Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 618 - 618. Infernal Knight Andrea.

Chapter 618: Chapter 618. Infernal Knight Andrea.

"Then, I will step it up a notch. [Obliterating Chromosphere]."


A massive heat wave engulfed the area, increasing the temperatures so much that people in the spectating area felt the heat on their faces as if they had placed themselves before a bonfire.

In the arena, a juggernaut made of magma appeared, looking like a knight that descended straight from an infernal land.

The shark elder took a few steps back with a large frown and deployed her own body-enhancing technique, making a greyish light surround her.

Andrea spoke, her voice sounding somewhat demonic when heard through her two armors. "Please be careful, I'm attacking. [Sun Chasing Steps]."

The Deep-Sea Shark elder saw the magma creature charge at her with disproportionate speed for how bulky Andrea looked.

She waved her battle ax and collided with Andrea's halberd.


Unlike before, Andrea was not pushed back as much, showing that the distance had reduced between their strengths.

Andera chanted. "[Star Born Searing Mantle]."

A bright red flame burst from her back, taking the shape of a cape and becoming viscous, spilling lava around Andrea. This mantle was created by her Natural Treasure, the [Star Born Searing Flame].

Then, the heroic woman charged again toward the Deep-Sea Shark Elder, colliding once more time while carrying a massive wave of heat.

The elder covered herself with a water film and collided again with Andrea.


However, Andrea didn't move back this time, and they locked weapons together. The searing temperature coming from Andera made the elder feel as if she was being cooked.

Naturally, she answered with a skill. "[Shark Hunt]."

Her speed multiplied as her battle ax and body were encased in a thicker greyish aura.

Andrea and her collided and exchanged blows without stopping.

The armored woman deflected her heavy ax and stabbed with the spear part of her halberd. The shark elder barely dodged and used her shark tail to slap Andrea.

Andrea was more than accustomed to dealing with tails, so she lifted her leg and blocked it with her shin.

The elder hissed as her tail felt a burning sensation. It seemed that even with her buffs, Andrea's lava armor was hot enough to damage her.

Andrea spoke solemnly. "Senior, I'm barely started. I'll start being serious now."

The shark elder was surprised and prepared herself, making her energy permeate every fiber of her body.

However, physical defense was not that absolute against Andrea.

"[Solar Domain], [Molten Sun]."

A golden light shone from Andrea's body and bathed the surroundings in it. The elder hissed and jumped backward as the temperature sharply rose one more time.

Moreover, she had to continue moving backward as [Molten Sun] materialized.

[Molten Sun] was Andrea's innate skill, which created a giant Phantom Sun above her that increased temperatures further.

Moreover, Andrea took the change of the elder retreating to add another skill. "[Searing Solar Prominence]."

Massive arcs of molten material appeared around Andrea, staining the arena with lava that didn't cool down thanks to all of Andrea's auras.

Standing in the middle of this hell, Andrea was like an Infernal Knight who descended to scorch the Heavens and Earth. "Senior, I'm coming."

The shark woman was an aquatic creature, so this situation was less than favorable. Her face was ugly, and even her eyes felt a stinging pain from the heat.

However, her opponent clearly wasn't going to give her a chance.

"[Sun Obliterating Charge]."

Andrea stomped the ground, creating a massive wave of molten material, and shot forward while the arcs of searing liquid from the prominence skill followed behind her.

The deep sea shark elder used as many body-enhancing skills as possible, increasing her strength and resistance to extreme levels. Then, she made a low shout and charged against Andrea.


A collision ensued as the scorching heat from their explosion spread around.

This time, the elder was the one taking a step back.

The senior gritted her teeth. 'The opponent is too mismatched!'

However, it wasn't only her. Those observing the battle had grimaces. Thinking about battling the lava knight made them feel sick.

Andrea then muttered with a solemn voice. "[Warring Sun Battle Art: First form, Foundation Crumbling]."

She rose her halberd and descended it wrapped in golden flames like a brilliant meteor.


The senior barely blocked it, but the heavy strike made her take a step back, destabilizing her posture.

Andrea appeared at her side, and her body shone with golden light this time.

"[Warring Sun Battle Art: Second Form, Unwavering Barrage]."

The shark woman was using a part of her strength to protect herself from being cooked, so she had very little maneuverability to counterattack against her.

Her ax moved and collided with the halberd. Yet, she saw Andrea's swinging speed gaining a massive boost as the second hit was arriving before she recuperated her stance.


The shark woman took one step back after another and finally shouted. "[Pressure Intent Level Three]!"

Andrae was slammed by a wave of formless energy, and her attack was interrupted. She reacted quickly. [Battle Intent Level One], [Perseverance Intent Level One]."

The shark woman observed the intents released by her opponent for an instant and charged at Andrea. "Using level one intents, you are courting Death!"

Andrea also went back to fight without a word and exchanged hits with the elder. However, each time the battle ax hit her weapon this time, she felt like a wall of pure pressure slammed onto her, forcing her back.

Usually, this would've damaged the shark-woman's opponent. However, Andrea's defense was not normal.

Andrea squinted and used defense- and offense-increasing skills. "[Heaven Born Flame Defense], [Solar Body], [Sun Obliterating Armament]."


A massive swirl of red flames engulfed Andrea like a tornado as a golden glow shone around her with renewed radiance.

The red flames clung around her body, creating something like an aura as they increased Andrea's general defense, armor strength, and weapon strength.

The shark woman, confident in her level three intent, clashed weapons with Andrea again.


Andrea didn't move from her spot, and the shark-woman could feel the battle intent radiating from her enemy's body.

Even with two levels of difference in their intents, Andrea's Battle Intent and Perseverance Intent increased her strength the longer the battle went on.

"[Sun Obliterating War Dance]."

From then on, it was not a battle but a unilateral beating.


The Infernal knight waved her halberd heroically with a massive golden Sun floating above her and arcs of molten lava covering everything in scorching material.

She was like a War Goddess dominating the battlefield, invincible and unmatched.

Andrea didn't ask for surrender. She thought that it would be disrespectful to her opponent. However, her swings didn't decrease at all in strength.

"Senior, watch out. [Warring Sun Battle Art: Third Form, Molten Landscape]."

Andrea jumped and rapidly descended like a meteor.

The Shark woman easily dodged, but the attack was not meant to land.


After she smashed into the ground, a massive tsunami of molten material rose twenty meters into the air, swallowing her surroundings.

The senior's eyes widened, and she flew upward. However, a voice reached her ears.

"[Sun Explosion]."

The enormous Sun above her head glowed, and her face became terrified. If that explosion sent her cratering down, she would not land in the arena but in an ocean of superheated molten material. 'That's a death sentence!'

"I surrender!"

The Sun above her stopped glowing and dissipated in the wind with many of the auras.

Andrea floated upward, the molten armor slipping off her, revealing her gorgeous black armor with red and golden details.

She took off her draconic helmet and smiled at the senior. "Thank you for battling me, senior. It was a close match."

The surrounding people shouted in their heads. 'No, it wasn't!'

The Deep-Sea Shark Elder was still sweating with a few blisters on her skin. She answered solemnly. "It was my complete loss. Good battle."

Yasenia descended onto the battlefield and used her Moon Dragon Breath, quickly cooling down everything and creating a gigantic steam column.

The dragoness hugged Andrea, ignoring the scorching temperature of her armor, and kissed her lips. "Well done, darling. I knew you could win."

Andrea knew that the residual heat of her armor couldn't hurt her dear, but she gently pushed her away. "Be careful, love. What if you are burnt?"

Yasenia laughed and released her breath on Andrea's armor, cooling it down. Then, like a loach, she hugged Andrea again. "Hehehe~, now there are no problems."

Then, the dragoness turned toward the elder with a smile.

The Deep Shear Shark Elder sighed and shook her head. "We are also leaving. Thanks for showing me mercy. I will remember it."

Honestly, she had no hard feelings. Her opponent was extremely respectful and honorable, even warning her a few times of the lethal attacks.

She looked at Andrea and smiled. "Junior, you have a heart as hot as your flames. Let's spar again in the future."

Andrea smiled and nodded. "Thanks for the praise, senior."

"Until we meet again!"

Then, the senior flew away.

The dragoness looked at the remaining seniors and spoke. "We've already won three out of the five matches. This means we have won our qualifications to rule this area. Do the two seniors want to continue the fights, or shall we end it here?"

The Sky Scale Dragon Man frowned as he looked at his opponent.

She looked pretty ordinary. She had a regular face, exotic electric blue hair, and violet eyes and was carrying a two-meter-long silver spear.

Evelyn blinked and asked. "Any problem, senior? I personally don't mind which one you decide on. Fighting would be nice since I hadn't had a proper sparring person in a while. However, not fighting is also okay with me."

The middle-aged man asked. "How strong are you compared to the three who just fought?"

Evelyn shrugged. "Sometimes I win against them. Other times, I lose. Oh, but the petite and big-breasted girl is someone I have yet to beat."

The man pondered. 'If I surrender without fighting, it will not be seen as a big dishonorable moment. However, people will probably hold it against me. After all, it is like admitting to being afraid of losing.'

Yasenia looked at the Devil Smashing ape-man in the meantime. "What about you, senior?"

The ape-man nodded. "I will fight. It's not a lethal match, and we can surrender at any time. I have no reason not to take this fight."

The dragon man listened and agreed. "Then, Lady Yasenia. Please give us the go-ahead."

Yasenia nodded and commented to Evelyn in a mental message. 'Dear, if you win, tonight I'll do whatever you like with obvious limits.'

Evelyn's eyes widened for a second, and then a perverted smile flashed on her lips as she laughed perversely in her head. 'huhueghuegh, dragon dick, here I come!

Yasenia, who heard her, had her lips twitching.

Yasenia looked at Angel and asked her. "Baby, fix the arena in the meantime, please."

Angel nodded, used the formation to repair it, and moved all the molten material to the sides, cleaning the three arenas in less than ten minutes.

Meanwhile, Evelyn's fight ensued.

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