"I'll help you select customers, but remember don't make perfume just because you need money. To become a parfumeur is not easy. Don't ruin your chances," Esther suggested.

She was afraid Anya would act rashly and work carelessly just for money.


"I will not disappoint customers. Don't worry," Anya said, trying to convince Esther.

"Okay then," Esther did not ask what happened to Aiden and Anya. She didn't care about their relationship. She just didn't want Anya to ruin her reputation over money.

Anya hung up the call and rode her bike back to her little house.

Once at her house, she got a call from Maria.

"Anya, this is Maria. Are you at home? I just made a new painting and wanted to show it to you," said Maria.

"Sis Maria, I'm still outside. Where are you?" Anya thought for a moment and decided not to tell Maria about her problem with Aiden.

"I just came out of the house. I will visit you with my painting. I haven't painted in a long time," Maria said excitedly.

Since Nadine disappeared three years ago, Maria had never painted again. Anya couldn't bear to break Maria's spirit. She could feel Maria's love for painting, just as she loved perfume.

She also experimented often to make new perfumes and brought the samples to Esther.

It's the same as Mary. After not painting for three years, she definitely wanted to show the painting to someone so that someone else could appreciate her work.

Anya could understand that.

"Okay, I'll make tea and wait for you," Anya said with a smile.

"Okay! See you," Maria hung up the phone and made an 'OK' sign towards Tara.

Tara breathed a sigh of relief. "Auntie must immediately find a way. Anya really wanted to divorce Aiden."

"Tara, you call me auntie, but calling Anya by her name directly..."

"Oops." Tara said with a smile. "My aunt and parents are almost the same age. Of course I have to respect you. But Anya and I are the same age. Isn't it strange if I call her Auntie like Nico?"

"Okay. As long as you are comfortable. You can call her whatever you want," Maria was not an old-fashioned person who cared about status and position. "Tara, you also think that Anya and Aiden shouldn't divorce right? You see, Aiden defended Anya with a vengeance when they came to the house. That's a sign that Aiden is truly sincere to Anya." Maria said.

"Anya went to sell her house. She looked for money so she could return what she owed to Aiden and pay for her mother's hospital fees. After that, she will ask Aiden for divorce," Tara said in an anxious voice.

"As long as she loves Aiden, they will not be separated. Don't worry." Maria said with a smile. "Otherwise, I'll stay in their house temporarily. That way, they won't be able to divorce."

"Is it true? Why don't they get divorced when Auntie lives there?" Tara couldn't be as optimistic as Maria.

"When I called Anya earlier, she didn't tell me that they were fighting. When I said I would visit with my painting, she said she would wait for me and make tea. As long as she doesn't say anything, I'll pretend I don't know. Maybe they'll make up soon," Maria said.

"I hope everything will be fine. Don't tell Anya that I met you, auntie," Tara said and got a nod in return from Maria.

After that, Tara returned to her clinic and Maria went to Aiden's house.

Anya returned to her little house to pack all of her belongings. She took out a large bag from under the bed and began tidying up all the rooms.

She thought that since she was going to sell the house, it would be better to pack her things first so as not to rush later.

She and her mother had lived in that little house for ten years. However, they didn't have many things.

She only used two large bags to pack all their belongings.

After that, Anya stood at the door looking at the house where she had lived for ten years. Her eyes felt sore when she looked at it. She didn't have a home anymore…

Now, her only hope was to heal her mother.

As long as her mother woke up, she could stay with her mother… Anywhere…

Before Anya returned to Aiden's house, she called Hana. "Mrs. Hana, Ms. Maria will come to the house. What tea does she like? Please prepare in advance."

"Madame Maria loves rose tea. I will prepare it," Hana answered.

"I'll be home soon. Please make sweet roasted sweet potatoes too."

"Alright," Hana said before hanging up the phone.

When Anya arrived home, Maria still hadn't arrived. She had just gotten off her bicycle when she heard a car horn outside the gate.

The door immediately opened and Maria's car entered Aiden's yard, passed the fountain and stopped right in front of the entrance.

Anya immediately greeted her with a smile. "Sis, welcome."

"Anya, I came too suddenly, huh? Am I bothering you?" asked Maria. "I just finished painting it and don't know who to show it to."

"No, Sis. Congratulations on your recent work. My mom really likes your painting. Today, when I was cleaning the house, I found your old painting," Anya remembered bringing Maria's painting home.

The painting was in her bicycle's basket. Hana then immediately helped Anya to take it.

"Is it true?" Maria smiled happily. "I also like your mother's perfume. I have two bottles of perfume on my dresser, one yours and the other your mother's. Your perfume is not inferior to your mother."

Anya smiled shyly. "I still can't compare to my mother. But I will work hard."

After that, Hana came carrying the painting Anya was referring to.

Maria looked at the painting in surprise. "Is this the painting your mother has?"

"Yes, this is one of your masterpieces. The Butterfly Loving Flowers." As soon as Anya said that, Maria's face looked a little pale. "When I was cleaning, I accidentally found it. That's why I brought it home to show it to you."

Maria looked a little embarrassed. In fact, she didn't make any new paintings today. She just spent her days in the studio scribbling without inspiration.

To find an excuse to meet Anya, she took one of the copies of her old painting. Who would have thought that the copy of the painting turned out to be the same as the painting owned by Anya's mother?

If Anya saw this twin painting, what would she think?

"I didn't expect your mother to have a painting made by me. I'm really touched. I'm embarrassed to show my new work, it's kind of bad. Next time I'll make a better one." Maria looked for an excuse to change the subject.

Anya smiled hearing this. She thought Maria was too humble. "No, Sister Maria is a great painter. It's difficult to be able to produce works like yours."

"Is it true? I am glad to hear that." Maria took Anya's hand and invited her into the house.

"It's my first time visiting this house and I want to go around. Anyway, I didn't tell Aiden that I was going to visit you. If he found out, Aiden would have stopped me from bothering you. He is too possessive. Even though I didn't intend to eat you!" Maria said as she walked towards the living room.

Her brain was spinning hard to take the conversation away from the painting. Suddenly, she remembered Bima's suggestion that Aiden and Anya immediately produce offspring.

"Did you and Aiden use protection?" Maria asked Anya in a low voice.

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