"What's going on?" Nico asked after Raka hung up the phone.

"Natali said that Anya and Aiden kidnapped her and ordered people to rape her. The police are also investigating this matter. My dad said he'd bring her here and we'll go home together. After that, he would say that we were just having a fight so Natali spread the nonsense on the internet," Raka said, telling Nico and Aiden all of his father's plans. "She has to stay here for a while. Natali seems to be mentally unstable. Is it okay?"


"The room Anya and I stayed in was very quiet. There will be little to no disturbing there. I'll lend it to you," Aiden immediately volunteered.

Raka looked at Aiden in surprise, not expecting Aiden to be kind enough to offer his room. "Then, where are you and Anya staying tonight? I heard all the rooms are full,"

"Anya can sleep together with Tara and I will sleep with Nico. Tomorrow morning, I will bring Anya to meet with Natali so that we can discuss this matter directly," Aiden replied.

"Thank you, Aiden," Raka nodded gratefully. He did not think it would be this easy.

"I will go back to the room with Tara and rest," as she said this, Anya's eyes were on her husband and her face looked a little awkward.

She could not hide the worry she felt. What if their actions were exposed? What if the police arrested Aiden in this case?

Anya felt Natali deserved it all. All of this was a reward for her own actions.

But she did not think that Natali would dare to expose everything in public. She not only called the police, but also reported the problem on the internet.

"Anya, are you okay? your hands are shaking," Tara held Anya's hand as she walked into her room. "Why are your hands so cold?"

"Tara, this is all Aiden's doing," Anya's face looked very scared. "Natali ordered people to rape me so Aiden retaliated with the same act. This is all my fault. Why did Aiden have to get involved because of me?"

Tara was shocked to hear that. "You mean…"

"It's all my fault. If only I weren't stupid and not easily fooled, Aiden wouldn't be this angry with Natali, "Anya cried in fear. She regretted her stupidity.

"It's not your fault. Natali asked for it. You shouldn't punish yourself for someone else's mistake. No need to pity her. She should be held responsible for her crimes. Have confidence in Aiden. He must have a plan," said Tara.

A knock on the door came from outside and Aiden's voice followed. "Anya, open the door!"

"Don't cry. If Aiden saw you, he would be worried," Tara gave a tissue so that Anya could wipe her tears. Then she rose to her feet to open the door.

Tara saw Aiden carrying a bag containing Anya's belongings. She immediately accepted the bag, but one hand was still on the door while her body prevented Aiden from entering.

She had no intention of letting Aiden enter.

"I have to talk to Anya," Aiden said, opening the door. It's no use no matter how hard Tara tried to block him.

Anya was sitting on the edge of the bed and looked at Aiden with red eyes. "What do you want to talk about?"

"You guys talk first. I'll take a walk," Tara was actually very full and didn't want to move. But it didn't feel right for her to stay there and listen to their talks.

"No need. You can stay here," said Aiden. Finally, Tara went back into the room, but kept some distance between them. She stood tall like a good student waiting for her teacher.

"Didn't we agree that we would hand over Natali to the police? Why isn't she in prison? Now she's even suing us," Anya asked.

Aiden took out his new cell phone, nobody knew whether it was a spare or belonging to his bodyguard. 

"Look," he said, opening a video.

Tara came near Anya and watched the footage together. In the video, a white van stopped in front of the police station. The door opened and Natali was thrown out the door of the police station.

"I've given her the opportunity to turn herself and protect the good name of the Mahendra family. But she insisted she didn't want to. Natali is really looking to die. Don't blame me." 

If Natali were in front of him now, maybe Aiden would break her neck right away.

"Anya, you see that right? Natali is looking for trouble herself. Don't be sorry for her. Think what would happen to you that day if Aiden could not save you. Don't beat yourself up over and over," Tara said, trying to wake her friend for fear that Anya would get more anxious about it.

Anya said nothing and no longer cared about Tara's whereabouts. She stretched out her arms and hugged Aiden's waist who was standing in front of her.

Aiden sighed and stroked Anya's head gently. "Don't think too hard about it. We will go home tomorrow,"

"I'm afraid something happened to you," Anya's tears streamed down.

"Do you think your husband is easy to beat?" Aiden looked down and kissed the top of Anya's head. "Don't think anything weird. Go to sleep,"

Anya nodded while wiping her tears.

"Aiden, can I ride your car when I get home tomorrow?" Tara grinned shamelessly as she said that. "Nico will be with Raka and I don't have a ride home,"

The question made Anya stare at Aiden. How did Tara get a ride?

They came to the place by helicopter.

But Aiden only nodded.

Anya didn't say anything. If Aiden agreed, that meant he'd already asked someone to pick them up tomorrow.

Natali arrived at the hotel at dawn and went straight to Aiden's rented room.

As soon as she saw Raka, Natali bursted into tears. "Raka, finally I can meet you! All of this is Anya's doing. Anya made me like this!"

Raka's eyes looked cold when Natali said that. "You still dared to bring up her name even until now. Was it Anya's action when you left my driver and left him uninformed? Where were you going? Who were you meeting with? And why did you have to make yourself look stupid like this?"

"Anya wants to meet me! But once I met her, she asked someone to lock me in the restroom and got two men to rape me. They… they… ahhhh!" Natali held her head and screamed loudly. A nurse who came to accompany her immediately gave a sedative injection.

The injection made Natali slowly calm down again. She laid on the bed, like a doll that had lost its life. She looked at the lamp above her head and said, "Anya must die. Anya must go to hell. You bitch…"

That night, Natali kept cursing Anya all night long. Raka felt angry when he heard this, but he could only be patient.


The next morning, Nico delivered food to their room.

Aiden asked Tara to wait in the car, while he and Anya would meet Ntali.

At first, Tara thought Natali would really be done for. But considering her engagement business with Raka, Aiden must also respect Raka who did nothing wrong.

Aiden took Anya's hand and walked towards the biggest room on the top floor.

Once inside, they could see Natali with her long, messy hair. Her face and neck were covered with scratch marks while her hands and feet with bruises.

"She made a fuss last night. Today, she realized her mistake, but…"

"Bitch! You injured me. I will kill you!" Natali pulled out the syringe that had been stuck in her hand and charged towards Anya.

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