Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 49: No Need to Treat Illness

Chapter 49

The meal passed in silence. By the time they finished the last dish, Yuan Qingling counted a total of ten dishes, including the stewed soup.

She had thought the Emperor would be frugal, but did not expect such extravagance - nine dishes and one soup for just the two of them, with unlimited rice. This was outrageous.

Mu Ru the eunuch brought over a hot towel for Emperor Ming Yuan to wipe his mouth.

The leftover food was cleared away. Yuan Qingling thought that the Emperor would not ask her anything more, and that she should go see how the Empress was doing.

She stood up and bowed, "This daughter-in-law does not dare to delay Your Majesty from visiting the Empress Mother. I shall take my leave first."

"Sit down!" Emperor Ming Yuan pressed his hand down and swept his authoritative eyes over her face, then waved for Mu Ru and the other attendants to withdraw from the hall.

Emperor Ming Yuan and Yuan Qingling sat facing each other, only an arm's length apart. With the hall attendants gone, an oppressive atmosphere descended upon them again.

However, after this meal, she felt much more relaxed.

"How are you getting along with that rascal Fifth Prince?"

Yuan Qingling composed herself. Finally, they were getting to the main topic.

Although this question was unexpected, it would not be difficult to answer - nothing more than cursing and beating.

She smiled, "We treat each other with courtesy!"

Emperor Ming Yuan looked at her with a hint of a smile. "What do you think of the Fifth Prince's character?"

"The Prince is kind and benevolent!" Yuan Qingling forcibly covered her conscience and smiled as she spoke.

These were not things the Emperor needed to know. The Emperor did not have time to care whether they had a harmonious marriage.

But Emperor Ming Yuan laughed.

As if he had heard a very funny joke.

Yuan Qingling struggled to maintain her smiling expression.

"It has been a year since you married. Yet there is still no sign of a child. This so-called courtesy seems to be no more than that." Emperor Ming Yuan laughed briefly and said lightly.

Such a blunt and direct comment, Yuan Qingling could handle. "We have been trying hard all this time. I'm sure we will be able to add a golden grandson for Your Majesty soon."

Emperor Ming Yuan's eyes flashed with astonishment. Usually when a daughter-in-law heard such words from an elder, she should be nervous or bow her head in embarrassment.

Yet she said they were trying hard? Was she shameless?

But Yuan Qingling thought she had said nothing wrong, and maintained a dignified smile on her face.

Emperor Ming Yuan said lightly, "Very well, I look forward to holding a golden grandson."

Yuan Qingling smiled. "Yes, I will definitely live up to Your Majesty's expectations." f𝐫𝗲eweb𝗻o𝐯el.𝚌o𝗺

She was utterly shameless!

Emperor Ming Yuan paused for a moment. "How are Fifth Prince's injuries?"

Yuan Qingling answered smoothly, "Currently stable."

"Go on, go back and take care of Fifth Prince!" Emperor Ming Yuan waved his hand.

Yuan Qingling was taken aback. That was it? It seemed they had barely started the conversation.

Emperor Ming Yuan got up and walked out. Mu Ru already had the imperial carriage waiting outside. With an order to depart, the Emperor left.

Yuan Qingling was still in a daze. Not even a question about Yuwen Hao? Oh right, he did ask about the injuries, but she had prepared a whole speech.

In Zhongxi Palace, Chu Mingcui had only been waiting for the imperial physician.

The physician diagnosed the pulse of the Empress, and said there was no major issue - just liver qi stagnation. He prescribed medicine and left.

After the physician departed, it was announced, "The Emperor arrives!"

Chu Mingcui stood up. It had already been half a shichen since the Emperor left for the meal. He was only coming now, so the meal must be over.

Emperor Ming Yuan strode into the hall. Chu Mingcui quickly curtsied, "Greetings, Your Majesty!"

Emperor Ming Yuan glanced at her. "The Princess Consort of Qi is here too? You are truly filial."

"It is my duty as a daughter-in-law." Chu Mingcui smiled.

Empress Chu struggled to sit up, and said sickly, "Why has Your Majesty come? This concubine is fine."

Emperor Ming Yuan sat by the bed. "Did you not send someone to summon me?"

Empress Chu looked awkwardly at Chu Mingcui.

Chu Mingcui quickly said, "Your Majesty, it was I who sent someone to summon you. Seeing the Empress Mother faint, I panicked in that moment, and the Prince was not by my side..."

Emperor Ming Yuan said, "You have always been resourceful. Why are you out of ideas today?"

Chu Mingcui's heart thumped. The Emperor's words seemed to hide barbs.

Yuan Qingling must have said bad things about her to the Emperor.

Seeing that Emperor Ming Yuan was still watching her, she awkwardly said, "I was also worried about the Empress Mother."

Emperor Ming Yuan looked at the Empress. "What did the imperial physician say?"

The Empress softly replied, "The physician said deficiency in both qi and blood, along with liver qi stagnation, led to the fainting. With rest for a period of time, there would be no major issues."

Emperor Ming Yuan straightened her bedding and gently said, "Very well, you should rest well. You need not go to the Retired Emperor's anymore."

The Empress was startled, and quickly said, "This concubine is fine."

"I know you are filial," Emperor Ming Yuan said with a smile, his gaze very gentle. Looking at Chu Mingcui, he continued, "Princess Consort Qi should take good care of the Empress. Having Princess Consort Chu attend to the Retired Emperor will suffice."

Chu Mingcui's face immediately turned pale. The Emperor's words clearly forbade her from going near the Retired Emperor again.

Let Princess Consort Chu take care of things? Since when was she so important?

The Empress said, "Princess Consort Chu has unclear intentions. Your Majesty cannot let her attend to the Retired Emperor in Qian Kun Palace again. Her privately treating the Retired Emperor is already a grave offense. Your Majesty spared punishment on Princess Consort Chu out of affection for Prince Chu, but you must also consider the Retired Emperor's health."

Chu Mingcui also said, "Your Majesty, I believe the Empress Mother is right. The Retired Emperor's health is paramount - how can we let Princess Consort Chu use her dubious remedies? What of the imperial physicians' reputation?"

Emperor Ming Yuan looked at Chu Mingcui and said, "I think there is no harm in trying her remedies, especially since the Retired Emperor's condition has improved thanks to Princess Consort Chu's remedies."

Usually stern, Emperor Ming Yuan spoke to Chu Mingcui so gently, yet she inexplicably felt panicked. Reason told her not to say more, but she was still unwilling and said, "Your Majesty, since when have the Retired Emperor's affairs needed private discussion between the Empress and Consort Qi?"

Emperor Ming Yuan looked at the Empress and said lightly, "The poisoning of the Retired Emperor was decreed by Us as classified. How did Consort Qi come to know of it?"

The Empress said, "It was I who told her about it. It was a major matter, so I discussed it with Consort Qi. Does Your Majesty disapprove?"

She already harbored resentment that Emperor Ming Yuan dined alone with Yuan Qingling and did not care for her health when he came. Now seeing him constantly praising Yuan Qingling, she could not help her anger rising.

"Discussed?" Emperor Ming Yuan's gaze gradually turned cold. "Since when have the Retired Emperor's affairs needed private discussion between the Empress and Consort Qi? It seems there is great ability in this Zhongxi Palace."

The Empress' eyes reddened. "What does Your Majesty mean by this? Are you displeased that I and Consort Qi meddle too much? I have managed the six palaces for many years, working tirelessly. I worry over every matter in the palace so much it has become a habit. Since the Retired Emperor fell ill, I have been anxious and scattered, not knowing what to do. Consort Qi is clever and capable, so I discussed everything with her. What is wrong with that? Yet Your Majesty does not punish Princess Consort Chu - that is an error going unpunished. With Your Majesty's attitude today, how will I rule over the six palaces in the future? Will the authority of the imperial couple and royal family not be completely lost?"

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