Anya was still fast asleep. She did not hear Aiden's words and did not know Aiden's deep love for her.

Aiden was still sitting on the edge of the bed motionless, did not go out of the room until he heard a voice from downstairs. He knew it must be Harris who brought Dio according to his order.


Aiden walked out of his room and closed the door slowly, unwilling to wake his exhausted wife.

Not knowing that his master had come downstairs, Harris called Aiden's cell phone. As soon as he saw Aiden's figure descending the stairs, Harris immediately hung up on him.

Anya suddenly woke up when she heard the sound of the cell phone ringing. She used to be awake when she heard the sound of the phone because she was afraid it was coming from the hospital.

She immediately took her cell phone on the nightstand and realized that there was no incoming call. Later, she found Aiden's cell phone on the nightstand, displaying the name Harris who had just called him.

Anya was worried that Harris called Aiden because of something important and urgent, so she woke up from her sleep and asked in a slightly loud voice, "Aiden, are you in the bathroom?"

No answer was heard. Anya then rose to her feet and searched the room for Aiden, but she could not find her husband.


"Why did you destroy Mrs. Anya's vanilla?" asked Harris in a cold voice.

"This is kidnapping! You guys took me to this place by force. This is the same as breaking the law!" Dio pretended to look confused.

"As far as I know, you have always paid attention to Anya and did good to her. Why are you suddenly planning to harm her?" Aiden's voice was no less cold than Harris.

Anya stood at the end of the stairs. She held her breath when she heard the conversation below.

Dio finally realized who Aiden was when he saw his face. "You are the man who brought Anya home last night. Why did you arrest me? What is the relationship between you and Anya?"

"CCTV footage in the garden showed that you infiltrated and put the herbicide into the water. What you did caused Madame's garden to go into chaos. Who ordered you to do this?" Harris asked directly.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. I've never done anything to hurt Anya," Dio refused to admit it.

Harris took out his cell phone and showed it to Dio. "Madame recognizes that the person on this recording is you. What else do you have to say? What other excuses would you use to evade?"

Dio saw the video playing on the cellphone and felt panicked.

There should be no CCTV at the place. Why did all of this happen?

"Dio, are you having a hard time? Who told you to do it?" Anya couldn't stop herself and came downstairs.

Dio immediately lowered his head in shame when he saw Anya.

Seeing his wife's arrival, Aiden immediately got up and approached Anya. "Why did you suddenly wake up?"

Anya just shook her head and followed Aiden to walk towards the sofa.

At this moment, Dio's hands were tied behind his back. Two of Aiden's bodyguards stood flanking him, making him kneel on the floor.

He saw Anya's arrival with a painful look. "Anya, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to hurt you. There is someone who told me to do it. There's no way I can do it alone."

"Who ordered you? And why did you agree to do it?" Anya calmly asked.

Dio said angrily. "There is a man near you who ordered me to do it. He also said that there were no CCTVs in the park so I could run away unnoticed. But now he's threatening me with the CCTV footage."

Harris immediately turned to Anya with surprise. He was afraid that Anya would misunderstand and believe Dio's words.

Hearing Dio's words, Anya immediately turned her head towards Aiden. "Aiden, were you the one who tried to kill all my vanilla?"

Aiden held Anya's hand and invited her to sit on the sofa. He calmed Anya who looked confused like a child.

He stretched out his hand to stroke Anya's head. "You shouldn't have asked me. Try asking yourself. Do you believe what he said?"

"I want to hear it from your mouth right away!" said Anya while glaring at Aiden and pouting. Why was her husband so convoluted?

Aiden turned and looked at Dio. A cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes. "You said I ordered you to go to that garden and destroy all of Anya's vanilla. Do you have proof? Why would I even do it?"

"Because Anya wants to leave you. You told me to kill all the vanilla so she can't sell them and make money for her mother's medical expenses. Anya has no money. With that, she will stay by your side and have nowhere to go."

Dio said while looking guiltily at Anya. "Anya, I'm really sorry. The men around you are too cunning. He threatened me and said he would kill me if I didn't listen to him. I was threatened and he gave me money."

Anya was shocked when she heard Dio's excuse. At that moment, her heart felt very chaotic. Was it true that Aiden ordered Dio to kill all of her vanilla so she couldn't leave Aiden's side?

Aiden knew how valuable the vanilla was to Anya. To ensure the vanilla would harvest, Anya was even willing to spend money to hire two employees.

If Aiden really did it, Anya would feel very disappointed and wouldn't hesitate to divorce Aiden.

Did Aiden really love her like this?

Aiden turned at her with a disappointed look. "Do you trust him?" he asked.

"I don't know. I just hope it's not you," Anya said in a low voice.

"Mr. Aiden doesn't need to do that. Plus, I am also responsible for finding your employees, madam. I'm in charge if anything happens to your vanilla. This is not his doing." Harris said.

Aiden was not someone who could better explain, especially when Anya doubted him. He was an awkward man. He would not care if other people mistook him or even called him a psychopath. However, he cared about Anya's opinion...

He just didn't know how to defend himself...

"You said, I gave you money. How much did I give? Transfer or cash?" Aiden asked Dio.

"You are afraid that there will be a note in the bank if you transfer it so you give me twenty million rupiah in cash. You told me because you know I know Anya and have visited her garden. Even though Anya knows all this, Anya won't do anything to me because I am the person she has known since childhood. But I didn't expect you to actually install CCTV and blame me for everything. I don't want Anya to be deceived by you, so I decided to expose all your actions," Dio said firmly. He looked like he was thinking about Anya.

Anya bit her lower lip hesitantly. She knew she shouldn't doubt Aiden, but what Dio said sounded very sensible.

She had known Dio since childhood and Dio had always been nice to her. She couldn't believe that Dio was deliberately harming her.

"Anya, what do you think?" Aiden did not explain and did not defend himself. He let Anya think for herself.

"I... I don't know," Anya lowered her head. She didn't dare to think about all the possibilities that might happen.

"Two of your employees are Harris's elect. If I really wanted to harm you, why didn't I order them? I could just have them make the accident happen naturally. Why would I have to find this stupid man, who did a crime without paying attention to the CCTV?" Aiden sneered.

"If you ordered your employees, Anya would not forgive you once she found out. Therefore you ordered me. I didn't think you were this cruel. You told me to do it, but you also installed the CCTV and threatened me, forcing me to confess. You told me to, but you pretended like a nice guy. Anya, don't believe this man!" Dio said angrily.

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