Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 82 - You Are Special And Important To Me.

As soon Margaret and Elijah left the room, Jason walked towards Valentina and hugged her tightly.

"I was so scared!" Jason said caressing her hair.


"I was scared too, Jason... I... I don't know how j lost my consciousness by just with a fall but... I was so scared!" Valentina replied.

"Why aren't you care? You need to be careful while you walk around!" Jason said and Valentina nodded her head in yes.

"Yes. I will be careful from next time." Valentina replied and Jason nodded his head with a smile. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. 

"Are you feeling alright now?" Jason asked and Valentina nodded her head in yes 

"Yes... But I have body aches." Valentina answered.

"They will be done soon!" Jason said as he kissed her cheek. 

"You falled too? How are you? Did you got hurt a lot?" Valentina asked Jason.

"No, Love... I am alright... Don't worry about me!" Jason answered.

"How can I not worry about you when you are worrying a lot about me, Jason?" Valentina asked.

"Val... You are much more important to me than anything..." Valentina cut off Jason in mid-sentence.

"You are special and important to me too. I worry about you and I want to care about you." Valentina said making Jason look up at her. 

"I am glad to hear that I am special for you and you worry about me. And wants to care about me." Jason replied.

"I do... I do want to care about you!" Valentina said as she cupped his face in her hands. 

"You are just amazing, Jason..." Valentina sakd looking into his eyes.

Just then, there was a knock on the door and Jason cleared his throat.

Come in..." Jason said and the door got opened. The maid walked inside and kept the dinner on their tables. 

"Do you still need anything, Mr. Jason?" The maid asked.

"No. Leave!" Jason answered and the maid nodded her head and left the room closing the door behind her. 

"Let's have dinner!" Jason said and Valentina nodded her head. Jason gave her dinner to Valentina and they both started eating it.

All the while, Valentina couldn't stop smiling looking at Jason and he frowned seeing her smiling ear to ear looking at him.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Jason asked and Valentina shook her head in no.

"What?" Jason asked.

"Nothing..." Valentina answered.

"Come on... There might be something right? Tell me why are you smiling like that looking at me?" Jason asked.

"I don't know you are such a poetic..." Valentina answered making Jason frown.

"Huh?" Jason asked.

"The time, when you are talking to me telling me how much you love me feels like poetry. Do you have any idea how beautifully you confessed me your feeling?" Valentina asked making Jason smile. 

"Umm... I don't have any idea... But whatever I told you is from my heart... I don't know how to express my love to you and so, I told you everything I feel and want to do with you in the future." Jason answered nervously and Valentina smiled.

"Hope, I didn't say anything wrong..." Jason said and Valentina shook her head in no.

"No... You didn't say anything wrong... You are so beautiful with your words." Valentina replied.

"Well... I just told you everything about my love. That's it!" Jason said and Valentina smiled. 

"Thank you for always begin there for me!" Valentina said grabbed his hand in her.

"It's my responsibility." Jason replied as he kissed her knuckles.

They both had their dinner's and Jason gave her medicines and covered her with the comforter.

"Sleep well... If you need anything... Don't hesitate to call me." Jason said as he kissed Valentina's forehead and was about to walk away from her when Valentina grabbed his wrist.

Jason frowned looking at her and she took a deep breath.

"I am scared... Please stay with me tonight. Let me sleep in your arms peacefully..." Valentina said looking into Jason's eyes making him smile.

"Why are you scared, Val?" Jason asked.

"I don't know... I just want you to stay maybe..." Valentina answered and Jason nodded his head with a smile.

"Alright... If you want me to, then I will." Jason replied making Valentina smile brightly.

Valentina moved away on teh bed giving Jason space to laid beside her. He chuckled and laid beside her. As soon as he laid, Valentina moved close to him keeping her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest. Jason wrapped his arms around hed shoulder and kissed her forehead.

"I am not sleepy yet!" Valentine said and Jason frowned.

"Then, what are you going to do?" Jason asked and Valentina shrugged.

"Jason..." Valentina called him after being in comfortable silence for a few minutes. 

"Jason..." Valentina again called Jason who is playing with Valentina's long shiny silky hair.

"I am listening... Tell me..." Jason said and Valentina took a deep breath. 

"Are you and..." Valentina stopped in mid-sentence as Jason looked at her with a growing face.

"Why did you stop? Go on... What me and?" Jason asked.

"Promise me... You will not feel bad about this question later... I am just asking my doubt!" Valentina said making Jason laugh.

"It's fine, love... Ask me... I will be honest with you and will try to answer it only honestly!" Jason replied and Valentina took a deep breath.

"Are you and... And Rose just friends?" Valentina asked and Jason chuckled as he bought Valentina more close to him and looked her into her eyes.

"Yes!" Jason answered looking into her eyes.

"There is nothing else between you guys?" Valentina asked.

"No... I and she are just normal friends!" Jason answered.

"Normal friends?" Valentina asked.

"Yes... A normal friends." Jason answered.

"Then why does she share everything with you? She called you on the day they revealed about their wedding... Wait... I also heard from you saying to her while talking to her on call that, you know that Xavier loves me but you couldn't tell her because it's not your place to tell her. What does that mean?" Valentina asked.

"That means, she got to know that Xavier is in love with you!" Jason answered as he caresses her hair.

"What?" Valentina asked looking up at Jason.

"But... How?" Valentine asked and Jason sighed.

"Do I have to tell you about this now?" Jason asked and Valentina looked at him raising her eyebrows.

"Fine..." Jason said as he sighed.

"Xavier told her it seems." Jason replied making Valentina eyes wide.

"What?" Valentina shouted.

"Calm down..." Jason said and Valentina frowned.

"How can I calm down, Jason?" Valentine asked.

"Val..." Valentina cut off Jason in mid-sentence.

"Did she told to George or her father? Oh my god... It's a mess... This guy... He is going to ruin everything..." Valentina said as she got up from the bed and was about to grab her mobile when Jason held her hand.

"Leave me, Jason... Please... Everything is a mess there! If Rose knows this... Then surely Edward will get to know this too... And he will not be calm when it comes to her daughter. He is so protective of her. Her one fake tear will cost us a lot!" Valentina said as she sighed.

"Val... I told you that, you need to calm down..." Jason replied.

"Don't say that to me... It's not the time to be calm." Valentina said.

"It is, Val." Jason replied making Valentina frown.

"What? Are you crazy?" Valentina asked.

"Rose didn't tell anything to anyone." Jason answered making Valentina frown again.

"What?" Valentina asked. 

"She didn't tell anyone about anything..." Jason answered.

"Why?" Valentina asked.

"I don't know..." Jason answered making Valentina frown. She turned toward him around and raised her eyebrows at him.

"Be serious... Tell me why?" Valentina asked.

"She doesn't want to... Seeing Xavier, she felt bad for him... So, she didn't tell anything to anyone it seems... She wants everything to calm down first and later... Can see what can we do!" Jason answered.

"You are not believing her. Are you?" Valentina asked.

"Why will not I, Val?" Jason asked making Valentina sigh.

"Jason... You don't know anything about Rose... She looks so sweet but actually, she isn't... She can do anything to get anything that she wanted in her life... She will never think twice about if it's good whatever she is doing or not... She is not good... Try to understand me." Valentina said.

"Val... I am no one to her but a normal friend. We don't any secrets about each other. So, don't worry." Jason replied.

"Jason, I am telling you all these because I just don't want you to get into any trouble in the future... That's it..." Valentina said and Jason nodded his head in yes.

"I can understand, Val... Don't worry!" Jason replied and Valentina hugged him and he kissed her cheek.

"Let's sleep now." Jason said and Valentina nodded her and they both fell asleep in each other arms.

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