Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 81 - An Amazing Lover!

Valentina and Jason turned around to see Margaret and Elijah looking at them with their bright smiles.

Valentina looked down as She saw Elijah walking towards them. She was about to walk away from there when Elijah made her stop her in midway.


"Val... Stop please." Elijah said and Valentina turned around and nodded her head at him. She looked at Jason and saw him smiling at her as he nodded his head at her making her sure that everything is fine. 

Elijah and Margaret walked towards them and Margaret took her into a tight hug immediately, squeezing her in her arms. 

Elijah patted Jason's back with a smile making Jason scratch the back of his neck nervously. 

"You guys are just so sweet!" Margaret said with a bright smile as she kissed Valentina's forehead.

"I am really so happy for you!" Margaret said making Valentina frown. 

"You have got an amazing lover!" Margaret said and Valentina looked at Jason.

"You both are just amazing!" Elijah said and Jason looked at him.

"We heard everything!" Elijah said and walked towards Valentina.

He walked towards her and took her hands in his making her look up at him.

"I am sorry, Valentina... I was just so selfish about Jason but now, when I heard how much he loves you, makes me realize that it's not good to make you both away from each other and so, I am giving you permission to date Jason but..." Elijah said making everyone frown. 

"But what now?" Margaret asked irritatedly. 

"Please don't hurt my son in any way in the future. Please talk out with Xavier and clear things between you both... I need you to be clear about your thoughts. I want you to forget about everything that happened in your past and start fresh with my son. I am sure, he will look after you so well... He proved himself as a perfect lover for you right now and soon, I want to see you as his perfect lover too. I know, no one can be perfect in love but... Still, I want you to try it... Give him all the love he deserves as he gives you the love you deserve." Elijah said looking into her eyes and she nodded her head in yes. 

"I am really sorry for talking with you rudely earlier. But, I hope you understand me as a father too..." Elijah said and Valentina nodded her head in yes. 

"Yes, Uncle Elijah... I can understand!" Valentina replied with a small smile on her face.

"I want to hear you call me Dad the next time you come back here for a vacation again..." Elijah said making Valentina blush. 

"Dad..." Jason said making him look at him.

"I am not telling you... I am telling to Valentina!" Elijah replied making Margaret chuckle.

"And yes, I want you to call me as Mom to the next time you come here to meet us again... Well, we don't mind having a grandchild too..." Margaret said making Jason and Valentina's eyes wide.

"What?" Jason asked.

"Grandchild!" Margaret answered.

"Are you not planning to give us one?" Margaret asked.

"Umm... Umm..." Jason stuttered as he looked at Valentina but he saw her blushing furiously making him chuckle at her. 

"I will try my best to give you one soon..." Jason said winking at Margaret making Valentina's eyes wide again making her tease.

"Yes... That's like my son!" Margaret replied as she hugged him tightly. 

"Are you giving us a grandson or granddaughter?" Elijah asked joining in the tease making Valentina blush more furiously and they smiled sheepishly.

"Well, Dad... How about both?" Jason asked with a smile again making Valentina's eyes wide.

"You mean twins, Son?" Elijah asked with a smirk.

"Maybe..." Jason answered.

"Perfect!" Margaret replied as she jumped in excitement. 

"Can you guys stop talking as if I am not here?" Valentine asked.

"Ohh... We just are asking for grandchildren... Nothing else though..." Margaret answered.

"Nothing else?" Valentina asked.

"Yes... That's it... Now, let's go make babies fo my parents, love." Jason said teasing her.

"You... Stop teasing me..." Valentina replied as he hit him on his shoulder.

"Ohh... Mom, look... Not my fault... You're soon to be daughter isn't corporating with me." Jason said with a chuckle and he stepped back as Valentina was about to hit him again.

"You... Wait... Where are you running away from me?" Valentine asked as she followed him behind.

"Mom... Your daughter in law behind me... Help me... Please!" Jason shouted as he ran around the big garden making Valentina follow him behind him.

"You... Stop right there, Mister!" Valentina said following him and Margaret, Elijah laughed out loud seeing them paying around.

"Love, I want 2... No... 5 girls. Let's just make 5 cute little babies like you!" Jason yelled making Valentina chuckled. 

"You... Stop... I can't... Anymore... Ahhhhhhh..." Valentine stuttered and was about to fall down as she was about to slip by the water in the garden. 

"Valentina..." Jason yelled and stopped in midway and tried to stop her fall down as he wrapped his arms around her waist but he couldn't help and they both falled down with a thug sound.

"Ouch..." Jason said and Valentina falls on him.

"Ahhhh..." Jason said.

"Jason... Val..." Margaret and Elijah yelled and ran towards them. Valentina's face was buried in his chest as her hair covered her whole face. 

Jason looked down and wrapped his arms around Valentina but she didn't look up at him.

"Val..." Jason called but Valentina didn't reply and he flips her around and saw her unconscious.

"Val..." Jason shouted but Valentina didn't open her eyes. 

"Val... Open your eyes..." Jason shouted but she didn't.

"What happened?" Margaret asked as she kneeled down on her knees 

"Mom... Valentina isn't opening her eyes..." Jason shouted with tears in his eyes.

"Jason... Take her in your arms and take hee upstairs to her room... I will call the doctor immediately!" Elijah said and Jason nodded his head.

Jason got up and kneeled down on his knees forgetting about his pains and picked up in his arms. He took her inside immediately and to upstairs while Margaret follower Jason.

"Val... Open your eyes... Please..." Jason shouted as he took her upstairs to her room. 

"Jason... Calm down... Nothing will happen to her." Margaret said as he laid her on the bed. 

"Val..." Jason said taking her hands in his hands.

"Mom... Can you please dad to call the doc as soon as possible?" Jason shouted as he running out of patience and Margaret understand him and walked out of the room.

"Val... Nothing will happen to you!" Jason said as he caressed her hair and kissed her forehead. 

Soon, the doctor came and started checking Valentina. He gave her a few shots and turned towards Jason.

"She is fine... Don't worry... It just, she lost consciousness. Will this happen to her frequently?" The doctor asked.

"Ahh... No... They both were running around the garden but the garden was slippery and they both falled down." Margaret answered.

"Ohh... Make sense... It's fine... She is alright. Don't worry about it! She will wake up in a few minutes and give her the medicines for her body pains that I gave you... And don't stress her about anything!" The doctor said and Jason nodded his head.

"Thank you!" Jason replied and teh doctor nodded his head.

"I will see you out!" Elijah said and the doctor and he walked out of the room. Jason walked towards Valentina and covered her with the blanket well. He kissed her forehead and sat on the couch that is beside the bed and held her cold hands in her warm hands. 

"Don't worry... She will wake up soon." Margaret said and Jason nodded his head in yes as he kissed Valentina's knuckles. 

Just then, Valentina slowly opened her eyes, and Jason got up from the couch and moved close to her. 

"Val... Val... How are you feeling?" Jason asked with tears in his eyes and Valentina kept staring at him.

"Val..." Jason called her and this time, she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly making him take a back but he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair. 

"I... I was scared." Valentina said and she buried her face in his neck.

"I was scared too, Love!" Jason replied kissing her forehead. 

Margaret and Elijah walked towards them as they released each other. 

"How are you feeling, Valentina?" Margaret asked and Valentina nodded her head in yes.

"Good, Aunt Margaret!" Valentina answered and Margaret caresses her hair.

"You need to be careful, Val..." Elijah said and Valentina nodded her head in yes.

"This is not serious but what if something serious might happen?" Margaret asked nad Valentina nodded her head.

"I will be careful from next time... Sorry for making you all worry about me!" Valentina said.

"Shut up, Idiot girl... Don't say sorry!" Margaret replied making Valentina chuckle.

"We are glad that you are okay!" Margaret said and Valentina smiled.

"I will send your dinners here... Have it and go to bed!" Margaret said and Valentina nodded her head with a small smile.

Margaret and Elijah walked away leaving Jason and Valentina alone in the room and closed the door behind their back.

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