Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 619 - 619. Evelyn’s Frenetic Battle Style.

Chapter 619: Chapter 619. Evelyn's Frenetic Battle Style.

Yasenia counted down from three, and in the meantime, they both used their enhancing skills.

First, Evelyn activated [Storm Roaring Thunder Descent] and [Luminous Storm Dress].

A massive black lightning bolt fell on top of her while arcs of blue lightning enveloped her figure in a magnificent dance of pure energy.

The deafening crackling as Evelyn's body was covered in an elegant blue dress was a sight to behold.

The usual common-looking woman now looked like a goddess of lightning as her blue air waved wildly with the events unfolding around her.

Moreover, she extended her silver spear and used [Luminous Spear], making white lightning bolts run along the weapon, giving it a ferocious appearance.

The Sky Scale Dragon Man's face became solemn as Evelyn's feet floated from the ground because of the pure electromagnetic power coursing her body, and she placed her spear horizontally.

Around himself, he had used a skill named [Sky Scale Flying Body], increasing his own speed. However, the increase in power compared to his opponent seemed meager.

Yasenia finished her countdown right then. "...one!"

Evelyn chanted. "[Flash Lightning Steps]."

Her body flashed as she charged toward him.

Then, the dragon man's spiritual sense caught a swift presence approaching from the right, but he could only move his white longsword to block the attack.


His sword was blocking the tip of a spear directed straight to his neck. His eyes crossed with the electric violet eyes of his opponent for a second. 'This will be difficult.'

"[Seven Radiant Lightning Steps]."

Evelyn's footwork changed as she circled around the man at extreme speeds while stabbing with her spear seven times in quick succession.


The Sky Scale Dragon Men were speed-focused, but the senior felt slow in front of the electric-blue-haired woman.

The man roared, taking the slight window created by the end of the attack. "[Sky Splitter]!"

His sword flashed, and his body moved quickly enough to look like a blur for the people observing.

Evelyn's pupils constricted. "[Light Bending: Nine Illusions]."

Evelyn's body split into nine perfectly identical images, and the dragon man slashed five of them instantly, not landing a single hit on Evelyn.

Evelyn muttered, feeling the danger of being hit by that sword. "It seems I can't give you breathing room. Okay, then. It's a non-stop barrage from now on. [Thunder Light Overcharge]."

Barrel-thick white lightning bolts connected with the arena and Evelyn's body, creating massive arcs of power.

Evelyn's eyes leaked a white electric light, and her speed and strength multiplied.

"[Radiant Spear Flash]."

The dragon man's slit eyes thinned as the spear-tip appeared right before his eyes before he could react. 'Shit.'

He swiveled his head, barely dodging the spear as it grazed his cheek and spilled blood.

Evelyn then activated her intentions. "[Luminous Lightning Intent], [Spear Intent], [Threader Intent]."

In this case, the [Threader Intent] would aid her in connecting each attack with the next in a perfect manner.

The dragonman sped backward, creating a small distance, and also activated his intent. "[Speed Intent Level Three]."

Evelyn saw the man blurring as air pressure approached her from the right. With a quick twist of her spear, she blocked in that direction. "[Thunder Light Shield]."


Her arms hurt as her feet left the ground, and she flew backward.

The Sky Scale Dragon Man reappeared behind her, but Evelyn wasn't going to let him play with her.

With a low roar, she activated one of her Inheritance skills and one of her innate skills. "[Storm Lightning Body], [Luminous Lightning Body]!"


Massive arcs of lightning, incomparable to anything before, swirled around her as thunderclouds gathered above Evelyn.

Evelyn had considered calling Sierra, but she wanted to test herself without external aid. The same reason as to why Andrea didn't call Ebirah when, in truth, they could be considered as one entity.

Sierra knew it and just observed from the inside, always ready to appear in case she was going to be defeated.

They both knew Yasenia's objective was a five to zero, so they wouldn't lose a match out of stubbornness of wanting to fight alone.

A golden breastplate appeared on Evelyn's chest because of the Storm Lightning Body, and her skin crackled with the extremely powerful, luminous lightning.

Then, she used her movement skills and charged back at him. "[Luminous Charge]."

The already fast dragon man was startled to see Evelyn catching up to his speed and even overcoming it slightly.

Sword and spear collided in a succession of sounds that repeated so quickly that some people might perceive it as one constant sound.

Evelyn stabbed her spear, being blocked by the dragon man's sword, only to spin it and use it as a polearm in a lateral strike.

However, the dragonman dodged backward, and then he flapped his wings to accelerate forward.

While her spear was overextended, Evelyn summoned a thunderous rain of lightning bolts with her innate skill [Luminous Lightning Calamity].

The thunderclouds above roared, and massive white lightning bolts descended upon the dragon man with enough speed to feel unavoidable.

He roared to the sky, and his sword blurred, blocking most of the attacks.

However, some got through and charred his body where they touched.

Evelyn's lightning was extremely fearsome power-wise.

As if she was not satisfied with the continuous raining lightning, Evelyn pointed her spear to the sky and shouted her second inheritance skill. "[Storm's Descent]!"

The clouds became darker as the number of lightning roaming in them quickly increased, falling like a cascade onto the man.

Even with the Speed Intent at the third level, he was overwhelmed by the pure white lightning shower.

Evelyn's energy drained extremely quickly as her meridians pumped energy crazily.

The dragonman roared. "I'M NOT DONE YET! SKY DRAGON BODY!"


A massive aura exploded from him, blasting all lightning for a brief moment. However, it was a moment brief enough to allow him to speed toward Evelyn.

He accelerated toward Evelyn with the intention to slash her as he shouted. "Surrender!"

The massive wave of pressure slammed onto Evelyn, but her eyes remained steady. "The one who needs to surrender is you. [Lightning Temple's Blessing]!"

The third inheritance skill enveloped her body with a golden aura, increasing her defense to terrifying levels.

Evelyn swung her spear with her slow but heaviest skill. "[Flowing Strom Spear Strike]."

Roiling thunderclouds with swirling white and black lighting coiled around her spear like a storm dragon, and she used every muscle of her body to clash with the dragonman.


The [Sky Dragon Body] collapsed under the massive pressure of Evelyn's attack, making his eyes bloodshot at the pain coursing his body.

Evelyn then stated with a low voice. "You lose. [Thunder Soul Destruction]."

The massive black lightning bolts around her that came from her Natural Treasure, the [Storm Roaring Thunder], ignited with white brilliance as they coiled around the man, exploding right after.


The massive explosion rocked the air, and a scorched body fell from the sky with a smoke trail accompanying his fall.

Evelyn floated in the air, countless bolts of lightning roiling around her as she looked down with a solemn expression in her violet eyes.

The people who before ignored the common-looking girl felt their hearts skip a beat.

Yasenia would have charged and glomped her dear in a hug if Cecile and Andrea weren't grabbing her tail.

Evelyn saw that the man was immobile but breathing and released a breath, her auras receding and the cloudy sky transforming back into a sunny day.

Then, she used her movement technique and appeared before Yasenia with a smile.

But before she could speak, her mouth was invaded by a long tongue while her dragoness coiled around her like a snake and deeply kissed her.

Evelyn melted in a puddle and groaned in comfort.

Yasenia stopped kissing her and smiled softly. "You were fantastic back there, dear."

Evelyn blushed and buried her red face in her eyes. She whispered with a sweet tone. "Thank you. I love you."

Yasenia looked at the man barely standing and threw another pill jar. This time, with two healing pills. "Those two healing pills are for you. I recommend using one now because Evelyn's lightning is very wild and damaging. The other is a present from my part to ask forgiveness for the heavy injuries."

The dragonman gulped one without question and felt the damaging lightning energy in his body disappear. He smiled and nodded. "Thanks a lot, Lady Yasenia. Speaking of which... You didn't give the Jade Thunderbird elder one, right?"

Yasenia smiled. "I was going to send each of the major powers a small present anyways, a batch of ten mid-level Heaven-ranked pills, a low-level Heaven-ranked weapon, and a low-level Heaven-ranked armor. I'll add the healing pill to the gift of the elders I didn't give one to."

The dragonman nodded and sighed. "Junior Evelyn, it was a spending fight. I'm convinced of my defeat, farewell."

Evelyn nodded from within Yasenia's arms. "Thank you for the fight, senior. It allowed me to understand many of my shortcomings."

The man laughed. "Splendid. I wish my juniors were half as hardworking as you."

Then, he flapped his wings and flew away.

The eyes of everybody present moved and landed on the last arena.

There, a three-tailed fox stood in a long, flowy green dress.

Her elegance and temperament were exceptional, and flowers naturally grew at her feet.

The air of pure life she gave made every beast human observing have a good impression of her.

Moreover, although the dress didn't highlight it, everybody could see a voluptuous body hidden below the clothing.

The elegant veil covering her entire face added a mysterious aura to the woman, entrancing most and making the rest sigh in admiration.

'She must be a beauty without a match below that veil.'

Of course, most would be disappointed after seeing Kali's scarred face, but this showed the underlying innate beauty of the fox.

Kali spoke, her voice soft and gentle, like the wind in spring. "Respected Elder of the Devil Smashing Apes. Our powers have had deals, and we don't want to strain the relationship built over the years. Hence, I hope that this spar does nothing to affect our relationship."

The senior sighed. "I was honestly doubtful since the beginning, but what can I do? I receive orders, and I will follow them. Anyway, let's stop speaking about unrelated things. Lady Kali, we will begin when you cast the first skill."

Kali's large fox ears twitched. "You are giving me the first move?"

The senior laughed. "Although you might be stronger than me, you are still a junior."

Kali hummed. "Well, then, it would be disrespectful not to take the chance."

"[Verdant Dryad Superior Summoning]."

One hundred seeds appeared around Kali, shining with a green light full of vitality. Then, in what it seemed an instant, the seeds all transformed into elegant and beautiful dryads wearing all kinds of equipment.

In one move, the battle had changed from a one-against-one to a one-hundred-and-one-against-one.

Kali's voice reached the stunned ears of the elder. "Let's begin."

The Devil Smashing Ape elder wanted to bash his head against the ground and cry.

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