"I heard you were worried about me?" Aiden asked, looking at his wife's face.

"Next time don't do something dangerous like this," Anya gripped Aiden's hand tightly. She was really scared when she couldn't contact Aiden. Luckily, nothing happened to him.


If anything happened to her husband…

Aiden immediately lowered his head and kissed Anya's forehead. "Don't be afraid. I am fine,"

"Haven't you had enough showing off your intimacy like that? Aren't you sorry for us?" Nico grumbled.

"If you don't want to see it, you can close your eyes," replied Aiden. His gaze was still fixed on Anya, ignoring Nico's words.

"Even if I close my eyes, I can still hear you!" Nico replied.

"Then cover your ears too," Aiden's answer made Nico frown even more.

"I want to go see your catch, Uncle! I want to choose which part can be cooked," Nico said excitedly. Rather than seeing the affection of his uncle and aunt, he would do better to examine the raw ingredients for food. 

"Tara, come with me."

"Instead of seeing a bleeding pig, I better stay here and eat. I have no problem seeing Aiden and Anya's intimacy. There's a lot of food here, anyway," said Tara.

"Yes, I also don't want to see a dead boar," Anya also refused.


"Do you think I like the same things as you?" Aiden said sarcastically.

Nico shrugged and rose from his place. "If you don't want to go, I can go alone,"

He called the chief manager of the hotel and asked to take him to where the boar was kept.

The head manager looked very pitiful, as if he had turned a dozen years old in just a few hours. He was very tired because there were so many problems today.

Luckily, Aiden didn't have anything bad and came back safely.

Otherwise, his career would fall apart!

"I want to see my uncle's catch," Nico said, patting the manager's head as if he were talking to a friend of his own. "Take me there,"

The head manager was stunned. He thought he heard wrong. This rich grandson wanted to see a wild boar's carcass? What's wrong with him?

What's so good about looking at its carcass? It got an awfully fishy smell…

Rich people did have strange tastes.

"Sir, please come with me," the chief manager felt that his life would never be peaceful as long as his guests didn't stop bothering him.

He really hoped these rich people would leave soon…

After Nico left, Aiden returned to his room to take care of his work. He ordered his guards to escort Anya and Tara to a hot spring bath.

Anya and Tara really enjoyed their holiday together.


That evening, a large bonfire event was held near the fountain in the hotel garden. Many tourists gathered there singing and dancing.

There were also many pop up stores that sell accessories, snacks, souvenirs and so on.

But Anya, Aiden, Tara and Nico headed straight to the top floor of the hotel for dinner.

The hotel chefs had prepared a variety of delicious meals for them with Aiden's catch from earlier and also using the finest ingredients at their disposal.

The evening was very enjoyable…

Professional chefs were on hand to grill the meat for them and delicious wine was also served. The night sky looked beautiful, sprinkled with stars shining brightly.

Raka finally decided to join together with Aiden and Nico. They ate together while drinking wine. Meanwhile, Anya and Tara were chatting together while eating.

This time, Anya didn't feel bored because Tara was there with her. If she had to chat with the boys again, maybe she would be as bored as last night.

After eating so much, Tara laid down on a long chair with her legs stretched out. She didn't want to move an inch…

Anya looked at Tara lazing while laughing a little. Tara was always out of control when she was faced with food. "Is it okay for your stomach if you eat this much?"

"Don't worry. I brought digestive medicine. Before going to bed, I'll take medicine first," Tara said happily. The important thing was, she could eat well.

"Take care of your health! Your stomach can stretch wider if you keep eating like this," Anya poked Tara's forehead irritably.

While Anya and Tara were chatting, Nico suddenly shouted, "Raka, something happened to Natali!"

Aiden's face remained calm, but Anya couldn't control her expression. She immediately took out her cell phone and checked the news on the internet.

Natali said Aiden and Anya had kidnapped her and locked her up. In addition, she was raped by Aiden's men for more than 20 hours.

There was no photo evidence circulating on the internet, but the word 'rape' immediately caused a stir. What's more, this problem happened to a well-known family in the city.

"I heard, Natali was raped."

"She was raped after getting engaged to Raka. Raka is really unlucky."

"Why is Aiden's name involved?"

"What really happened?"


After hearing Nico's words, Raka also checked the news on the internet. Seeing this news, Raka felt that Natali was deliberately spreading this lie.

Natali deliberately created an uproar because Raka left her after their engagement day.

That's why Natali deliberately spread the news that she had been raped, bringing up Aiden and Anya's names so that Raka would go home and return to her side.

Aiden kicked Nico in the leg under the table and Nico immediately understood his uncle's signal. "Raka, do you want to contact your family and ask about the situation?"

"I will find out what happened," Raka immediately contacted his mother. "Mother, what happened to Natali?"

"Why did you just contact me now? I've been trying to contact you," Irena felt like crying. "Something happened to Natali. What should we do?"

Raka could hear a 'BOOM' sound in his head, as if something had exploded.

'Is everything that happened to Natali true? Isn't it a lie?'

"How is Natali doing now?" asked Raka calmly.

"Raka, your father wants to talk," Irena gave the cellphone to her husband.

"Raka, where are you? I've been blocking the spread of this news. No one will ever know. Dad will take Natali to meet you. After that, I will spread the word that you guys fought after your engagement day and Natali is just spreading bullshit news. We have to suppress this news."

"Okay, I will send my location to you," said Raka.

"Father knows that Natali deliberately went alone and left our family's driver. Later, we will ask what happened to her, where she went and why she left our driver without news. I also knew that your engagement to Natali was a wrong decision. I won't force you to marry her. When the time comes, I'll find a way to cancel your engagement," Raka's father replied.

"Dad, when Natali spreads this kind of news on the internet, it means that she has neglected our family's dignity and our good name. She just wanted to force me to go home. Just bring Natali here. Aiden and Anya are also here with me. Tell Natali to tell all her lies in front of their faces,"  Raka said casually.

"Okay then, wait for a call from me. I've been trying to call you for the last few days but your phone is always off," Raka's father said irritably.

After hanging up the phone, Nico looked at Raka worriedly. "What happened?"

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