on Nico's engagement day, Aiden had deliberately told Bima and Maria that they were going to see Doctor Norah on Monday.

"Aiden, you are using me as bait? You deliberately gave us the date of our examination, waiting for those people to harm me. If you came late today, we would've lost our baby. How could you use me and our baby like this?" Anya shouted towards Aiden hysterically.

Aiden did not expect Anya to be this angry. He hugged Anya's body and tried to calm her down. "I will never harm you. I never left you alone. I followed you to the hospital. I can see your situation clearly from the CCTV footage. You're fine and I won't let anything happen to you,"

"Aiden, you are not God. You are human, just like me. How can you use me and our baby as bait to catch Natali? You are too arrogant. You don't love me and our baby at all," Anya hit Aiden's chest hard while crying.

"Anya, I didn't tell you because I was afraid you might feel nervous. Natali kept trying to hurt you so that we can't live in peace. Now, all is well. You and our baby will always be safe," Aiden reassured her.

"Safe? You deliberately announced my check-up date and doctor in front of everyone. At that table, besides Keara, who else intends to harm me? What's the point of you catching Natali? If you can, hurry up and take care of Keara too!" Anya shouted.

Seeing their bickering, Diana could guess what had happened.

She immediately went to her daughter and tried to calm her down. "Anya, don't be emotional. It's not good for the baby in your womb. Let's go home and have a good talk," she said as she patted Anya's back gently.

With tears still running down her face, Anya said to Aiden, "I'm very disappointed in you. I don't want to talk to you,"

Hana was standing in the doorway and looked very sad. She didn't expect it to turn out like this!

Of course any mother would get mad if treated like this!

Although Anya was pregnant for the first time, her maternal instinct to protect her child had grown in her heart.

Anya was furious that Aiden was using her and their future child as bait to lure bad people.

"Anya, I know you won't want to listen to anything I have to say right now. We'll talk about it after you calm down," Aiden did not elaborate further. Right now, Anya's thoughts and feelings were in chaos. It was no use trying to explain to her.

Then he turned to Hana and said, "Mrs. Hana, please take Anya and mother home to rest."

Aiden was sure that once she calmed down, Anya would understand why he was doing all this.

Aiden cared and loved Anya along with the baby in her womb. How could he let anything happen to Anya and the baby?

Natali had just threatened Anya during Nico's engagement party. After that day, Anya could not sleep peacefully and even had nightmares.

The first thing Anya did when she woke up was touching her stomach, making sure that their child was all right.

Aiden deliberately told their examination date to find out who intended to harm her.

Indeed, Keara couldn't remain silent. Even though she didn't do it in person, she told Natali the news.

With the support of the Mahendra family, Natali was so sure that nothing would happen to her so she took the risk to harm the baby in Anya's stomach.

Aiden used this opportunity to find out and arrest people who wanted to harm his little family, but his actions only broke Anya's heart.

Seeing Anya leaving the hospital with a sad look, Aiden could only clench his fists tightly. His face looked like he wanted to kill someone.

Natali was shopping together with Irena when suddenly the police arrested her.

"Is it true that you are Natali Tedjasukmana? You are suspected of wanting to commit premeditated murder. Please come with us," the cop immediately explained why he had come to arrest Natali.

"Natali, what have you done? Tell me, they are wrong right? You didn't do anything, right?" Irena had been looking after and keeping a good eye on Natali as per her husband's order. She didn't let Natali cause trouble.

"I don't know what happened. I'm being accused. I haven't gone anywhere and I've done nothing!" Natali shook her head in panic.

"Calm down and follow this cop. I will save you," Irena said with the same panic.

"Mother, I have always been with you these days. You are always watching me. I am not doing anything! Sir, you must be wrong!" Natali said.

"Do you know Anya Tedjasukmana? She recently met Doctor Norah, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. According to the hospital nurse named Dina, you told her to take Miss Anya to ultrasound room number 6. The doctor on duty in room number 6 said that you promised 100 million rupiah to abort Miss Anya's baby during the examination," said the police.

"I don't know Dina or any doctor you mentioned. Even if my relationship with my sister wasn't very good, I would never do something that cruel. How is my sister now, Mr. police?" Natali pretended to be worried for Anya's condition.

The two policemen exchanged glances at each other and then answered, "Miss Anya is fine. Dina has confessed that you ordered her to harm Miss Anya…"

"I was framed. I don't know this woman named Dina you guys told me about. How could I possibly order her to do that?" Natali said while crying.

"Please hand over your cell phone."

Natali gave her mobile phone at once and said angrily, "I am the daughter-in-law of the Mahendra family. You don't have any evidence to arrest me. You can't just listen to statements from one side to arrest me,"

Of course the policemen also knew that they could not arrest people randomly. According to the procedure, when Dina mentioned Natali's name, they could only ask Natali's cooperation to help their investigation.

The two policemen immediately searched the contents of Natali's cellphone, but found nothing useful.

"Do you have another cell phone?" The policeman asked.

"No," Natali shook her head.

The cop felt helpless. Dina said that their agreement was done via chat, but there was no evidence or whatsoever on Natali's cell phone.

That meant, they didn't have enough solid evidence. And their investigation should end halfway, unless they could find Natali's spare cell phone.

"Miss Natali, please come with us to assist our investigation. We will also search your house," the police followed through their duties without involving any feelings and acted very decisively.

"Mother, please contact Raka and ask him to help me. I really didn't do anything," Natali was very anxious and hoped that the Mahendras could stop the search.

She sat in the police car with an anxious heart.

On the day of Nico's engagement, Keara told her about Anya's checkup schedule. Besides that, Keara also told another thing.

  Another thing that made her dare to take risks to harm Anya...

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