Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 50: Talking About Children

Chapter 50

Emperor Ming Yuan's eyes slightly raised, and his voice was gentle, "Then in the Empress's view, how should Princess Chu be dealt with?"

Empress Chu heard that the emperor was not displeased, so she said, "This concubine believes that the dragon body of the Retired Emperor concerns the destiny of North Tang Kingdom. Princess Chu recklessly thought herself clever and superior in medicine, privately using her own prescriptions to treat him, disregarding the safety of the Retired Emperor. This is extremely unfilial, but fortunately no serious consequences resulted. Therefore, this concubine believes she should be expelled from the palace and demoted to a concubine, with no permission to enter the palace without an edict."

Emperor Ming Yuan smiled and said, "The Empress's words make sense. Without punishing wrongs and rewarding merits, that is not the way of the Son of Heaven. We will do as the Empress says, demoting her to be a concubine, but she will still retain the title of Princess of Chu. Then We will reward her with two strands of nanzhū pearls. What do you think?"

Empress Chu could hardly believe her ears. Reducing sins but still rewarding merits? The emperor clearly had no intention of punishing her at all.

"Two strands of nanzhū?" Empress Chu's eyes bulged out and her face immediately became gloomy. "Your Majesty, the nanzhū pearls tributary from Ryukyu, there are only three strands in total."

The nanzhū pearls from Ryukyu were all huge and round, rare treasures. In previous years, the nanzhū pearls given in tribute by Ryukyu were only one strand, and the emperor would mostly give them to the Empress Dowager. She had thought she could get one strand this year, but now two strands were rewarded to Yuan Qingling, leaving only one strand for the Empress Dowager and none for herself.

"Yes, there are three strands this year, Ryukyu's aquatic production is very abundant this year!" Emperor Ming Yuan said with a smile.

Empress Chu unwillingly said, "Your Majesty, how can Princess Chu be considered to have merit for saving the Retired Emperor? Was it her prescriptions that cured the Retired Emperor's illness?"

"The Empress doesn't know?" Emperor Ming Yuan looked slightly surprised. "The Empress has sharp eyes and ears, and many capable people around her, yet she doesn't know about Princess Chu's merit?"

Looking at Emperor Ming Yuan's mocking yet still gentle face, Empress Chu suddenly realized he was angrily aware of her and Mingcui's intentions.

"Your Majesty jests." The sharpness in Empress Chu's manner gradually weakened.

"Of course I'm joking. Otherwise, I would have long investigated the Empress for a crime of loose lips." Emperor Ming Yuan's smile faded and he stood up. "Since the Empress is unwell, rest well. I'm leaving."

"Respectfully sending off Your Majesty!" Chu Mingcui quickly bowed.

Emperor Ming Yuan glanced at her. "I heard that Seventh Prince recently enjoys writing poetry. Princess Consort Qi is accomplished in poetry and literature. If you have time, husband and wife writing poetry and reading books together can also be interesting, no need to always squeeze into the palace."

Chu Mingcui's face turned deathly pale. Uneasily she said, "Yes, your daughter-in-law obeys."

Emperor Ming Yuan strode out with large steps.

Chu Mingcui slowly walked to the bedside and sat down, her fingers digging into her flesh. "I don't know what Yuan Qingling said to Father Emperor that caused Mother Empress to faint, yet Father Emperor didn't even ask about Mother Empress when he came, his words blaming her. Mother, I'm afraid we'll have to pressure Consort Xian."

Empress Chu, hearing Chu Mingcui's words, only felt a mouthful of muddy qi stuffed in her chest, both indignant and heartbroken at once. She said, "What use is there in talking to Consort Xian? Consort Xian has the Empress Dowager's support, she may not necessarily fear us."

Consort Xian was the Empress Dowager's niece. She had entered the palace many years ago and bore one son and one daughter, deeply favored by the emperor. Although she had lost favor for a few months due to the matter with King Chu, in the end didn't the emperor still often sneak into her palace?

Chu Mingcui's mind turned over a hundred ways, trying to think of a clear path to deal with Yuan Qingling, but now Yuan Qingling had entered the emperor's sights. With the emperor watching her, she could do nothing.

Too many things had happened in the Prince of Chu's estate recently. If she made another move, it would only benefit the Prince of Chu's estate instead.

After Yuan Qingling finished the meal with the emperor and returned to the side palace, Wenhao had waited until he was somewhat impatient.

He wasn't afraid that Father Emperor would pry for information, only afraid that Yuan Qingling would rashly say the wrong thing and provoke Father Emperor's anger.

Seeing Yuan Qingling return in a muddleheaded manner, he subconsciously tried to sit up before Yuan Qingling's sharp eyes saw and she pressed him down with one hand. "You can't move around!"

"Get your filthy paws off me." Wenhao felt very uncomfortable that he actually had some concern for her, and viciously said to Yuan Qingling.

Yuan Qingling felt this person was simply mentally ill, repaying care with malice. "What's wrong with you, so ungrateful? I'm caring about you."

"Who wants your care?" Wenhao said coldly.

"Can't be bothered with you." Yuan Qingling lay down beside him. "Scoot over a bit more, I want to sleep."

Wenhao didn't move over. Arm against arm, but he told himself it was because his injuries prevented him from moving, letting their arms stay pressed together.

Yuan Qingling's face was tilted outward, leaving only the back of her head's black hair for him.

"Hey, what did Father Emperor say to you?"

"Asked about your injuries." Yuan Qingling closed her eyes, her eyelids almost unable to lift. After eating her fill she just wanted to sleep.

"What else?"

"Also asked when we're having a child."

Wenhao was startled. "Father Emperor asked like that?"

"Well, not exactly asking, just said we've been married a year but there's still no sign of a belly, and I said we're working hard on it, will give him a child after a year." Yuan Qingling's breathing was somewhat heavy, it was just too comfortable nestling like this.

"You give him a child? Do you know how to speak properly?" Wenhao was furious, hearing such a reply, wouldn't Father Emperor be angered to death?

"His grandson, ah." Yuan Qingling couldn't stand his sharp, jarring voice, disgustedly turning her face away while he just happened to turn over, her eyelashes nearly sweeping his face. She quickly moved back, pulling away a fist's distance.

The distance was still a bit close, Wenhao could see the fine fluff on her face, her skin tender and fair, the dark circles around her eyes from lack of sleep, the boundary between her eyes and face very distinct. Her eyes looked lazy from drowsiness, lips slightly upturned, head tilted back leading to her chin slightly raised. Her black and white distinct pupils had a clear brilliance.

She lay there innocently like a bear dog.

In looks, she fell short of Chu Mingcui by a bit.

Her features weren't perfect at all. Her nose wasn't high, her mouth was a little full, her eyes not big, but these features together were inexplicably pleasing to the eye and gentle, especially when she raised her brows, her entire being seeming bright and vibrant.

Father Emperor had actually asked when they would have a child? Truly unexpected.

How could he possibly have a son with Yuan Qingling? Yuan Qingling's son would be so ugly.

Disgust arose in him, coldly saying: "This prince prefers daughters."

Yuan Qingling laughed, eyes curving. "In this era, girls suffer misfortune. I can't bear to bring a daughter into the world to suffer, better to have a son."

But even if she had a child, it wouldn't be with him. They were destined to separate. When she had enough capital, she would abandon him.

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