In less than half an hour, Tara arrived at Aiden's house. She went straight to Anya's room, and caught her still wearing her nightgown. Her face didn't look as cheerful and bright as usual. She looked exhausted.

"Look at you! You look like you haven't slept all night." With a deep sigh, Tara put down her medicine box and checked Anya.


Anya glared at Tara while letting the doctor check her body. But Tara didn't find the slightest wound. "Do you feel sick somewhere?"

"My heart is sick. I want a divorce with Aiden, but he still treats me like this," Anya said irritably.

"I wanted to take you home yesterday, but Aiden insisted on escorting you. How dare I fight him? Even if it's for your sake, I still don't dare to fight Aiden, so…" Tara didn't continue her words. "Which one is sick? I will massage you."

"Waist, legs, hands, head, heart. Everything hurts!" Anya said with a tired look. Without realizing it, she went back to thinking about the 'punishment' Aiden gave her last night, making her face turn red. Then, she asked Tara. "What did I say last night?"

"You said all the men in the Atmajaya Family are jerks. You also said that Ivan likes you. If Imel didn't betray your mother, you would've been married to Ivan and didn't meet Aiden," Tara said, repeating Anya's words yesterday.

"Geez! I said all that?" Anya couldn't believe what she heard.

"Not only that. You also said Aiden was short-tempered and difficult to deal with. You said you wanted a divorce with him, didn't want to live with him because he tricked you just for your mother's flower garden. You said he married you as a revenge to Ivan…"

While saying all that, Tara looked at Anya in awe. "Anya, you said all those sentences to Aiden, but you are still alive today. Isn't that a miracle?"

Anya's face was completely pale like a blank sheet of paper. "I'm so dead!"

"Don't worry too much. I know Aiden really cares about you and won't mind it," Tara said, trying to comfort her.

"No! You don't understand." Anya held her head and made her hair fall apart. "Aiden must be very angry! What if he doesn't want to divorce me?"

"You still want a divorce with him?" Tara asked in disbelief. "Aiden is not Imel's son. He hated Imel and you hated her too. You two can work together to fight Imel."

"Who wants to cooperate with Aiden? This is my own problem with Imel. I will solve it in my own way," Anya said.

"Anya, I don't understand your way of thinking," Tara said as she started massaging Anya. "You love Aiden and Aiden love you. Isn't that enough?"

Anya didn't answer as she knew Tara wouldn't understand her feelings.

Not a single person was on her side and no one understood why she was angry.

Aiden already knew her when they first met at the Imperial Hotel. But Anya couldn't remember who Aiden was. After that, Aiden offered to help with the conditions of marriage.

Aiden lured her into using his mother's garden as collateral for this contract marriage. Aiden was also in charge of the Atmajaya Group development project. The project was stopped because the owner of the park, Diana, did not want to sell the garden.

There could be no coincidence. Aiden must have planned this all.

Although Aiden was not Imel's son, he and Ivan were now in competition. They both fought over the Atmajaya Group. Why should she be involved in all this?

Anya was sure Aiden also knew about her relationship with Ivan.

Aiden knew everything. He had investigated Anya, found out all about her.

After thinking through all these possibilities, how could Anya not suspect Aiden's reason for marrying her? Apart from getting her mother's garden, Aiden also wanted to use it to fight Ivan.

Was there even a time when Aiden was sincere with what he did? Their marriage was full of hidden plans. Full of tricks. And Anya had to pay for it with her heart…

At that time, Anya's cell phone rang. A foreign number appeared on the screen. Anya looked at it thoughtfully for a moment and then decided to pick it up.

"Anya, it's me. Don't hang up yet. I have important things to tell you," Raka's voice came from the end of the phone.

Previously, Anya had blocked Raka' number so that Raka could not reach her. The man had to use a new number to contact her.

"If you want to talk about your engagement, I already know. Congratulations to you," Anya said.

"Anya, my relationship with Natali is not what you think..." Raka said, but he did not immediately explain it. "Forget it, I'll explain it to you later. I wanted to tell you about Aiden. He married you to get your mother's garden. You have to be careful."

Anya was shocked. Raka's words made her suspicions even more evident.

"How do you know?" Anya asked.

"I investigated the reasons why the Atmajaya Group construction project came to a halt and found that someone was not willing to sell their land. Initially, they intended to immediately evict the land and give you compensation. However, Aiden was suddenly kidnapped and injured so that the project came to a halt. After he's slowly recovering, he suddenly married you. He must have a plan. Recently, the building project was back on track. Is your mother's garden alright?" Asked Raka.

Anya's eyes turn red. "Raka, thank you for telling me. My mother's garden will be fine. Even if I have to die, I will never allow that garden to be destroyed."

"Anya, don't do stupid things. I'm looking for someone who can provide the planning drawings for the project. If you don't agree with the eviction, they shouldn't be able to touch your garden." Raka tried to cheer her up.

"Raka, can I borrow money from you? After I sell the house and sell my crops this season, I will return your money. I will return it before the new year," Anya said.

Raka didn't ask what the money was for, but he was happy. Whatever Anya needed, he was willing to help her.

"Send me your account number. This is my backup phone number. Only you know it," Raka replied.

"Thank you. I promise I will return it soon," Anya's voice choked up as she said this.

"There's no need to rush. Just tell me if the money is not enough," Raka softly said.

"Aren't you asking what the money's for?" Anya asked.

"No matter what you do, I will support you. I'll be waiting for you to tell me," he replied.

"Thank you," Anya hung up the phone, shedding tears. Then, she laid down on the bed crying.

Tara tapped her on the shoulder, trying to both comfort and advise her. "Anya, I don't think your way is right. You borrow money from your ex and give it to your husband. If Aiden finds out, he will definitely kill you."

"I don't care. I want a divorce. I must pay all my debts immediately. I can't see my mother's garden being razed to the ground," Anya said while shedding tears.

"But Harris and Nico have said that your garden is not included in the construction project. Aiden has changed the design for you and he won't overturn your garden. Why don't you believe it?" Tara looked at Anya in confusion. "Anya, talk to Aiden."

"There's nothing to talk about. I've made my decision." Anya got up and walked towards the changing room. She saw that her shirt and shorts had been thrown away by Aiden.

She was forced to take the clothes in the closet. All those clothes from Aiden. Wearing it felt like it made her chest hurt even more…

Seeing her change, Tara immediately asked. "Where are you going? What are you going to do?"

"Selling a house," Anya calmly said.

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